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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1863 1 January - June

Friday, 2 January, 1863

In den insolventen boedel van Hendrik Jacobus PIENAAR, Landbouwer van dit district.
De ondergeteekende berigt hiermede aan belanghebbenden in opgemelden boedel dat hy tot eenigste curator in denzelve, gekozen en geconfirmeerd is, en dat de Meester der Insolvente Boedelkamer den derden byeenkomst van crediteuren bepaald heft ten zynen kantore alhier op Donderdag den 8sten January, 1863, tot het bewyzen van schulden het ontvangen van het rapport van den curator en om hun instructe te geven vaaor het beheer des boedels, wordende debiteuren in gezegden boedel tevens verzocht, binnen den zelfde tyd, hunne schulden met den ondergeteekende te vereffenen.
Bloemfontein, 24 November, 1862.
D. Curator voornoemd.

Friday, 16 January, 1863

The undersigned having had in his possession for a considerable period,1 case containing Books, 1 case containing Sundries, formerly the property of the above deceased persons, hereby requests that parties duly authorized there to will give instructions either for their removal or disposal.
12th January, 1863

One case, containing sundries, the property of a Mr. COILLARD in Basutoland. 1 case containing, 1 saddle and other articles, supposed to belong to a Mr. Alfred EVANS of Grahamstown.
The above are lying at the stores of Mr. H. JORDAN in this town; the owners thereof are requested to remove the same after payment of expenses.
12th January, 1863

DIED on the 3rd instant, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Henry HARVEY, Esq. Philippolis, Hannah YATES, at the early age of 16 years and 4 months. Sincerely regretted by a large circle of relations and friends
5 Jany., 1863

In de nagelatene boedel van wyle Mejufvrouw Elizabeth Johanna Susanna COETZEE weduwee van wylen A.J.SMIT, zal opdoor 3den dag van Februarie p.k..worden gehouden op plaats Morgenzon, district Winburg, wyk Bovenwittebergen: Verkooping van wol schapen, paarden, trek ossen, aanteelbeesten, aanteelbokken, nieuwe ossenwagen, huisraad en alles wat vorder dien dag worden aangeboden.
De condition van verkoop zulien den dag van de vendatie worden bekendgemaakt.
G.L. SMIT, Executeur.
Winburg, 2 December, 1862.

Overleden op 3 January [….] hartelyke geliefde echtegenoot Martha Wilhelmina Catherina SMOOK geboren KLEINGBEIL, in en oorleden van 21 jaren, 3 maanden, en 12 dagen. Zy overleed na den ziekte van 5 dagen en daarby ook nog 3 kinderen achterblyven.
Ik verlies in haar een getrowe gezellin de levans, en myne kinderen, een zorgvolie moeder. Haar nagedachtenis zal by my een zogenen blyven enzwygetiede wiens wil altyd wys en goed is.
Dezen kennisgeving strokke tot byzondere en algemeene voor familie en vrienden.
Frederik Johannes SMOOK
12 January, 1863.

Friday, 30 January, 1863

A lunatic, convicted at the last Circuit Court at Fauresmith of the murder of one Charles FAIR, at Philippolis, some months since, is with the consent and approval of His Excellency Governor WODEHOUSE to be forthwith forwarded to Colesberg, and there handed over to the colonial authorities to be passed on, as we suppose, from thence to the lunatic asylum on Robben Island, by first opportunity.
JAMES belongs, however, in a manner to the Cape Colony, he having, as we understand made his escape from the hospital at Port Elizabeth shortly before the commission of the crime for which he is now in custody.

In den gesamentlyken boedel van wylen Leonardus Hendrik du PLOOY en nagelatene echtegenoote Christina du PLOOY geboren HOUIJK, van de plaats Leeuskop, district Bloemfontein.
Alle personen die pretention tegen hoven gemelden boedel hubben vorden versocht om dezelve binnen zes weken van heden in te zender, en allen die aan den boedel verschuldigd zyn om dezelve binnen gemelden tyd te betalen aan den eersten ondergeteekende ten zynen huise te Bloemfontein.
P.J. du PLOOY,
Executeuren datief.
28 January, 1863

In the estate of the late Dr. Edward Watson NORDLAP.
All person claiming to be creditors in the above named estate are hereby requested to file their claims at the office of the undersigned at Fauresmith, or at the office of the Guardian Assurance and Trust Company in Port Elizabeth, within six weeks from the date of this Gazette, and persons indebted are requested to settle their accounts within the same period.

In the insolvent estate of J.F.M. ROESCH late of Bloemfontein.
There will be sold by public sale on the Market Square of Bloemfontein, on Saturday, the 7th day of February next, at noon, the farm “Palmietfontein” situated in the wyk Taniboschspruit, district Winburg, in extent about 3000 morgen. This farm is abounded by farms Waterval, Eens gevonden, Kaalplaats, Rietfontein and Pietgat. There is a fountain on the farm, and it has excellent grazing for all kinds of stock.
Terms of credit – 4, 8 and 12 months
Further information can be obtained from
James DICK,
Joint Trustees.
Bloemfontein, 31st December, 1862

Friday, 13 February, 1863

In den gezamentlyken boedel van Gert PRETORIUS de oude, en overledene huisvrouw Barendina Francina OLIVIER.
Allen die iets te vordene hebben van bovengemelde boedel, worden by deze opgeroepen hunne vorderingen voorsien van bewyzen binnen drie maanden na heen in te senden debiteuren versocht, binnen denselfden tyd, en terselfder plaats, het door hen verschuldigd te betalen.
De Executeur Testamentair, Gert PRETORIUS, de jonge,
Bloemfontein, 9 February, 1863

Aan bloedvorwanten en vrienden wordt bekend gemaakt dat het de Heer behaagd heft om op Zaturdag den 17den dezer door den dood van my wegtenemen myn geliefde echtgenoot Lea Magdalena BOSHOFF, in den ouderdom van 54 jaren, 11 maanden en 14 dagen na eene echtverbindtenis van ruin 40 jaren.
Hoe smartelyk my dit velies ook sy, zwyge ik en aanbid
S.J. de SWART,
Ruigtepoort, district Fauresmith,
en 30den January, 1863

BIRTH on the 10th inst., at Bloemfontein, the wife of the Rev. J.S. MOFFAT, of a son.

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Sunday morning the 8th inst., of fever; Hargood T. SNOOKE, Esq., Lieutenant, H.M. 10th Regt of Foot, aged 25 years.

In den boedel van C.M. van den HEVER en overleden echtgenote A.?.H. SNYMAN
Op Woensdag den 25 February, 1863 zal worden verkocht op de plaats Rietpoort, in de wyk Bovenwittebergen district Winburg, de plaats Rietpoort” uitmuntend voor schapen, beesten en paarden, alsmede von der beste zaal plaatsen in het district Fonteinen zyn byna ontelbaar.

Friday, 20 February, 1863

BIRTH at Potchefstroom, on 22nd January, ultimo, Mrs James EVANS, of a daughter.
Potchefstroom, ? February, 1863

Friday, 27 February, 1863

In den gezamenlyken boedel van Cornelia Carolina DUPREEZ, en overleden echtgenoot Johan Christiaan BORNMN.
Allen die iets te vorderen hebben van bovengemelden boedel, worden by deze opgeroepen, binne vorderingen voorzien van bewyzen binnen zes weken na heden in te zenden by den Heer George VERGOTTINI alhier; en worden debiteuren verzocht binnen denzelfden tyden terzelfder plaats het door hen verschuldig te betalen.
Cornelia Carolina DUPREEZ,
Executries Testamentair.
Winburg, 23 February, 1863

Friday, 6 March, 1863

In den gezamentlyken boedel van Elizabeth Hendrina de CLERQ, en overledene echtegenoot Schalk Jacobus van de MERWE
Allen die iets te vorderen hebben van bovengemelden boedel, worden by deze opgeroepen hunne vorderingen voor zien van bewyzen binnen zes weken na heden in te zenden by den Heer George VERGOTTINI alhier; en worden debiteuren verzocht binnen denzelfden tyden terzelfder plaats het door hen verschuldig te betalen.
E.H. de CLERQ, Executrice Testamentair.
Winburg, 23 February, 1863

In den gezamentlyken boedel van Christina Maria Susanna SCHUTTE, en overledene echtegenoot Christoffel Jacobus VILJOEN
Allen die iets te vorderen hebben van bovengemelden boedel, worden by deze opgeroepen hunne vorderingen voor zien van bewyzen binnen zes weken na heden in te zenden by den Heer George VERGOTTINI alhier; en worden debiteuren verzocht binnen denzelfden tyden terzelfder plaats het door hen verschuldig te betalen.
Daniel J. VILJOEN,
Executeuren Testamentair.
Winburg, 23 Feb, 1863

Friday, 13 March, 1863

In den gezamentlyke boedel van wylen Ruth HARVEY en nagelatene echtgenoot Job HARVEY, van Smithfield
Alle personen die pretention tegen bovengemelden boedel hebben, worden verzocht om dezelve binnen vier weken van heden intezenden, en allen die aan den boedel verschuldigd zyn om dezelve binnen gemelden tyd te betaalen aan den eersten ondergeteekenden, te Smithfield.
Sam’l ALDUM,
Executeuren Testamentair
Smithfield, Maart 3, 1863

Friday, 27 March, 1863

DIED at Bethlehem on the night of the 18th instant, after a lingering illness of 3 weeks Helen Maria, youngest daughter of J.R.&.F. MIKKE, at the early age of 17 months

Friday, 17 April, 1863

In den boedel van Elsie Susanna GROBLER weduwee van wylen Francois Jacobus du TOIT van het district Fauresmith
Crediteuren en debiteuren alle iets te vorderen hebben vanvorgemeldigd zyn aan bovengemelden boedel, worden door deze verzocht binnen 6 weken na dezer in te zenden ten huune van den ondergeteekende Lastfontein, naby Blenburg, district Fauresmith.
Executeur Testamentair.
16den April, 1863

I hereby give notice to all it may concern, that from and after this date, I will not be responsible for any debts which my wife, Margaret O’NEIL who left my house in February last, may contract.
Henry O’NEIL,
Smithfield, 9 April, 1863

The undersigned has changed his place of residence from Reddersburg to Bethlehem district of Harrismith.

The undersigned hereby gives notice that after Messrs. James EVANS and B.C.E. PROES, having been unlawfully appointed trustees in the estate of his brother-in-law, J.H.LEIBRANDT, without a meeting of the heirs or their agent having been called together, he has protested at the Orphan Chamber against the appointment of the aforementioned two persons, because Mr. James EVANS has received the sum of about £900, on the strength of a power of attorney, given to him by my late brother-in-law, and being the just the only person who has to render account of this money to the trustees, and Mr. PROES being a political fugitive and absent from Potchefstroom for more than four months already.
As no notice has been taken of his protest by the Orphan Chamber, the undersigned, as the only heir in this country, feels himself compelled to publish his protest, and to arrest all further proceedings in the estate until he has brought the matter before a proper court.
7th April, 1863

In den gemeenschappelyken boedel van wylen Mej. M.W.C. SMOOK geb. KLEEGBEIL, en nagelaten echtegenoot F.J.SMOOK
Crediteuren en debiteuren die iets te vorderen hebben van, of verschuldigd zyn aan bovengemelden boedel, worden door deze versocht zulks binnen 4 weken na dato dezen in te zenden ten huize van den ondergeteekende te Boshof.
Boshof, 23 Maart, 1863.

Friday, 24 April, 1863

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 21st inst. Mrs. J.P.M. SCHULZ of a daughter

Friday, 1 May, 1863

We regret to state that Mr. Adrian van WYK, senior of ‘Tours-fontein’ but who has of late resided chiefly on his farm low down on the Orange River, was the other day killed through his horse having run away, dragging him along the ground, the deceased’s foot being untangled in the stirrup. Mr. van WYK was a most kind and hospitable man to strangers as well as acquaintances.

On the 21st ult. About 6 O’clock in the evening. Mr. G.O. BIEL, shopkeeper of Edenburg, on his journey from that village in Fauresmith, lost his life near “Oberholzoradam” 2½ hours from Fauresmith, by the accidental-discharge of a gun, which he was in the set of pulling out of the cart in which he was travelling. The hammer was down on the cap at the time, and the trigger catching in one of the rails of the vehicle, caused the instantaneous death of Mr. BIEL. His fellow passengers, Messrs. J.P. du TOIT and J. POULTON were of course greatly shocked at this sad and sudden termination of the life of a friend.

Friday, 8 May, 1863

In the intestate estate of the late Alfred WHITE, of Smithfield
The undersigned having been duly appointed to administer the above estate, request that all claims against the same may be sent in to the first undersigned within six weeks from this date, and that all amounts due thereto may be paid at his office in Smithfield within the same period.
Exors Dative,
Smithfield, 28 April, 1863

Aan den exploieteur van den Raad of zynen wettigen Gedeputeerde, of aan de Veldcornets, Konstabels, Policie Officieren, en andere Beambten bevoegd tot het exploicter en van Crimineele Citatien
Nademaal voor my Cornelius de Jonger BLOEM, Ring Landdrost voor het district van Bloemfontein, in formative is ingebrugt onder eede van James GOODALE, cipler, dat Petrus Johannes Adolph LANDMAN en James CASSIDY in den [den…acht] tusschun den 28 en 29 April, laatstleden, gepleegd hebben de misdaad van desertie uit de gevangenis van Bloemfontein waarin zy waren opgesloten P.J.A. LANDMAN wegens moor den James CASSIDY wegens diefstal van vee.
Zoo is’t dat gy in naam van het Gouverenement van den Oranje Vrystaat, gelaat wordt, didelyk op ontvangst dezer degenoemde P.J.A. LANDMAN en J. CASSIDY te apprehenderen en te brengen of te doen apprehendren en brengen voor my, ten einde te worden onderzocht en te antworden op de gemelde informatie, en voorte maar regten te worden behandeld.
Gegeven onder myn hand te Bloemfontein dezer 29 dag van April, 1863
Fur gd Landdrost

The insolvent is warned to be in Graaff Reinet on or before the 20th May now ensuing, or at latest in time for the Circuit Court to be held on the 26th, as the trustees may require his evidences in the several cases pending; at the same time he is reminded that he has committed a breach of law by leaving the Colony, unless he obeys this notice, step will be taken to secure his return to this place,
M.H. BENJAMIN, for Self & Co Trustees.
Graaff Reinet, April 25th, 1863

Friday, 22 May, 1863

DIED at Philippolis, on Thursday evening the 7th Inst., after a short but severe illness, Timothy Swain Mills KNIGHT, son of the late Captain Knight, 7th Dragon Guards, at the age of 37 years, leaving a young widow with four children.
Philippolis, 11th May, 1863

Friday, 29 May, 1863

DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State on the 14th May, 1863 of typhoid fever Mr. Peter ENNIS, aged 37 years, 4 months, and 14 days; leaving a widow and five young children to lament their loss.
Fauresmith, 23 May, 1863

OVERLEDEN te Moddergat, dist. Somerset West, naby Kaapstad op en 8den Mei ll. myne tender geliefde moeder Mejufvrouw Anna Maria BREDELL, geb. STRONK in den ouderdom van 65 jaren en 1 maand. Dezer strekke tot kennisgeving aan bloed verwanten en vrienden.
Winburg, den 19 Mei, 1863

Friday, 5 June, 1863

In den boedel van wylen Petrus Arnoldus TALJAARD van Brakfontein, in het district Caledonrivier, en nageblevene weduwee Elizabeth Margarita Louisa SMIT
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk nangestalt zynde om bovengemelde boedel te admirtriren verzocht dat alle vorderingen tegen dezelven binnen drie maanden van al heden aan hem zullen worden ingezenden ten zyne wording te Slootkraal, naby Jammerbergdrift, district Caledonrivier, end at alle peramen aangemelden boedel verschuldigd zullen hunne schulden aan hem betalen binnen dezelfden tyd.
J.P. HOFFMAN, Gessumeerde Exceuteur. Slootkraal, 26 Mei, 1863.

Friday, 12 June, 1863

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 8th May, 1863 Mrs. H.S. [SMELLEKAMP], of a daughter

De executeuren datief van wylen Stephanus Lourens Janse van RENSBURG, overleden ter plaats “Lang Ziekoegat” district Bloemfontein, berigt hiermede aan belanghebbenden dat ? Rekening van boedel schulden, administratie en distibutie des huwelyke gemeenschap en byzondern nalatenschap van den gemeld overledenen van heden tot ultimo dezer ter in sage lugt, ter weeskanter van dezer staat.
de Executeuren
Bloemfontein 1 Juny, 1863

DIED at Fauresmith on the 10th June, Mary the beloved wife of [illegible] Joseph [B??KER]

Friday, 19 June, 1863

To the editor of the Friend of the Free State: Sir, - I wish, through the medium of your valuable journal to publically express my sincere thanks and testify to the superior ability and skill of Dr. HOLLANDER, of Smithfield, shewn while attending my son during a severe illness. I have no hesitation in asserting that he was the means of saving the life of my child; and I heartily wish him every future success.
I remain, Yours truly,
Aliwal North,
15th June, 1863

Whereas a certain person under the name van STRAAT, who was in charge of a troop of horses and cattle on the farm of the undersigned , at “Zeekoe Valley,” district Harrismith, did from time to time dispose of cattle and horses so under his care, to the value of about £800, and moreover did on the 14th of may last abscond, and take with him as ar as can be traced, - 1 Chestnut Stallion, 1 brown mare, 1 ear stomp, with mule foal about 1 year old, and some riding horses, description of which unknown.
All persons are therefore hereby requested to make known at once either to the undersigned, Mr. H.O. DREYER, of Harrismith, or Mr. W. de WIT at the Versamel Bergen, if they have or have had in their procession any of the above cattle and horses, which he or they may have obtained from the said van STRAAT, otherwise they will be prosecuted, should the undersigned after this notice find out that parties will harbour such cattle.
Description of Van STRAAT
About 5 feet 7 inches high, rather stout, light red hair, eyes rather light, and nose large, so much disfigured in the face by small pox that he easily identified, aged between 30 and 40 years. Is supposed to have gone in the direction of the Vaal River.
Any person giving such information as will lead to the apprehension of the above party
Will be liberally rewarded.
Paljasfontein, 11th June, 1863.

Friday, 26 June, 1863

BIRTH at Potchefstroom, T.V. Republic on 12th June, Mrs H.J. MORKEL of a son.
Cronstadt, 19th June, 1863

Estate of the late G.F. MELLESBROOK and surviving widow, A CERFONTEIJN
The undersigned will be at Kroonstad on Friday the 14th August next, for the purpose of liquidating the above estate; all vendue and other account, then still be paid in the above estate, will be sued for without respect to purpose.
James HOWELL, Executor
Winburg, 23 June 1863.

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