The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1873 2 July - December
Thursday, 3 July, 1873
DIED at Bishop’s Lodge on July 1st, Robert Hugh Bourne WEBB, the infant son of the Right Rev. the Bishop of Bloemfontein
DIED at Sea, on board the R.M.S. Saxon, on the 18th February last, and buried at Ascension – Mr. Joseph LAYCOCK, of Leeds, Yorkshire aged 81 years [could be 31].
Aan vrienden en betrekkingen wordt bekend gemaakt, dat de Heer op den 17den Junij ll. behaagt heft onze geliefde zoonje Jacobus uit ons midden weg te nemen in zijn eeuwigheerlijkheid, in den ouderdom van 3 jaren, 9 Maanden en 9 dagen. Ik betuig mij hartelijke dank toe aan de heeren A. van DIJK en A. SPIES die bijgestaan hebben aan den overleden zijner ziekte.
W. van ZIJL,
C.H. van ZIJL, geb. ELOF
It is with deep regret that we chronicle today the death of the infant son of Bishop WEBB. It was only last week that an advertisement appeared announcing its birth; and now, alas! such is the uncertainty of life that we are called upon to record its death. It was, we understand, quite healthy and strong at the time of its birth, but fits of convulsions weakened the poor babe so much that it finally succumbed to the Great Reaper. The bereaved parents have, it is needless to say, our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of trial.
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyke daartoe gelaat zynde door den Executeur Datief in den boedel van wylen Nathanael COWELL, sal op Zaturdag, den 2den Augustus e.k., publiek voor zyn kantoor verkoopen, de fraaye en kostbare vee- en zaaiplaats genaamd, Wittekop, No.354, in district Bethlehem, op de grenzen van het district Kroonstad en Winburg, en begrensd door de plaatsen Klipfontein, Kromdraai, Brandhoek, Kruisfontein, Bekerfontein en Roodepoortje, groot volgens inspectie rapport 1500 morgen. Daar deze plaats niet verre van de oude woning van den overleden John HISCOCK ligt, is het onnoodig over de zoo welbekende geode gronden uit te weiden. Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden. Voor verdere byzonderheden vervoege men zich ten kantore van den ondergeteekende.
C. BREDELL, Vendu Afslager.
Winburg, 24 Juny, 1873
Te Boshof of Vrydag, den 11den Julij, e.k. in den insolventen boedel van P.J. de VILLIERS. Zullen verkocht worden de volgende goederen behoorende aan bovengemelden boedel, 1 Kap Kar op veere, 1 paar Nieuwe tuigen, 1 tafel, 1 kateltje, lampen, stoelen en anders meubels.
M.S. TRACEY, Curator
In den insolventen boedel van H.F. LIEBENBERG
2 Paarden, 1 koe met kalf, 118 bokken, 1 ploeg, 1 tafel, 2 kisten, gereedschappen, enz., enz.
M.S. TRACEY, Curator
Voor wien het moge aangaan: Water en drooge erven, gelegen op het dorp Boshof, en wat meer op den verkoopdag zal worden aangeboden.
P.CARROLL, Afslager. Boshof, 20sten Junij, 1873
In den insolventen boedel van de firma van der SPUIJ en SMITH op Vrijdag, 11 en Zaturdag, 12 Julij, a.s. zal bij publieke veiling verkocht worden, de groote voorraad negotiegoederen, aan bovengemelden boedel behoorende. Als volgt:- 2 Paardewagens, 1 Kar, 1 Billiardtafel, kompllet, 1 Geldkist (safe) 1 Schaal en gewigten, 2 Revolver pistolen, Molvel, Fluweel, Linnen, Voerchits, Chits, Laken, Kaaimieren, Doeskin, Buckskin, tijk, Flanel, Alpaca, Merino, Barege, Schots, Kassa, Hoeden, Baatjes, Onderbaatjes, Jassen en Broeken, Mans- Vrouw- en kinderstevels, Ketels, bekers, schotels, Kommetjes, Schroeven, spijkers, messen, vorken, enz
M.S. TRACEY, Curator. P. CARROLL, Venduafslager.
Boshof, 17 Junij, 1873
Aan een correspondent zijn wij het volgende verschuidigd – “ Dingsdag 10 Junij, word het op komend dorp (Kroonstad) verlevendigd door het vrolijk gelui der kerkklokken tot eere van het huwelijk van den heer Johannes Jacobus le SEUR, zoon van wijlen den Postmaster-Generaal der Kaapkolonie met Mejufvrouw Susanna Maria PRETORIUS, tweede dochter van dien energieken en ondernemenden boer den heer Petrus G. PRETORIUS, van Vrlijkfontein, in dit district. De bank word bevestigd door onzen waarigen predekant den Eerw. H. van der MERWE, en de dienst geleid op zijn gewone indrukwekkende wijze. De bruid zab er zoo schoon en lief uit als maar gewenscht kon worden, en de bruidegom zoo gelukkig als zoodanige personen alleen kunnen kijken, ter wijl het gezelschap bruidsmeisjes vol op was – zoo zelfs dat er inderdaad net aan te twijfelen kan vallen of eenige van hen zullen het goede voorbeeld spoedig volgen, door de schooner hen gegeven. Na de ceremonie, neem de partij deel aan een breakfast, door Mejufvrouw CAMPBELL op haar welbekende elegante wijze in orde gebragt en waarbij de goede gaven van dit leven zoo verdwenen om wel aan te toonen dat ze gewaardeerd werden. Te 3 ure vertrok het gelukkige paar naar de woning van den vader der bruid, vergezeld der beste wenschen van allen.
Thursday, 10 July, 1873
DIED of Diphtheria, at Rietfontein, district Bloemfontein, on 3rd July, 1873, Edward Wright, third son of William and Alice SEPHTON, aged 2 years, 10 months and 3 days. Deeply regretted by his parents and relatives.
Friends at a distance please to accept this notice.
BIRTH at Nooitgedacht, on the 23rd inst., the wife of Mr. David TENNANT, of son.
MARRIED by Special Licence on Tuesday, 1st July, at Jacobsdal, Mr. James G. WHITEHEAD, of Natal, to Charlotte A. HUTTON, widow of the late Alfred HUTTON, Esq.
Jacobsdal, 2 July, 1873.
DIED at Ladybrand, on July 2nd, 1873 Sara Louisa, aged 4 years, 8 months and 16 days, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. van SOELEN
DIED at Fauresmith, on the 4th inst., of scarlet fever, at the tender age of 3 years and 3 months, Caroline, beloved daughter of O.C. KAYS and M.E. KAYS, born STEYN.
Fauresmith, 9th July, 1873
From a Correspondent
Bethulie, 24th June, 1873
I had this morning the good fortune to witness a famous and most interesting marriage in this little town. The bride was Emily, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Mr. PELLISSIER, a well-known missionary of this place some years ago, whose memory is, I find, very much respected in the district. At 11 a.m. parties began to congregate at the church door, and inside amongst the few already there, might be found a sprinkling of middle aged ladies, who themselves have daughters still unmarried, and who one and all appeared fully bent upon witnessing that ceremony to which the fair sex are in general so partial. Outside the sacred [mission], walking up and down, were to be seen two venerable looking old gentlemen, evidently in deep thought, memory bringing back, on such an occasion, their feelings of younger days.
The one was Mr. NORVAL Snr., father of the bridegroom George NORVAL. A few minutes later a phaeton, drawn by a pair of smart greys, was seen to come […ing] down the street to the church door, out of which vehicle one of the bridesmaids and best men [stepped] out; behind this again was a cart drawn by a fine pair of bays, well known by their high action, and the […] way in which they are driven, as the property of Mr. FISHER. From this cart another bridesmaid and best man alighted. Away the cart went again to refill. In the meantime more people collected at the church door, and many persons of this place had a chance of saying Good Morning to each other [at] an event which does not occur every day in the week. The phaeton was [soon] seen coming again with another pair like the last. Mr. FISHER’s bays followed, this time bringing the Rev. Mr. REECE, of Smithfield, the Rev. Mr. CLAUDE, and Mrs. CLAUDE. The next cart was Mr. ARNOLD’s drawn by a smart pair of black ponies, which were also high steppers. More bridesmaids. The carts returned once more; after being [once more] laden, the phaeton with smart greys was seen coming, and drew handsomely up to the church door, where the bride was handed out by her brother, and entered the church, followed by the enraptured spectators.
The Rev. Mr. REECE, who preformed the ceremony, began in English, although in the Dutch form; the bride looked exceedingly well and after drawing her chair up to the table, with every confidence, and fully at her ease, signed her maiden name for the last time, in the presence of her four bridesmaids. The bridegroom then followed. Thus proceeded the beautiful ceremony until that critical point “Give each other the right hand,” &c. &c. Then [succeeded] the usual prayer, in which the rev. gentleman’s voice was observed to falter slightly. The pair [were made] man and wife, and the bridegroom was the first the first to kiss his bride. The brother-in-law of the bride then followed the example, and they came out of church, and amid three cheers of the bystanders dashed away to the house of the bride's mother, where the wedding breakfast was prepared.
When the congratulations of all the many friends were over, the guests sat down to a splendid breakfast, which was […] and tastefully laid out. Grace was said by the Rev. Mr. ROUX; then all was jollity, and a more convivial party I have not seen for a long time, After many jokes &c the health of the bride and bridegroom was given by the Rev. Mr. ROUX, in Dutch, in feeling and touching form, which was responded to by three cheers started by Mr. [KOMVELD]. The next toast was proposed by that gentleman himself, [….] in English, and it was principally in the [….] of the family, and in which he stated that he had known the bride from childhood in fact nursed her frequently upon his knee and then, in the name of her parents, wished the young couple all the happiness and support this world can afford, &c.,&c.
[Final paragraph very faint]
Thursday, 17 July, 1873
Married in the Church of England, Bloemfontein, on Monday, July 14th, 1873, by the Rev. J. WIDDICOMBE, Christian William STOLLE to Miss Sarah WOODCOCK
MARRIED at de Beer’s New Rush, on the 9th of July, 1873, by the Rev. Mr. SLADE, Walter George, third son of Thomas HOLMES, Esq., of Nooitgedacht, dist. Bloemfontein, to Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Samuel ALDUM, Esq., late of Smithfield
DIED at Nooitgedacht, district Bloemfontein, on the 11th instant, Edith Grace, youngest daughter of Margaret and Thomas HOLMES, sen., aged 3 months and 14 days.
DIED at Ventnor, Isle of Wight, on the 28th April, 1873, William Mills WILSON, oldest son of William WILSON, of West Lodge, Pollokshields, Glasgow, Scotland, aged 24 years.
DIED on the 12th April, 1873, at his country seat, Veenrust, province of Drenthe, Netherlands, my beloved father, Andreas van der VLIES, Esq., aged 7i years and 7 days.
A.W.M. van der VLIES
Kroonstad, July 9, 1873
On the 20th June last it pleased the Almighty to take unto Himself, after a lingering illness of nearly 8 months, our beloved brother, Petrus George VAN DEN BOSCH, aged 53 years. Our heartfelt thanks are hereby tendered to all the friends of the deceased for the many proofs of friendship which they displayed during the sickness; and more particularly for the true Christian and kindly proof of interest of his and our friend, Mr. W.H. VAN RAALTZ, at whose house the deceased departed this life.
In the name of the family
July 4th 1873
In consequence of the much lamented death of the Right Hon’ble the Earl of Zetland, K.G.M.W., Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England, an event which has filled the breast of every Mason with grief, it has been ordered that the Grand Lodge and all subordinate Lodges be placed in Masonic Mourning for the space of six months.
The mourning to be worn by the Brethren to be as follows:- Masters, Pastmasters and Masters Masons ---Three Black Crape Rosettes on the badge, fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices – two Black Crape Rosettes at the lower part of the Badge – White Gloves.
By command of the W.M., Lodge “Rising Star”
J. WYMAN, Secretary
15th July, 1873.
Thursday, 24 July, 1873
MARRIED in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Bloemfontein, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. J. WIDDICOMBE, Harry Smith George, second son of John Robert O’REILLY, Esq., late captain of the Cape Mounted Rifles, to Maria Jane, second daughter G.H. COLEMAN, Esq., of Rooiewal, district Bloemfontein.
De ondergeteekende behoorlijk gelaat door den Provisionsien Curator in den Insolventen boedel van Christiaan Toger von ABO, zal op Dinsdag, den 12den Augustus e.k. ten 10 ure des voormiddags, publiek verkoopen op de plaats Mokkiesfontein, district Winburg, al de losse goederen behoorende totdienboedel, als 1Paard, Ossen, 1 koe en kalf, Schotsche Kar, Zadel en toom, Stoelen, Tafels, benevens eene menigte andere goederen.
Terzelfde ty den plaats zal ook verkocht worden, 25 Extra geode trek ossen, een Goede Paardewagen, benevens allerlei soorten andere goederen.
C. BREDELL, Vendu Afslager,
Winburg, 18 July, 1873
We are sorry to see from the Natal Times that Mr. PULLEYN, of the firm of CLARK & PULLEYN, had met with rather a serious accident in ‘Maritzburg. This is how it is reported to have happened – “Yesterday morning (July 15) four or more passengers entered Mr. WELCH’s omnibus before the driver had taken his seat or reins. The horses started off and ultimately upset the vehicle in Burgerstraat. Mr. MACLEROY was considerably injured and one of his thighs broken. Mr. PULLEYN was cut about the head and stunned for a short time, but the other passengers appear not to have been seriously injured”
A correspondent writing from Smithfield under date 15th current, states, “that Fieldcornet Louw KRUGER, of the [Blik]spruit ward, reported to the Landdrost here, a few days ago, that the body of a white man had been discovered in a pool in the Rietriver, at a distance from any road, and that it probably had been some three or four weeks immersed. At the same time the Fieldcornet forwarded towards identification a number of articles, including about £3 in cash, which had been found in the clothes on the corpse. The remains had received burial. There can be little doubt that the body was that of one Frederick HAWKINS, who had worked at Smithfield as a journeyman carpenter, and who, having been discharged about a month ago, had gone in the direction of the Diamond-fields. His late employer identified sundry of the articles forwarded by the Fieldcornet as having belonged to his late journeyman. Among the articles sent in here, were the photograph of a female, and a double letter addressed to ‘Dear Fred’ from a mother whose name is illegible, and an ‘affectionate, Mary.’ This letter is addressed from 15 Mount Pleasant, East Road, City Road, London, and bears the date 24th May 1871. The photograph is probably that of the sister ‘Mary,’ as in the letter she promised to forward her’s by the next post. Frederick HAWKINS was a middle-aged man of short stature” London papers will please copy.
The Rev. Capt. ROWSON of the Walmer Castle, received the congratulations of his friends here on his having successfully assumed the duties of a parson as well as those of a sailor, by officiating in tying not a sailor’s kind but a nuptial knot – on the voyage out between Dartmouth and Table Bay. The bridegroom was named HOSKINGS, and the blushing bride looked exceedingly well, and was dressed in a lavender colored silk, very similar in hue to the color the ship was painted. The Church of England marriage service was used, and there was a splendid wedding cake, of which your humble servant got a piece. I shouldn’t wonder to hear a rumour that numbers of young ladies intend taking a voyage in the Walmer Castle
Thursday, 31 July, 1873
In the estate of J.D. COUPER. Valuable Farms.
The undersigned, being thereto duly authorized, will sell by public auction, in front of the Market House, Bloemfontein, on Saturday, 13th September, 1873, at 2 o’clock p.m.:-
1) The Farm Langverwacht, No. 134, situated in the district of Boshof, ward Ondervet en Vaalriver, in extent according to Land commission Report, 2700 morgen, and excellent veld
2) The farm Eerstgevonden, situated in the district of Boshof, bounded by above mined farm, in extent according to sketskaart 2087 morgen.
3) The farm Glandina’s-dal, In the district of Boshof, ward Ondervet en Vaalrivier, in extent, according to sketskaart, 2475 morgen.
4) The farm Graspan, No 127. Situated in the district of Boshof, ward Ondervet en Vaalrivier, in extent, according to sketskaart 2250 morgen.
5) The farm Visserszorg, No. 179 situated in the district of Cronstadt, ward Bovenrhenosterrivier, in extent according to sketskaart, 2080 morgen.
6) The farm Zoetvley, No 491, situated in the district of Winburg, ward Ondervetrivier, in extent 2460 morgen, excellent for stock.
A liberal credit will be given. Further particulars can be obtained of the undersigned.
Bloemfontein, 29th July, 1873
The undersigned being thereto instructed by the executor dative in the estate of the late Daniel Johannes KLEYNHANS, will sell by public auction, on Wednesday, 27th August, 1873 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, on the farm Welgeluk, district Cronstadt:-
A quarter of the well-known sheep and Agricultural farm Welgeluk, 1½ hour from the daily flourishing village of Cronstadt, well-provided with water. There are a dwelling house and a kraal on this portion of the farm.
134 Sheep, the greatest part of them being ewes. 2 Mares, 1 Saddle and bridle, 1 Wagon, 1 Table, 1 bed complete.
And at the same time, in the estate of the late Petronella Johanna LATCHFORD, born van der MERWE:-
17 Sheep, 1 Table, 1 Stretcher, 1 Chair, 3 Boxes, 1 Sewing machine, and a few other articles
A liberal credit will be given
H.J. MORKEL, Auctioneer.
Cronstadt, 23rd July, 1873
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 28th inst, Mrs. J.C. van SELM, of a son. 30th July 1873
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 27th inst., Mrs. R. INNES, of a daughter
Thursday, 7 August, 1873
DIED at Harrismith, on Sunday, 27th ult., after a short illness, Ivan Peter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. RAAFF, jr.
DIED at Sandspruit, Natal, on the 31st day of the month after a long and painful illness, Jessie Bertha, youngest daughter of the late Thomas K, DOREY, aged 4 years
From the newspapers we observe that a monument has been erected in Port Elizabeth to the memory of the late Dr. RUBIDGE. After the good physician's name comes the following piece of rhodomontade, which, we agree with the G.R. Adveriser, must have emanated from the pen of some "non-compos" who has probably escaped from Robben Island. …"whose skill, almost as great as his honesty, had it stretched so far, would have made nature immortal, and death should have had play for lack of work. Would he were living! He was famous in his profession, and it was his great right to be so. He was excellent indeed; the people still speak of him admiringly and mourningly. He was skilful enough to have lived still if knowledge could have been set up against mortality."
Thursday, 14 August, 1873
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 5th instant, Mrs. Pierre F. LE CLUS, of a son.
Thursday, 21 August, 1873
De ondergeteekende behoorlyke gemagtigde door den executeur testamentair in den boedel van Petrus Johanes van BILJON en wylen Maria Elizabeth BEKKER zal op Woensdag, den 10den September, 1873,
Te beginnen des morgen om 10 ure,, op de plaats “Uitkyk” wyk Onder Rhenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, in het publiek te koop aanbieden, Drie kart deelen der plaats “Uitkyk” No.100, Een kwart deel der plaats “Wildehondenfontein,” No. 132, en een achtste deel der plaats “Aasvogelrand” No. 336, Allen gelegen in de wyk Onder Rhenoster, District Kroonstad, verder ongeveer 50 Beesten, 1 Ossewagen, 300 Schapen, 1 Buggy, 8 Paarden, 1 Wagen stel, Huisraad, en het geen verder ten dage der verkooping zal worden te vooschyn gebragt. Voorwaarden van betaling zeer gunstig.
Wm. McKECHNIE, Venduafslager.
Kroonstad, 6 Augustus, 1873
I, the undersigned Johannes Bernardus KROUSE, residing in Cronstadt, do sincerely regret, and apologise for, all statements made by us reflecting upon the character of Mr. William GALL, whom I regard as a thoroughly respectable man whose conduct is irreproachable.
J.B. KROUSE. Kroonstad,
16 Augustus, 1873.
Witnesses: W. McKECHNIE, Wm. COLLINS
Van eene dochter, J.M. van BRENT van ANDEL- MERTENS.
Winburg, 16 Augustus, 1873
OVERLEDEN te Bloemfontein, op den 14den Augustus, 1873, Vrouwe A.M. VOIGT, geboren BOOM.
Eenige Kennisgewing.
Thursday, 28 August, 1873
MARRIED at the French Mission Station, Masitise, British Basutoland, on the 7th of August, 1873, by the Rev. Mr. ELLENBERGER, Fr. MARDEN, French Missionary of Silos, to Esther ELLENBERGER, daughter of the late J. ELLENBERGER , of Switzerland - No Cards.
DIED at the Paddock, Huddersfield, in the 79th year of her age, Ellen, relict of Joseph EXTON, Esq. lately of Sydney, South Australia, and formerly of Marbro’ Lodge, Leicester, England
DIED on the 16th instant, at Kimberley, aged 10 years and 2 months, Eleanor Mary Ann Effie, only child of Thomas and Eleanor WEBSTER. The bereaved parents take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to their numerous friends for the kindness and sympathy shown to them on their affliction.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 27th instant, Mrs. E. ROBERTS, of a son
MARRIED by Special Licence on the 17th July last, on the farm Walcom, Natal, by Mr. OSBORNE, Magistrate of Newcastle, Daniel MADDEN, eldest son of James MADDEN, Welcomesfontein, district Harrismith, O.F.S. to the second eldest daughter of Mr. Richard O’NEIL, of Natal
MARRIED on the 26th July, by Special Licence, by the Rev. A. van VELDEN, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, William Hamilton McPHERRON, of Harrismith district, Free State, to Louisa STRINGER daughter of George STRINGER, of Illovo, near Richmond, Natal.
By last Saturday’s mail from the Diamond Fields the sad tidings reached this, that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas WEBSTER, of Kimberley, have been bereaved of their only child – a daughter of 10 years of age. She departed this life on the 16th instant, after a brief illness, and was conveyed to her last resting place on the afternoon of the following Sunday. Such was the sympathy manifested for the grief-stricken parents that upwards of 500 people followed the remains of the loved one to her grave, indeed, the attendance of the public on this solemn occasion was four times larger than at any other funeral that has ever taken place on the Fields. This fellow feeling, on the part of the rough but honest diggers, must have been very gratifying to the afflicted parents; and we trust the compassion evoked by their irretrievable misfortune will encourage them to bear their “cross” with Christian fortitude and resignation. It is needless to say, that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas WEBSTER possess our heartfelt commiseration in this their hour of lamentation.
Thursday, 4 September, 1873
In den boedel van wijlen Wijnand Carel SCHOLTTZ, en nagelatene echtegenoot E.M. NEL van Hartebeesfontein district Caledonrivier. De ondergeteekrnde, daartoe gemagtigde zijnde door den executeuren testamentair in dezen boedel, zal per publieke vendutie verkoopen te Hartebeestfontein op Woensdag, 12 November, 1873, alle de goederen roerende en onroerende, daartoe behoorende. De vaste eigendom bestaan uit een helft der plaats genaamd Pampoenfontein, No. 118, in het district Land-Register, groot volgens landmeters kaart, 1657 morgen, grenzende aan Hartebeesfontein. En omtrent een derde deel van de onverdeelde plaats Hartenbeestfontein., No.114 met de huizen, kraalen, tuisen enz., den boedel toebehourende. De plaats Hertebeesfontein, bevat in ‘t geheel omtrent 4000 morgen grond, volgens opmeting daarvan door den hoor landmeter HOPLEY. Het zoo overbodig zijn om de aandacht van coopers van vaste eigendomme hierop te verzoeken, daar beide plaatsen binnen 1 uur te paardvan Smithfield gelegen zijnde; en wel bekend als geschikt voor vou en landbouwerwerij in het algemeen. De losse goederen bevat :- 1000 Wol Schapen, 20 Ossen en aanteel beesten, 20 Paarden, 2 Wagens, 1 car met 6 paarden
Terme van verkoop zeer bllijk
Bij deze gelegenheid zal ook ter verkoop aangebeden worden, eene aanzienlijke getal schapen, aanteel beesten en paarden, eigendom van andere personen, de bijzonderheden waarvan later gepubliceerd zullen zijn.
Nathaniel HARVEY, Vendu-afslager.
Smithfield, 1 September, 1873
MARRIED on August 7th, 1873, at the residence of F.E. COULSON, Esq., Cronstadt, by special licence, by the Rev. H. van der MERWE, Henry EDWARDS to Margaret A. JONES, second daughter of Robert Croft JONES, of Cronstadt.
The Natal journals announce the death of Mr. John H. CHURCH, late manager of the Maritzburg branch of the London and South African Bank. He burst a blood vessel on the 22nd ult, and died in about 20 minutes afterwards. In his business capacity, as well as socially, says The Times of Natal, Mr. CHURCH was highly esteemed, and a large circle of friends regret his sudden demise.
Thursday, 11 September, 1873
BIRTH at Bethlehem, on the 7th September, Mrs. E. WOLFF, of a daughter.
BIRTH on the 28th August, 1873, at Winburg, O.F.S., the wife of Joseph BOBBERT, Esq., of a son.
Thursday, 18 September, 1873
In the insolvent estate of Thos. SCREECH, sale of livestock. The following will be sold on the market here, by public auction, on Saturday, the 20th inst., at 12 o’clock precisely
1 Bull, 7 Cows, 5 Calves, 1 Mare & 2 Foals more or less.
James BROWN, Sec., prov. Trustee
VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers
BIRTH at Rouxville, on Sunday morning the 7th September, 1873, the wife of Jacob SELIGMANN, Esq., of a son
DIED at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 7th September, 1873, Heinrich SPENGLER, of Darmstadt, Germany, aged 39 years 4 months and 4 days.
Bloemfontein 9th September, 1873
Thursday, 25 September, 1873
DIED at Bloemfontein on the 21st Sept., 1873, Mr. Karl WAAGE, late of Hamburg, Germany
DIED at Bethulie, op Wednesday, the 17th September, 1873, Rosa, beloved wife of Mr. C.S. ORPEN, of Smithfield. Friends at a distance will please to accept this notice.
Insolvent estate of C.C. MOSTERT
A quantity of furniture comprising double bedstead, washstand (Walnut) with marble top, Walnut dressing table with mirror, Mahogany Lee Table, Mahogany hanging Wardrobe, Chairs, Bath, Crockery and Glass ware &c. also a Breech-loading Rifle complete, A fowling piece and a life policy, will be sold by public auction on the Market Square here on Saturday, the 18th October, to begin at 11 o’clock.
James B. BROWN, Sec.,
VOIGT & VELS Auctioneer,
Bloemfontein, 25 September, 1873
We regret to hear that Mr. John BRESLER met with a very serious accident on Wednesday evening. It seems that he was leaning against one of the supports of the stage at the end of Road 14 when it gave way, and he was precipitated to the ground with such violence that he received severe injuries and was rendered insensible. Up to yesterday the sufferer unfortunately remained insensible, and worst fears were entertained – Diamond News
DIED at Cronstadt, on the 14th September, 1873, Mr. John Orr FULTON, deeply lamented by his friends, by whom he was much and deservedly esteemed
BIRTH at Winburg, on the 17th instant, Mrs. H.A. van BLOMMESTEIN, of a son. Winburg, September 24th, 1873
Thursday, 2 October, 1873
John Bardwell EBDEN, Esq., died at Capetown on the 21st ultimo, at the ripe age of eighty-seven: and the Hon. John van der BYL departed this life on the ensuing day, aged forty-eight
We regret to announce that this fatal disease has made its dreaded appearance in this town, and that our townsman, Mr. R. INNES, lost his eldest son, a promising boy of barely five year old, on Sunday last. The poor child, although skillfully attended by Dr. EXTON, and carefully nursed, succumbed, after a few days of suffering, to diphtheria, or white sore throat, the name it is more generally known by in this country. On Monday afternoon the mortal remains of the little one were followed to their last resting place behind the Forthill by a long procession of sympathizing friends, including the children attending the Wesleyan Sunday School. It grieves us to learn that another member of Mr. INNES’s young family, a boy of about three years, is prostrated by the same malady, but it is hoped that he will shake off the dire disease. Friends have been unremitting in their endeavours to alleviate the heartrending sorrow which has well-nigh overwhelmed the bereaved parents.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 28th September, Herbert John Anderson, eldest son of Robert and Mary INNES, aged 4 years, 11 months, and 4 days
BIRTH at the Pastory, Harrismith, the 25th September, 1873, Mrs. MACMILLAN, of a daughter
Thursday, 9 October, 1873
DIED at Rouxville, on the 23rd September, Henrietta ANDERSON the beloved and oldest daughter of Thomas James and Sarah Ann ANDERSON, aged 4 years, 11 months and 15 days. Friends at a distance are requested to accept this notice, Mr. and Mrs. ANDERSON at the same time tender their sincere thanks to the many friends for their sympathy to reconcile them to their loss.
MARRIED on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. SCOTT, Henry William McMASTER Esq., of the Knysna, Cape Colony, to Miss Jane VICKERS, of Manchester, England – No Cards. Bloemfontein, 8th October, 1873
Thursday, 16 October, 1873
MARRIED a Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 9th October, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bloemfontein, assisted by the Rev. S.W. STEVEN and the Rev. W. BARROW, Abraham FISCHER, Esq.,of Capetown, to Ada, eldest daughter of J. Robert ROBERTSON, M.D., of Fauresmith.
MARRIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 9th October, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bloemfontein, assisted by the Rev. S.W. STEVEN and the Rev. W. BARROW, Richard Keats Henry D’ARCY, acting treasurer and member of the executive council of the Province of Griqualand West, son of Major D'ARCY, late 18th Royal Irish, to Florence Annie, second daughter of J. Robert ROBERTSON M.D. of Fauresmith
OVERLEDEN te Brandfort, op 7 dezer, myne geliefde echtegenoote Dorothea Antonette LUNEMAN geboren BEZUIDENHOUT, in den ouderdom van byna 23 jaren. Dank wordt by deze toegebragt aan alle vriende en familie, voor ondervonden bystand vooral aan den WelEd. Heer Thos. A. Montgomery, die dag en nacht bereidvaardig was hulp en opoffering ten beste te geven. W. Thos. LUREMAN
Het heft den Almagtige behangel van ons ouderhart weg te rukken, ons innig geliefd dochtertjie Martha Johanna Hendrina, is den jeugdigen ouderdom van twee jaar, twee maanden en seven dagen. Familie en vrienden gelieve deze voor bijsondere kennisgeving aan te nemen.
Hendr. Luc. HAVENAAR,
Sus. Joh. HAVENAAR, geb. van WIJK
Ladybrand, 8 Oct., 1873
A man named FURSTENBURG committed suicide a few days ago on the farm Kopje Alleen, district Cronstadt, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol;. It appears that the deceased went to the house of a Boer woman on said farm, and asked for a pistol to kill a blesbok or a wildebeest which another party had wounded. The woman complied with his request, and a few minutes later FURSTENBURG went into a bush in the vicinity of the house, and shot himself. No motive is assigned for the commission of the rash deed. As yet no official investigation has taken place.
Thursday, 23 October, 1873
BIRTH at Rouxville, on the 16th October, the wife of T.W. HOLMES jun. of a daughter
DIED suddenly on the 16th instant, at the house of the undersigned, just one day before her 74th birthday, our dearly beloved mother and stepmother, Mrs. Cecilia Johanna WESSELS, born DE LA REIJ, widow of the late Mr. Matheus WESSELS, formerly Commandant of the Winburg district.
On behalf of the children and stepchildren
On Thursday last our community was startled to learn that Mrs. C.J. WESSELS, the widow of the late Commandant WESSELS, and mother-in-law of M. STEIJN, Esq., unofficial member of the Executive Council, had suddenly expired at the residence of her son-in-law. Had Mrs. WESSELS lived until the next day, she would have attained her 74th year. Her funeral was numerously attended, the Rev. RULLOFF, of the D.R. CHURCH, officiating on the sad occasion. Mrs. WESSELS, we understand, had been in the enjoyment of her usual health up to the hour of her departure from this “vale of tears” The melancholy and unexpected event cast quite a gloom over the town.
Thursday, 30 October, 1873
BEVALLEN van een Zoon, Mevrouw BRILL, Geb de BEVEREN.
Bloemfontein, 26 Oct, 1873
MARRIED on the 16th instant, at St. John’s, Fauresmith, by the Rev. S.W. STEVEN, Sidney HOWLETT to Marianne Agatha O’DONNELL – No Cards
Op de plaats Zorgvliet, district Ladybrand, Veroverd Gronrigebied. Oranjevrystaat, den heer Barend C. RENS, in den ouderdom van 44 jaren 10 maanden, en 13 dagen, my nalstende met een eenig kind, een zoontje van 18 jaren oud, om zyn verlies te betreuren.
Weduwe B.C. RENS,
Zorgvliet, District Ladybrand,
October, 1873
Eenige kennisgeving aan familie en vrienden
DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the farm Morgenzon, Conquered Territory, on the 7th October, 1873, William Hudson Bain, beloved and eldest son of William Bert and Martha Susanna BESTON, aged 12 years, 8 months, and 7 days.
Whereas my wife Maria Petronella AVERY, born RAATH, did desert and leave her home on the 5th May now last past, and has not since that time returned; I hereby give notice that debts which have been or may be incurred by the aforesaid Maria Petronella AVERY, born RAATH, will not be paid by me from and after the date of her desertion. All Good-fors, Bills, Security Bonds, Mortgage Bonds, Promissory Notes, Store Accounts, Borrowed Cash, and all other Debts of whatever description contracted and accumulated from the 9th of January, 1870, until the date of her desertion, may be sent to me for liquidation before the 31st of December, 1873.
Joseph J. AVERY.
Bethlehem, 27 Oct., 1873
Van den goederen in den boedel van wylen James BOYLE. Zullen verkocht worden op Zaturdag den 22sten November, ek., te Philippolis, de volgende goederen:-
1 extra Bokwagen, 1 Kaarken een buggy, 6 Baksteen ovens (ongeveer 6000 steenen), 3 Spannen Bruin Tuigen voor 6 paarden, Zadel en toom, 1 Paard, Huisraad, Horologien, printen, Zak Horologie, Boeken en alle sort goederen te veel om te beschrijven.
John N. EAGLE, Executeur Datief,
Philoppolis, 24 Oct, 1873
Thursday, 6 November, 1873
OVERLEDEN te Brandfort, op den 31 October, ons teder geliefde dochter Hester Susanna BEZUIDENHOUT, in den ouderdom van byna 12 jaren, na een zickbed van 1 maand en 9 dagen te hebben gehad.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 31st ult., Albert Adolph Ortlepp, infant son of J.G. and D FRASER, aged 18 months and 14 days
We regret to record that on the 31st ultimo Mr. and Mrs. J.G. FRASER of this town, lost their infant son. The bereaved parents are sympathized with.
Thursday, 13 November, 1873
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, O.F. State, on the morning of Monday, the 3rd instant, Mrs. W.W. COLLINS, of a son.
Both mother and child are doing well.
Bloemfontein, 5th November, 1873
DIED at Carmel, Caledon-river district, on the 7th November, 1873 Louise Eleonore (born COLANY) relict of the late Rev. J.L.P. LEMUE, aged 61years
Op Zaturdag morgen den 27sten Sept, overleerd te Kaapstad de Wel-Eerw. Zeer Gel. Heer Dr. Stephanus Petrus HEIJNS eerste leeraar van de Hoofdstad der Kaapkolonie, die reeds sedert eenige maanden aan eene borstkwaal heft geleden, waarbij later bleek dat ook het hart was aangetast. Van de 63 jaren die hij geleefd heft , heft hij er 37 in de Evangeliedienst aan de Kaapstad doorgebragt. Dat hij derhalwe in zijne nuttige betrekking zich vele vrienden heft kunnen verweren, en menigeen in de Republieke alhier persoonlijk met hem bekend was, zal wel niet behoeven gezegd te worden. En dat hij zich bemind heft gemaakt, did getuigt de deelneme aan de begrafenisplegtigheid van vrienden in de Kaapstad, Stellenbosch, de Paarl, Wellington, enz., welk getal naar gessing op ongeveer zoo duizend geschat word. Uitgezonderde Roomsch-Katholieken, waren alle andere afdeelingen der godsdienstige zeeten goed vertegenwoordigd, daar men er onderscheiden leeraars opmerkten van de Episcopale, de Independenten, de Wesleyanen en zelfs de Rabbi van de Israelitische gemeente. Aan het sterfhuis sprak Ds. STEGMANN eenige troostwoorden, terwijl de dienst in de groote kerk door Dr. ROBERTSON word vetrigt. De dragger waren de kerkeraadsleden en Wel-Eerw. heeren ROBERTSON, STEGMANN, P. FAURE, van de WALL, BEEK en ALBERTIJN fungeerden als slippendragers. Om twee aan twee de lijkkoets te volgden, terwijl aan de rijtuigen die achteraan kwamen geen einde scheeu te komen – Transvaal Advocate
In 1870 we recorded the decease of the Rev. Jean Louis Prosper LEMUE the highly respected pastor of the late French Mission at Carmel, situate Half-way between Smithfield and Bethulie; we now have to record the demise, at the age of 61 years, of his relict Louise Eleonore, daughter of the Rev. Mr. COLANY, minister of a protestant congregation in the north of France. Mrs. LEMUE, after a lingering and painful illness, breathed her last at Carmel, on the 7th November, 1873. The deceased lady in early life evinced an inclination to piety, and as she grew her religious sentiments increased and led her to desire and to determine to labour in the Lord’s vineyard among the heathen where labourers there were none. Her betrothed husband, Mr. LEMUE, preceeded her to South Africa, where he became one of the pioneers in the exertions of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society among the Boesmans and other tribes north of the Vaal-river. She followed to South Africa in company with the well-known Missionaries, CARALIES, [A?URET], and [GOMELI in 1833, and in the same year she was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. LEMUE, at Uitenhage, by the Rev. Mr. SMIT, minister of the Dutch Reformed Church. After the marriage Mr. LEMUE returned to the interior, and carried on the work of evangelization at Motito, near Kuriman, for fifteen years, when as his lady’s health became delicate he removed, in 1848, to Carmel; where he continued to labour till he was called to his rest in 1870. Peace to the illustrious dead who has now gone to receive her reward for a consistent and noble life of devotion in the service of her Master. Her amiability to all, her hospitality to the traveler, and her constant quest and her ready succor to the sick and needy will long live in the memory of the many friends she left behind. Her burial took place on Sunday the 9th November, at the family vault at Carmel, where the remains of her beloved helpmeet were laid to rest before her, and the estimation in which she was held was markedly evidenced by the numbers who, from the surrounding farms and also from Smithfield and Bethulie, on the necessarily short notice, assembled to attend the last obsequies. Forty–eight white persons and one hundred and twenty-six natives joined in the procession to the grave. The Rev. Mr. CLOETE officiated in Dutch; Dr. F.P. LAUTRE, in Sasuto; and the Rev. Mr. BELL, of Smithfield, in English. Honour is due to the female missionary as well as to the pastor, and in this case there are thousands who will join in considering it is meet for us to give it by this notice of one who devoted her life to carry glad tidings to the benighted regions of heathendom.
Thursday, 20 November, 1873
BIRTH on the 6th instant, the wife of Mr. James B. BROWN, of a daughter.
November 15th, 1873
From Our Own Correspondent
Anniversary Funeral Obsequies of Father MURPHY.
No doubt a large number of the readers of the Friend have heard of “Father MURPHY’” of Port Elizabeth, who for thirty-five years was a Roman Catholic clergyman in South Africa. On last Wednesday morning a very solemn Requiem was celebrated on the anniversary of his interment, on which occasion Bishop RICARDS and four priests were present. His Lordship delivered a most eloquent sermon, in which he descanted upon a life of self-denial, being pre-eminently the Christian life, and paid a just tribute to the memory of Dr. MURPHY, who had so well exemplified this in his career. The memorial organ, which will probably be very good, as it is to cost £1000 in [London], is expected out early next year, and a memorial book, with a sketch of Dr. MURPHY’s life and Bishop RICARD’s sermons, will shortly be published.
Case of Sudden and Suspicious Death.
On Sunday last a young man named JONES, a carpenter by trade, suddenly fell dead, and a postmortem examination was the consequence, when it emerged that the fall itself might have caused death as the deceased’s head was severely cut. It also transpired that there had been a quarrel between himself and his brother. This is one out of many cases which go to prove the necessity for establishing Coroners' Inquests in this country, when a searching and therefore satisfactory investigation could be made into all circumstances connected with suspicious deaths. Writing of law matters reminds me of a particular case in which a well-known Dean charged a young legal practitioner with the crime of assault, in so far as he seized him by the “cuff of the neck and kicked him out.” For treating a solicitor in this way a fine of £10 was inflicted.
Thursday, 27 November, 1873
DIED at Orange Springs, district of Uitenhage, Cape Colony, Mrs. B. PALMER, aged 50 years – Deeply regretted.
Of movable and landed property in the district of Cronstadt
The undersigned, being thereunto instructed by Herman HARMERN, Esq., as agent for the Executris Testamentary in the estate of the late Gert Stephanus SWANEPOEL, will sell by public auction on Wednesday, the 7th January, 1874, on the farm Deelfontein, situated near Vaal-river, district Cronstadt, the following property:-
1st – The well-known grazing and agricultural farm, Broekmansfontein, situated in the ward Lower Valsch-river district Cronstadt, about one hour’s ride from Vaal-river. This farm contains a good supply of wood and water, and has also three splendid fountains. There is a beautiful orchard on said farm, besides cornlands enclosed by stone walls. Broekmansfontein, being an old land-certificate farm, has a large extent of ground.
2nd – The excellent grazing and agricultural farm, Ijzerspruit, situated on the northern bank of Vaal-river, in the Transvaal, opposite the abovementioned farm Deelfontein. This farm Ijzerspruit is well-supplied with wood and water, and contains a dwelling house and kraals.
Both farms are too well-known for their good soil, and it is, therefore, useless to say more about them. Parties who want good ground have now a splendid opportunity of acquiring some.
Live stock, &c. About 100 head of cattle, about 500 Sheep, 4 Horses, 1 Tent Cart, 1 Buggy, Furniture. Besides various other articles too numerous to mention
Note the day of sale: Wednesday, 7 January, 1874
Refreshments will be provided. Liberal Credit!
H.J. MORKEL, Auctioneer
Cronstadt, 10th November, 1873
De ondergeteekenden Executeuren Testamentair des boedels van wylen Hendrina Johanna VERMEULEN en nagelatene echtgenoot Fredrik Coenraad de BEER, zullen publiek doen opveilen op de plaats Paddafontein, district Winburg, bowoond door den heer F.C. de BEER, op Donderdag, den 15 Januarij, 1874, de volgende vaste and losse goederen behoorende tot gemelden boedel:
1 – De verdeelde helfte der plaats Paddafontein, No. 100 district Winburg, alwaar op staat een geode woonhuis, wagenhuis, kralen, landeryen en tuinen, dezelve is te welbekend voor verdere aanbeveling.
2 – De geheele plaats genaamd Rietkuil, district Kroonstadt, gelegen aan Bloemspruit, groot volgens inspectie rapport 3000 morgen
3 – Losse goederen. 50 Ossen en aanteelbeesten, in goede conditie, 930 Schapen en bokken, 11 Paarden – ry en trekpaarden, 1 Kar met tuigen (byna nieuw), Alle soorten van Huisraad tot compleet boerdery benoodigd.
Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft en ruim crediet word verleend.
F.C. de BEER en S.J.P. ERASMUS, Executeuren Testamentair
Vendukantoor, Winburg.
20 Nov., 1873
D.J. de VILLIERS, Venduafslager
Thursday, 4 December, 1873
Insolvent estate of Mrs. MUNDT. Sale of the farm Varkfontein on Tuesday, the 30th December next, the splendid farm Varkfontein will be put up for public sale at Fauresmith.
Varkfontein, No286, district Fauresmith, ward Midden Riet en Grootrivier, in extent about 6500 morgen, with its dwelling house, garden and various improvements, is one of the farms in the Fauresmith district. Mark the day of the sale: 30th December next.
James B BROWN, secretary
Joint Trustees.
VOIGT & VELS Auctioneers,
Bloemfontein, 25 November 1873
Mr. William BEAR, one of the British Settlers of 1820, has died at Diep River, near Whittlesea, in his 91st year He had been a resident of the Queenstown district and Winterberg for many years.
Thursday, 11 December, 1873
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 29th November, the wife of Dr. C.J.G. KRAUSE, of a son
Relentless Time is gradually, but surely, sweeping away those who were men at workamong us when this country was under British rule, now close on twenty years ago. The last mail from the Diamond-fields brought us the mournful tidings that Mr. D. C. GRANT, Attorney-at-law, died at Barkly (Klipdrift) on the 29th ultimo. Beyond the bare announcement of this melancholy fact, no details have as yet reached us respecting the nature of the malady which severed the ‘silver cord.’ We know sufficient, however, to be enabled to inform Mr. GRANT’s numerous circle of relatives and friends, that death did not overtake him unaware, and that he met his end with that stoical composure which characterized him through life; and that he was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding when he was summoned home by his Creator. Mr. GRANT was a “writer to the signet,” one of a class of lawyers in Scotland answering to the higher class of attorneys in England. He arrived in Bloemfontein at the close of the year of grace 1850, whilst his friend, Mr. Charles Urquhart STUART, was magistrate; and the deceased, who was then a young man of thirty, speedily adapted himself to the ways of his adopted country, and took a lively interest in its politics and wellbeing generally. He fought hard against the scandalous abandonments of the Orange River Sovereignty by the British Government, and wrote many trenchant articles in our columns showing up in vivid colours the cruelty, impolicy, shortsightedness, and unjustness of that never-to-be-sufficiently-condemned measure. Mr. GRANT was the first writer who advocated a federal union of all South African settlements. It was a pet hobby of his, and his able pen never wearied of depicting in glowing language the advantages that would follow in the wake of a large and comprehensive scheme of Federation, were it carried out wisely and equitably. After the Government of the State was made over to the inhabitants thereof, by her Majesty’s Special Commissioner, Sir George CLARK, Mr. GRANT shifted his tactics somewhat, and became a staunch ’Annexationist;” not but that he believed as firmly as ever in federation; but that after we were so unnaturally cut away from the parent stem, he felt convinced that the first thing mindful was our re-admission as part and parcel of the Queen’s dominions, and if that could be achieved ‘federation’ he forsaw, would ensue in due course. He edited the Friend from 1851, to the abandonment of the sovereignty in February 1854, when as a British Official, holding the appointment of Public Prosecutor, he left this with the troops for Coleberg, where he took up his domicile until summoned hither to defend in conjunction with Attorney VELS, the ill-fated Charles Leo COX.
[The article continues for a further column on the next page, with details of the COX trial and several other legal cases]
We sincerely condole with Mrs. GRANT and her family in the sad loss they have sustained; but trust the calm and serene end of the fond husband and father's life will soften the poignancy of their grief. Mr. GRANT was about fifty-four years of age.
DIED at Barkly, Province of Griqualand West, on 29th November, 1873 Donald Campbell GRANT, Esq., Attorney-at-law, aged 54 years.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 5th December, 1873, Mr. James HIGGINS, late of H.M.’s Customs, Port Elizabeth, aged 59 years. RIP
DIED on the 21st September, 1873, at 19, Bedford Square London, Charles William, the only son of Charles GILPIN, M.P., aged 27years.
Thursday, 18 December, 1873
Landed property, district Winburg, The undersigned, duly authorized by the executrix in the estate of Nicholas W. SMIT will sell, without the least reserve, on Wednesday, 28th January, 1874, The farm Quaggafontein about 5000 morgen, 12 miles from Winburg, on the road to Cronstadt, and on it is erected a substantial dwelling house, large, new and well-finished; also house with 4 room; Wagon-house, stable, and 2 outbuildings, stone kraal, &c.
Besides a well-watered spruit, it has a large fountain, irrigating an extensive garden, stocked with a great variety of choice fruit-trees, and a visyard, and a very rich piece of land of about 6 morgen, all enclosed by stone walls. Heathy for sheep, cattle and horses
Plenty of wood and water. In fact, Quaggafontein is considered the very best farm in this rich district.
Sale to take place on the farm. Immediate possession. Terms liberal
For further particulars apply to
Joseph BOBBET Auctioneer,
Winburg, December 6th, 1873
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