Weekend Post 1984 3 July - September
July 14, 1984.
The following orders of divorce were granted by the Port Elizabeth Supreme Court this week:
Valerie ANDREWS v James Petrus ANDREWS
Ellen Rhona APPOLLIS v Abraham Jacobus APPOLLIS
George David BODLEY v Alison Jesse BODLEY
Audry Sandra CHETTY v Roy CHETTY
Krisjan Gabriel CHETTY v Lena Sabina CHETTY
Tyrone Govender COOPER v Sybil COOPER
Anna Emmarentia DU PREEZ v James Leonard Frank DU PREEZ
Anna Magretha Fredrika GREYLING v Andre Johannes GREYLING
Susanna Elizabeth GROBBELAAR v Pieter Willem GROBBELAAR
John Daniel LOTTER v Alice Louisa LOTTER
Paddy Margaret LOTTERING v Karl Johannes LOTTERING
Victor John MOORE v Margaretha Jacoba Hendrika MOORE
Magdalena Sheila PIENAAR v Theon PIENAAR
Gail Kathryn RALPH v Richard Raymond RALPH
Archibald Arthur TAIT v Anna Aletta Johanna TAIT
Desire Jennifer TAIT v George TAIT
Ronel WAIT v Charles Chowles WAIT
Charmane WHEELER v Stephen George WHEELER
July 21, 1984.
The following orders of divorce were granted by the Port Elizabeth Supreme Court this week:
Ernest Lincoln BOWLES v Deidre Leonie BOWLES
Guy Fleming LAWRENCE v Sheila Karen LAWRENCE
Graham Roy McLEOD v Glynnis Maureen McLEOD
Patricia Catherine MEARS v Henry John MEARS
Jefrey Joseph MINNAAR v Katrina MINNAAR
Sydney TALJAARD v Marion Ruth TALJAARD
Arnold Petrus THERON v Cornelia Johanna THERON
Edna Catherine VAN STADEN v Willem VAN STADEN
Trevor Billy WILLIAMS v Sandra Virginia WILLIAMS
August 25, 1984.
The following orders of divorce were granted by the Port Elizabeth Supreme Court this week:
Antonie AURET v Ronel AURET
Daniel Johannes BOTHA v Elizabeth Rosemary BOTHA
Moses DANIELS v Roma Veronica DANIELD
Elsabe Dorothy ELLIS v Lourens ELLIS
Carolina JANUARY v Henry Jacobus JANUARY
John Jacobus JOSEPH v Anna JOSEPH
Franciscus Gerarda Alida KAPLAN v Jacob KAPLAN
Jacoba Margaretha Cornelia KRITZINGER v Laurens Burgess KRITZINGER
Magdaline KOBISON v Donovan KOBISON
Owen LOTZ v Odette LOTZ
Penelope MOOLMAN v Wessel Hendrik MOOLMAN
Linda Ellen Prince v Shane Demetrice PRINCE
Christo ROUX v Karin ROUX
Anna Maria SHAW v Thomas Albertus SHAW
Aletta Wilhelmina SMITH v Ronald Robert SMITH
Henry THYSSE v Jennifer Catherine THYSSE
Daniel Johannes VAN RENSBURG v Marieta VAN RENSBURG
Jacobus Adriaan VORSTER v Karen Elizabeth VORSTER
Ronald WAKEFORD v Johanna Louwina Wooding WAKEFORD
Elizabeth Ann WILSON v Walter Keith WILSON
Jeanne Irene WILSON v Allan John WILSON
Marilynn Ann WOLMERANS v Marius Leon WOLMERANS
The sad memories of losing a son in action were revived yesterday for a Port Elizabeth mother, Mrs Margaret BARRINGTON, of Algoa Park, when she received posthumous Pro Patria Medal on behalf of her son, Rifleman Richard BARRINGTON.
The medal, which is given to those who have rendered services in the prevention or combating of terrorism was presented to her by Officer Commanding Eastern Province Command, Brigadier C.P. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN at a medal parade.
Mrs BARRINGTON's son was killed in the operational area on December 9 last year. Mrs BARRINGTON, who was close to tears, said she was proud of her son who had died in action, but it had brought back the sad memories of losing him. She said he was still constantly in her thoughts and she had felt very close to him when she received the medal on his behalf.
Mrs Lucille COETZEE, widow of warrant Officer G.J.J. COETZEE, received a posthumous Good Service Medal (gold) for 30 years service on behalf of her husband, who died in hospital in October last year. WO1 COETZEE was a veteran of the Second World War and saw service in Africa and Italy.
Two women were awarded the Chief of the Army's Commendation Certificate (CACC): Major Magdalena VERMEULEN and Mrs Sophia CAMPBELL. Others who received the CACC were Colonel S. VAN ASWEGEN; Captain George HERSELMAN; 2nd Lieutenant Robert HUGHES and Mr Vivian WILLIAMS.
Pr Patria Medals were presented to Chaplain Barend Jacobus DU TOIT; Lieutenant Gilbert NORTJIE; Staff-Sergeant Robert SCHOLTZ; Corporal Deon GREYLING; Corporal Kenneth PAYNTER; Corporal Wessel RABBETS; Corporal Marthinus RABIE and Corporal Gert STROEBEL.
SADF Good Service gold medals for 30 years service also went to Commandant Louis JORDAAN; Mr Basil TURNER and Mr Vivian WILLIAMS.
SADF Good Service silver medals for 20 years service were awarded to Commandant Alexander VAN ROOYEN; Commandant James VAN DER LINDE; Commandant J.C. STROEBEL and WO1. STRYDOM.
WO1 Gabriel Johannes VIVIERS was awarded the SADF bronze Good Service medal for 10 years service.
Certificates from the Officer Commanding EP Command for contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Command were presented to Major Anna TROSKIE; Sergeant Johanna DE JONGH, Corporal Leonie KAPP and Lance Corporal Christopher GEORGE.
September 15, 1984.
The following orders of divorce were granted by the Port Elizabeth Supreme Court this week:
Allie Catherine BARRY v Norman John BARRY
Maria Magdalena Cathrina BENEKE v Nicolaas Stephanus BENEKE
Solly Gerald EDELSON v Elsa Sharon EDELSON
Sandra GAMBLE v Vivian Blake GAMBLE.
Lynette Memory GONZAGA v Luigi GONZAGA
Beryl MEDINA v Jerome Frank MEDINA
Johanna Cornelia MEYER v James Lourens MEYER
Catherine Veronica PRIMO v Pieter PRIMO
Myrna Reine RENS v John Henry RENS
Anna Maria ROOS v Louis Jacobus ROOS
Ursula Ida SAULS v Mathew SAULS
Adriaan Marthinus Daniel VAN TONDER v Maria Magrietta VAN TONDER
Anette Maria VAN VUUREN v Roland VAN VUUREN
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