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Cape Town Baptisms 1695

page 1

Namen der Christen Kinderen

1 Decb: 1695
gedoopt het kint van Jan
Marschalck en Maria Helmus onder
getuygen van Adriaan van Wijck en Cornelia
Helmus genaemt
- Jacomyntje

8 Decb: 1695
gedoopt de soon van Petrus Kalden
en Cornelia van Benthem onder getuygen
vande ed: heer goeverneur Simon
van der Stel en Elsje Suerwaerde huysvrouw
gewesene van Andreas de Man in syn leve
coopman alhier geweest
- Simon Andries

(the following entry is squeezed into the left margin of the entry above. The text is partially smudged and unreadable)
[..] Decb: 1695
gedoopt het kint
van Adam Sol[p] en
Lena van Batavia
onder getuygen van
[... Cornelis] en Maria Schalck genaemt
- Maria
(the name "Maria" is written next to the entry above but a "//" sign next to this entry and the name suggest they belong together)

[..] Octob: 1695
gedoopt door D:us Hiesenga het kint
van Jan Brinck en Jacomyntie Paddezon
op het schip Brandenburg besuyde de linie
onder getuygen van monss: Samuel Hatting
juffr: Sara Torin, welck Jan Brinck met
syn huysgesin alhier aende Caep blyvende
versocht heeft syn kint inde kerckenboek
te laten inteeckenen, genaemt
- Sara Hendrina

  • Hits: 6950

Source: This transcription has been made from photographs of the Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 604 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1695-1712, which is a photocopy of the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-8/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series).
The baptisms cover pages 1 through 87 and 126 through 143 of this register.

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