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Inventory of the Archives of he Master of the Supreme Court, Cape Town, 1670- (inventory 1/3)

The Orphan Chamber and the Insolvency Chamber (from 1833 known as the Master of the Supreme Court) administered intestate estates, properties of minors, the registration of wills and deaths of persons deceased at the Cape; other records are inventories, vendu rolls, notarial deeds and liquidation and distribution accounts.

If you feel you can contribute to this project with images or transcriptions, or have any feedback, comments or suggestions, please contact one of our website managers: Corney Keller or Richard Ball.


The creation in 1827 of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope was followed by the establishment of the office of Master of the Supreme Court in 1833. The latter office took over the duties of the Orphan Chamber in regard to the administration of the estates of deceased persons, minors and lunatics (Ordinances 103, 104, 105 of 1833). Subsequently, a code for the administration and distribution of insolvent estates was enacted.
The archives of the Master includes the archives of the earlier offices of the Orphan Chamber and the Insolvency Chamber which originated in 1673 through the early necessity to administer intestate estates, properties of minors, the registration of wills and deaths of person deceased at the Cape..

Division of subordinate components

Minutes (MOOC 1/1 - 1/92, MOOC 2/1 - 2/55, MOOC 2/1/1 - 2/1/251)

Papers Received (MOOC 3/11 - MOOC 3/6/1/18)

Papers Despatched (MOOC 4/1/1/1/1 - 4/3/2, MOOC 5/1 - 5/5)

Papers Regarding Administration of Estates
Death Registers (MOOC 6/1 - 6/8)
Death Notices (MOOC 6/91 - 6/9/3455)
Wills (MOOC 7/1/1 - 7/1/1068, MOOC 7/2/1 - 7/2/8, MOOC 7/3/1 - 7/3/5, MOOC 7/4/1, MOOC 7/5/1 - 7/5/5, MOOC 7/6/1 - 7/6/5 
Inventories (MOOC 8/1 - 8/77)
Conditions of Sale (MOOC 9/1 - 9/12)
Vendue Rolls (MOOC 10/1 - 10/48, MOOC 10/1/1, MOOC 10/2/1 - 10/2/32)
Notarial Deeds
  - Custing Brieven (MOOC 11/1 11/10)
  - Algemen en Kinderbewyse (MOOC 12/1 - 12/34)
Liquidation and Distribution Accounts (MOOC 13/1/1 - 13/1/7527, MOOC 13/2/1 - 13/4/1, MOOC 14/1 - 14/211)
Diverse Estate Papers (MOOC 14/212 - 14/246, MOOC 14/1/1 - 14/3/43)
Cash Vouchers (MOOC 15/1/1 - 15/1/206, MOOC 15/2/1 - 15/2/2)
Cash Books (MOOC 17/1 - 17/28)
Journals (MOOC 18/1 - 18/7)
Ledgers (MOOC 19/1 - 19/48)
Debt Registers (MOOC 20/1 - 20/14)
Diverse Papers re Debtors (MOOC 20/15 - 20/35)
Diverse Papers
Diverse Financial Papers (MOOC 21/1 - 22/22, MOOC 23/1 - 23/11)

 Source: TANAP: The Archives of the VOC
 Note: This website (Tanap) is currently offline and it is unknown if and when it will be restored. 


  • Hits: 11570

Source: Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696.

VC 603 is a photocopy made during the 1980s of the original, made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town repository and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series).

The original register is now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1.

The transcription was originally made in 2006 by Richard Ball. Corrections were received from Delia Robertson and Alwyn Smit and Corney Keller had now completely revised and amended the original transcript (February 2012).

There are no doubt still mistakes, both of typing and transcription, but they are much fewer. We will be pleased to receive any suggestion for corrections.