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Cape Town Baptisms 1678

page 23

NB dese volgende kinderen sijn van mijn
Johan Fredrick Stumphis gedoopt:

Ano' 1678

Den 19 Maij Francois Villion en sijn huijsvrow Cornelia
een dochtertje Anna gedoopt

Den 19 Maij Cornelis Stevensen en sijn huijsvrow Jannetje
een dochtertje Cornelia gedoopt

Den 22 Maij Hendrick Cornelisen van Out Beijerlandt
en sijne huijsvrouw Beatrix Gijsbertsen van
Woeurden, een soontje Gijsbert gedoopt

Den 22 (sic prob May) Willhelm Schalck en sijn huijsvrow Elsgen
een dochertje Jacoba gedoopt

2 Bej: slaven (in the left margin before the date)
Den 22 (sic prob May) beiden slaven Ventura en Helena onsen
Christlicken geloove aergenoomen hebbende
een soontje van 6 maenden out gedoopt
ende Jost genaemt en Davidt, de moeder Annyke: de vader Kin
,,lopen.  de peet Margartia Suster

Den 29 (sic prob May) een jongetje van eene slavinne Johannes
gedoopt. de moeder Marytie

Den 29 (sic prob May) Een meisje van ene slavinne , Anna gedoop[t]
die getuijgen waren in de briefjens niet
genoemt, n[ec] nomina matrum horum infantum, expressa, a 
Domino successore /: cui animibus gratulor :/ inquirenda 
et addenda, quum ob festinandum mihi hinc abitum 
non licuerit: Domine frater Overnij /: te emin fore 
qui hanc sportam adornaturus sis, auguror teque 
quantum in me fuit summopere commendavi :/ fideliter 
perge, magna tibi restat messis, et magna de te spes est, 
multos per Dei gratium lucrari atque adducere poteris,
Vive vale valide, valeas faveasque faventi.
Donec nos iterum jungat amara (or amoena) dies.

(not at all sure I have transcribed all the above accurately!)
(the writer, roughly translated, states that he did not have the time to inquire after the names of the children's mothers due to his hasty departure and ask his succesor, dominee Overneij to do this. Further he states that there is still a great deal to harvest and by God's grace he will gain many, probably souls. The text ends with a standard greeting.  Any help on improving the translation would be very welcome)

Den 23 October (entries now written in columns across the page,
date | de name der gedoopten | de ouders | de getuigen )
these columns are transcribed vertically below - that is
first line: date
second line: name of the baptised child
third line: the parents
fourth line: the witnesses, if recorded)

Den selfden dito (23 October)
Willem van Dieden en Geertruit Weeckhof (sic)
Jan Witteboll en Elsie van Zuerwaarden

Den selfden dito (23 October)
Gerrit Janssen Visser en Jannetien Thielemans
Jan Coenraets Visser en Geesie Jans

Den selfden dito (23 October)
[Elisabeth] Catrijna
Hendrick Everts Smith en Adriana Stervelt
Harmen G[ravers], Cornelia Stinvelt

(next entry only started and then crosse out)
[den selfden dito]

Den 27 October
Jan Hendricks de Lange en en Doorentie Ryckaert

Den selfden dito (27 October)
Cornelis Claessen en Catrina Mallebaar

Den selfden dito (27 October)
Joannes Praetorius en Joanna Victors

page 24

Den selfden dito | Namen der gedoopte | De ouders | De getuigen

" (27 October)
Hendrik Elbertsz en Aeltie ter Meulen

Den selfden dito (27 October)
Albert Barents en Margarita Hoefnagels

Den selfden dito (27 October)
Jeronimus Cruse en Aletta Elbertsz

Den 29 October
Hans Wilhelmus en Gerritie Willems

Den [ii] December
Tobias Vlasvat en Gryselle Mostert
Maria van de Krick en Wijert Glimp

Den 27 December
Abram Hertogh ge[wel]dige van Franckfort aen de Mein een beiarde jode


  • Hits: 8162

Source: Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696.

VC 603 is a photocopy made during the 1980s of the original, made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town repository and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series).

The original register is now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1.

The transcription was originally made in 2006 by Richard Ball. Corrections were received from Delia Robertson and Alwyn Smit and Corney Keller had now completely revised and amended the original transcript (February 2012).

There are no doubt still mistakes, both of typing and transcription, but they are much fewer. We will be pleased to receive any suggestion for corrections.