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Uniondale Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Uniondale, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (566 records)

  • 1895, 1896, 1897

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Uniondale
18953OTTOMagdalena Elizabethdaughter of Jacobus and Magdalena, 15 Months
18954MATROOSN.ndaughter of Elizabeth, 1 Month
18955STEYNJoshofine Albertinadaughter of Herman, 2
18956BRANDTBarend Jacobus42
18959JONKERJohannes Frederik Jacobus79
189510DONSONVelladaughter of Jan, 20
189511MEYERMatthys Petrus Hendrikson of Willem Hendrik, 11
189514APPLESN.ndaughter of Piet, 1 hour
189515APPLESN.ndaughter of Piet, 5 Days
189516APPLESMariadaughter of Piet, 25 Days
189517CAIRNCROSSGert Fredrickson of Berg, 16 Months
189519BRUINTJESSarahdaughter of Sarah, 2 Months
189520BARKHUIZENJohan Nicholas Wilhelmson of Piet Ernest Erhadus Erasmus, 15
189521SCHEEPERS nee SCHOEMANEngela Elizabeth Dorothea74
189522ZONDAGH nee FERREIRAMargaretha Jacomina Adriana53
189523KAPPFredrika Margareta54
189524KAPP nee VAN ROOYENFredrika Margareta54, (Duplicate notification
189525ALERSJohannes Nicolaas81
189526STEWARTWinifred Lucydaughter of Thomas Samuel, 7 Months
189527MPONDOYolesadaughter of Christian, 18
189528RADEMEYERIgnatius Leopoldusson of Stephanus Cornelius, 6 Months
189529STRYDOMEngela Mariadaughter of Nicholaas H, 11 Months
189530BOESAK N.nson of Minto, 0
189532DU PREEZJohanna Matthysina80
189533TRYTSMANOckert Johannes Jurgens23
189534JONKERJohanna daughte of Matus0
189535PAVIRSSarah 67
189537MINNIEWillemson of Sanna, 8 Months
189538NORTJEN.nson of Carel, 0
189539VILJOENFeakiedaughter of David, 3
189541JACOBSSarah30, (duplicate notification
189542JACOBSAbrahamson of Hanna, 4
189544JANSE VAN RENSBURG nee HONIBALLAdriana Josina40
189545VAN ROOYENMaria Dorithydaughter of Gert Thomas, 15
189546JACOBSGert 25
189547MAREELucas Henryson of Gert Edward, 7
189548LEGRANZIEPietson of Samuel, 6
189549JORDAANSamuelson of Koos, 4 Months
189550VAN DER WESTHUIZENAdriana Josinadaughter of Andries, 7
189551PRUIMBOCathrina wife of Jacobus18
189552M'LAMBOLeentjedaughter of Jacob, 5 Months
189553DE BRUINAntjedaughter of Carl and Antje, 4 Months
189554BRAAYWillem 25
189555CAMADOMartadaughter of Feila, 17
189556PRINOLReginadaughter of Pares, 11 Months
189557TER BLANOLSamuelson of Eva, 2 Months
189558VAN DER BOKatherinadaughter of Jakob, 17 Months
189559HOFFMANJohannesson of Katrina HUMAN, 2
189560COMEDIEMietjedaughter of Jan, 18
189561CHRISTIEANSAdrianadaughter of Abrahm, 13 Months
189562CAMPHERCathrinedaughter of John, 15
189563DU PLESSISJacobus Lodewicus69
189564MALAMBOChristinadaughter of Klaas, 7
189565KLYNBOOYAnnadaughter of Andries, 4 Months
189566LAMINIEmmadaughter of Willem, 1 Month
189568VAN DER WESTHUIZENSusanna Cornelia Johanna74
189569GROOTBOOMJanson of Booi, 1
189570ROSSOUW nee MareeMartha Maria Catrina67
189571VAN VUURENEbenezerson of Lucas, 1
189572BOOMANSarie Margaritha32
189573FERREIRABernardus Lambertus Philippus37
189574FERREIRANicolaas Marthinus67
189575WEWERSN.nson of Nicolaas, 0
189576BOTHAHendrick Johannes Andries26
189577SEPTEMBERN.nson of Sanna, 0
189579no extractable data
189580ADONISKatherinadaughter of Katherina, 0
189581CORNELIUSJanson of Marthinus and Lena, 22 Months
189582SCHULTZGertruida Magdanena Rosinadaughter of Parl, 4
189583JANTJESWilhelm Jakobusson of Gert, 3
189584STRYDOMN.nson of Johan Daniel, 0
189585HENDRICKSMarthinusson of Maria, 2
189586HORENN.nson of Joseph, 6 Months
189587BERNSTEINHarryson of Bernard, 14
189588KLUECatherinadaughter of Catherina, 2
189589CHRIGAN.nson of Jakob and Martha, 0
189591JONKERN.ndaughter of Martines Fredrick Roellof, 0
189593JAKOBSAdamson of Willem ADAMS, 7
189594KEYSERHester Maria Christinadaughter of David Johannes Petrus, 2 Months
189596SAUERChristina Elisabethdaughter of Edward, 24
189597JASONAnna 68
189598HUMANJanson of Leenie, 0
189599HOWELLGeorge Jeremiahson of George Jeremiah, 11 Months
1895100WILDEMANAnnadaughter of Stefaanus, 1
1895101JAKOBSAnna daugher of Philip3 Months
1895105BRITSAndriesson of Jacobus Cornelius, 11
1895106MAREEBramwell Lucasson of Lucas and Sarah, 15 Months
1895107HUMANKoosson of Jacobus and Antje, 15
1895108BLOUSMathysson of Helm, 11 Months
1895109PLATJESHendrikson of Joors, 4 Months
1895110HLABANIEvadaughter of Delan and Meitje KOERIES, 7 Months
1895114LOOTS nee BEKKERCatharina Elisabeth62
1895115ROSSOUW Catharina Margarethadaughter of Gabriel Josua, 8
1895118TERBLANCHESalomonson of Stefanus Salomon, 2 Months
1895120HARTZENBURGAdonis Carolusson of Beitje, 6 Months
1895121KAFFIRSFrederickson of Thys, 13
1895122TERBLANCHEJohanna Catarinadaughter of D J, 2
1895123HACHILAHachiladaughter of Dela and January, 3
1895124POULESN.nson of Jan, 0
1895125PLATJESSinadaughter of Andries and Kaatje, 7
1895126FERREIRAPetrus Hendrik63
1895127JAFTHAAnnadaughter of Hester, 2
1895128LA FLEURAantje63
1895129SERFONTEINWillem Jacob Frederick Marthinus2
1895130JONKER nee VAN RENSBURGSusanna 73
1895132SHANDEllizabeth Veradaughter of James, 0
1895133MEYERGertson of Esaias Engelbertus, 8 Months
1895139SMITHSarah Salominadaughter of Abraham Rynard, 0
1895140ERASMUSPieter Ernest Lazarus 45
1895141BARNARDPetrus Johannes30
1895142KLAASENMinnadaughter of Klaas and Cathrina, 16
1895143CAIRNCROSSRegina 52
1895144SCHOLTZNicolaad Hilgardson of Jan Frederick Rynand, 11
1895145SCHOLTZCatharina Petronella40
1895146SCHOLTZCatharina Petronelladaughter of Jan Frederick Rynand, 18
1895147HOWE Augusta Maria Albertina70
1895148SALMONSara Evelina Magdalenadaughter of Jan, 3
1895149CLAASSEN?Janson of Nicolaas, 0
1895150VAN ROOYENDavid Hermanusson of Gert Tomas, 5
1895151VAN JAARSVELDTSusara Maria Petronelladaughter of Johannes, 19
1895152APRILCatarinadaughter of Jacobus, 7
1895153FOURIEFrans Engelbertusson of Stephaanus, 4
1895154BIRDSGertson of Mina, 0
1895156DU PREEZOckert Johannes 63
1895157VAN ROOYENN.ndaughter of Maria, 0
1895158KONSTABELDeladaughter of Koos and Lena, 12
1895161TekLizzie Namededaughter of Hessie, 13 Months
1895162JANSE VAN RENSBURGPhillippus Rudolfson of Nicolaas L, 4 Months
18961JOSIASElizabethdaughter of Gideon, 15
18962BARKHUYSENLucas Jacobusson of J J, 1 Day
18967CAMFERPhilipson of Coguchun(?), 20 Months
18968CAMFERHans Willemson of Rolf, 4 Months
18969LEENLermertson of Wildschut, 6 Days
189612KLUYTSLeah Magdalena Johanna19
189613HUMANJanson of Marthinus, 11
189614TITIESN.n.son of Lya, 6 Days
189615UITHAALDER nee JACOBSJacomein33
189616ARENSEvadaughter of Koos, 3 Days
189617CHIPPSSaradaughter of Jan, 6 Months
189618VAN DER BERGAnna Helenadaughter of Jacobus, 17
189619DAMON nee WINDVOGELJacomyn62
189620HUMANN.n.daughter of Adriana, 20 hours
189621BRITSJanson of Matthys, 1 Month
189622BIRDSSienadaughter of Hanna, 54 Days
189623SMITHJohn William65
189624MAARSJanetta Katharina38
189626MAARSLea Victoria60
189627ZAAIMANCatharina Maria87
189629BARNARDWillem Hendrik69
189632WILDEMANEmma Jacobadaughter of Gert, 2 Months
189633VAN DER BERGJanson of Jacobus, 8 Months
189635KOERTJIEHendrikson of Sophia TJATJA, 6 Months
189637HITGENicolaas Thomasson of J C, 11 Months
189638FOURIEJohannes Matys42
189639VAN DER SPUYLouis Johannes Du Plessisson of Johannes Jacobus Steyn, 4
189640WILDEMANAnnadaughter of Abraham, 20
189641KENHEMAbrahamson of Abraham, 9 Months
189642FERREIRAAndries Stephanus28
189643ASPELINGJohanna 65
189644DU PREEZ nee WASSERMANHester Petronella63
189645STALMEISTERGertson of Elsie, 15 Days
189646BAARTMANPietson of Sienna BOEZAK, 17 Months
189647STANDERLeah Jacoba32
189648SALMONLeadaughter of Willem, 2
189649JANSEJohanna 19
189650BEETONJacominadaughter of Sarah nee JACOBSE, 7 Months
189651PRIEMOCatharina Jacobadaughter of Catharina PATRICK, 10 Months
189652VAN DER SPUYLouisa Johanna Magreitadaughter of Johannes Jacobus Steyn, 9
189653LAMINIEKaatjedaughter of Booi, 13 Months
189655RAUTENBACHDirkie Elizabeth53
189656STRYDOM nee MARITZBeatrix Johanna63
189657SCHOONEESN.n.son of Pieter Cornelis, 0
189658ALLERSJohannes Theodorusson of Sarel , 19 Months
189659SALMONMariana Katharinadaughter of William, 2 Months
189660MAARSPaisaarson of Esau, 1
189661BENEKEGertruda Matteuvessena Dora Magtelena 20
189662ANDREWSEtheldaughter of Lena, 11
189663CUPIDOJacobusson of Joseph, 14
189664SHANABetjedaughter of Chrissie, 10 Months
189665KLAASE Mariadaughter of Klaas, 3
189666WEVERSN.n.daughter of Hessie, 1 Day
189667VAN BILINGDina30
189668FERREIRAN.n.son of Ignatius Petrus, 2 Months
189669VAN NIEKERKJacomina Angnessadaughter of Cornelius, 3 Weeks
189670JOUBERTN.n.daughter of Martinus Fredrick, 29 Days
189671GEDULTKivitson of Jacob, 16 Months
189672CAMPHERMartinusson of Valtyn, 24 Days
189673BOTHA nee JAFTHAGriet50
189674BEKKER Marthinus Stephanus Johannesson of Reinier Johannes Petrus, 4 Days
189675CUPIDOMarthadaughter of Joseph, 12
189676FOURIEAndrina Jacobadaughter of Leah Jacoba, 7 Months
189677MIGCHELSElsdaughter of Antje, 2
189678MIGCHELSElsdaughter of Antje, 2, (duplicate Notification
189679ARENSHans unk
189680TARENTAALHendrik Johannesson of Eva, 2
189681KAPANKKrisjanson of Krisjan, 1
189682TIRANCamille Frederick60
189683SMUTSCornelis Mattheusson of Wessel Johannes, 18 Months
189685VAN DER BERGJacobus 49
189686DU PREEZ Martha Mariadaughter of H C, 7
189687KLEUNicholaas Stephanusson of Jacobus, 16 Months
189688STUURMANAntjedaughter of Jan, 9
189689DRAGERMANKivit son of Catrina, 14 Months
189690ROMAMJohansson of Catrina, 13 Days
189691STUURMANMattheusson of Fovia, 9 Months
189692KERSPYHenriettadaughter of Hendrick, 21 Months
189693JOEMATSara daughter of Rosina, 19
189694VAN ZYLMartha Magdalena64
189695KERSPYFransson of Lewis, 2
189696FERNDALSophia Susana21
189697MALGASSannadaughter of Wintvogel, 9 Days
189698JONESDanielson of Thomas, 11
189699JONESElizabethdaughter of Thomas, 5
1896100GERBERHelena Charlotta67
1896101CAMPHERPieterson of Valtyn, 4 Months
1896102KAPANKAdam Mosanason of Els KAPANK, 15 Days
1896104Willem 15
1896105Willem15, (duplicate Notification
1896106HARKBOORAbraham 21
1896107MAARSEva Saradaughter of Maria, 6
1896108KRETZINGERJohan Andreas60
1896109KRETZINGERJohan Andreas60, (duplicate Image
1896111KARELSEAntoon36, (duplicate Image
1896112LE ROUXKatrina22
1896113GROOTBOOMSabenadaughter of January, 22
1896114LINDOORJohanna 75
1896115LE ROUXGertruida22
1896116AVONTUURValtynson of Jan, 13
1896117SNELClaradaughter of Sanna, 2
1896118HANSMaria 50
1896119JOEMATMariadaughter of Rosina, 1
1896121JULIESHester Helenadaughter of Cornelius, 22
1896123VAN DER WALT nee VAN WYKHester Salomina Dorothea69
1896124DAVIS nee BOOICatrein48
1896125AZIASophiadaughter of Philip, 6
1896126AZIASophiadaughter of Philip, 6, (duplicate Image
1896127MAREEWilliamson of Lukas, 1
1896128MAREEWilliamson of Lukas, 1, (duplicate Image
1896129BEKKER Andries son of Piet, 14
1896130WITTBOOYAndries don of Klara11
1896131CAIRNCROSSDirk Johannesson of David, 15
1896132TERBLANCHEIgnatius Petrusson of JPS, 4
1896133TERBLANCHEIgnatius Petrusson of JPS, 4, (duplicate Notification
1896134STUURMANLukasson of Lukas, 18
1896135SASCatharinadaughter of Joseph, 3
1896136LLAMMINIE nee ZAUCHINIEKaatje unk
1896137JANSENMatildadaughter of John, 10 Months
1896138STONELeonard Herbertson of John Thomas, 7 Months
1896139CORNELIUSWilliam son Marthinus13
1896140WOLFN.n.son of April, 9 Days
1896141ZONDAGH nee HEGTORMagrita24
1896142MC MASTERCharles Edmundson of Edmund Charles, 1
1896143DAMONSGrietdaughter of Gert KAMIES, 10
1896144BUITERSMariadaughter of Theunis, 18
1896146PACEAnna Bothadaughter of Robert, 1
1896147KLEUEllie Elizadaughter of Carl, 15
1896149MARXIgnatius Marthinusson of John, 8
1896151RADEMEYERJakomyn Elisabeth22
1896152RENSBURGMaria Magdalenadaughter of H C, 2
1896154PIKAANSaradaughter of Martha, 7
1896155READGladysdaughter of Raynier John, 2 Months
1896156STEYN nee KEYSERGertruida Elizabeth27
1896158PRETGENRobberdson of Jan, 1
1896159LERNMartinusson of Maria, 5 Months
1896160LERNMartinusson of Maria, 5 Months, (duplicate Notification
1896161WINDVOGELBetjedaughter of Afrika, 51 Days
1896162WILDEMANMariadaughter of Porus, 13 Months
1896163LAMINIEAnnie Elizabethdaughter of Isaac, 8
1896164VAN NIEKERKMaria Dorotheadaughter of Gerhardus Lourens, 12
1896165SCHOEMANStefanus Johannesson of Stefanus Johannes, 18
1896166KAMPHERHevadaughter of Valtyn, 2
1896167KAMPHERHevaletter re her death
1896169BRETSMeggelson of Klaas, 11
18971VAN ROOYENReynier Johannes73
18972HUMANElizabethdaughter of Sarah 4 Months
18974SNYMANMariadaughter of Cornelius 1 Week
18975KIEWITN.N.daughter of Hietje 0
18976WILDEMANJonasson of Maarman 12
18978KRETZINGERMagdalena Josinadaughter of Barend Wilhelm 1 Month
18979WEITZJohannadaughter of Isaac 1 Month
189710FERREIRAStephanus Corneleisson of Stephanus Corneleis 1 Month
189711MAARMANCarolinadaughter of Adonis 5 Years
189712MEYERMaria Catharinadaughter of Jan 10 Months
189713RIETSERNBERGElsdaughter of Jaftha 1
189714ASPELINGTomson of Caroline 2
189716GERBERJohan Daniel Wilhelmson of Matthys 1 Month
189717NOMDOPietson of of Piet 3 Months
189718MULLERPieterson of Joseph 7 Months
189719ABRAMSSannadaughter of Sanna 1
189720DAVIDSSaradaughter of Alexander 9
189722PYLKaatjedaughter of Jan 11
189723PEITERSECatherinadaughter of Hendrik 2
189724WEITZHendrikson of Isaac 4
189725MEYERHendrik Sebastianson of Gert 3 Months
189726WEHMEYERMatthys Petrus Hendrik64
189727RADEMEYERN.N.son of Gert H 1 Month
189729KLAASELeentjedaughter of Leentje 2
189730SCHEEPERSLeviesadaughter of Leviesa 11 Months
189731RADEMEYERSusannadaughter of Michiel Arnoldus 1 Month
189732STRYDOMN.N.son of Johan Andreas 0
189735STEWARTAnn Susandaughter of H 17
189736BREYTENBACHAndries David Johannesson of W and Elizabeth Jacomina 13
189737BREYTENBACHAndries David Johannesson of W and Elizabeth Jacomina 13 - Duplicate notification
189738BIRDSGertson of Mina 24 days
189739BIRDSGertson of Mina 24 days - Duplicate notification
189741STRYDOMJacomina Magaretha Johannadaughter of Daniel Jacobus 1
189742BLAUWBetjedaughter of Betje 9
189743VAN DER OSRuiterson of Jakob 17
189746LAMINIIsaacson of Isaac 2
189747NORMANWilleminadaughter of Elizabeth 1
189749MEYERJohan Petrusson of Lukas Wilhelm 1 Month
189750KLAASEKatoodaughter of Jagote 8
189751THEUNISSENElizabethdaughter of Andries 1
189754OLIVIERBeatrix Maria72
189755ZONDAGHChristiaan1 - Duplicate notification
189756JANSEHendrikson of Adam 13 Months
189757HERMANUSWildschindson of Moos 3 Months
189758ZAANPietson of Dihah 3 Months
189761KRETZINGERAletta Petronelladaughter of Daniel Jacobus 10 months
189763HETGEAnna Maria42
189764MAKOKOJakobus Johannes son of Jakobus 21
189765MAKOKOEliza Bertha Christinadaughter of Jakobus 16
189766RUITERSTheunis18 Months
189768KILIANPetrus Johannes37
189769DEHRENDALNicholasson of Jan 6 Months
189770OLIVIERN.N.Son of Okker Jacobus 0
189771DAVIDSEAnna daughter of Frans 4
189772JOEMATJOEMATson of Roos 5
189774MULLERHerkoclaasina Salomina Susannadaughter of J 1
189775KRETZINGERMagdalena Josina Susannadaughter of Jan 10 Months
189776KOENNicolaas Johannesstep-son of Henrik VALLENDYN 15
189778AVONTUURElizabeth27 - duplicate notification
189779MEYERGotlieb Wilhelm Bernardson of AM 7 Months
189780KOENNicolaas Jacobus14
189781CAMPHERElizabethdaughter of C 4 Months
189782ZONDAGHPetrus Lafras son of MP 2 Months
189783ACKERMANSJacomina Alettadaughter of Herculaas Helgaard 1 month
189784KOENJan Johannesson of Jan Johannes 3
189785DRAAIMietjedaughter of Piet 4
189786BEERJohanna Elizabeth60
189787VIGILANDClaradaughter of M 2 Months
189788GOUSJohannes Stefanus43
189789BARNARD nee WEHMEYERLouisa Cecilia26
189790BARNARD Willemson of WH 1 Day
189791NORMANJan 80
189792KNEVELCorneliusson of Alie 1
189793JANTJESHendreckson of Dinna 17 Months
189794DRAAIMietjedaughter of Piet 4 - duplicate notification
189795BASONPoppiedaughter of Ben 2
189796MALUELAArieson of Piet 1
189797OLIVIERMagdalena Josinadaughter of Christian Frederick 1 month
189798VAN ROOYENTom Wellemson of Cornelis Johannes 6 Months
189799JASS Andries Crestoffel45
1897100HAUSTOCKAdamson of W 1
1897101WITTBOOYMariadaughter of Booy 9 Months
1897102JORDAANChristiaan Jakobusson of Luce CORNELIS 7 Months
1897103LINDOORFransina Elisabethdaughter of Abraham 18 months
1897104KOENPieter Nicolaasson of K 7 Months
1897105SALMONMagdalenadaughter of Jan 9 Months
1897106HANDAARGertruidadaughter of Pieter 15 Months
1897107WITTBOOYPieterson of Fager 2
1897108KOENIsabelladaughter of Pieter 1 Months
1897109MULLERAnna Johannadaughter of Jacobus 3 Months
1897110KOENJohanna Martha Susannadaughter of Jan 1
1897111FREYCarolina Johanna Jacobadaughter of D J 4
1897112FREYElsie Charolinadaughter of D J 1
1897113VAN WYKSannadaughter of Izaak 13
1897114RIETSENBERGElsjedaughter of Jan 4
1897115ODAVIDSKatherinedaughter of Nicolaas 17
1897116RIETSENBERGElsjedaughter of Jan 4 - duplicate notification
1897117CAROLUSMichaelson of Jan 1
1897121BRUINDERSSenetdaughter of John 6 months
1897122DU PLESSISSarel Johannesson of Andries Johannes 8 Days
1897123GYSMANJan Jacobsson of Thomas 1
1897124RUITER Pieterson of Damon 25
1897125HOUTIEJakobus Wittbooyson of Fredrik 6
1897126JORDAANThalason of Frans 1
1897127VAN RENSBURGFranszios Johannesson of Richard Francis 1 Month
1897129DAVIDLassadaughter of Jan 5
1897130LOURENSAnniedaughter of Jan 2 Months
1897132FREYAbraham Aaronson of D 9
1897133SERFONTYNFrederick Benjaminson of Christian Jacobus 41 days
1897134VERMAAKSannadaughter of Jiems 10 Months
1897135VAN DER WALTIgnatius Williamson of A S 1 Month
1897136HITGEEbenezarson of Conrad A 2 Months
1897137WAGENERJacoba Elizabeth38
1897138PRINSLOOPhilipson of Philip 4
1897139PRINSLOOPhilipson of Philip 5 - Duplicate image
1897140WITBOOYAndriesson of Peres 2
1897142KLAARUS(?)Belizdaughter of Christina 20
1897143PRINS Jacomyn22
1897144HUMANKoosson of Jacobus 9 months
1897145DU PREEZAnna Margarethadaughter of Jan 9 Months
1897146JANTJESAnnie LeSembertdaughter of Sophy 9
1897147ELBRECHTDaniel Jacobusson of Jan 7 Months
1897148SERFONTYNHendrik Petrusson of JG 23 days
1897149MEYERIzaakstepson of Jonker RUITERS 15
1897150VAN AARTDaniel son of Daniel 7
1897151BEKKERGesina wilhelmina Elisabethdaughter of G S 5
1897153PANAARBetjedaughter of Kane 12 days
1897154FERREIRAPetronella Johannadaughter of Thomas J 14 Months
1897155DU PLESSISRoelof Abrahamson of S S J 1 Month
1897156FOKOJohnson of November 2
1897159JANSEFransina Elisabethdaughter of Andries 8 months
1897160STRYDOMDaniel Jacobus60
1897161MATTHYSRacheldaughter of Francina 10 Months
1897162SMITKlaasson of Klaas 1
1897165BARNARD nee LE ROUXAnna Cecilia64
1897166FREYOltmanson of Johannes 7 days
1897167HARIBOHendrikstepson of Booi MACHELLA 13
1897168PIKAANPietson of Piet 1
1897169Sarastep daughter of Tom 19
1897171MEGGELSHansson of Andries 1 month
1897172KLASIEGesentson of Jacob 1 month
1897173JAISKeviet Golliardson of Piet 20
1897174TERBLANCHEGezina Jakobadaughter of Petrus 1 month
1897175WITBOOYElortina Regennastepdaughter of Philip ARNOLDUS 19
1897176MADOUNAAnne Elizabeth31
1897177STRYDOMWessel Johannesson of Barend Wilhelm 18
1897178SMITHJohanna Jacominadaughter of J W 2
1897179FILANDERJohanna daughter of Cristina Jacomina 2 Months
1897180DU PLESSISAnna Alettadaughter of Jacobus Lodewicus 8 months
1897181HAMANSannagranddaughter of Piet KNEVEL 17
1897183KRETZINGERIgnatius Miguelson of Maria Johanna and JM 3 Months
1897184DE BRUINMarthinus16
1897185FREDERICKSArmanesson of Aramanes and Rachel 6
1897187TIETIESFransson of Ragel 19 days
1897189JACOBSMietjedaughter of Hans 19 days
1897190RUITERSCaisoor Johannesson of Abraham 15
1897191JANSEJaqerson of Antjie 30 days
1897192MARAISAnniedaughter of Rose 2
1897193NORDIERN.N.son of Dina 7 days
1897194DRAAYGertruidadaughter of Gertruida 8 days
1897195JOEMATKaatjedaughter of Roos 9
1897196SALMONAgolsson of Daniel 18
1897197LAMINILenadaughter of Booi 18
1897199WITTBOOYPhilippus Jakobusstepson of Abraham RUITERS 11
1897200VAN RENSBURGHendrick Christoffel son of Hendrick Christoffel 3 months
1897201LABERLOTAbraham son of Fredrik 11 monthss
1897202KASIVAJacoba Elizabethson of Betje 5 Days
1897204KEIZLERCatharina Margaretha26
1897205KEIZLERPieter Bernardusson of Pieter Bernardus 1 month
1897208RADEMEYERAnton Tobias Megeceson of Sarel 7
1897209DU PLESSISRoelof Abrahamson of Stephanus S J 1 Month
1897210LE ROUXAnthony Christianson of J L 11
1897211CELLARIUSElsie Magdalena Barnarddaughter of G J 13
1897212RADEMEYERN.N.daughter of Cornelius Johannes 6 Days
1897214OOSTHUISENJacobus10 - Duplicate notification
1897215KRIGAAdamson of Michiel 3 days
1897216OLIVIERJan Jacob Kretzingerson of Jan Jacob Kretzinger 1
1897217LAMINIJan Antonison of Boooi 1
1897218ROEKHendrikson of of Francina WITBOOY 4
1897222SNYMANHendrina Catharinadaughter of Claas 4 Months
1897224KAPANKCatharinadaughter of Cornelius 5
1897225JAFTHAJan son of Klaas 2
1897226KAMFERAndriesson of Pieter 4
1897227GYSMANElizabethdaughter of Thomas 1 Month
1897229KAMFEREvadaughter of Valtyn 7 months
1897230SASLouis son of Josop 2
1897231KEYSERPetrus Jacobusson of Jan Hendrik 7 Months
1897233BROWNElsiedaughter of Eliza 12
1897234ZAAIMANStephanus Eraiasson of Jan 1



1. Under browse by location, click on Africa

2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

3. Click on Browse through 2,216,270 images

4. Click on the 'year'

5. Click on 'Uniondale'

6. Enter desired image number in Image # box



"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Uniondale; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 10526