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Tarka Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Tarka, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (120 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths -Tarka
18951DU PLESSISJanage 23
18952BOINTJESophydaughter of Klaas, age 8
18953AUGUSTJanuaryage 80
18954VAN HEERDENElizabethdaughter of Petrus, age 15 Months
18955MURFINN.n.son of Joseph Willian Torres, age 0
18956N.n.Nolenoage 50
18957SWARTBOOYCharlieson of William, age 2
18958N.n.N.n.son of Leah, age 6 months
18959MAGUSHAN.n.daughter of Piet, age 0
189510N.n.Sarahage 16
189511HENDRIKZAnnetjeage 75
189512N.n.Klienmeitdaughter of Moshati, age 4 Months
189513GOOSENMaria Kathleendaughter of John C, age 1
189514FININIIsaacage 22
189516N.n.Anniedaughter of Sanna, age 12
189517LISSARobertson of Peter, age 7 Months
189518NANTOORMietjeage 16
189519NANTOORMietjeage 16, (duplicate notification
189520DU PLESSISElizabethdaughter of David, age 3
189521JULIJackieson of May, age 1
189522N.n.N.n.son of Hendrik and Sophy, age 3 Months
189523BRUMMERJohn Andrewson of J P, age 7 Months
189524N.n.Carlson of Hendrirk and Meitje, age 2 Months
189525N.n.N.n.son of Meitje, age 1
189526MTAWAN.n.daughter of Settis and Martha, age 9 Months
189527GROENBERGFrickeson of Hendrik, age 2
189528VAN WYKChristopher Hendrikson of L J, age 0
189529KEWPercy Elliotson of R J G, age 3 Months
189530N.n.Anniedaughter of Sanna, age 12
189531N.n.Munnaage 19
189532N.n.Nombaliage ?
189533WEBSTERSydney Whiteheadson of E E, age 15 Months
189534WALKERGeorgeage 7
189535JONASAndriesage 18
189536HONTOGASIN.n.daughter of Minna, age 2 Months
189537BOTHAMinnadaughter of antonie, age 4
189538ROTHSCHILDN.n.daughter of Michaelis and Bertha, age 0
189539ROTHSCHILDN.n.daughter of Michaelis and Bertha, age 0, (duplicate notification
189540N.n.Lybeckage 20
189541NOBONowedaughter of Willem, age 10
189542N.n.Pockvarage 24
189543BOTHAJohnson of Antony, age 2
189544DE BRUINJacobus Hendrikage 54
189545HASHITembakadaughter of Daniel, age 2
189546CAREYRosa Beatriceage 26
189549N.n.Morlanaage 6
189551N.n.N'Mauteage 55
189553BOTHAWillem Petrusson of Michiel, age 11 Months
189554DE JAGERKatrinaage 72
189555MEONGWANETutudaughter of Stephanus, age 1
189557WINDVOGELJosephson of Smit, age 2 Months
189558JANSENAugustson of August, age 6 months
189560QUIMANPollyage 40
189561GROBLERElsie Magrettaage 20
189563N.n.Yenaffdaughter of Joppie, age 7 Months
189564N.n.Zimaladaughter of Fourpence, age 0
189565N.n.Lisadaughter of Klaas and Elsie, age 2
189566SWARTBOOYCharles Andriesage 23
189567WHITTINGTONNormanson of H, age 10 Months
189568CORNELISJafta nephew of John , age 9 Months
189569N.n.Nomadikazidaughter of Buschel, age 6 months
189570N.n.N.n.son of Pauli, age 0
189571BEUKESJohannesson of Hendrik, age 2
189572BAYNARDKate Elizadaughter of Charles, age 9
189573N.n.Klein Johannesson of Johannes , age 6 months
189574KLEINBOOYN.n.daughter of David and Kate Sarah, age 3 Months
189575VAN DER MERWEPetronella Jage 58
189578MLUPIN.n.son of Booi and Sarian, age 0
189579SEPTEMBERN.n.son of Annie, age 0
189580N.n.Nqwlelanaage 25
189581JESSEFloraage 45
189582VAN HEERDENIzak Johannesson of F A, age 8
189583VAN HEERDENIzak Johannesson of F A, age 8, (Duplicate Image
189584N.n.N.n.daughter of Jantje and Topsy, age 6 months
189586KLAASJanage 75
189587N.n.N.n.daughter of Jantje and Cina, age 9 Months
189588RANDELLN.n.daughter of Johanna Jacoba Maria, age 0
189589SEPTEMBERKatson Pollydaughter of Zanna, age 8 Months
189590SEPTEMBERKatson Pollydaughter of Zanna, age 8 Months, (Duplicate Image
189591BOYElziedaughter of Elzie, age 0
189593AFRICACaptainage 26
189594TOSONN.n.son of Lyza, age 1 Month
189595VAN HEERDENStephanus Josage 66
189596MANSLATollieson of Jakob, age 18 Months
189597ROBINSONAnne age 59
189598ADAMSN.n.son of Adam, age 1 Month
189599MEYERAlfonseson of Maria, age 8 Months
1895101N.n.N.n.son of Sara
1895103PONSEELAFrederickson of T, age 0
1895104AGOSSamuelson of Lena, age 6 months
1895106RADCLIFFEN.n.daughter of Sarakie, age 0
1895107OPPERMANGoedlip Rudloffage 66
1895109PRICECharles Jasage 37
1895110MXELIGeorgeson of Topsy, age 7 Months
1895111ESCAPANorthaladaughter of Emma, age 6 months
1895112PONSELEKatrina E Jage 39
1895113JENZANotokaseage 22
1895115HENDRIKSFeitjedaughter of Willem, age 6
1895116KEWFrederickson of T R, age 1 Month
1895117BOYTappy Bobdaughter of Anne, age 3
1895118FERGUSAlexander Atholage 4 Months
1895119MALANGATeyisison of John, age 10 Months
1895120VAN ZYLPietson of Willem, age 2



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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Tarka; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8214