Bizana Civil Registration: Deaths
Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Bizana, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Leanne Starkey. The source is listed below.
Years indexed: (64 records)
- 1907, 1908, 1909
- 1910, 1911, 1912
The columns below can be sorted by clicking on the headings. You can sort on two columns by holding down the shift key and clicking both. You can filter the results by typing in a word or phrase in the filter box. The data is filtered while you type. Instructions for accessing the images can be found below the table of records for each set of indexes.
Year | Image | Surname | Name | Notes |
1907 | 1 | RHODES | Gladys Clara | 1 yr, european girl of Webster's Drift, Father - F.E? RHODES |
1907 | 2 | WATERWORTH | John | 68 yr, married painter of Zulu's. Born in England |
1907 | 3 | NOMAPIKI | N.n. | 24 yr, married woman of Nkweyi's. 3 childre, 1 living |
1907 | 4 | KEEN | Olive Daisy | 2y, of Bizana. Father - Thos. C. KEEN |
1907 | 5 | MAMZIZE? | N.n. | abt 25y, married woman of Mbono's |
1907 | 6 | MAGWEGWE | N.n. | abt 35y, married Pondo man of Maxola's. 4 children |
1907 | 7 | MQOYANA | N.n. | abt 24y, Pondo man of Siyoyo's location Tabankulu district |
1908 | 1 | NONETE | N.n. | abt 18 yrs, single Pondo woman of Hlamandana's location |
1908 | 2 | NTUNU | N.n. | abt 35 yrs, married Pondo woman of Zulu's location |
1908 | 3 | MANTSHONGWENI | N.n. | abt 50 yrs, married Pondo woman of Magquzumana's location. No.of children unkown |
1908 | 4 | MBANGWA | N.n. | abt 12 yrs, Pondo herd boy of Mpikwa's location |
1908 | 5 | QOBO | N.n. | abt 55 yrs, married man of Mtono's lcoation. No.of children unkown |
1908 | 6 | MANTSHOYI | N.n. | 45 yrs, married Pondo man of Patekile's lcoation. 3 children |
1908 | 7 | MADENGA | N.n. | abt 26 yrs, married Pondo woman of Baleni's location. 5 children |
1908 | 8 | MANTSHENGEYANA alias Matshoba | N.n. | abt 27 yrs, married Pondo man of Funqu's location. 2 children |
1908 | 9 | N.N. | N.n. | Unnamed infant |
1908 | 10 | NEFANA | N.n. | 7 yr, Pondo boy of Umtamvuma |
1909 | 1 | DU TOIT | Montague Daniel | 11 mths, son of D.F.? DU TOIT of Bizana |
1909 | 2 | TSHATSHAZA | N.n. | 3 mnths, Pondo infant boy of Billy's location. Mother - MAGILADILE |
1909 | 3 | N.N. | N.n. | Inquest |
1909 | 4 | DLADLA | N.n. | abt 20 yrs, single Pondo man of Baleni's |
1909 | 5 | N.N. | N.n. | Inquest |
1909 | 6 | NONTCHIKILANA | N.n. | 25 yrs, single Pondo man of Langasika's |
1909 | 7 | ANDERSON | Laurence Fletcher | 10 mths, son of A.M. ANDERSON of Grenville Mission Station, Bizana. Born United States of America |
1909 | 8 | TOMLIN | George | 30 yrs, single man born in England, with the Cape Mounted Rifles, Bizana. |
1909 | 9 | LEAKY or LEAHY | Patrick | abt 30 yrs, single man born in Ireland, with the Cape Mounted Rifles, Bizana |
1909 | 10 | MARTIN | George | abt 50 yrs, single man born in England, squatter of Mnymeni River Mouth |
1909 | 11 | N.N. | N.n. | Inquest |
1909 | 12 | CALALIPELI | N.n. | abt 20 yrs, married Pondo man of Maxola's |
1909 | 13 | MAKWEZI | N.n. | 48 yrs, married Pondo man of Pata's |
1909 | 14 | SITUPA | N.n. | abt 18 mths, infant Pondo boy of Billy's location |
1909 | 15 | SIBUVU | N.n. | abt 55 yrs, married Pondo man of Patekile's. 3 children |
1909 | 16 | MPITI | N.n. | abt 40 yrs, married Pondo man of Magquzumana's. 2 children. |
1910 | 1 | PONCO | N.n. | 18 yr, single Pondo woman of Mlindazwe's |
1910 | 2 | NONTOKAZI | N.n. | 15 yr, Pondo girl of Njobo's |
1910 | 3 | TYELWAYO | N.n. | 30 yr, single Pondo man of Gazula's |
1910 | 4 | MZIMELI | N.n. | 19 yr, single Pondo man of Lobenzula's |
1910 | 5 | N.N. | N.n. | Inquest |
1910 | 6 | NTSENGENI | N.n. | 30 yr, single Pondo man of Mapini's |
1910 | 7 | MAMPOFANA | N.n. | 48 yr, married Pondo man of Mbono's |
1910 | 8 | PAXOTI | N.n. | 34 yr, single Pondo man of Lobenzula's |
1910 | 9 | NOKITI | N.n. | 50 yr, married Pondo man of Patekile's |
1910 | 10 | MANYENIBEZI | N.n. | 19 yr, married Pondo woman of Patekile's |
1910 | 11 | NOMACIKILI | N.n. | 70 yr, married Pondo woman of Baleni's |
1910 | 12 | JAMA | N.n. | 38 yr, married Pondo man of Maxala's |
1910 | 13 | MAPONO | N.n. | 24 yr, single Pondo woman of Patekile's |
1910 | 14 | MAXOLO | N.n. | 50 yr widow, born of the Amaxolo, residence Magquzumana's |
1911 | 1 | KNUDSEN | Harold Claude | 1 y, born in Natal, Norwegian descent, living Bizana |
1911 | 2 | YENGE | Mamqumako | 30 yrs, married Pondo woman of Gwalo, Hlamandana's. Informant - Majuba YENGE |
1911 | 3 | YENGE | Mamqumako | duplicate of image 2 |
1911 | 4 | DULWENI | N.n. | 30 yrs, single Zulu man of Zulu's location, Bizana district. Informant - MADONELLA |
1911 | 5 | CECYWA | N.n. | adult, single Pondo man of Njobo's |
1911 | 6 | NONKAZANYANA | N.n. | adult, single Pondo woman of Patekile's |
1911 | 7 | GLOVER | William | 76 yrs, widowed european man, born Gibralter. Teacher of Nthlozela. Employer - Arthur McCLURE |
1912 | 1 | NTSHWENCA | N.n. | duplicate of 2 |
1912 | 2 | NTSHWENCA | N.n. | abt 35 yrs, married Pondo man of Mbono's |
1912 | 3 | MZAIDUME born NOMNQA | Mittah | 27 yrs, married Fingo woman. Born Tsomo. Husband - Joseph MZAIDUME |
1912 | 4 | N.N. | N.n. | Infant daughter of Joseph & Mittah MZAIDUME, 15 days, infant Fingo girl. |
1912 | 5 | DREYER | Annie | 36 yrs, widowed Griqua woman of Bizana |
1912 | 6 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1912 | 7 | DREYER | Maria | 13 mths, infant Griqua girl of Bizana |
1912 | 8 | JANNERMAN | Cornelis | 11 wks, infant mixed race boy, born Bizana. Father - N.C.R. JANNERMAN |
1912 | 9 | WELBUCHT | Tommy | 2 yrs, mixed race boy born Harding, Natal. |
1912 | 10 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Bizana; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.
- Hits: 9044