Flagstaff Civil Registration: Deaths
Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Flagstaff, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Leanne Starkey. The source is listed below.
Years indexed: (54 records)
- 1907, 1908, 1909
- 1910, 1911, 1912
The columns below can be sorted by clicking on the headings. You can sort on two columns by holding down the shift key and clicking both. You can filter the results by typing in a word or phrase in the filter box. The data is filtered while you type. Instructions for accessing the images can be found below the table of records for each set of indexes.
Year | Image | Surname | Name | Notes |
1907 | 1 | MTSHOBANE | N.n. | abt 40y, married Pondo man of Swane Labourer |
1907 | 2 | MNGAZANA | N.n. | 25 y, single Pondo man of Mhlangana's |
1907 | 3 | NAMKWALO | N.n. | abt 20y, married Pondo woman of Mhlahlanja. No children |
1907 | 4 | WARWICK | James Eric Flett | 3 y, born Natal. Father - J. WARWICK of Flagstaff |
1907 | 5 | MANKOSI | N.n. | abt 21y, widowed Pondo woman of Lanqa's |
1907 | 6 | BOBOKILE | N.n. | abt 7yr, Pondo boy of Nowalela's |
1907 | 7 | VAN DER MERWE | Karel | abt 70y, married Griqua man, Farmer of Hontfontein?, Aflred Co. Natal. Son - Coenraad VAN DER MERWE. 4 children |
1908 | 1 | MALI | N.n. | abt 45 yrs, single Pondo man of Emfundisweni |
1908 | 2 | BASSON | December | abt 60 yrs, married Griqua man, carpenter of Ndakeni. No.of children unkown |
1908 | 3 | MBUM | N.n. | abt 19 yrs, married Pondo woman of Nkomazabantu's |
1908 | 4 | MKENCE | N.n. | abt 28 yrs, married Pondo woman of Seketwayo's |
1908 | 5 | NOMPUPUMISO | N.n. | abt 2 yrs, Pondo girl of Seketwayo's |
1908 | 6 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1908 | 7 | DEZULA | N.n. | abt 30 yrs, married Pondo woman of Ntlenzi |
1908 | 8 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1908 | 9 | SIXINTI | N.n. | abt 16 yrs, Pondo man, wagon leader of Mangquzu |
1908 | 10 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1908 | 11 | LOVA | N.n. | abt 30 yrs, married Pondo man of Ntola's |
1908 | 12 | NCWAYI | N.n. | abt 65 yrs, married Pondo man of Gosa, Lusikisiki district. No.of children unknown |
1908 | 13 | JOUBERT born VERMEULEN | Maria | 68 yrs, married Griqua woman of Kokstad. Born Philipolis, ORC. 10 children. Husband- Johannes JOUBERT |
1908 | 14 | GABA | N.n. | abt 27 yrs, married Pondo man of Langasiki's. |
1908 | 15 | BOLILIETJE | N.n. | abt 22 yrs, single Pondo man of Ntlenzi |
1908 | 16 | HEMRO | Dirk | abt 56 yrs, married Griqua man, sawyer of Ponti. 3 children |
1908 | 17 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1909 | 1 | MANCIYA | Jane | 40 yrs, Divorced Pondo woman of Umqodini. |
1909 | 2 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1909 | 3 | MACMINM? | Alexander | 50 yrs, married. Born in Ireland. Labour agent of Xopoza. 11 children |
1909 | 4 | N.N. | N.n. | Inquest |
1909 | 5 | O'NIEL | Bennett | 3 yrs, mixed race infant boy of Umzimhlava |
1909 | 6 | CRANNEY | William Horace ? | 83 yrs, single general trader, born KWTown, of Emgodini |
1909 | 7 | JOUBERT | Christian | 25 yrs, married Griqua man, transport rider of Dedela, buried Mount Ayliff. Brother in law, B. NIEKERK |
1909 | 8 | N.N. | N.n. | copy |
1909 | 9 | HUGHES | Richard Percy Benstead | 28 yrs, single, engine driver of Tonti Saw Mills |
1910 | 1 | LAWRENCE | N.n. | daughter, 7 d, born Pondoland of mixed race, living Emgodin's. Father - Gerald LAWRENCE |
1910 | 2 | McGILLIVRAY | Jessie Elizabeth | 9m, born Bizana. Father Jno. P. McGILLIVRAY of Flagstaff. |
1910 | 3 | PAGE | Edwin | 67 y, single, Bookkeeper of Flagstaff |
1911 | 1 | ROCK | Laura Maude | 19 yrs, single european woman of Rockville, Flagstaff, born Emfundisweni. Father - H? ROCK |
1911 | 2 | N.N. | N.n. | Information request |
1911 | 3 | NQOKOMA | N.n. | abt 38 yrs, married Pondo man, waggon driver of Hlamandana's |
1911 | 4 | BRICE | Sydney Herbert | abt 50 yrs, married european labour agent of Flagstaff |
1911 | 5 | SALPHESTER | Mita | 2 yrs, mixed race girl of Puffadder. Adult relative - David KOOSNEL of Xopoza, Flagstaff |
1911 | 6 | MAKULENI | Emily | 37 yrs, married woman, born Bedford Cape Province, 10 children. Husband - S. MAKULENI of Flagstaff |
1911 | 7 | N.N. | N.n. | Information request |
1911 | 8 | ROCK | Henry | 61 yrs, married, born in England, trader of Rockville, Flagstaff. 8 children. Wife - Emily ROCK |
1912 | 1 | ROOI | Gert | 26 yrs, married Griqua man, born Kokstad. Mason of Puffadder. Mother-in-law - Elizabeth KOK |
1912 | 2 | VAMKEREE? | Adam | 3 mths, infant Griqua boy of Ndakeni. Father Hans VAMKREE? |
1912 | 3 | KUZEKA | N.n. | 15 yrs, Pondo girl of Ndankeni. |
1912 | 4 | N.N. | N.n. | Request for information |
1912 | 5 | KWESHE | Selina | 19 yrs, singe Pondo woman, born Emfundisweni. Sister - Rosalina KWETSHE |
1912 | 6 | PRITCHARD | Hubertus Johannes Auret | 26 yrs, married european man, Attorney of Flagtaff. 2 children. Brother in law - John CAINE? |
1912 | 7 | MALIWA? | N.n. | abt 30 yrs, single Pondo man, born Nqalweni?, residence Ralobile's, Flagstaff district. |
1912 | 8 | ZOKWANA | N.n. | abt 40 yrs, married Pondo man of Langa's. 6 children. |
1912 | 9 | MAKOTA | N.n. | abt 32 yrs, married Pondo man, cart driver of Emgusheni, died Brook's Nek, Mt Ayliff. |
1912 | 10 | NDLOMBOYI | N.n. | abt 12 yrs, Pondo herd boy of Rxala's |
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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch (http://FamilySearch.org : accessed 2013.) Flagstaff; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.
- Hits: 9421