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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

GREEN, John - Extra Data


(member of MENEZES' Party)


See correspondence of William MENEZES, which says that "The Person Named Jno. GREEN with a Wife and Six children has been 15 years in the Army, and was 3 years & 6 months a pay serjeant in the 4 Regt. of Infantry; and 7 years serjeant in the Northampton Militia and belongs to Walmer Parrish out of Employ"


Northamptonshire County Council



William GREEN, widower, and Hannah HARDWICK, widow, were married by banns on 31 May 1778 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

Both made their mark

Witnesses: Wm ADCOCK and Mary HILL 


Hannah the daughter of Richard ELCE was baptised 16th September 1739 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire


Thomas HARDWICK, widower and Hannah ELSE, spinster were married by licence on 26th January 1775 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

Thomas HARDWICK (signed)

Hannah ELSE (X)

Witnesses: John KESTING and Mary PAGE (X)


John son of Wm. GREEN was baptised 29 April 1779 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire (born 27 April)

Thomas son of Wm. GREEN was baptised 30th December 1782 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire


William GREEN, Plasterer was buried 23rd December 1790 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

Hannah GREEN, widow, was buried 29 March 1812 in All Hallows, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire


Family Search


John GREEN married Ann ROWNEY on 16 October 1808 in St.Paul's, Bedford


Memorandum written by Ann ROWNEY in 1865 

My father's name was George ROWNEY, a Freeman, of Bedfordshire, England, My mother's name was Hannah (I don't know what her maiden name was). My father was foreman of a farm belonging to a Mr. SHARP of Bedford, He worked for him for thirty years or upwards. My husband's father's name was John GREEN, his father's name was, to the best of my recol­lection, Richard GREN, of Wellingborough, He was a plasterer by trade, He kept a Public House, the sign of which was a Cow. He had only two sons, Thomas and John, Both were Shoemakers by trade, Thomas was married before John, I don't know his wife's maiden name, He lived in Wellingborough after his marriage.
John GREEN married me in Oct 1808, in St. Paul's Church Bedford, He had been a soldier in the King's Own IV, He had been paysargent and got his discharge through a hurt [saber­wound], When he was about 27 years old. After our marriage we lived in Wellingborough. He still worked at his trade after we were married. We afterwards went to Deal near Dover, where we lived for some time, until we embarked for South-Africa December 27,1819 took 120 days, arriving there April 26, 1820. He worked in Dover for a Mr. MONTUES, who also came out as head of the party.
Thomas GREEN has four children, when I left Wellingborough. The oldest child was a son named Richard, about 5 years old, in or about 1816, as I had 4 children.
There was a William GREEN living in Wellingborough, He was a Butcher and a cousin to my husband, He was well-to-do, and I should, think between 30 and 40 years old, I can't say exactly. The other three children Thomas Green had were girls, but I don't know their names. He may have had more children, but I am speaking of the time when I left Wellingborough.
I had five brothers when I left England; Thomas who was in the 2th Light Dragoons, havi­ng run away from his apprenticeship, William, a cabinet maker in London. He went to America when his time was out, James a blacksmith at Gravesend, George a tailor in Bedford. These were all younger than I, excepting Thomas, who was the oldest, William was married a long time before I came out here. The others were still learning their trade, when I came out to the Cape.
My father died shortly after I was married, and my mother died, I think, in 1831 or 1832 How I know is, that one night when in bed, when George, my youngest son now living, was a baby, as I lay in bed, I saw my mother as plainly as could be, come and open the curtains of the bed. I said to my husband: "Oh here is my mother". and she vanished immediately. I concluded she died then.
My husband's family was the only one of that name in Welling­borough. My husband's father and grandfather were born there, I have heard them speak of it, The old people. My husband's father was dead before I was married, his wife was alive when I was there, and died after our marriage, when we were at Deal, she died at Thomas GREEN's, where she went to live, after we left Wellingborough, While we lived there she lived at Welby, near Wellingborough, I have never heard of Thomas GREEN's death, We never received any letters from any of them, and my husband never wrote. He began several times, but never finished,..This is all I can say now, at present, but what I have said, I believe are the principal things I can remember.


National Archives, Kew, London


RG4/1656 Registers of Ebenezer Wesleyan Chapel, Deal, Kent

Hannah daughter of John & Ann GREEN of Deal was born 18th December 1810 and christened January 20th 1811


Northamptonshire County Council


Mary Ann daughter of John & Ann GREEN, Daventry, Cordwainer, was baptised on 25 May 1814 in Daventry, Northamptonshire

John, son of John & Ann GREEN, Daventry, Cordwainer, was baptised on 25 May 1814 in Daventry, Northamptonshire


Canterbury Cathedral Archives


William son of John & Ann GREEN, Ewell, Shoemaker, was baptised June 7th 1818 in Temple Ewell, Kent

Thomas son of John & Ann GREEN, Ewell, Shoemaker, was baptised June 7th 1818 in Temple Ewell, Kent

James son of John & Ann GREEN, Ewell, Shoemaker, was baptised June 7th 1818 in Temple Ewell, Kent


 [With such a common name as John GREEN it is not possible to be 100% certain that the baptisms of John and Ann's children are the correct ones, but they do seem to fit the facts as known]



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