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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

HOLLAND, Henry - Extra Data


(member of CALTON's Party)

Henry HOLLAND died on board the Albury and is therefore not the ancestor of later HOLLANDs at the Cape


I am indebted to Rob Smith for the following transcriptions:


Nottinghamshire Archives


Henry HOLLAND, a stone mason at Newstead Abbey, and his family and friends ‘hath an inclination to quit thire Native Country, for a foreign Land, we being disposed to proceed as Colonists to the Cape of Good Hope, haveing nothing in view but the cape of Despair in this our Native Land [...] will stick up for the Honour of old England knowing that England exspects every man to do his Duty’

(Notts A: C/QACP5/1/4/14)


To Edward Smith GODFREY Esqr

Sir, We the undersigned do think it our duty to let you know the circumstances which most of us as Colonists to the Cape of good Hope do now labour under in consequence of the unaccounted for delays the prevailing distress is now becoming general, occasioned by haveing Sold up thire little property and liveing upon it being out of employment in consequence of haveing been led to expect every day to be thire last, some have applyed for Parish assistance being quiet destitute but have been peremtorly refused with this promise that if they whould burn thire agreement and give up; they whould then assist them, and unless you can give them farther encouragment as to the time of our departure, they have express’d thire determination to give up the thoughts of going, this Sir, we have briefly stated facts as the are and we wish for an answer as soon as possible, we remain

Sir, yours &c

P.S. Be pleased to direct for Thos HARTLEY Whitesmith
Leeming Lane

HARTLEY, William 24. Blacksmith. w Sarah 25.

HODGKINSON, George 21 [or 26 or 19]. Labourer.

HOLLAND, Henry 22. Stonemason.

HUNT, William 44. Tailor. Wife Mary 50. c Hannah 13, Elizabeth 10.

HUNT, Sarah 20 (daughter of William Hunt).

JACKSON, Samuel 33 [or 36]. Framework knitter. Wife Dorothy 32. c Thomas 4, William 2

Note B. Neither the Soap of Linset woolsay flannel or anything in that wrapper have been served out to the People except myself. G.D.

We assert that the above is correct and you will hear more.

(signed) Thos. HRTLEY S., Blacksmith

Henry HOLLAND, Stone-mason from Mansfield


Numbers embarked & sailed
Men Settlers 56
Women Settlers 25
above 14 yrs. 9
under 14 yrs. 60
Total 150
Died 1 man
Arrived 149


From the Souvenir in Commemoration of the Centenary of the 1820 Settlers of Albany, p. 2):

Dr. CALTON was a stingy man and did not treat us as well as we thought he ought to have done. I suppose we must have grumbled, for he said he would pay us out when he got us on shore. But he did not, for he died in his tent on the shore of Algoa bay about two days after we arrived there. We were God-fearing people, and believed that the Almighty removed him so that he might not harras us. I think he had given way to drink, and that a fever attacked him. There was sickness on board the Albury; a young man named HOLLAND [Henry HOLLAND, aged 22, a stonemason from Newstead Abbey] became so bad that he died. I remember in consequence, I and a lot of other children were washed again and again to prevent us getting the disease.

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