FORRESTER, Richard, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 146
29th July 1819
Availing ourselves of the advantages we may receive from the circular letter which Government houlds out to those who which [wish] to emigrate we beg leave to offer our services to the colony of the Cape of Good Hope to become settlers. We are all able body'd men - I, Samuel LIVERSAGE farmer aged 29 haveing a wife and three children all under fourteen years of age – and I Richard FORRESTER weelright and farmer aged 31 haveing a wife and three children all under fourteen and I James CLARK aged 30 haveing a wife and two children all under fourteen and I Samuel RAVENSCRAFT single, James FORRESTER Do. Philiph HARPER Do. all farmers. We have to beg you will be so kind as to inform us the manner in which we are to act to obtain a passage and where we are to imbark at and in what ship and the particulars of our embarkassion. Richard FORRESTER whiches to know if it is requisit to bring his tools as weelright and to know if any weight of baggage his an obstical.
We are Sir your obedient servants
Please direct to Richard FORRESTER, weelright and farmer
Burslem near Newcastle
[in GOULBURN's hand at foot: his proposal not conforming to the circular cannot be considered]
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