LIVERSAGE, Samuel, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 402
[printed letter, except for italics, written to Samuel LIVERSAGE, care of W.J. KINNERSLEY, Newcastle, Staffordshire]
Downing Street
2nd Sept 1819
In reply to your letter of the 31st instant I am directed by the Earl BATHURST to acquaint you that he cannot take into consideration the wish which you have expressed to be allowed to settle at the Cape of Good Hope, unless your transmit to this Department a detailed Statement of the Number, Names, and Age of all the Persons, Men, Women and Children, whom you propose to take, under your direction, to that Colony, according to the terms specified in the Circular Letter*; nor unless such statement be accompanied by an assurance, that you are ready to conform yourself to all the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands in the Colony.
I am Sir
Your most obedient servant
*PS There must be ten able bodied Men besides yourself
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 401
Sept 18th 1819
My Lord.
I enclose back the list of the names &c of all the persons who I intend to take out to the Cape of Good Hope and I engage to conform to all the conditions on which his Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands in the Colony.
I am your Lordship's most obed't serv't
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
Names of the Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Farmer |
30 |
Ann |
35 |
Elizabeth |
8 |
Ann |
6 |
Catherine |
5 |
Wheelwright |
31 |
Mary |
30 |
John |
7 |
Sarah |
10 |
Joseph |
3 |
Wm. NEIL |
Baker |
27 |
Sarah |
29 |
John? |
8 |
Anne |
5 |
Thomas |
2 |
Farmer |
23 |
Farmer |
35 |
Mary |
33 |
Grace |
4 |
Ann |
4mo |
Thomas MANLEY |
Farmer |
35 |
Margaret |
30 |
Ralph |
12 |
Maray |
8 |
John |
10 |
Ann |
4 |
Thomas |
7 |
Joseph |
5 |
William |
2 |
Farmer |
20 |
Joseph SMITH |
Farmer |
30 |
Mary |
28 |
Thomas |
4 |
Sarah |
6 |
Hanah |
1 |
Farmer |
40 |
Ann |
36 |
John |
11 |
Mary |
16 |
William |
6 |
Sarah |
13 |
George |
4 |
Ann |
7 |
James |
2 |
John BROAD |
Laborer |
29 |
Sarah |
30 |
John |
6 |
Maria |
8 |
Nathaniel |
6 |
Mary |
2 |
Thomas PAYNE |
Bricklayer |
31 |
Sarah |
32 |
Thomas |
9 |
William |
7 |
James |
5 |
John |
1 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 429
November 5th 1819
Honored Sir,
Being disappointed by sickness though I have sent the amount for eleven families to Wm. HILL Esq according to your direction which is one hundred and thirty seven pound ten shilling, there his several families which there names where inserted in the list though they were disappointed in getting the money when we sent ours they which [wish] to know if they would be accepted if they send their money immediately. We hope you'll have the goodness to remit us answer as soon as possible & let us know when we must go and where we must embark at as it will be nessasary to know as we may get at the place in time.
So I remain your truly & obedient servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 442
Nov'r 12 1819
Honored Sir,
I have sent you a list of the names of the Famileys that I take under my direction to the Cape of Good Hope and ham sorey that I omited to send it before but the list is something different than the other as Thos. MANLEY only takes 3 children instead of seven as some are ded and is frends take the other and Joseph SCOOT and Abr'm ROBINSON take thare children with them being widowers as they did not think of taking them at first with them but I ave sent thare names and age and Will'm FORD is in Will'm NEEL's place and I ave send the particulars in this list and we are all in redeness.
I ham your most obed't servent
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
Names of the Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Wheelwright |
Thos. PAYNE |
Charles BREESE |
Infant |
Abraham ROBINSON |
Dead |
Joseph |
5 |
Ann |
3 |
William FORD |
Farmer |
30 |
Hannah |
27 |
George |
5 |
John |
3 |
William |
1 |
Joseph SCOOT |
Dead |
Thomas |
6 |
Mary |
7 |
William HUNT |
Thos. MANLEY |
Margarett |
Ralph |
12 |
John |
10 |
William |
2 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 445
November 22 1819
Honored Sir,
I ave receved your letter of the 17 instant and I ave inclosed the list of the persons that intend to accompany me to the Cape of Good Hope and ham very sorrey that I have put you to so much truble. I should be glad to ave you answer as soon as convenant as to hower [our] imbarkation as we are nearist to Liverpool.
I ham your most obed't and humble servent
Burslem, Staffordshire
2 Dec'r 1819
I have received your favor of 29th November (requesting me to remit the sum of £137.10) in reply to which I beg leave to acquaint you the same was remitted on the 6th ult by Mr. Wm. KINNERSLY & Sons of Newcastle Bankers as you will observe from the annexed acknowledgement. I hope you will now favor me with an early answer with proper instructions how I must now proceed as the party are waiting very impatiently & upon a considerable expence.
I am Sir
Your ob't hbl sv't
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