KINNERSLEY, W re LIVERSAGE's Party, 1820 Settlers
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 211
Aug 31 1819
My Lord,
A party of ten men under the guidance of one Sam'l LIVERSAGE all residing in the Parish of Burslem in the County of Staffordshire have requested me to apply to yr Lordship for information as to the measures necessary for them to take to go out as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope. On the other side is a list of them, their families and occupations. They are all provided with the money necessary to make the required lodgements and intend also to take out with them a supply of tools and such necessaries as they are likely to want. From the information which I have obtained they appear very likely to be desirable colonists.
I have the honor to be
Your Lordship's mo ob hbl svt
Sam'l LIVERSAGE Farmer Wife and 3 children under 14 years
Rich'd FORRESTER Wheelwright Wife and 3 children under 14 years
Jas. CLARK Blacksmith Wife and 3 children under 14 years
Thos. MANDLEY Brickmaker Wife and 7 children under 14 years
George NICKLENSON Labourer Wife and 2 children under 14 years
Thos. ROBINSON Labourer Single
Matt LOWE Labourer Single
Jas, FORRESTER Labourer Single
Philip HARPER Carpenter Wife
Sam'l EARDLEY Labourer Wife and two children under 14 years
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