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A Bibliography of Published Articles by Colin Graham Botha

by Anne Lehmkuhl

to complement the article in genesis July 2004
(this bibliography is not exhaustive)

1796-1936. Groote Schuur Mill; South African Baker and Miller, March 1936

276 years ago to-day; Cape Times, 06 Apr 1928

300 Years: Van Riebeeck Festival; published by Cilliers de Wet, Johannesburg, 1950

A brief guide to the various classes of documents in the Cape Archives for the period 1652-1806; printed by Cape Times, Cape Town, 1918

A brief historical note on Hemel and Aarde; South African Journal of Science 27, 1930, p. 576

A Cape funeral in 1751; Cape Argus, 16 Jul 1913

A central road board at work in 1844; Cape Times, 28 May 1926

A Central Road Board: Activities in 1847; Cape Times, 23 Jul 1926

A central road board: eighty years ago: a boom in bridge building; Cape Times, 04 Jun 1926

A century of gas; Cape Times, 08 Oct 1945

A European’s Life among the Kaffirs in the seventeenth century; Cape Times, 24 Sept 1927

A European's life among the Kaffirs in the seventeenth century; Cape Times, 26 Oct 1927

A great heritage: Groote Schuur; South African Woman's Magazine, Mar 1927

A holiday on wheels; Cape Times, 08 Oct 1926

A naval action in Table Bay; Cape Times, 06 Nov 1926

A pirate who visited South Africa; Cape Times Supplement, 24 Dec 1927

A tombstone of two centuries ago; Cape Times, 11 Jun 1921

A voyage to Europe in 1751; The Outspan, 03 May 1935

A voyage to the Cape in 1798; Cape Times, 27 Jul 1917

A wedding in bygone days; Cape Argus, Dec 1922

Adderley street sign. Relic of old Cape Town in museum; Cape Times, 31 Mar 1931

Advertising over 100 years; Cape Times, 21 Oct 1932

Agriculture at the Cape; Cape Times, 07 Jul 1928

Along the Peninsula Roads; Cape Times, 21 Aug 1925

An 18th century manuscript on agricultural improvement at the Cape; South African Journal of Science 27, 1930, pp. 673-575

An eighteenth century Law Library; South African Law Journal, 52. 1935, pp. 169-180

An eighteenth century romance of the Cape; Cape Times, 03 Apr 1926

An exiled prince at the Cape; The Outspan, 17 Aug 1934

An old Cape family. A South African fighting under Wellington; Cape Times, 23 Jul 1916

An old cry - South Africa's first hard roads; Cape Times, 21 Sept 1928

Another early reformer of Cape affairs; The Outspan, 13 Jul 1934

Archival problems in South Africa; South African Journal of Science 18 (3-4), 1922

Archives and records; Official Year Book of South Africa 8, 1925-1927

Archives of the Cape of Good Hope; Official Yearbook of South Africa, 7, l 925, pp. s-6

Ascent of Table Mountain in 1665; Cape Times, 29 Jan 1927

Beginnings of Tulbagh; Cape Times, 07 Apr 1928

Brethern of the coast - the story of an encounter with a pirate in South African waters; The Outspan, 14 Jul 1933

Brethern of the Coast (From the story of Guillaume Chenut); Cape Times, 04 Aug 1926

Bygone busses - road transportation services in pre-railway days; Cape Times, 29 Nov 1929

Callings and business of Cape Town; Cape Times, 24 Apr 1926

Cape Town in the old days; Cape Times, 22 Nov 1927

Cape Town's early industries, ninety years ago; Cape Times, 10 Apr 1926

Capital Punishment at the Cape; Cape Times, 31 Jul 1926

Castle Cup (F.E.Fowle); The Castle, Cape Town, 1919

Christmas and New Year in old Cape Town; Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 21 Dec 1946

Christmas and New Year: of other days; Cape Times supplement, 24 Dec 1927

Christmas in Cape Town 100 years ago; Cape Times, 17 Dec 1929

Civil Service hours of long ago; The Service, Jan 1920

Criminal procedure at the Cape during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; South African Law Journal 32, Nov 1915

Dassen Island in the early days; Cape Times, 22 Aug 1928

De Hugenoten in Zuid-Afrika; De Kerkbode, 18 Oct 1917

Die Kaapse Hugenote; published by Nasionale Pers, Cape Town, 1939

Die ou Kaapse Parlement; Suid-Afrika, Oct 1954

Die wonings van ons voor-ouders; Oudtshoorn Courant, 5 Dec 1912

Do opportunities recur?; The Outspan, 10 Feb 1928

Dr.Samuel Bailey, the Cape's hospital Pioneer; Cape Times, 30 Apr 1936

Du Toit's Kloof Pass. Early Road-making schemes which failed; Cape Times, 15 Nov 1929

Early agricultural societies at the Cape of Good Hope; Province Agricultural Society, Mar 1922

Early business methods; Cape Times, 28 Jul 1928

Early Cape Land tenure; South African Law Journal 36, May-Aug 1919, pp.149-160, 225-233

Early Cape Laws - rigid enactments of Dutch East India Company; Cape Times, 3 Dec 1917

Early Cape matrimonial law; South African Law Journal 31, Aug 1914

Early Civil Service Commissions; The Public Servants Magazine, Dec 1924

Early coaching days. Road transportation services of a century ago; Cape Times, 26 Feb 1932

Early defence system in South Africa; The Nongqai, Aug.1944, pp. 899-901

Early forms of punishment; Cape Argus, 14 Oct 1922

Early history of mining in South Africa; Official Yearbook of South Africa 15, 1934, pp. 28-30

Early history of St.Helena; Cape Times, 30 Jun 1928

Early history of the Cape Province as illustrated by Dutch Place names; South African Journal of Science 19, Dec 1922, pp.431-438

Early inferior courts of justice at the Cape; South African Law Journal 38, Nov 1921, pp.406-423

Early influence of the English Law upon the Roman Dutch Law in South Africa; South African Law Journal 40, 1923, pp.396-406

Early inquests and post-mortems at the Cape 1652-1825; South African Medical Record 14 (4), Feb 1916

Early juvenile affairs in South Africa; The Careers Guide, Aug 1934

Early legal practitioners of the Cape Colony; South African Law Journal (41), 1924, pp.255-262

Early Place names of the Cape; Cape Times, 29 May 1926

Early postal service; Cape Times, 30 Dec 1927

Early Postal system in South Africa; Cape Times, 19 Mar 1927

Early racing at the Cape; Cape Times, 25 Jun 1927

Early road administration at the Cape in Official Yearbook of South Africa 14, 1933, pp. 11-14 Early Road communications; Official Yearbook of South Africa 11, 1930, pp.747-748

Early road laws - parking problems 120 years ago; Cape Times, 05 Sept 1930

Early Road making in South Africa; The South Africa Annual, Dec 1934

Early road transport in South Africa; The Outspan, 23 Jun 1937

Early Road-making; Cape Times, 10 Dec 1928

Early settles in the Oudtshoorn district; Oudtshoorn Courant, 21 Dec 1923

Early streets of Cape Town, Cape Times, 08 May 1926 Echoes of the past: an army surgeon's experiences in South Africa; Cape Times, 27 Aug 1927

Eighteenth century farming at the Cape. A treasure from the Union Archives; Cape Times, 07 Mar 1931

Exiled princes at the Cape — Robben Island a convict settlement — the story of Sheikh Joseph; Cape Argus, 23 Sept 1922

Extracts from registers of deaths at the Cape of Good Hope 1795-1815; The Genealogist 29, 1913

Extracts from the register of deaths at the Cape of Good Hope 1816-1826; The Genealogist 32, 1915

Extracts of baptisms at the Cape of Good Hope 1810-1821; The Genealogist 30, 1914

Extracts of marriages at the Cape of Good Hope 1806-1821; The Genealogist 30, 1914

Familiewapen; Die Huisgenoot, 12 Apr 1946

Famous shipwrecks in Table Bay; Cape Argus, 23 Dec 1916

First breakwater and docks in Cape Town; Cape Times, 18 Jan 1947

French Hoek Pass - we want good roads - a century-old cry; Cape Times, 04 Oct 1929

From sail to steam; Cape Times Week-end Magazine, Children's Supplement, 23 Nov 1946

Further Monumental inscriptions at the Cape of Good Hope; Genealogist's Magazine 11 (1), Mar 1951

Genealogical records of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope; Genealogist's Magazine 10 (4), Dec 1947

Geskiedenis van die drukpers maatskappy Van der Sandt de Villiers & kie; Ons Land, 08 Apr 1930

Gewoontes van ons voorouers; Die Boervrou, Jan 1925

God's acre; Cape Argus, 10 Jul 1913

Hectic new years of the old days; The Outspan, 01 Jan 1937

Historical Research in South Africa, with special reference to the Cape Archives; South African Journal of Science 15 (3), Oct-Dec 1919, pp.177-185

Historical review of the Lodge De Goede Hoop; printed by Citadel Press, Cape Town, 1922

History of place names. When silkworms breed in Spin-street; Cape Times, 01 Feb 1930

History of Robben Island; Cape Times, 01 Sept 1928

Home life in the early days at the Cape; Our Home, 01 Jul 1922

Housing South African Archives: the new building at Bloemfontein; Cape Times, 10 Aug 1927

How Australia got a start - First merino's from the Cape; Cape Times, 29 Nov 1929

How Cape Town became known as the tavern of the seas; The Outspan, 12 Jul 1929

How Graaff-Reinet got its name; Cape Times, 20 Dec 1927

How the Roeland Street Goal came to be built; Cape Times, 13 Aug 1930

Iets oor Ou Kaapstad; Die Boervrou, Jun 1924

In the days of Father Tulbagh; Cape Argus, Xmas No., 1917

In the days of slavery at the Cape; British South Africa Annual, Dec 1933

In the days of slavery; Cape Argus, 18 Nov 1922

In the days of Van Riebeeck; Cape Argus, 06 Apri 1929

In the days of windjammers and shellbacks. A voyage to the Cape in 1798; The Outspan, 20 Dec 1928

Incidents in Cape History; Cape Times, 14 May 1927

Instructions for the Surgeons on the Dutch East Indiamen in the seventeenth century; South African Medical Record 22 (20), 1924, pp. 479-480

Intestate succesion; South African Law Journal 34, May 1917

Jewish pioneers in South Africa. Merchants and traders who helped to open up the country; Cape Times, 21 Sept 1933

John Macadam (maker of modern roads) died 100 years ago; Cape Times, 04 Dec 1936

Jonkheer Gerard Beelaerts van Blokland (1772-1843) Attorney-General at the Cape 1803-1806; South African Law Journal 39 (11), 1922, pp.147-153

Legislation of other days; Cape Times, 23 Oct 1926

Links with St.Helena; Cape Times, 02 Jul 1927

Louis Michel Thibault 1750-1815; Architect Builder and Engineer, Jun 1924

Market places of the Cape; Cape Times, 26 Jun 1926

Mauritius and the Cape; Cape Times, 31 Aug 1946

Medicine in the early days at the Cape; Souvenir brochure of the 37th medical congress at Cape Town, 1945

Michell's Pass; Cape Times, 20 Feb 1925

Old Cape buildings; Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 07 Sept 1946

Old Cape forms and ceremonies; The South African Quarterly, Jun-Aug 1915

Old Cape Town. Where was the passer?; Cape Times, 18 Jan 1947

Old Dutch weights and measures at the Cape; The Outspan, 14 Aug 1936

Ons Monumente; Die Huisgenoot, Jul 1926

Onze voorouders; De Goede Hoop, 01 Jul 1913

Ostentation and extravagance barred; Cape Times, 17 Apr 1926

Ou gewoontes in die Kaap; Die Huisgenoot, 27 Jun 1924

Our Archives; Public Service, May-Dec 1935

Our South Africa Past and Present - Ons Suid-Afrika voorheen en tans. A graphic and entertaining story dealing with men and matters concerning South Africa from its first discovery by the great Portuguese Navigators up to the present day; published by United Tobacco Co. and Cape Times Ltd., Cape Town, 1938

Out of de Mist (Uitenhage); Cape Times, 05 Jan 1928

Outspans; Cape Times, 11 Jun 1926

Pages from the past - old time customs, etc.; South African Railways and Harbours Magazine, Dec 1918

Past and future of Robben Island; Cape Times, 07 Nov 1934

Pirates at the Cape of Good Hope - How the burghers captured Captain Tew; Cape Times, 14 Dec 1929

Place names in the Cape district - their origin and history; printed for the South Afican National Society for the Preservation of places of historical interest, Cape Town, 1917

Place Names in the Cape Province; published by Juta & Co., Cape Town, 1926

Place names of South Africa's Coast; Cape Times, 07 Jun 1930

Pomp and Ceremony at the Cape, early sumptuary Laws; Cape Argus, Xmas Number, 1919

Press gleanings in other days in Cape Times, 15 May 1926 Prices in the eighteenth century; South African Journal of Science 20, 1923, pp.552-554

Public Archives and the Records of the Cape of Good Hope; Official Yearbook of South Africa 10, 1929

Quaint early customs at the Cape; Cape Supplement, April 1936

Records of the Cape of Good Hope 1806-1814; Official Yearbook of South Africa 9, 1926-1927

Road and Rail transport. Wynberg bus competition of ninety years ago; Cape Times, 22 Jan 1931

Roads a century ago, a 1824 report; Cape Times, 02 Apr 1926

Roads and Trekpaths; Cape Times, 2 Jul 1926

Roads in 1848: opening of Michell's Pass and birth of Ceres; Cape Times,

13 Aug 1926 Romance of early place names; Cape Times, 15 Apr 1927

Royal visitors to the Cape; Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 07 Aug 1946

Salvage at the Cape in the early days; Cape Times, 12 Jun 1926

Seereis van Hugenote na die Kaap; Paarl Post, 11 Aug 1939

Severe Punishments, early Criminal records of the Cape; Cape Argus 29 Aug 1925

Sir John Andries Truter, LL.D. 1763-1845, Chief Justice of the Cape of Good Hope; South African Law Journal 35, May 1918

Social Customs in South Africa during the 18th Century; South African Journal of Science (22), 1925, pp. 540-551

Social life in South Africa two centuries ago; South African Lady's Pictorial, Jan 1916

Social Life in the Cape; published by Juta & Co., Cape Town, 1926

Some Early expeditions. Blazing the Trail; Cape Times, 12 Nov 1926

Some early exploring expeditions and travels in South Africa; published by Cape Times, 1916

Some early industries; Cape Times, 08 Jan 1927

Some early landmarks of the Cape; South African Railways and Harbour Magazine, Dec 1927

Some monumental inscriptions at the Cape of Good Hope; Genealogist’s Magazine, 10 (13), Mar 1950

Some Road History; Cape Times, 03 Sept 1926

Some wayside history; Cape Times, 11 Sept 1925

South African coastal place names; Cape Times, 07 Aug 1926

South Africa's first hotels - an interesting historical survey; The Catering Trade's Journal, Jun 1929

South Africa's oldest Export Industry - the history of wine farming at the Cape; Cape Times Annual, Dec 1934

Stellenbosch: glimpses into its early history; Cape Times, 18 Oct 1927

Stellendam: a glance at its early history; Cape Times, 20 Oct 1927

Survivors of an early wreck; Cape Times, 13 Aug 1927

Taking a new look at the Union. Exploration-Settlement-Transport; The

Voter, Aug 1949 The adventures of John Benbow; Cape Times, 17 Dec 1927

The birth of printing in South Africa; Cape Times, 07 Sept 1946

The birth of Somerset-West; Cape Times, 16 Aug 1928

The Canals of Cape Town - early street history; Cape Times, 04 Sept 1926

'The Cape doctor'; Cape Times, 26 Oct 1946

The Cape Hospital Board 1913-1949 with a survey of hospital developments in the Cape Peninsula from early times; published by Blackshaw & Sons, Cape Town, 1950

The Cape Supreme Court; South African Law Journal 49, 1932, pp. 453-461

The Castle of Good Hope; The Nongqai, pp. 643-647, Jun 1944

The Castle of the Cape; Silver Leaves, 1952, pp. 35-39

The Central Road Board 1843-1858. History which is repeating itself to-day; Cape Times, 23 Jan 1931

The century of Sir Lowry's Pass. When waggons were unloaded and goods carried by slaves; Cape Times, 04 Jul 1930

The Civil Service Club 1858-1938; The Club, Cape Town, 1939

The Common and Statute Law at the Cape of Good Hope during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries; South African Law Journal 30, Aug 1913

The construction of Sir Lowry's Pass, Cape Times, 07 May 1926 The Court of Vice-Admiralty; Cape Argus, 14 Sept 1914

The development of printing and newspaper publication in the Union; Official Year Book of South Africa 16, 1934, pp. 32-33

The dispersion of the Stock farmer in the Cape Colony in the eighteenth century; South African Journal of Science 20, 1923, pp.574-580

The early days of Robben Island - rabbit farm and convict settlement; Cape Times, 10 Dec 1930

The early development of South Africa; South African Journal of Science 19, Dec 1922, pp.13-16

The early French refugees brought honour and prosperity to our country; The Outspan, 13 Apr 1945

The early Highways of South Africa; The Outspan, 21 May 1937

The early history of Worcester; Cape Times, 20 Sept 1927

The fascination of old maps; Cape Times, 18 Jan 1936

The Father of the mother city; Cape Argus, 06 Apr 1927

The First Home Guard; Silver Leaves, 1950, pp. 116-117

The first public hospital in South Africa; Health and Medicine, Jun 1946

The first South African to be made a knight; The Outspan, 28 Sept 1934

The flat-roofed house in old Cape Town; Architect, Builder and Engineer, Nov 1921

The founding of Cape Town; Cape Times, 08 Apr 1930

The French refugees and the medical profession at the Cape of Good Hope; South African Medical Record 12 (5), 14 Mar 1914

The French refugees at the Cape; 2nd print, Cape Town, 1921

The French refugees at the Cape; published by Cape Times Ltd, 1919

The grain and wool stores at Mossel and Plettenberg Bay respectively, 1786; George and Knysna Herald, 04 Jun 1919

The Historic Peninsula; British South Africa Annual, Dec 1932

The history of early discovery and exploration in South Africa 1652-1795; Official Yearbook of South Africa, 7, 1925, pp. 11-20

The History of the Castle at The Cape of Good Hope; Lantern 7 (3), Mar 1958, pp. 214-217

The Honourable William Menzies 1795-1850, Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope; South African Law Journal 33, Nov 1916

The Huguenots in South Africa; Proceeding of the Huguenot Society of London 13 (6), 1929

The Huguenots; Cape Times Week-end Magazine, 13 Apr 1946

The Lutheran Church; Cape Times, 10 Sept 1927

The maker of Dover's powder; an interesting glimpse of early South African History; The Outspan, 30 May 1930

The material available for early South African history; The South African Quarterly, Dec 1919

The medical profession at the Cape during the eighteenth century; South African Medical Record 10 (24), 28 Dec 1912, p.540

The men who trekked; Escom, Dec 1936

The old Order changes; The Headlight, Jun 1930

The Old Supreme Court Building, Cape Town; Lantern II (3), Mar 1962, pp. 32-38

The old windmill - Groote Schuur; South African Miller and Grain Trader, Feb 1935

The origin of Government departments at the Cape; The Service, Jul 1919

The peninsula and Hottentots Holland bartered for; Cape Argus, 20 Jan 1923

The Pioneer; Die Staatsamptenaar, Dec 1938

The policing of town and village in the early days at the Cape; The Nongqai, Dec 1915

The preservation of our historical monuments; The Monitor, 15 Mar 1946

The preservation of our National Monuments; South Afrcan Journal of Science 18, Dec 1921, pp.195-196

The preservation of our National Monuments; South African Journal of Science 18, 01-02 Dec 1920

The Public Archives - their value to scientific research; South African Journal of Science (21), 1924, pp. 120-130

The Public Archives of South Africa 1652-1910; published by Cape Times, Cape Town, 1928

The Public Prosecutor of early days; The Nongqai, Sept 1944, pp. 1079-1080

The rise of the tearoom-cafe, a revolution in urban social customs; The Catering Trade's Journal, Jun 1929

The science of Archives in South Africa; South African Journal of Science 34, 1937, pp. 1-17

The smelly old days: when the 'Cape Doctor' was a boon; Cape Times, 16 Jun 1934

The Somerset Hospital celebrates its hundredth birthday; published by Nasionale Handelsdrukkery, Elsiesrivier, 1959

The Supreme Medical Committee 1807; South African Medical Record 13 (6), 27 Mar 1915

The valley of the Huguenots; British South Africa Annual, Dec 1931

The Voortrekkers; Cape Argus, 04 Jun 1927

The wreck of the Stavenisse; Cape Times, 29 Oct 1927

Then and now in the Mother city - Life in old Cape Town; Cape Times Annual, 1932

They had a 'rule of the road' in ox-waggon days; Cape Times Weekend Magazine, 16 Mar 1946

To make one blue frock coat - four guineas; The Outspan, 19 Feb 1937

Tourists of other days; Cape Times, 17 Apr 1925

Travelling in the early days of the Cape; Annual of Mountain Club of South Africa, 1917

Treasure hunting in the old days; The Outspan, 29 Apr 1932

Under the Jolly Roger. Pirates in Table Bay; Cape Times, 04 Sept 1926

Union's six oldest towns - perpetuating names of governors; Cape Times, 26 Jun 1930

Van Riebeeck's Day - landmarks of the 17th century; Cape Times, 06 Apr 1929

Van Riebeeck's Day; Cape Times, 06 Apr 1927

Vicissitudes of Old Supreme Court Building; Cape Argus, 04 Oct 1924

Volunteers of the Nineteenth century; The Nongqai, Oct 1944, pp. 1155-1156

What a South African learns in America; Cape Argus, 26 Apr 1924

When a South African goes to the States; Cape Argus, 12 Apr 1924

When pirates chased their victims into Table Bay; Cape Argus, 20 Dec 1930

When Robinson Crusoe visited South Africa; Radio Week, 22 Mar 1946

Where undertakers hold exhibitions (A South African in the States); Cape Argus, 29 Mar 1924

Who are the six greatest men in South African History?; The Outspan, 30 Dec 1927

Windjammers and Shellbacks at the Cape; British South Africa Annual, Dec 1935

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum; Cape Times, 18 Aug 1928

Zeekoe Vlei. History of a popular resort; Cape Times, 10 Jan 1931

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