Mailing lists and other groups hosts the erstwhile Rootsweb mailing lists which are no longer operative but their archives can still be searched. There are a number which relate to South Africa to be found here: Mailing Lists: South Africa
South African Genealogy
A Group to communicate with fellow genealogists regarding any South African Genealogy and to improve our knowledge of South African History. You can post your messages in any language you prefer, however we suggest English as we do have members abroad who would not be able to understand Afrikaans. We try to help one another, no matter the cultural background.
In order to post messages you will need to subscribe, but its archives of messages can be accessed and searched without subscription: South African Genealogy Archive
SAGenealogie - Groep om met mede-genealogienavorsers te kan saamwerk om Suid-Afrikaanse (en Afrikaanse) genealogie te bevorder
Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group, edited by Dr Saul Issroff. Its aims are to bring together Jewish genealogy researchers with a common interest in Southern Africa.
West Gauteng Branch of the GSSA Blogspot - an interesting collection of articles on various subjects of interest to genealogists.
British Immigrants - discussion and sharing of information about immigrants from the United Kingdom to South Africa prior to 1900. Past messages are available in the Rootsweb archives and can also be searched in a rudimentary fashion.
Buitenposten - a South African genealogy and social history discussion group. The main language medium is Afrikaans and English, but contributions in other languages are welcome. Past messages are available in the Rootsweb archives and can also be searched in a rudimentary fashion.
SAGenealogie - South African Genealogy discussion group with Afrikaans as the discussion language. Its web page is here. Its archives are only availabie to its members.
South Africa - a mailing list for anyone interested in Southern African genealogy and related topics. Discussion is conducted mainly in English and Afrikaans but other languages are welcome. Past messages are available in the Rootsweb archives and can also be searched in a rudimentary fashion.
South Africa - Eastern Cape - mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the province of Eastern Cape, South Africa. Discussion is conducted mainly in English. Past messages are available in the Rootsweb archives and can also be searched in a rudimentary fashion.
Southern Africa Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group, edited by Dr Saul Issroff. Its aims are to bring together Jewish genealogy researchers with a common interest in Southern Africa.
West Gauteng Branch of the GSSA Blogspot - an interesting collection of articles on various subjects of interest to genealogists.
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