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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1859 1 January - April

4 January 1859

The Royal Mail steamer Norman, belonging to the Union Company, arrived in Plymouth on Tuesday with the mails from Cape Town and Natal of the 20th November. Having performed the voyage five days within the time, the company will receive a bonus of £50 per day in addition to the subsidy. The following is a list of the passengers -
Captain SQUIRE
Captain LUCAS
Mr. & Mrs. MORRIS, two children and a nurse
Mrs. BELL and three children
Mr. & Mrs. RYAN and three children
Lieutenant HARVEY

The Royal Mail steamer Phoebe, Captain CLARK, belonging to the Union Steam Shipping Company, arrived in Table Bay on the 11th November, having accomplished the passage in 36 days. She had on board the following passengers-
Mrs. J. REID
Mr. & Mrs. H. REID and infant
Mr. & Mrs. GILBERT
Mr. & Mrs. J.C. BERRANGE and family
Mr. Charles WATSON
C.M.R. Ensign Van HOMINGH
Mr. & Mrs. G. WATKINS and child (died on the 10th November)
Mrs. M'GRATH and five children
Mr. CORLEY - one male and three female servants

The Royal Mail Steamer Celt will sail for the Cape and Natal from Southampton on the 5th inst, calling at Devonport. She will take out the following passengers-
FOR CAPE TOWN - Mr. & Mrs. HILLIERS and two children
Mr. Charles WILLIAMS
Lieutenant BORFORD
Captain BARTON and servant
Mr. TURPIN and friend

The Skimmer of the Seas was dispatched yesterday by Messrs. Falconer and Mercer from Gravesend for Algoa Bay. She took the following passengers -
Mr. & Miss RICKARDS, assistant and servant
Mr. & Mrs. H.S. CARLETON and infant
Messrs. HALIBURTON (2)


Previous to 1838 the only sheep with few exceptions to be found in the colony was the broad-tailed Cape sheep, bearing no wool. About that year, however, Captain ROBB, the commander of a vessel trading with some of the Australian colonies, brought hither a few merino sheep. They were found to be much superior to the fat tails and admirably suited to the country. In 1833 the wool exported was in all but 113,077 lbs, now it is upwards of sixteen million pounds. Flocks of the finest woolled sheep are to be found in the grazing districts, recently too the Angora goat has been introduced and is becoming a favorite.

In 1843 a public board was appointed to superintend the construction of roads. They first opened up a main line from Cape Town to the interior and mountain passes were constructed over the principal ranges in the Western and EasternProvinces.

In the maritime point of view, too, much could be said of the harbours of the Cape. To make Table Bay a safe port of refuge, the Colonial Parliament have passed an enactment by which moneys will be raised to construct a breakwater, and this work will be commenced within twelve months at the furthest. A company has been formed who are to apply to Parliament next year for powers to enable them to form a dock in Simon's Bay.

The Fine Arts Exhibition had been opened at Cape Town. The collection of oil paintings, prints and photographs is said to be very creditable. An elaborate address was delivered at the opening by the Rev. H.A. DOUGLAS, Dean of Cape Town.

We regret to learn that Major HOPE, the Late Auditor-General, has left his widow and family very moderately provided for. It had been determined to raise a "Hope Testimonial Fund" and a committee was appointed consisting of forty influential gentleman.

The colony is peaceful and prosperous.


The contract agreed upon between the Government and the Cape Town Railway and Dock Company for the construction of the first colonial railway from Cape Town to Wellington had been published. The engineer and workmen engaged to commence the work were expected to arrive by the middle of next month and they would at once enter upon their labours

The colony has to congratulate itself in possessing a horse-taming disciple of Mr. Rarey in the person of Dr. OTTO of Swellendam. A correspondent of the Argus writes from that place as follows: -
Dr W.J. OTTO, son of John OTTO Esq., of this place who took lessons of the celebrated horse-tamer Mr. RAREY while in London on Monday last, succeeded with the greatest facility in effectually taming a most vicious horse, the property of a gentleman of this town. The usual Rarey test of allowing the operator to lie down upon him, beat his hoofs together were endured with the utmost indifference by the horse after his mysterious interview with the operator.

The Malmesbury district Agricultural Society held their first annual show and fair on Wednesday in the village of Malmesbury. There was a fair show of agricultural stock and produce, but very few implements were exhibited. A portable steam engine was sent out from Cape Town by the Metropolitan Society but it did not reach Malmesbury in time. A number of samples of wine were shown and the prize awarded to Mr. D. SMUTS for a red wine.

25th Oct at Cape Town, Mr. Michael COETZEE , to Miss Mary Ann SMITH
26th Oct at Cape Town Mr. Joseph Warren BRUCE, to Miss Margaret Maria CURTIN

28 Oct at Cape Town, John Peter, son of Mr. J. RIDGWAY, aged 10 years
28 Oct at Cape Town, Mr. J.P. POWELL , aged 56 years
01 Nov, Johannes Alexander, son of Mr. Wm. J. SMITH , aged 4 years
11 Oct at Cape Town, Mr. J. HEDENBURG aged 34 years
15 Oct at Cape Town, Margaret MILLER , aged 2 years
20 Oct at Cape Town, Jose RODRIQUEZ , aged 27 years
20 Oct at Cape Town, Jacob WATSON, aged 18 months
20 Oct at Cape Town, Maria KENNEDY, aged 4 months
24 Oct at Cape Town, Mr. Felix KEARNS, aged 25 years
25 Oct at Cape Town, Maria DE WIT, aged 3 years
25 Oct at Cape Town, Wm.R. KEYES aged 5 months
03 Nov at Cape Town, Charlotte Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Edward JONES, aged 22 years
19 Oct at Cape Town, Christina, daughter of Mrs. Emily PLUNKET, aged 3 years
22 Sep at Cape Town, Caroline M.T., wife of Mr. G.S. DEVOLLl, aged 18 years
07 Oct at Cape Town, Mr. Robert Turner, of New Brunswick, aged 25 years
09 Oct at Cape Town, Mr. Alex. CUMMING, aged 52 years
11 Oct at Cape Town, Mrs. Eliza LONG, aged 37 years.


His Excellency, in passing through Port Elizabeth on his way from the Sovereignty to Cape Town, laid the foundation stone of a handsome structure to be erected for the purpose of a Town Hall, Library and Athenaeum. The new Hospital has been completed during the month. It is an ornament to the town and cannot fail to prove a great blessing. The GreyInstitute School buildings are nearly completed.
An effort has been made to raise funds to erect a Sailor's Bethel, and also to open without loss of time, a Sailor's Home in this port.

Immigrants were anxiously looked for, only one vessel had arrived at Port Elizabeth up to the present time. The inhabitants were anxiously looking out for a second arrival.

The Graham's Town Journal publishes the following - A conservatory is being erected in the Botanical Gardens of Graham's Town, commemorative of the death of Col. FORDYCE, of the 74th Highlanders who was killed in the Waterkloof during the last war. It may appear somewhat singular to a distant reader to hear of a monumental conservatory, but the committee thought they might combine the utile et dulce in this way. The memorative is imparted by the coat of arms of the deceased on glass, by an inscription over the facade of the building and a marble bust is to be erected inside


It is stated that some of the Free State Boers are turning their attention towards this colony and that several farms had changed hands in the upland districts. This, it was expected would lead to the introduction of sheep on a large scale.

The Natal Journal, which had been published for two years and was latterly edited by Dr.MANN F.R.A.S. has ceased to exist as a periodical. The Cape Monthly Magazine is now the only literary periodical in existence in South Africa. The Mercury republishes several articles from the Cape newspapers on the subject of the federation scheme proposed by Sir George GREY.

IVORY- A large quantity of ivory has come into Maritzburg during the last ten days, not less, with what is on the road, than 50,000lbs weight. We fear there will be severe losses on this unless the price recovers before it reaches England. - Mercury.

On 10 Oct. Mrs. Alex. M'ARTHUR, of Durban, of a daughter
On 16 Oct, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. BLOCH, of a son
On 19 Oct, Mrs. PAYNE, of a son
On 20 Oct, Mrs. WILSON, of a daughter
On 06 Nov, at Durban, Mrs. D.M. BARNES,of a son

On the 20th Oct. at Durban, Hugh GILLESPIE Esq. to Marianne, youngest daughter
of the late D.S. CHURCHILL Esq. of Nottingham.
On the 14th Oct. at Durban, H.E. STAINBANK, Esq., to Eliza, daughter of R. MUNRO
On the 28th Sep, Mr. W. SMITH, to Martha Hannah, daughter of J. GILLETT, of New Germany.

31 January 1859

The scrutineers appointed to examine the votes given at the election for the Legislative Council have completed their work, and the Government Gazette has officially announced the names of the gentlemen who have been elected.
Eastern Province
Mr. Joseph CAWOOD
Mr. Charles POTE
Mr. William SOUTHEY
Mr. Ludwig Johan Frederick VON MALTITZ
Mr. James Henry GREATHEAD

Western Province
Mr. Joseph BARRY
Mr. John STEIN
Mr. Petrus Emanuel ROUBAIX
Mr. Hercules Cross JARVIS
Mr. Johan Hendrik WICHT
Mr. Dirk Gysbert VAN BREDA
Mr. Francis William REITZ
Mr. Henry Thomas VIGNE
The last-named gentlemen consequently loses his seat, but having protested against the return of Mr. WICHT for bribery and corruption, an inquiry is likely to take place.

Owing to the subsidence of the small-pox, communication with the country districts was again freely opened and business had received a considerable stimulus. Property sales in all parts of the country show a favourable advance in the value of land and buildings. Farms which were originally sold for a “mere song”, had realized very considerable prices.

Capt. BEDINGFIELD R.N. who accompanied the Livingstone expedition to the Zambesi, returned to Cape Town by H.M. St Lyra a week or two ago and subsequently proceeded in the Sanspareil to England. It appears that some mutual misunderstanding of a trifling character between Captain BEDINGFIELD and the leader of the expedition was the occasion of his withdrawal from it.

The Royal Mail steamer Phoebe, belonging to the Union Company, arrived at Plymouth on Wednesday, the 26th instant, having made a very quick passage from the Cape where she left on the 22nd Dec. She brings the following passengers –
For St. Helena
Messrs. SCOTT and WESTON.
For Southampton
Captain and Mrs. KOLLING
Captain ISNARD
2nd Class – Mr.WIDDE and Miss WIDDE (2)
Rev. Canon JENKINS
Mr. G. WATKINS and boy
3rd Class – Mr. BROWN


It is satisfactory to be assured that the small-pox has ceased to be epidemic in Cape Town. There were a few  sporadic cases of it to be met with here and there, but as a general epidemic it had run its full course.

Great dissatisfaction is expressed in the colony at the operations of the Immigration Commissioners in England.The last ship load of immigrants arrived at Table Bay upwards of three months ago, and the total number for the EasternProvince and the West together during the year had been only 1,621.

At a meeting of Green Point residents in connexion with the EnglishChurch, plans were submitted of the  proposed new chapel to be erected at Green Point. The design agreed upon is after the model of LittlemoreChurch  in Oxfordshire – a church in the early English style. Its erection here is estimated to cost £1,200. It would give sitting for 210.  Mr. G.W. PILKINGTON has offered to erect the building of the new TableMountain freestone and at a reasonable rate. No final conclusion, however, on the subject was arrived at. – Advertiser Sept. 25

THE RAILWAY – There is a rumour that the Cape Town terminus of the Cape Town and Wellington Railway is not  to come nearer the city than Fort Knokke.This is at least a mile from town and as might be expected it has caused a great deal of talk. One of the local prints announces that there will be a public demonstration. We find on inquiry of the best authorities, that the site for the terminus has not yet been agreed upon, but the contract of the company extends only from Wellington to Fort Knokke. The company we are told are anxious to come as near  the city as possible. If that is the case, merchants should insist upon the parade as the best site. The apartments  over the Cape Commercial Bank have been taken for engineers offices and the staff will commence to stake out  the line immediately.

THE REMOUNT AGENCY FOR INDIA– Colonel APPERLEY, the presiding officer of the Indian remount
agency, returned to the Cape by the steamer Athens. A great many horses have lately been purchased for India, and there are still plenty in the colony.

LOSS OF THE MADAGASCAR – The Cape and Natal mail steamer Madagascar was wrecked on the night of  the 5th Dec., off the south-east coast near the mouth of the River Beka, on her passage from East London to AlgoaBay. From the published accounts of the catastrophe, it appears that at six o’clock in the evening the vessel was computed to be six miles off the coast, at nine o’clock, five miles, and at ten, before the captain’s leaving deck, he ordered her to be kept still further seaward. The tops of the hills were visible, but a misty bank  hung over the land. At midnight, whilst the passengers were all in their berths, the steamer struck heavily upon a reef of rocks, on the edge of which she rode for twenty minutes, bumping and straining fearfully, and then got off into deep water. The forehold was immediately half filled, and the steamer was found to be sinking. Her boats were at once got out and provisioned and the captain, selecting a spot less rocky that the usual run of the coast, hoisted the spanker and ran the vessel on shore. On the occasion of the disaster, coolness and judgment were displayed by the master and officers of the vessel, willingly and ably seconded by the crew. No life was lost, but the passengers and all on board lost nearly everything, including their luggage. The officers and crew suffered a good deal of privation after landing, but this appears to have been unavoidable. The loss of the Madagascar will be a loss to the whole community.

On the 7th Dec, at Cape Town, Mr. W.J. BULKELEY, to Miss. Emma WORAKER

On the 13th Dec, at Cape Town, Mr. Thomas Nathaniel Isaac KNIPE aged 22 years
On the 14th Dec at Cape Town, James son of Mr. J. TAYLOR, aged 4 years
On the 15th Dec at Cape Town, Miss Charlotte Ann CLARKE, aged 19 years
On the 8th Dec at Cape Town, Mr. John GARDINER, aged 26 years
On the 20th Nov., Mrs. Caroline THORN, aged 77 years
On the 19th Nov at Cape Town, Mr. Alfred THOMAS, aged 33 years
On the 19th Nov at Cape Town, Alice Georgina, daughter of Mr. Isaac LINTER aged 7years 9 months
On the 21st Nov., Henry, son of Mr. Henry FRANKLIN, aged 2 years and 4 months
On the 21st Nov at Cape Town, Eleanor, wife of Mr. Lewis EVANS, aged 27 years
On the 22nd Nov, at Cape Town, H. M’Rea WATSON, Esq. aged 48 years
On 22nd Nov, at Cape Town, Isabella SAUNDERS, aged 17 years.


The accounts from this province are satisfactory on the whole, but great complaints are made of the remissness of the authorities and the Emigration Commissioners in not having taken measures to ensure a regular supply of emigrants. The following statement will show the number of immigrants who have arrived at Port Elizabeth since June last, the whole of whom were engaged immediately on arrival –
Assisted Passengers per Lady of the Lake and Meg Merrillies 7 men, 7 women and 2 children

Forwarded from Table Bay, ex Gipsey Bride
48 men, 6 women and 12 children

Aurifera , July 7th – 110 men, 54 women, 29 boys, 27 girls, 6 infants & 1 birth

Indian Queen, July 23rd, 157 men, 111 women, 59 boys, 53 girls and 20 infants & 3 births

The Wandraham had just arrived at East London with 341 German immigrants, of whom it is said twenty-seven families had been sent to the Fort Peddie German settlements

The disposal of Crown Lands in the division of Hope Town is rapidly progressing. No fewer than 424,000 morgen have been applied for by some forty-six farmers and their applications have been recommended by the Divisional Council and approved by the Government. They are called now to deposit immediately a sum of about £4,200 altogether to meet the expenses of survey, inspection, beacons etc. –Graff Reinet Herald

FASHION IN GRAHAM’S TOWN – What astonished me not a little was the extraordinary fuss made over people, even in middling circumstances, getting married. Every private carriage in the town is borrowed for the occasion and the coachman to boot, who is certain to figure in his best suit and his whipstick decorated with half an ell of narrow white ribbon. All parties invited to the ceremony expect a carriage and pair placed at their disposal. Of course the best turn-out is reserved for their conveyance home after the priest has tied the mystic knot, but in going it is mere chance. The fashion is for the bridegroom to go first and not unfrequently he has to endure a most intolerable penance of an hour and a half before all the friends are assembled. His hopes, however are somewhat freshened by the appearance of several young ladies, dressed to death, who are to officiate as bridesmaids and a numerous progeny of very small children dressed up and flounced like wax dolls. Last of all comes the bride elect, led slowly by her doting father, as though half repented and would fain be off the bargain – but its too late. All is at once bustle. The parson commences operations at once, the “I will” is pronounced – his work is soon accomplished – the clerk says Amen – the new made husband gives his wife a buss that runs through the building like a soft note of a bugle declaring his victory, and again the whole of the city carriages, buggies and hackneys are put in requisition to convey all concerned to a jolly good breakfast.


We (Natal Mercury) are happy to hear very favourable reports of recent shipments of our sugars to the Cape. Of the parcel from Mr. Mack’s estate at Isipingo, the agents declare that if Natal can supply such sugar, the Mauritius sugar will be driven out of the CapeMarket.

An unusually large quantity, it is reported of ivory will be exported this year. The last steamer took
about 10,000lbs. and there are now ready for shipment or on the way down 60,000lbs more.
This will probably be chiefly shipped by the Early Morn and will of itself represent a value of £15,000, besides which wool is coming freely, so that the cargo of the Early Morn will largely exceed in value any cargo previously shipped from this colony.

On the 6th Nov, at Durban, Mrs. A.M. BARNES, of a son
On the 1st Nov., at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. VANDERPLANK, of a son

On the 3rd Nov., at Durban, Mr. Joseph RAPSON, to Miss Jane LELLO

On the 3rd Nov., at Durban, Thomas, son of Mr. T. DAVENPORT, aged 15 years
On the 22nd Nov., Robert, son of Mr. OSBORNE of Pietermaritzburg
On the 5th Dec, at Umlaas, Eliza, daughter of Captain F. MAXWELL, aged 14 years

THE LATE W.R.S. WILSON – Mr. W.R.S. WILSON, the subject of this memoir, was the son of
the late Dr. WILSON, a highly respected resident of Cape Town, who died about the year 1824. Mr.
WILSON came to Natal in the year 1841. He was early identified with this country, having assisted
the late Mr. John MEYER in the survey of the coast land between the rivers Umgeni and Tugela.
On the arrival of the British troops under Colonel Cloete, to take possession of this colony, he was
one of the first to return to the allegiance which he owed to his Queen and country. In the year 1844 he, in conjunction with another individual  turned his attention to the possibility of growing cotton in Natal and they succeeded so far as to thoroughly arouse the Government and inhabitants generally to the value of land in Natal. The authorities seeing that a worthless and expensive settlement was likely to become a thriving and important colony at once advanced the  upset price of land from 2s. to 4s. per acre. Capitalists began to turn their attention this way, emigration schemes were planned and European population flocked to our shores.

2 March 1859

The parliamentary elections were nearly all over, there are a few returns not in from one or two districts, but they will not materially alter the results. The elections in the country districts commenced on the 29th December and the elections in Grahams Town and Cape Town commenced on the 8th January. The most spirited contests were those of the Cape Division and Cape Town. In the country districts of the Western Province, the proceedings have been very quiet. The candidates returned as far as we can gather are-
Cape Town - THOMPSON, LOUW, SOLOMON and KOTZE. Cape Division - BLAKE and SILBERBAUER. Paarl - PROCTOR and HAUPT. Malmesbury - LEEDOLFF and DUCKITT Stellenbosch - BRANDT and BOSMAN Swellendam - FAIRBAIRN and WHITE. George - PRINCE and WALTERS. Beaufort West - MOLTENO and CHRISTIE. Worcester - MINNIK and LE SUEUR
In the Eastern Province, the elections have gone off without much excitement. In some places, there was difficulty in  obtaining members willing to accept the honour. The returns from the Eastern Province so far are- Graff Reinet - MEINTJES and ZIERVOGEL. Port Elizabeth - PHILIP. Grahams Town - No report Albany - CAWOOD and SLATER. Somerset - BOWKER and KRUGER. Uitenhage - BILLINGHAM and KROG. Albert - KRUGER and HOPLEY. Cradock - SCANLEN and CALDECOTT.
As no important political question hinged on the elections, the new House of Assembly will comprise a fair representation of the commercial, agricultural and other interests of the colony.

Every arrangement is now in progress for the immediate commencement of the new line of railway from Cape Town to Wellington and as the new Colonial Civil Engineer had arrived it is expected that the public works which had hitherto been at a stand still will be now proceeded with.

The Union Steam Ship Companys steamer Athens arrived at Plymouth on Sunday the 27th ult. from Table Bay, which she left on the 22nd Jan. She brings the monthly mails and a valuable cargo comprising wool, wine, skins and miscellaneous articles and the following passengers-
Cabin - Mr MURRAY
Mrs HEETS, four children and servant
Mrs HOPE, three children and servant
Mr & Mrs BABBS
Mrs FISHER, two children and servant
2nd class-
Mr Pyle,
Mr & Mrs HARRIES and two children

The AURIFERA, of 436 tons, Capt. John Moon sailed for Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope on the  24th Feb. with 235 emigrants under charge of Surgeon- Superinttendent  Chas. Wm. Kitching. These emigrants were selected by the Hon. Wm. Field, Emigration Comminssioner for the Cape of Good Hope.
The following is a summary of the emigrants - English and Irish
Married couples 21 males  21 females; Single Adults  28 males 33 females;  Children (1 to 12)  29 males    24 females; Infants  2 males   3 females
Adults 27 males 23 females;  Children (1 to 12)  13 males 9 females;  Infants  1 male  1 femaleThe Germans were chiefly vine dressers and wine makers.

The NEW GREAT BRITAIN is appointed to embark emigrants at Plymouth on the 14th inst.

Messrs. T & C Nichols have despatched the following vessel during the last month.
The KAHLAMBO on the 2nd ult for Port Natal with a full cargo of manufactured goods and the following passengers in the cabin - Mr & Miss ACUTT Mr. H. ACUTT Mr. DALMAINE and family Mr & Mrs ISABEL and family In the steerage - Messrs. SMITH, DARBY, DRAPER, TAYLOR, WILLIS, ROTH,MARGUENTE, C. DALMAINE, SHARP, MR. CADAM, DELWILL, BELLIS and Mrs SMITH and Miss DELL.


The committee of the FINE ARTS EXHIBITION awarded prizes to the several competitors. The following was the result- Mr. T.W. BOWLER - for the best landscape from nature Mr. W.T. SMITH for the best portrait from nature Miss GIRD for the best group of flowers from nature Mr. W. CAIRNCROSS jun for the best original design for a villa Mr. C. Essex for the best medallion portrait Mrs. ASTON for the best photographic portrait Mr. F. YORK special photographic portrait Mr W.F. CURTIS, Vice Principal of the Diocesan Collegiate School, landscape
Mrs. WOEKE for the best copy of figure
Miss ANDERSON for the best landscape
The prizes will consist of handsomely bound books on art, which will be ordered from England by the first opportunity. A special prize was awarded to Mr.York for his photographic portrait of the Governor, the committee holding that any portrait not having been in the Exhibition at the opening was not eligible for competition.

Wellington - The preliminary operations connected with the laying of the railway from this village to Cape Town appear to have much benefited the proprietors of lands in that neighbourhood for, last week a building situate near the market place, which was bought not long ago for 700l was sold at public auction for about 1,600l. Captain Holmes of Cape Town was the purchaser.

THE RAILWAYS - At the meeting of the Railway Company a real deal of anxiety was shown to secure a large number of colonial share holders in the concern as a proof to the London Board of the confidence felt by the colonists in the success of the enterprise.To our mind, this is a matter of very small consequence. The number of shareholders enrolled already is very considerable, but even if there had not been one, the evidence of confidence of the community in the success of the railway would still remain as clear and convincing as anything of the kind could be. Every landholder in the divisions of the Cape, Stellenbosch and the Paarl, has been a shareholder in the concern from the very day the Railway Act became law.
They are all of them pledged for the sub-guarantee and they would not have readily saddled themselves and their successors for ninety years to come with an annual liability of 15000l if they did not feel tolerably well assured of the prospects of their bargain. We are glad to understand that the question of the terminus is all but finally settled. The line will in all probability be extended from Fort Knokke through the ordnance yard at the Castle and along the northern edge of the Grand Parade. This will bring the terminus for passengers into the very heart of the city. Convenient stations for heavy goods can be established either at the Town Market or any other more suitable spot outside.

THE EPIDEMIC AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION - We perceive that the medical gentlemen of Cape Town have, each of them, received from the municipality a parchment address, sealed with the municipal seal and bound with blue ribbon, as an acknowledgement of the noble and disinterested efforts made by them to alleviate the sufferings of their poor and afflicted fellow citizens during the recent visitation of the small-pox. All honour to the medical men of Cape Town, say, we, and we hope they will appreciate their bits of parchment at their proper value, but we are not the less of opinion that if the municipality were as ready with good works as they are with addresses, the doctors of Cape Town would had no occasion show how ready they are, in the true spirit of their profession to sacrifice themselves for the good of their fellow creatures. Nor can we think so ill of them as to believe, as we are told that they are willing to allow the Commissioners to brings their services to the notice of the Government, with a view to their being rewarded. But we by no means wish it to be inferred from this remark that our medical men require or should have no reward beyond that which the strict performance of his duty brings to every man, we only object to the means proposed towards a desirable end. After these prefatory remarks  and after conveying with unfeigned gratitude, our own small tribute of praise to the medical men of Cape Town although we did not personally require their services, they will think us rather unreasonable when we say that we are not yet satisfied with what they have done gratuitously for our poor, and call upon them now to do yet a little more for the public weal.

DIOCESAN COLLEGIATE SCHOOL -The second annual public prize day of the Diocesan Collegiate School was held on Thursday, the 16th ult. The examination of the senior boys for the mathematical scholarship was conducted in the previous week by the Rev. W.E. BEBB M.A. of St Johns College, Cambridge who at the same time carried out an examination of the junior boys in arithmetical. The scholarship was awarded by him to HODGES (son of the Chief Justice) whilst the arithmetical prizes were assigned to STEIN and SOREY. The classical examination was conducted by the Dean of Cape Town and Henry RUDD and the prizes were awarded as follows - Classics - first class - CARLISLE -second class BELL and BLAKE - third class DAVIDSON - fourth class -RYNEVELD - fifth class - CRIGHTON.
The proceedings of the prize day began with the ordinary shortened chapel service followed by a sermon and an offertory for the college chapel, after which the prizes were distributed in the school room by his Excellency Sir George Grey. The whole party of the boys and their friends then adjourned to the verandah of the Principals house where lunch was prepared and when this was over and the toasts had been drunk, the school broke up.


CAPE GOOSEBERRY - Mr. P. FERREIRA of Kragakamma has succeeded in cultivating the Cape gooseberry and to such perfection has he brought it as nearly equal the English gooseberry in size, whilst for flavour it infinitely surpasses it. A specimen of the above has been left at our office. It is one inch and a half in circumference and weighs one ounce. - Port Elizabeth Mercury.

GREY INSTITUTE - We mentioned that a teacher had been appointed to conduct the preparatory school connected with this foundation at a salary of 150l a year and a fee of 1l from each pupil. We are enabled to announce that the school will be opened by Mr John. H. WEBB on the 1st February next in one of the wings of the new building for the present where he will be ready to receive all children five years old and upwards. The charges are two guineas payable in advance. We are sorry to say that in consequence of the head master, Mr MACLEISH not being able to enter on his duties at present the school will not be opened until April next. We are enabled to announce that a splendid coat of arms has arrived from England in the Alexandrina, cut out of Portland stone and it is intended to place it on the tower of the Grey Institute. The entire cost of this building is said to be 3,100l.


The elections for the new Council were about to take place and the following candidates were spoken of - Mr MILLAR will be again invited for D'Urban and will stand. Mr. PINSENT has offered himself. For the country,

Mr KINGHURST and Captain PROUDFOOT are spoken of. For Victoria the late member Dr. JOHNSTON will be returned. For Maritzburg city, the late members Messrs. HENDERSON and BERGTHEIL stand and Messrs. ARCHBELL and BUCHANAN.

The commerce of the colony is in a sound and healthy state, and business generally is active and flourishing.

The Board of Education who were instructed to prepare and report upon a plan of education for the colony had submitted their report, but public opinion was divided upon the question in consequence of the differences about the introduction of the religious elements in school.

Arrowroot - it forms already an important item of our export trade and the quality of Natal arrowroot is now so firmly established that it ranks next to Bermuda in the English market. With due care in the manufacture and packing, it will eventually rival that most esteemed description and in real quality it is undoubtedly entitiled to. The cultivation of this root is extending rapidly throughout the coast districts, and it has been grown successfully near Maritzburg, sixty miles from the sea.
Coffee - being a product of slower yield, does not present such marked features of progress but one or two plantations have this year produced fair commercial results and the quality and flavour of the berry have been not only tested in the colony, but most favourably reported on by London brokers.
In the counties of D Urban and Victoria, several mills with water power have been erected or are in course fo erection, to be applied to various purposes in the preparation of human food or the manufacture of commercial staples. But no enterprise has advanced so rapidly during the past year as that of sheep farming.


Natal Bank - General Manager C. BEHRENS - Pietermaritzburg


31 March 1859

It is satisfactory to be able to state that the affairs of the colony have never been in a more healthy or prosperous state, both as regards its social and commercial relations.

The small-pox has almost entirely disappeared from the Western districts, in the Eastern Province it has assumed a very slight form.The country buyers being now in no fear of coming up to town, they are pouring in from all parts, and the excitement of the election having passed off, everything appears to have received a fresh impetus, and business of every kind is consequently exceedingly brisk.

Western Province
The road department has certainly been by no means inactive during the last six months, and when compared with other branches of the Executive, the amount of work it has accomplished seems absolutely wonderful. Nor can our Eastern Province friends complain that their interests have been neglected by it. Roads and bridges have been and are now in progress there to an extent which ought in reason to convince Mr. CLOUGH himself that  after all a Table Mountain Government may possibly, even though it may be on rare occasions, do some good. Of the road improvements executed for the Eastern Province during the past six months. we have first the great trunk road between Sundays River and Grahams Town, which notwithstanding the heavy traffic which passes over it, is now in as admirable repair as the Wynberg road itself. There is the new road in progress from Ecca Heights to Breakfast Valley on the main line between Grahams Town and King Williamstown. Roads - north-south, east and west are also being made in the western districts and before long, magnificent ways to the Knysna on the one side, and Clanwilliam on the other will be open to the public. All the civil engineers, draughtsmen and others who recently came out from England, expecting employment on the railway, have been taken up by the Colonial Civil Engineer for the super-intending of public works upcountry.

Docks for the refuge and repairing of distressed ships, it had been decided should be made forthwith at the Cape. Merchants in Cape Town have united with the inhabitants of Simons Town to construct docks in the latter place at an estimated cost of 25,000L. The shares were at once taken.

It is expected that a patent slip will be laid down and opened in Table Bay before the close of the year. It will be sufficient to take on a ship of about 1,800 or 2,000 tons.


Inquiries which have been made respecting the position and prospects of the immigrants already settled fully, show that where they have been industrious and temperate in their habits, they have met with success and are now prosperous. The following facts, we learn from the same paper. have been gathered by the superintendent of the local immigration depot -
Baker - Upon arrival at Cape, worked a few days as journeyman, afterwards opened the City Bakery, with assistance of some gentlemen in town. Has a fair custom and has cleared upwards of 30l besides a horse and cart. He is well satisfied with the change he has made by coming to this country.
Clerk - Has constant employment and at present receives equal to 2l 10s. per week and is perfectly satisfied with his prospects in the colony. Has sent for some of his friends at home to emigrate to this country.
Cabinetmakers - These men have constant employment at piece work and make on an average 7s. per diem. They are very well satisfied (except one) with the wages they make and the country.
Storeman - Has constant employment and receiving about 70l rations and quarters per annum.
Saddler- Has constant employment at 6s. 6d. per diem and is pleased with the country.
Constable -Is in constant employment with a salary of 50l and 25l for a horse per annum and is much satisfied with the country.
Shoemaker - Has worked as a journeyman for a length of time since his arrival and made 7s. per diem and has  commenced business in the trade himself and is doing moderately well.
French Polisher - In business for himself. Keeps two or three men, has plenty of work.
Millwright - Constant employment in making wheelbarrows and is doing good business.

On the 25th January at Kuyls River, the wife of Mr. T.K. SINCLAIR , of a son

On the 5th January at Cape Town, Mr George Frederick STOKES(Jnr) to Miss Mary Jane Cecil FELL On the 19th January at Cape Town, Henry HUTCHINSON (jun) to Mrs Petronella GEOGHEGAN On the 31st January at Cape Town, Mr Thomas John LEE, to Miss Sarah Catherine WATNEY On the 1st February, Mr. James Thomas Hogarth LONG, to Miss Hannah Chaplelow VAWSER.
On the 18th January at Cape Town, Mr Redmond BARRY, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. John Sumner of Tutnell, Worcestershire, England

On the 20th January, at Riversdale, Anne Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. R. ROBERTS. On the 25th January, at Cape Town, Richard Loftus TOLSTOY, the infant son of Alfred W. COLDE. aged 5 months On the 29 January at Plettenbergs Bay, John Archibald SINCLAIR On the 31st January, Mr James CORMICK, a native of Kirkwell aged 32 years On the 6th February at Cape Town, Charles Emerson, son of Mr Willima James SMITH, aged 2 years On the 15th January at Cape Town, Herbert Maurice, son of Mr. Thomas BOWE,aged 16 days On the 16th January at Cape Town, Ellen Louisa, daughter of  M.R. ROBINSON aged 12 months On the 18th January at Cape Town, Mr John HORTON, native of  England, aged 26 years On the 7th February at Cape Town, Mr James GRIFFITHS,aged 50 years On the 14th February, Sarah, wife of Captain George Turnbull BROWN, on board the Merchantman in Table Bay, aged 42 years On the 16th February at Vredenhag, Jacob Alcides GADOLIN,


The fifth vessel with immigrants, the Vocalist, anchored in Algoa Bay on Sunday the 23rd Jan, after a pleasant passage of 68 days from Liverpool. The proceedings in England have given great dissatisfaction and the colonial press seems unanimous in calling for some inquiry that may tend to reform. Great complaints are made of the long delay that occurred between the dispatch of the Edward Oliver and the Vocalist ( 23 weeks) and that while the Commissioners have been traveling into obscure parts of the provinces in search of a few immigrants, the Central Office in London has been left unattended, while numerous applicants presented themselves daily, eager to procure information and free passage to the Cape.
To the newly arrived immigrants as well as to those who may be intending to settle in this colony, we cannot give better advice than the following - We would warn them of two temptations, at least, which will beset their path. The first and most strongly to be guarded against is the taste for drink. In this colony, spirits and wine of colonial manufacture are to be had at a very low rate compared with that of similar articles in Great Britain. The heat of the climate inducing thirst - the ease with which money may be earned and the comparative cheapness of spirits and wine - all combine to make this a great temptation in the path of the working man, but it is one which if not firmly resisted, must end in his ruin. Hundreds have died miserably in this colony from the abuse of ardent spirits and hundreds are still dragging on a wretched existence, buoyed up for a time by the daily, perhaps hourly dram, which ends finally by destroying health and constitution, if not life itself. There is no man so utterly miserable in this colony as the drunkard. The second and minor danger is a claim for excessive wages.

One of the emigrants per Aurifera named John WATSON, a native of Lanarkshire, who was known in Graff Reinet for a steady industrious man, has committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. There is a suspicion that the poor fellow may have received a sun-stroke during the hot weather, as he was observed suddenly to change in his habits and showed unmistakable signs of derangement for some weeks prior to the act. Fortunately, he leaves no widow or family to suffer calamity entailed by his misfortunes. He was most kindly treaded by the immigrants during his affliction, especially by the family of Mr. ROSS, in whose house he resided up to the last/

On the 13th January, at Port Elizabeth, Florence Carrington, youngest daughter of Mr Alfred OGILVIE On the 15th January at Port Elizabeth, the infant son of Mr. John W. CALLAGHAN On the 21st January, at Port Elizabeth, Caroline Susanna Josephine, youngest daughter of Mr Heugh


In ecclesiastical matters there are a few incidents to record. Some months ago, the Rev. C. SPENSLEY, an able Wesleyan minister, who for five years had laboured in the colony, was compelled by ill-health to return to England. New and spacious Wesleyan Chapels have been erected at Durban and Maritzburg, another Wesleyan minister, the Rev. G. BLENCOE, has recently arrived. The new Dutch Reformed Church at Maritzburg is also an event accomplished within a year, but we have to lament that its able and faithful pastor, the Rev.Dr. FAURE, is at present labouring under a distressing and dangerous malady. A second minister of the same church, the Rev. Mr . Huett, who is very highly spoken of, has been labouring for some months in the upper districts of the colony.
The Primitive Methodists also, at their late conference in England resolved upon establish a mission at Natal/ The Congregational Chapel at Durban, under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Jeffreys, has already become to small for the accommodation of the congregation and a gallery is about to be added

On the 4th January, at Durban, Mrs A. MAYTHAM, of a son On the 8th January the wife of W. PALMER  Esq. of Durban, of a daughter On the 15th January at Pietermaritzburg, the Hon. Mrs D. ERSKINE, of a son On the 18th January at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. C.M. ALDRIDGE, of a daughter On the 20th January at Cramend, Mrs W. MACKENZIE, of a son On the 24th January at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. P. M'CHRYSTAL, of a son On the 15th January, at Durban, Mrs. T.M. LEDSON, of a son.

On the 8th January, at Berea, Harriet, infant daughter of Mr DUPONT.
On the 14th January, at Durban, Isabel Eleanor, infant daughter of Mr W.H. SAVORY On the 5th January at Colenso, Katherine Elizabeth, daughter of John MACFARLANE On the 7th January, at Pietermaritzburg, Walter H.M. infant son of Mr. J.P. STEELE

Some newspapers were lately returned to the sender stamped - imperfectly addressed - and which bore the following directions in type- Swellendam, C.G.H. and Cradock, C.G.H.. The initials G.G.H. were too magical for the Post office authorities. That we may excuse, but what will the dignitaries of the ancient town of Swellendam say to the fact that their town, the capital of a district, is unknown in a Government office at home, and likewise those of Cradock?. If the paper had been addressed Swellendam simply, and there had been nothing to indicate the sender, it would never have reached its destination, but have been destroyed in the Post Office

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