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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1859 2 May - August

4 May 1859

The Union Companys steam ship Colt arrived at Plymouth on Saturday the 30th ult. from Table Bay which she left on the 23rd March. She brings the usual monthly mails and the following passengers and cargo.

Cabin - Mr, Mrs and Miss CHRISTIE
The Lord Bishop of Grahams Town the Rev Mr. H.B. SMITH Rev. Mr. TAYLOR Rev. Mr. JACKSON Mr FINDLAY Capt. THOMPSON Dr. Arthur Mr. LINDSAY Steerage - John TREUBERT

The following is a list of passengers by the Royal Mail steamship Dane, which will sail from Plymouth for Table Bay on the 5th instant- Mr & Mrs WILLIAMS, members of Wesleyan mission Miss GLOVER Mrs WILTSHIRE and servant Mr PAULING - Cape Town Railway Company Mr F.J. MACKENZIE Mr WILTSHIRE, Mr W.H. EGAN Mr. J. LIBBY Mr. J. MASON Mr. NEWMAN Mr. GLOVER

The Early Morn has arrived from Port Natal bringing a most valuable cargo of ivory and arrowroot, with the following cabin passengers Mr & Mrs BAKER and 4 children Mr & Mrs SLATER Mrs HALL and child Mr & Mrs GUY Mr LESLIE

The Bride, chartered by the Emigration Commissioners, sailed on the 15th inst. from Southampton for Table Bay with 257 emigrants selected by the Hon. Mr FIELD, Emigration Commissioner for the Cape of Good Hope. The emigrants consisted of 49 married couples, 44 single male adults, 24 female adults, 40 male children, 41 female children and 10 infants.

On Monday last the embarkation of emigrants on board the ship Schah Jehan, bound from Southampton to Algoa Bay, was completed. They number 288 souls and include 50 farm labourers, 40 female domestics, 15 carpenters and joiners, 10 shoemakers and forty other artisans of various trades

Mr Henry WYETT has been appointed agent for Lloyds at East London, Cape of Good Hope.


The event claiming prior notice is, of course, the opening of the second Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope by Governor Sir George GREY.

The turning of the first sod of the first railway in South Africa by his Excellency the Governor is fixed for the 31st of this month, the day after the general muster of all the volunteer corps of the Western Province. The great event, and in its results the most important the Cape has yet witnessed, is to be celebrated  by a general illumination and other rejoicings.

Mr. E.L. LAYARD, the curator of the South African Museum, has published the following interesting report of the progress of this institution- The principle donations received since our last report have been a collection of fossils, from Mr.A.G. BAIN, comprising many valuable and interesting specimens, but which owing to our want of accommodation, have not yet been displayed. A very fine pair of Nakon skims from the neighbourhood of Lake Ngami, presented by the Messrs. CHAPMAN. This is a very valuable addition to our collection, and we believe no museum other than our own possesses the animal. The skin sent some time back by Mr. WILSONproved on trial to be as that gentleman feared, unmountable.
Cap. MURISON, recently returned from Australia, has not been unmindful of us during his absence, but has brought with him three specimens of the flying opossums of that most interesting region.
A collection of ancient Greek and Roman silver coins, presented by Captain EUSTACE. It may well be mentioned here that for a time the coins have been withdrawn from exhibition, the case allotted to them being constructed on a slope, the constant traffic to and fro on the floor caused them to slide to the bottom and to run one on another, and to be ever in disorder. A letter has been dispatched to our cabinet maker in London, requesting information on the price and description of cabinet that is suited for a numismatical collection.
From Mr. ARNOTT, of Colesberg, Mr FLETCHER, surveying on the Olifants River, Mr. CAIRNCROSS of Swellendam, and several others, collections of birds and animals have been received but our space is so limited that we cannot do more than just allude to them and thank them as well as other friends. For the same reason, we can only just inform our subscribers that the building is progressing most satisfactorily and that the roof has been commenced.

IMPROVEMENTS TO SHOP FRONTS- Several shopkeepers have recently made a great improvement to their shop fronts by the introduction of plate glass windows. The side of Messrs. CRIGHTON and VERRY's saddlery and harness establishment in Plein Street which has been fitted up in this manner, looks very neat. Mr. CAIRNCROSS, confectioner and Mr. TAYLOR, clothier of Adderley street are also having their windows fitted with plate glass and patent shutters, and when the work is completed it will much improve the appearance of their shops. Now that this description of glass may be obtained at a moderate price, it is to be hoped many more will follow their example, as plate glass shows goods to much better advantage than the common kind.

THE TABLE BAY AND SIMONS TOWN BREAKWATERS -People especially mercantile people in Cape Town, are getting uneasy about the prospects of having a breakwater in Table Bay. The merchants have met at the Commercial Exchange and petitioned the Governor to tell them what has been done, but his Excellency refuses. He says he is going to reserve that delicious morsel for the Parliament. The merchants at least several of them say that he has got nothing worth telling or he would not be so backward in giving it to them. Our colonial civil engineer, it was resolved long ago, could not be expected to attend to all his other duties and this extensive work at the same time, so we were informed that another engineer, a regular crack hand, had been engaged and that convicts were to be employed on the work. Convict barracks were commenced and tramways laid down. All at once the whole of this was smashed. Everything was to be set aside until the coming man was come, but he  has not yet made his appearance and whether he ever will do so is now very questionable.

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT IN TABLE BAY -  A very melancholy accident attended with the loss of two lives, occurred on Saturday afternoon, about half past four o'clock in Table Bay. The ship Orient, from Adelaide had been announced to sail for London at twelve o'clock, but as is often the case, several passengers postponed going on board beyond that hour. Amongst others who delayed their departure were Mr. & Mrs. A. DELF with  their child. It was three o'clock when they left the jetty. They were accompanied by Mr. CUNNINGHAM of the Wellington Hotel. Mr William CURTIS aged 23 and John WYLDE (Mrs LUTTERELL'S brother) 11 years old. Before they got to the Orient, she was under weigh, but she was brought to and Mr & Mrs Delf with the child got safely on board. Unfortunately, through mismanagement, the mast of the boat caught in the ships bunker and the result was, the boat filled and went down immediately. CURTIS and WYLDE went down her and were never seen again.  Mr CUNNINGHAM kept himself afloat  until the ship brought to, lowered a boat and rescued him, he was in the water nearly half an hour and when picked up was almost exhausted.

Feb 24, at Clanwilliam, Mrs.R.G. WOLFE, of a daughter; March 2, at Mossel Bay, Mrs. S. MELVILLE, of a son

Feb 14, at George Town, Joseph James, third son of Thomas BARRY, to Susan Maria, fifth daughter of J.B.A. BLAND; March 8, at Fort Beaufort, Tobias Johannes, son of the late Rev. HEROLD, of Stellenbosch, to Johanna Marthina, second daughter of T. BARRY; March 9, at Fort Beaufort, James son of the late William DUNN, to Elizabeth Helena, youngest daughter of Mr. GUNTER; Feb 21, at Cape Town, Mr. J.A. LUND, to Miss Emily TERRY; Feb 21 at Cape Town, Mr. T. C. FENTON, to Miss Rosa Elizabeth ABRAHAMS; March 1, at Swart River, William Wallace second son of Mr. W. ROOME, of Cape Town to Hemina, second daughter of S.BOTHA of Deep River

Feb 27, at Rondebosch, Myra Elizabeth, daughter of the late L.H. TWENTYMAN, age 24 years; March 4, at Cape Town, Mr. G. HONEYBUN, aged 43 years; March 6, at Cape Town, Robert KNOX of T.C.D. Registrar of the Court of Mixed Commission and for 19 years Editor of the London Morning Herald, aged 51 years; March 1, at Cape Town, Catherine, wife of Mr. W.H. MARTIN, aged 54 years.


Grahams Town has got Mr Hoggar as its city engineer, and a due economy and scientic conduct of its municipal works may be expected. Water supply is with us the great desideratum. The municipality have resolved to erect a town clock on the tower of St. George s Cathedral, provided the vestry will raise and prepare the structure for its reception. The city has no acknowledged time teller, except a solitary gun, fired from the artillery ground at nine a.m.

The district of Queenstown has been visited by an extraordinary storm, in which hailstones fell one pound in weight, with such force as to break through corrugated iron roofs. A number of sheep were killed.

Graaff Reinet has been complaining of monetary pressure, but still it gives signs of prosperity and advancement. A ten horse power steam mill has just been erected there.

The colony very much wants a large and properly classified Lunatic Asylum where something beyond the mere safe keeping of the unhappy inmates may be organised.

GRAAF REINET COLLEGE - The Finance Committee of this institute presented their report to a meeting of the subscribers to the College Fund, held in the Court room on Monday evening last. It is much to be regretted that Messrs. MEINTJES and ZIERVOGEL should have allowed any business to prevent them from being present at such an important time as the support of our local members is so essential to the successful accomplishment of the undertaking..
A proposal was carried appointing the Rev. A. MURRAY,  S.J. MEINTJES, Esq. and H.H. CLOETE, or any two of them to visit the neighbouring towns to make known the objects of the proposed college and receive subscriptions.

Feb 16 at Queenstown, Mrs. H.C. BELL, of a son; Mar 16, Mrs John Short, of a daughter; Feb 23, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. J. BALLANTINE, of a son; Mar 6, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. J. EDWARDS, of a daughter

Feb 16, at Grahams Town, Mr. T. HUMPHREY to Mary, widow of the late Mr. W. PIKE

Feb 15, at Hanckey, the Rev. J. VAN DER KEMP READ, Missionary Society, youngest son of the late Rev. James READ, aged 27 years; March 1, at Graaf Reinet, Susanna, the beloved eldest daughter of  A. BERRANGE, Esq, aged 24 years; Feb. 18 at Port Elizabeth, Captain PECHELL, Paymaster H.M. 85th Regiment; Mar 5, at Sidbury, William, only son of Mr. W.J. MACKRILL of Grahams Town; Mar 8, at Grahams Town, J BOUTFLOWER, Assistant Surgeon, Cape Mounted Rifles.


The elections of the Legislative Council had not yet been decided. The results will however, be known by the next mail. The candidates are Durban Borough - Messrs. MILLER, GOODRICKE, and HURTLEY Durban County - Messrs. KINGHURST and A. COQUI Victoria County - Messrs. H. MILNER and Dr. JOHNSTONE Pietermaritzburg  Borough - Messrs. BERGTHEIL and HENDERSON Pietermaritzburg County - Messrs. ARBUTHNOT and MORELAND Umvote County - Messrs. VAN DER PLANK and ARCHBELL Weenen County - Mr. W. MACFARLANE Klip River County - Messrs. BESTER, CANVIN, GREGORY, and MELLISH

The railway is being prosecuted with vigour. Directors and secretaries have been chosen and the deposit of 50s. per share has been paid with promptitude, so that funds may be sent for the requisite plans. The Government have given their consent to the possession of  the land.

The Rev. GROUT's Zulu Grammar is about to be printed. The work has cost its esteemed author a vast amount of labour and research and it will certainly be the standard grammar of the Zulu language. Considering the importance of a right understanding of that tongue to a sound and judicious system of treatment and rule over the large mass of natives in Natal, as well as to safe relations with the Zulu nation beyond our borders, this work ought to be supported by all persons who have made this colony the home for themselves and their families. As the price will be only ten shillings, we hope many of our readers will come forward and swell the as yet inadequate subscription list.

Feb 28, at Maritzburg, Mrs.G.H. WATHEN, of a daughter; Feb 27, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. J.L. DOHNE, of a son; March 1, at George Town, Mrs. W. BENNETT, of a son; Feb 24, at Umgeni, Mrs. R. SURTEES, of a daughter; Feb 25, at Durban, Mrs. E.W. TINLEY, of a son

Feb 27, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. S. READ aged 30 years; March 5, William B, second son of Mr. B. BALCOMB of Chakas Kraal, aged 13 years.

4 June 1859

The Colonial Parliament is in session. The principal questions it had been discussing are the colonial marriage law, insolvency law, and Crown lands, the enactment of a bribery law, provision for a general census, and a protest against the prerogative of the Crown to appoint directly the officers of the Government.

The first sod of the railway was turned by the Governor on the 31st March. The day was rainy, but thousands of the population were present from all the surrounding country. The works are in progress. Mr PICKERING, the contractor, had arrived, and sends home this month for three hundred navvies, to be brought our partly at his expense and partly at that of the immigration scheme. Mr. ANDREWS, the engineer for the breakwater, and Mr SMITH, the agent for the contractor, have both arrived by the Phoebe. They have gone out now merely on a visit of inspection and will return by the May steamer, or the June one at furthest.

There still exists a great demand for labour in the colony. The two thousand immigrants (says the Cape Mail) who have arrived under the present scheme have rather increased than satisfied the demand for almost every description of labour, and if an equal number or twice as many arrive this year, they will find little difficulty in securing good wages and good prospects, for besides the want of steady and experienced agricultural servants, domestic servants, mechanics and artisans, we shall require for public works now in progress or about to commence, many hundreds, by and by some thousands of excavators or navvies, masons, bricklayers, carpenters, blacksmiths and the innumerable nondescripts that form a part of every busy hive of working men.

The Union Company s steam ship Celt will sail from Devonport on Tuesday the 7th inst. with the mails for the Cape and Natal. The Celt will take out the following passengers - Miss FREY Miss COLE Misses ROGERS (2) Mr and Mrs W.S. JONES Mr SEURIA Mr PRINCE Mr and Mrs ARMITAGE and children (2) and servant Mr ELLINGER

The Royal Mail steam ship Norman arrived at Plymouth on the 1st instant from Table Bay, which she left on the 21st April with the following passengers - Mr and Mrs DASTRE Mr ADCOCK Mr MARSH Miss CAWOOD Mrs CHAMBERLAINE Mr FORDRED Mr TRUTER Mr SERRURIER Mr and Mrs JOSEPH and three Misses Joseph and Master Joseph Masters PERKINS (2) Mr. WOLLASTON Mr BENJAMIN Mrs and two Misses HERTZOG Mr KOCK Mr BOTHA Captain and Mrs SHERWELL Miss NAPIER Mr and Mrs CANTOR and two children CAPTAIN and Mrs ADAMS (late of the wrecked ship Briseis) Mr JAMES Mr BROWN Mr STRATH Mr PRICE

The Burkington 676 tons, Captain Victor Howes, sailed from Southampton on Monday, the 30 ult. for Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope with 267 emigrants, under charge of Surgeon Superintendent Samuel Leonard Crarie M.D.

The Coldstream sails from Plymouth on Sunday morning for Algoa Bay, with about 230 adult emigrant passengers of various classes.
Emigration to the Cape is now taking an active course. A large number of suitable Scotch emigrants have been obtained and will shortly be ready to proceed.

The Early Morn sailed from the Downs on the 14th ult. for Port Natal with a full cargo and the undermentioned passengers - Mr and Mrs EASTWOOD and son Mr and Mrs WATKINS Mr ESCOMBE Mr G SMITH Mr ATKINSON Mr G ATKINSON Mr ELLGIE Miss ATKINSON


First and foremost as you will anticipate is the turning of the sod of the first railway in South Africa. The day previous had been signalised by the review of the Volunteer Corps of the Western Province in the Camp Ground by his Excellency the Governor. The day was fine, and the concourse, for the Cape, immense. Upwards of 6,000 people, in carriages of every description, were present and the Rondebosch road presented not a bad miniature of a Derby day.
The preparations that had been made for the great event which was to come off on the day following were on a scale commensurate with the importance of the occasion, and the greatest disappointment was felt when the day was ushered in by unusually wet and stormy weather. Thousands of persons from Cape Town and its neighbourhood, and many from a considerable distance, were present, in spite of wind and weather, to witness the novel and interesting ceremony. In a pouring rain that almost drowned the few words that his Excellency spoke on arriving at the spot, the Dean of Cape Town offered up the prayers for the occasion. The sod was cut, thrown into the barrow, wheeled to a short distance, and then, amid the cheers of the assembled multitude and the booming canon, Sir George Grey had turned the first sod of the first railway in Southern Africa. It is only those who have resided at the Cape that can appreciate the importance of this event to the advancement  and prosperity of the colony. It is the commencement of a new era.

Upwards of 16,000 pounds has been already raised in different parts of the colony for the (Dutch Reformed) Theological Seminary at Stellenbosch.

JUVENILE IMMIGRANTS - The Volksblad states that a deputation of the Dutch juvenile immigration committee visited Drakenstein, Paarl, Wellington, Stellenbosch and Somerset West to ascertain, by personal inquiry, the actual condition of the juvenile immigrants, settled in these localities. They visited altogether eighty three of them and were highly gratified with the results. The deputation consisted of the Hon. Mr. de Wet and Messrs. P.A. BRAND and TRUTER.

ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH - Mr PICKERING, who arrived by the mail steamer, intends, it is stated to proceed with the construction of the telegraph line to Wellington immediately, and that the whole of the wires and apparatus required for it will arrive by the next mail steamer. He will be prepared to extend it to other important centres of trade and communication whenever he is required to do so, and he estimated that the expense in any direction will be considerably under 60 pounds a mile.

Dec 21, at Beufort West, Mrs. R. M'LEOD of a son; April 12, at Redbourne, Plettenberg Bay, Mrs W.H. NEWDGATE , of a daughter; April 12, at Cape Town, Mrs H. HENEKE, of a son

Feb 14, at Cape Town, Joseph James, third son of Thomas BARRY, of Fort Beaufort, to Susan Maria, fifth daughter of J.B.A.  BLAND; March 8, at Fort Beaufort, Tobias Johannes, son of the late Rev. Mr. Herold Stellenbosch, to Johanna Marthina, second daughter of T. BARRY; March 9, at Fort Beaufort, James, son of the late W. DUNN, to Elizabeth Helena, youngest daughter of Mr. J. GUNTER; April 16, at Cape Town, Mr. T. S . HOPLEY of Beufort West, to Clara Frances, daughter of  J. WOODROW  of London.

March 31, at Paarl, Hubert SHELLY, late surgeon to the new Kloof Convict Station, aged 34 years; April 5, at Cape Town, Maria, daughter of Mr. Lewis EVANS; April 9, at Cape Town, Mr Peter TYFFE, aged 66 years; April 18, at Observatory, P. MORTON; April 10, at Stellenbosch, Robert, infant son of Mr R.J. CROZIER; April 5,  at Wecome Wood, near Sidbury, William, only son of Mr MACKRILL; April 10, at Swellendam,Letitia, eldest daughter of Mr. KENNEDAY.


EXTRAORDINARY CAPTURE OF FORTY WHALES - Mr RESTALL of Groote Vley, Oliphants Hoek, whose residence commands a view of the sea, observed with a telescope, something black on the ocean, proceeding thither, he was greatly surprised to find that a shoal of live whales, forty in number, had been cast up by the tide, then at high water. He immediately procured a span of oxen, and as the tide receded made chains fast to the whales in succession, until the entire shoal were hauled up, high and dry beyond the tidal reach.
On looking over his captures, Mr Restall found he had secured forty black finned whales, varying from 6 to 18 feet in length, the majority approaching the larger figure. One creature he estimates to have weighed fully 5,000 pounds, as twelve oxen could with difficulty only, drag it along and whilst being skinned, the whole strength of the  span was needed to turn the whale over. From the rude appliances at his disposal, Mr Restall got 300 gallons of oil. A good deal of conjecture has arisen as to how these creatures became cast up, and were not the veracity of the gentleman we have named unimpeachable, we should have been disposed to look upon the whole narrative as  very like a whale, but we are stating facts, and what renders the circumstances more remarkable is, that there had been fine weather previously, - the day before, so still that nine vessels were becalmed within sight of  Groote Vley. Mr Restall is quite unable to account for the  remarkable occurrence, and has suggested that some marine volcanic action must have cast the whales out of their depth and left them floundering in the shoal where they were captured.

SOMERSET (EAST) - Mr. UPJOHN, in the West is advertising rhubarb plants for sale as something new and wonderful in the colony, while Mr HART, of Glen Avon, has been supplying his friends for many years past with plants and seed from this delicious vegetable. He is also a public benefactor in having brought the first meal to market in 182, at the Somerset Fair, and since timber has been cut from gum trees grown on his estate. Besides, gooseberries, currants, and cherry trees have been long cultivated on the same property with success, as many can witness who have partaken of his hospitality. The cherry trees were sent to the colony many years since by Mr. VETCH, of Exeter. Kentish and Black heart particularly have done well. The fruits of  Glen Avon are unequalled in the colony, as no expense or trouble has been spared to bring them to perfection. Glen Avon may be well considered a model farm and worthy of a visit . Iron mills have been long in use, and  lately one of Westwood and Sons patent mills and stone have been worked with success by Mr HART jun. Generally speaking the district is rich and getting rich. Iron roofs for houses, mahogany furniture, pianos and such things are all the go now, and the waggon chests and Veld stoeltjes are rapidly getting out of fashion.

SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. BILLINGHAM M..P. FOR UITENHAGE - It is our painful duty to announce the very sudden death of Mr Joseph BILLINGHAM, which took place on Sunday evening last. For some days he had been unwell and about eight o clock of the evening in question was seized with an apoplectic fit. His brother who had been in attendance on him during the day, immediately went for medical assistance, but before it could be obtained, Mr Billingham was no more. This sudden bereavement has affected most painfully his family and friends. To his surviving relatives and friends we tender our sincere sympathies under the painful circumstances of their affliction.

April 6, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. PUCKLE, of a daughter; March 21, at Howison Port, Mrs. J.R. MORGAN, of a son; March 27, at Grahams Town, the wife of Mr. W.H. HALL, Commissariate, of a son; March 15, Mrs. Charles MALLET, of a son March 31, at Cathcart, Mrs EYDE, of a son

March 30, at Uitenhage, Mr. James F. PARKES, to Miss Helen P. FORREST; March 10, at Grahams Town, Mr ALLISONto Miss Harriet KEW; March 14, at Mill River, Mr GAME to Emily Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Mr. WEBB

March 12, at Queenstown, John, the only son of Mr Thomas STUBBS; Feb 22, at Cradock, Elizabeth, aged 37 years, widow of the late Rev. G HARTLEY, and eldest daughter of the late Mr. WEEKS, of Grahams Town; March 16, at Elands Post, Jane, the youngest daughter of  Mr BOYLE; April 3, at Port Elizabeth, Jessie, daughter of Mr. OWEN; April 14, at Port Elizabeth, Jessie Florence, infant daughter of Mr. PUCKLE; April 23, at Port Elizabeth, Hector M'KENZIE, aged 51 years; March 13, at Grahams Town, Isabella, wife of Alexander PETERS, late of 91st Regt. aged 58 years.


The elections for the Legislative Council were finished. The following is a list of the members of the new Council

County of Klip River - G. MELLERSH and J. GREGORY County of Weenen  - Walter M'FARLANE County of Umvoti  - Johan Christoffel BOSHOFF County of Pietermaritzburg - J. MORELAND and J. ARBUTHNOT County of Durban - Adolf COQUI County of Victoria - Henry MILNER Borough of Pietermaritzburg - Joseph HENDERSON and Jonas BERGTHIOL Borough of Durban - John MILLAR and John Richardson GOODRICKE

Great efforts are about to be made for the improvement of the Port at D'Urban.
There was a good deal of excitement wherever there was a contest, and the usual amount of clap-trap inscriptions appeared on the flags of the various candidates, and promises made to give everybody everything.

The works on the Port and D'Urban Railway have been prosecuted with energy by Mr. Albert ROBINSON, the efficient engineer of the company. He has also been requested to order a steam launch to convey sugar to the port from the estate of Chakas Kraal, where a jetty will be run out on the coast. It is announced that Mr. Alexander M'LEAN, of Umhlali,has been appointed manager of the Umzinto Sugar Company.

The introduction of the inmates of Ragged Schools has been mooted and meetings have been held by English settlers on the subject.

It is ascertained that 300 acres of cotton are at present cultivated by the natives under the auspices of the Government.

The Wesleyans at Maritzburg have constructed a new brick chapel of Ionic design, which was opened on the 25th March, and about 75 pounds was contributed at the various services. The old building will now be used for coloured classes.

The Government contemplate the erection of a lighthouse on the bluff, which will enable vessels from India to make the land and with the aid of the expected steam tug passing vessels could receive without delay supplies of provisions at a cheaper rate than at the Cape or St Helena.
When the improvements in our beautiful land-locked harbour are completed, we shall be able to offer facilities for the repair and cleaning of ships unequalled by any other port in these seas.

STEAM SURF BOAT - An iron surf boat, with a screw and steam power, is ordered from England for a large sugar estate on the coast for the purpose of bringing the produce of the estate to this port. The boat is to carry twenty five tons of cargo and will draw under three feet when laden. She will be so constructed as to be capable of being hauled on the beach in bad weather, and at other times of being loaded from the beach without boats. This spirited effort will solve the difficulty of land carriage to the port from the more distant estates. The boat is for the Chaka sugar mills, and is ordered by Mr. Coqui through Mr. A. Robinson.

The Durban Chamber of Commerce is memorialising the Home Secretary to re-establish a land grant system. It can scarcely be expected that their prayers will be granted. Natal's land has been squandered - first by the registration grants, second by land commission grants, third by land board grants, and forth, by proclamation land grant. Every inch of land in the colony has now a value, and all our unhappy experience goes to show that giving away land does not people the settlement. A few cargoes of sugar and wool will soon proclaim the value of the land in a language which capitalists will understand, and then our reserves will bring funds for roads, bridges and immigration.

MEDICAL MEN AT NATAL - In the Times of the 13 December there is a paragraph from the Civil Service Gazette, intimating there are several vacancies for District Surgeons in Natal at 75 pounds per annum, with ample scope for private practice. I have never seen any advertisement for such officers in the Government Gazette, and as to the scope for medical practice - some gentlemen have abandoned the towns for country life. As the European population is small and the climate healthy, it would be madness for medical men to come here on the strength of such a statement, as there is a super abundance of professional men in the colony.

Feb 7, at Lower Umkomanzi, Mrs. ARBUTHNOT, of a son; April 1, at Pinetown, the wife of the Rev. J.L. COMPTON, of a son; April 1, at Durban, Mrs T. JACQUES of a son; March 11, at Camperdown, Mrs. A.C. HAWKINS, of a son; March 16, at Maritzburg, the wife of Dr. P.C. SUTHERLAND, of a son; March 20, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs M'GILL of a daugther

April 11, at Chaka s Kraal, Mr. B. BALCOMB, aged 66 yrs; March 13, at Kruisfontein, Anna Hermina Aletta STYL March 15, at the American Mission Station, Amahlonga, the infant son of the Rev. S.C. PIXLEY.

1 July 1859

The Colonial Parliament was still in session, and likely to continue so for a month longer.The discussion of the estimates had only just been entered upon. The estimate revenue for 1859 is 474,000pounds and the expenditure 466,000 pounds.
The principal subjects that have been occupying the attention of the Legislature have been the insolvent law, the usuary law, the marriage law, the banking system of the colony, ecclesiastical grants, various public works and the proposed scheme for a federative separation of the Eastern and Western Provinces.
The select committee of the House of Assembly, on the subject of steam communication between the colony and England, report that they are of opinion that the line, via Mauritius, as proposed which would give two mails from England per month, would be too expensive.

From the neighbouring states there is no news of any importance. The Free State is quiet and prosperous. The Transvaal Republic seems to have abandoned all intention of attacking Kuruman, for the present at least.

The Royal Mail steam ship Phoebe, belonging to the Union Company, arrived at Plymouth on Saturday afternoon after a very favourable passage, although during the latter part she had strong north-east winds to contend with. She left Table Bay on the 22 May with the following passengers-

The Hon. Julius MOSENTHAL , Mrs Mosenthal, three children and servant The Hon, J. H. GREATHEAD, Mrs Greathead, seven children and servant Hon. D.J. VAN BREDA and son (Peter Van Breda) Major BUSH Lieutenant CUMMING Miss SIMPSON Mrs DYASON Miss SAUNDERS Captain and Mrs SPENCE Mr & Mrs RENNIES Mr HEILBRUN Mr LEWIS Mr WICHT Mr DYASON jun Mr BLACK Mr BIRT Mr WINDER

The Royal Mail steam ship Athens arrived in Table Bay on the 17th May after a passage of 41 days owing to the very severe weather which she encountered.

The Tiptree which sailed from Table Bay for London on the 7th May had on board the following passengers - Dr & Mrs BINDEN, servant and two children Mr & Mrs LANDSBERG Mr & Mrs FERRANDI and five children Mr & Mrs MEYER and four children Mr & Mrs PERRIERand two sons Mrs JUNGHENN Messrs. H. ROSS, BULMER, MUIRHEAD, GODON, MARLING, Dr. FITZGERALD

Mr & Mrs WOLFE.
Steerage - Mr CURTIS, wife and three children Mr. FINDLAY, wife and child Soldier's wife and two children


The object we have so long and anxiously looked forward to - a breakwater in Table Bay - once more appeared for a time to be completely shelved, - Mr ANDREWS, the engineer sent out for the colony, and Mr SMITH, the agent of Mr LEATHER, the contractor, having intimated that such a breakwater as that prepared by Captain Vetch would absorb a sum more than double that voted by the Colonial Legislature, in fact, it would have to be prepared to authorise an annual expenditure of about 100,000pounds until the works were completed, the exact cost of which they could not fix. This appeared at first a complete extinguisher, but a committee was appointed by both Houses, and after taking evidence they brought up a report recommending that the work should no longer be delayed, but that the outer pier should be at once commenced, for which the sum at the disposal of the Government would be sufficient, and that the works should be undertaken by the Government under the  superintendence of a proper engineer and a staff of competent officers, with the advantage of being able to employ a large amount of convict labour, which effect a considerable saving to the colony.  As this will no doubt be adopted, we may soon see this important work commenced.

The much vexed questions as to the line and terminus of the railway are still unsettled. The latter will however most probably be fixed at the north west angle of the Grand Parade, as recommended by Parliament while the Wynberg people have had their disappointment at the line not taking that direction made up by the formation of a company for a branch line, with such prospects of a profitable return, the do not intend applying for a  Government guarantee.The necessity of railway communication is, I am glad to say, being felt throughout the colony, and applications are now being entertained by Parliament for the survey of two other lines.

The trade of the colony, though not very brisk, has been on a wholesome footing. Provisions still remain very high. One or two associations are in the course of formation to supply cheap bread and meat. The season, has, however, set in very favourably, seasonable rains having made up for a long continued drought, under which many parts of the colony were suffering.

A very successful sale of landed property was held at Wellington last week. Mr BRITTAINs property was divided into 13 lots, the on which the apothecarys shop stands being reserved by Mr. Brittain for himself.  Two or three years ago he gave 1,000pounds for the whole estate, including the hotel. On this occasion the 12 lots changed hands for 2,050pounds. The hotel and ground on which it stands, and the adjoining sold for 1,300pounds, and was purchased for some one in the Paarl.

The anniversary of the Queen's birthday, next Tuesday, will be kept as a general holiday in Cape Town. There will be a grand review  of all the troops in garrison on the Parade, in which the Volunteer Cavalry Rifles and Artillery will take part.  The review it is expected will commence at noon, the ball being opened by a right royal salute from the Castle and the Hermes. The Governor and Lady Grey, the Lieutenant-Governor and all the fashionables of Cape Town, will no doubt be present.

The Cape Town Sailor's Home is one of the most useful institutions in our city. The annual meeting of its supporters was held a fortnight ago, and the following interesting facts were then stated - Since the day the Home was opened, the 6th June 1855, till the 31st December 1857, the number of officers and men boarded at the Home was 1,789 and from 31st December 1857 to 31 December 1858, 600 making a total of 2,449. During the past year, 32 distressed seamen had been admitted without any charge at the expense of 29l. 16s. 11d.
There has been a lamentable falling off in the amount of subscriptions and donations. In 1857 it was 614l. 17s. 2d., last year it was only 340l. 10s. 3d. The amount received for board and lodging in 1858 was 678l. 6s. 2d. His Excellency the Governor had been kind enough to grant 50pound to the institution in consideration of the relief afforded to the crew of the Eastern City which was burnt at sea. At the present time there is a deficiency of upwards 100pounds. Sir William HODGES, who presided, said it was intended to supplement the present grant of 100pounds per annum by another 100pounds. The new building, which was calculated to accommodate 130 men, besides officers of ships and the official staff, would cost, it had been calculated about 5,000 pounds. They had got the plans prepared by the civil engineer and had a prospect of getting a grant of 1,000 pounds to make a beginning.

THE CAPE TOWN AND WELLINGTON RAILWAY - Some awkward difficulties have arisen in connection with the direction of the railway. The line hitherto contemplated for it has been a tortuous and lengthy one, which for the sake of having Stellenbosch on the main trunk has cut off the corn growing country of Koeberg and Zwartland from any participation in the benefits of it at all. This will now be altered, for two select committees in the Assembly and Council respectively have recommended that the main line should extend nearly in a direct course to Paarl and Wellington, and that a branch should diverge from Muller's Vlei to Stellenbosch.

It is satisfactory to find that further agitation is being rapidly got up for an extension of railways in South Africa. A select committee of the Assembly is in session considering the project of a railway from Port  Elizabeth to Grahams Town, and a company is being organised in Cape Town for the construction of a branch railway from Cape Tow to Wynberg, and with the most abundant indications of success.

TOBACCO - An important agricultural experiment is now being conducted on the farm Alphen, in the neighbouring Wynberg. Two emigrants who arrived last year from Holland, Messrs TEENGS and TEPE, determined to initiate the systematic cultivation of tobacco in the vicinity of Cape Town, and for that purpose obtained a piece of otherwise waste unoccupied land on the farm named. During the year they have cleared it of the rank, luxuriant bush which had previously covered it, subjected it to regular and effective tillage and reaped a very excellent crop of very excellent tobacco leaves.

At Swellendam, Mrs Albert KENNEDY, of a son, who only survived a few hours

May 3, at Rondebosch, Captain W. TYLER BARTLEY, of H.M 6th Reg. to Esther, eldest daughter of Mr Justice BELL; May 12, at Beaufort West, Mr J.H. ELLIOT, of Salt River to Miss M.E., eldest daughter of Mr. M. DE JAGER; May 7, at Cape Town, Samuel, youngest son of S. MERCER, to Harriet, widow of the late H. SHELLEY, and daughter of the late John FOSTER, ship agent; April 28, at Wynberg, T.J. EATON of Drooge Vallei, to Henrietta Ann, third daughter of the late Mr Justice MUSGRAVE

April 29, at Cape Town, Mr George M. PEDDER, aged 40 years; May 3, at Cape Town, Joseph, son of Mr. Ezra GOODSON, aged 9 months; May 3, at Cape Town, Robert Albert, son of Mr Thomas ADAMS, aged 9 years; May 3, at Cape Town, Mr Thomas GRIFFITHS, aged 22 years; May 5, Mr James Ryan BATHIE, aged 49 years; May 7, Mr. William PREBBLE, aged 34 years; May 9, William, son of Mr Thomas FIELD.


The month which has elapsed, has been characterised by great monetary tightness. The stoppage of Mr. R.G. STONE, with liabilities to the amount of about 80,000pounds has caused inconvenience to many, and some failures have resulted in consequence. In the midst of all the pecuniary tightness there are, however, ample evidence of trade and progress. The quantity of wool, which daily comes to our merchants is unprecedented, and by the shipping export returns we have oft-repeated tokens of the colonys power of production. Public works in hand are carried on with spirit. New operations are designed, public and private buildings are everywhere rearing and merchants stores of a costly character are added to our streets. We have few unemployed and no poor. So far as this city is concerned, it has sustained the pressure better than any other community, and at this moment its banking institutions will bear comparison with any other in the colony.

The resources and elasticity of this province have been sorely tested by an obstinate drought for upwards of eight months, and although vegetables may be said to be out of the market, esculents very dear and general articles of daily consumption high, yet the only wonder is we are not placed under famine prices. Bread corn is at as low quotations as it has been on an average of five years, beef and mutton are at sixpence per lb.

The civil engineers department is undergoing a complete renovation under Mr Scott TUCKER, from whom we anticipate great reform and improvements in all public works. Adequate supervision is to be provided for  bridges, roads and public buildings.

May 8, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs H. DEARE, of a son; May 17, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. W.S. KIRKWOOD of a son; April 14, at King Williams Town, the wife of Colonel BLISSETT, of a son

April 7, at Colesberg, Mr. H.L. RUDLIN, to Catherine Anne HODGSON, third daughter of the Rev. R. GIDDY; April 23, at Fort Beaufort, Charles Blyth, eldest son of C.C. HUTCHINS, Regents Park, London to Mary Jane, second daughter of the late Mr Thomas WARD, of Fort Beaufort

April 20, Mr John JOHNSON, a native of Cambridge England, aged 51 years; May 7, at Port Elizabeth, Rose, wife of Robert Henry SMITH; April 25, at King Williams Town, Mrs BARNETT; April 9, at Peelton Mission Station, Mr James BIRT; April 7, Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr. W. KING;
May 10, at East London, Mr John ACTON, aged 52 years.


The election of Mr. BOSHOF, for the Umvoti, having been declared void, a large number of candidates is said to be in the field among whom are the unseated members, Messrs. ARCHBELL, VANDERPLANK, Otto LANDSBERG and KINGHURST.. The chief ground of this vacancy appears to be some mistake or irregularities in the official conduct of the election.

A very large number, several thousands, of refugee from the Zulu country had fled into Natal in consequence of the war ragging between Panda and Kithchwayo.

As the Home Government have negatived the federation question, the colonists of Natal are much disappointed with the conduct of Mr. BOSHOF, the President of the Free State, towards English interests. He has arrived at his brothers place at Mooi River, and will soon be at the city. It cannot be expected that the same cordial feeling will now be felt in his welfare.

The Natal Fire Assurance and Trust Company has declared a half yearly dividend of 30 per cent and voted a silver salver to their late secretary, Carl BEHRENS, who is now the able general manager of the Natal Bank. This is the first piece of plate presented in Natal.

April 21, at Durban, Mrs A. HORAN, of a son; April 23, at Durban, the wife of Captain Walter LLOYD, of a son and heir; April 23, at Durban,  Mrs J.R. SAUNDERS, of a son; April 22, at Verulam, Mrs. J. MILLER, of a son; April 23, at Verulam, Mrs T.W. GARLAND, of a daughter; April 23, at Claredon, Mrs. W.R. SHAW, of a daughter; May 2, at Clairmont, Mrs. M.B. SMART, of a daughter; May 3, at Verulam, the wife of the Rev. J. GASPIN, of a son

April 26, at Pietermaritzburg, Charles Tebbutt BELL, to Portia Victoria Palema, only daughter of  T.H.E. OKES, of Pietermaritzburg; April 28, at Pinetown, C.H. DICKINSON, to Martha, second daughter of J. AYRES, late of Hertford; April 29, at Pietermarizburg, H.POWELL, to Helen Dunnett, third daughter of A. MACDONALD, late of Glascow.

April 20, at Hlofongas Kraal, in the Zulu country, Mr. James LANSDELL, aged 31 years; April 21, Mr CHALLONER.


A COMFORT TO COLONISTS - Where there are no brewers there can be no yeast, and where there is no yeast it is generally supposed there can be no light bread. This last, however is a mistake, BORWICKS BAKING POWDER, which has for many years been used in the Royal Navy, and was found so valuable to the army in the Crimean and Chineses wars, is a perfect substitute for yeast, and the process of using it is so simple, and its operation so quick, that the most inexperienced can convert flour into bread or tea cakes with it in a few minutes. It may be used to great advantage in puddings and pastry, rendering them, with half the usual quantity of eggs and butter, both wholesome and delicious. It will keep for years. This article is sold in 2d., 4d., and 6d. packets and 1s. canisters, by most druggists and grocers in Cape Town. Parties not yet supplied may obtain it through any merchant or shipper in London.

A CHEAP RECIPE FOR PRESERVING CLOTHES - Instead of wasting several hours every week in rubbing your clothes to pieces - if you really wish them to durable - try the wonderful effects of WIDOW BROWNS WASHING COMPO.  It contains all the chemical properties of Soap, Soda, and Blue, and requires only that the clothes should be boiled in it about twenty minutes, then rinsed and wrung out, to make them as white as the driven snow. By this means, while securing durability of your clothes, you will save your Soap, Soda and Blue, and much valuable time, and the discomfort of the washing day will not be felt. This article is sold in 1d. packets, at most stores in Cape Town.

1 August 1859

Public works are progressing satisfactorily. The expenditure for construction and maintaining colonial roads is estimated at 70,000pounds this year. A preliminary survey of the country between Port Elizabeth and Graham's Town is to be made with the view to ascertaining the expediency of laying down a railway.

The railway from Cape Town to Wellington is in progress, and will, according to the contract, be opened for traffic within two and a half years from this date. Another line was under consideration from Port Elizabeth to Graff-Reinet. It was also proposed to survey a line in continuation from Wellington terminus to Worcester, which would open up a traffic from the interior of the colony.

Mr. A. WYLEY, the Geological Surveyor, has completed a geological map of most of the colonial districts. He will shortly publish a general report on the geology of South Africa.

Several shipwrecks, attended with loss of life, had occured on the South African coast. The Aberdeen barque Shepherdess, in endeavouring to enter AlgoaBay, struck on a reef off Cape Receife, and was almost instantaneously lost. Out of a crew of fourteen souls (including the captain) only two seamen were saved. A brig named the Flora went ashore at Walwich Bay, and some of the passengers, including the wife and four children of a missionary (the Rev. Mr. RATH) were drowned. The schooner Anne has been wrecked near Cape Point and the Osmond at Port Beaufort. A ship, bearing the name Ulysses, was found abandoned off the east coast, and has been taken into AlgoaBay. Nothing is known of the fate of her crew. Several vessels had recently put into our colonial ports in a damaged state.

The Union Company's Royal Mail steam ship Athens, Capt. SMITH, arrived at Plymouth on Thursday afternoon, her dates are, Table Bay June 21, St. Helena June 30, Ascension July 4. The Athens brings the following passengers - Mr.and Mrs. TUCKER, two children and two servants Mr and Mrs DARTER, Mr T.J. BOTHA Mr. WILSON and son Capt. MOON Mr HUNT Mr ANDREWS Mr and Mrs MONCKTON Mr LIBBY Mr and Mrs WOODHOUSE and four children Mr and Mrs CLAYTON and four chidren Mr and Mrs NEWLANDS and three children Mr and Mrs HOLMES Rev Arch Deacon MACKENZIE and Miss MACKENZIE Mr SEARLE Mr SANDERSON Mr MAYNARD Hon. J. PATERSON and family Mr and Mrs MILLER Miss LAMB Miss WESCOTT Mrs SMITH and child

The following passengers have engaged berths in the Union Company steamer which takes out mails of the 5th inst.- Mr and Mrs DE PASS Mr and Mrs BENSUSAN Lord Bishop of Cape Town Mrs Gray Mr and Mrs LUCKHAM and servant Mr MARSH Mr and Mrs CARBUTT,  son and daughter Mr and Mrs DICKINSON Mr LYDARD Mr GUMPERT Mr CHAPLIN Mrs and Miss BENNETT Mr SELIGMAN Miss SPIERS Rev's TURNBALL, THOMAS AND JAMES
The Lord Raglan, chartered by the Emigration Commissioners, sailed on the 18th ult. from Southampton to Table Bay. She took out 41 married couples, 117 single men, 22 single women, 42 children and infants.


A private bill for the naturalising of a Mr. VON MEYER is the only one that has as yet passed both Houses.
The Parliament has voted 1,500pounds in aid of agricultural societies, which are now springing up in every direction. Their usefulness in inducing the farmers to use better kinds of farming implements cannot be over estimated. A grand ploughing match took place at the farm of Mr. BEYERS a few days ago, when there was no less than fourteen competitors. The Governor and suite were present, and Mr. Beyers entertained them and a party of upwards 150 to a sumptuous dinner. If some of our wealthy farmers would only emulate him, our agriculture would soon cease to be as primitive as it is at present. and would afford ample employment for a better class of European labourers.

An influenza has, broken out amongst the horses, which though not very fatal, has, however, greatly interfered with the breeders, and purchases for the Remount Agency have partially stopped.

THE QUEENS BIRTHDAY - Tuesday was strickly observed as a holiday, in celebration of hier Majesty's birthday. The weather was seasonable, and favourable to the full enjoyment of all the entertainments provided for the pleasure seekers. In the morning a levee was held at Government House, and in the evening a grand ball came off at the same place.
At noon, the 59th Regiment, at present stationed here, together with a company of the Cape Mounted Rifles and the whole of the Cape Town Volunteer Corps, were drawn up on the Parade, and the usual feu de joie and royal salute were fired.
Volunteers for the Navy are being called for by the shipping master, Capt.
TINLEY, by order of the senior officer of the station, Commander GORDON.The applications from landsmen, as well as able-bodied seamen, are numerous and it is confidently expected that on the return of Perseverance from Natal and Algoa Bay, that a number of suitable men will be ready to proceed home in her. The amount of bounty money has not yet been fixed.

Cape Town
Provision Market

The market rates for provisions still rule high all over the colony. In Cape Town the retail prices are - Beef 8d to 1s. per lb, steaks 1s, mutton 7d. to 8d.
Chocolate per lb, 2s. 6d., starch 1s, blue indigo 7s. 6d., maccaroni and vermicelli, 1s. 2d to 1s. 4d.

House rent continues very high. An experienced agent informs us that the following are average current prices per month - Small self contained house, two small rooms and kitchen, with backyard, 1l, 5s. to 1l. 15s.
superior dwellings, about 2l. to 3l. , large houses, according to size, from 4l.  to 8l. per month.

June 9, at Woodlands, the wife of the Rev. Canon WHITE, of a son and heir June 5, at Cape Town, Mrs T.J.C. INGLESBY, of a son

May 8, at Cape Town, Mr James Lunn SHIEL, of Newcastle, England to Margaret, widow of the late Mr. Charles MASSIE, May 25, at Durban, Petrus Johannes, son of William A.J. DE SMIDT, to Mary Isabella, youngest daughter of Dr. H.H. GIRD, of Koeberg

May 20, at Twenty four Rivers, Catherine Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. John Percival WIGGINS,aged 18 years June 4, at MosselBay, Robert Daniel, eldest son of E. EAGER,aged 34 years May 29, at Cape Town, Mrs A.R. De Villier ROGERS, aged 49 years June 14, at Cape Town, Mr Robert Medhurst, aged 72 years.

Thirty four Scotch emigrants, now in Nova Scotia, have requested passages for themselves, wives and children, 175 souls in all, to this colony, but as they require land they have not been encouraged by the  Executive. This is strange, as we have thousands of miles of country, untrodden by a single human foot. This country we wish to see converted into smiling fields, covered with flocks and herds and dotted with peaceful homesteads. The kind of immigrants we want are chiefly cultivators of the ground - producers- with their wives and families, men who in Wiltshire and Berks are earning only 8s. a week, and whose chief recommendation is bone and sinew, temperance and honesty.

The Kowie Harbour works continue to make very satisfactory progress. The labour party reaches 320 men. The convict station there is one of the most complete on the frontier. A ticket-of-leave batch of 25 men is to be added to the station. The present gang comprises some very good mechanics. The tramway laid by them is equal to the passage of locomotives. It costs only 10s. per yard, and is an excellent illustration of a cheap and effective  means of transport within the means of the colonists.
The valuations of fixed property at the instance of divisional councils has brought to light some discreditable disclosures. The valuator of Colesberg, Mr.F. VAN ZYL, purchased his farm two years ago for 6,000 pounds and returns it in the schedule at 1,550 pounds.

A very laudable desire exists to improve the breed of sheep and the importation of rams has become an important branch of trade. Messrs.DEARE and DEITZ of Port Elizabeth, are importing per Chasseur 101 French Merino rams from Marscilles.

The Queen's birthday appears to have been suitably observed all over the colony. At Port Elizabeth, the event was celebrated with a regatta and sundry sports and races.

Our obituary includes the Mr. N.P. KROHN, of the firm of N.P. Krohn and Co. associated with the house of Maynards, one of the oldest establishments in the EasternProvince, and doing business in the early days of the British settlers. Mr KROHN received a kick from one of his carriage horses, which displaced the cap of his knee. This led to a succession of fits, under which the lamented gentleman sank. Mrs. NELSON,who has resided here ever since the formation of the British settlement, has also paid the debt of nature at a very advanced age.

The German Legion has been disbanded in India, and the officers offered free passage back to this colony, but we have no particular anxiety to receive them.

IMPORTED STOCK - We are glad to notice that further additions to our imported live stock have been made during the month. By the Wolverine Messrs. FLEMING and Co. have received for Mr. J.J. MEINTJES, of Graaff-Reinet, two very superior thorough bred rams, and by the same vessel, eight Angola goats were brought, forming part of the flock of twenty eight for Messrs. Thompson and Co. of Grahams Town. By the Ocean Sprite, Messrs, THOMSON, WATSON, SIMPSON and Co. have imported ten Merino rams, and Messrs. G. WOOD and Sons, by the Elizabeth Lewis, imported five rams and eight ewes.
The 101 French rams imported by Messrs. DEARE and DEITZ, have much improved in condition since their arrival.

The drought which has been reported in so many recent summaries has at last been terminated by copious and refreshing showers, extending from Bloemfontein into Port Elizabeth.

The German Immigrants at King Williams Town, have, it appears, formed themselves into an association for providing the means of religious instruction and worship in their own language and have appealed to the colonists generally to aid them in so doing.

May 12, at West Hill, Mrs George WOOD, jun, of a daughter May 9, at Queenstown, Mrs Ralph John GODDARD, of a daughter May 15, at Bedford, the wife of W.E. WINGROVE, of twins, a son and daughter June 5, at King Williamstown, Mrs PRINGLE, of Springfield, near Queenstown, twin daughters.

At Buffelsfontein, Hezekiah, son of Mr Thomas SEPHTON, of Port Elizabeth, to Henrietta, fifth daughter of Mr. Thomas SEPHTON. ( could be a typo error on Newspaper's part.)

(Russell Clayton writes: No, not a typo. They were 1st cousins. Henrietta's father was Thomas Hezekiah SEPHTON b. 1802, whilst Hezekiah's father was Thomas SEPHTON b. 1814. A few other unusual things about about this marriage was that Henrietta was seven years older than her spouse; she was also apparently the adopted daughter of her spouse's parents.)

May 3, at Olive Grove, near Somerset East, Thomas Henry, second son of the late Rev. Jeremiah HARTLEY, to Maria Ann, fourth daughter of Mr. Chas. PENNY, sen of Salem.
May 18, at Salem, Samuel,
youngest son of the late Mr. C. WOOD, of Port Elizabeth, to Susannah, youngest daughter of Mr. C. PENNY, sen, of Salem

May 7, at Cradock, Isabella Eliza Eleanor, daughter of Mr.
May 6, at Queenstown, Eliza Alice, wife of Mr. Thomas HULLY, aged 26 years May 10, at Grahams Town, Charlotte, widow of the late Mr.
John TESTARD, aged 52 years
May 14, at Grahams Town, N.P. KROHN , aged 40 years May 15, at Grahams Town, Mary, wife of Mr. Thomas NELSON, aged 76 years May 20, at Grahams Town, Mrs Catherine Schryver, of Cradock, aged 64 years May 22, at Amsterdam Flats, Mr. Joseph HART, formely of Grahams Town, aged 56 years May 26, at Grahams Town, Harry Rouse, only child of Mr. E.W.CYRUS


Most interesting is the movement taken by the Council to supply labour for the sugar estates. A sum of 5,000pounds had been noted for the introduction of Indians, and to provide that sum, an increase of customs duties on spirits, tobacco, cigars and other luxuries of life had been resolved upon.

PAYNE'S COTTON FACTORY -  A sign board with these words appears on the wall of Mr. ROYSTON's steam-mill, and we find that Mr. PAYNE has made arrangements for the working of his cotton gin by Mr Royston machinery. Several bales of splendid cotton are now undergoing the process of ginning, and this infant enterprise bids fair rapidly to realise satisfactory results.

DISCHARGED SOLDIERS - About sixteen men received their discharge before the embarkation of the 45th Regt., and remain as settlers. A considerable number more, who could not receive their formal discharge here, received it at Port Elizabeth, and will return as settlers by the Waldensian. Most of these men having already proved their character, will prove a valuable addition to the industry of the colony.
LAND SALES - On Saturday last Messrs FERREIRA and Co held extensive land sales. The price of fixed property is generally considered a criterion of the progress of the colony, and indicates both the increasing use to which land is put and the steady confidence of capitalists. Since the establishment of the settlement, farms of 6,000 acres have gradually risen from 50pounds to their present price, which varies according to locality. On the coast, near the port, it is not to be had at less than 21s. per acre for indifferent soil. It diminishes upward from the coast to ten shillings. Around Pietermaritzburg, the price varies from four shillings to 1pound according to locality. The farms sold on Saturday are about twenty five miles from Pietermaritzburg, in the Ilovo direction. The prices realised were , for Weltevreden, purchased by G.H.
WATHEN, 2s. 3d. per acre, Enon, purchased by Capt. LLOYD at 1s. 9d. and Vinks Rivier, purchased by P. ALLEN at 1s. 7.5d. per acre. The town property belonging to Mr. GHADE, was not sold. Up country farms, of 8,000 acres, adapted for sheep are rising rapidly, 2s. per acre being demanded in some instances.

HER MAJESTY's BIRTHDAY - A fine breezy day, a clear cutting atmosphere.
Crowds of people flocking towards noon to the camp hill. Vehicles of every kind in full requisition. A motely assemblage spread out beneath FortNapier at the top of the town. Many varieties of the human race drawn together, affording ample opportunity for the study of mankind, - English appearing complacent and respective, Dutch looking indifferent or slightly censorious, natives gazing eagerly and all interested, every one desirous of seeming cheerful but looking decidedly cold. In the centre are the military - the 85th drawn up with all the precision of the true British soldier, next we have the C.M. Rifles, sombre, but business like devoid of Trippery and gewgaws. Then came the Carbineers, whose appearance and evolutions were both soldierlike and creditable. The crowd meanwhile increases, our defenders remain stationary. A little after noon the Governor dressed in full Windsor uniform and staff ride upon the field. Then the active proceedings of the day commence. At twelve o'clock three field pieces at the camp, fire a salute of twenty one guns in honour of the Britons Queen. Then follows a feu de joie of small arms, the national anthem, the prolonged cheers of the military. In the latter, the spectators do not join, with them loyalty is felt but not expressed. How is it that the Englishman's powers of demonstration are decreased? How is it that his national ardour is checked? Does this bright African sun of ours dry up his hereditary enthusiasm, or do the cares and struggles of the colonist's life abate his ancestral susceptibilities? Be this as it may, however though the on-looking citizens keep their mouths sealed and their heads covered, the business of the day proceeds. The entire force, both infantry and cavalry, march round and round past his Excellency. Then they execute more intricate evolutions. They separate into detachments, they form into squares, they take distance, they take cover,they fire a succession of occasional shots at an imaginary enemy.
Then they fall in and make tremendous charges, driving before them legions of screaming boys and troops of ecstatic natives. Meanwhile, the two mounted corps move helter skelter, with what object the uninitiated spectator doth not perceive. The fight has lasted about two hours and is apparently still as far from an issue as ever, when a new and unexpected enemy makes his appearance.
Dark clouded squadrons have been gathering for sometime pass over Zwarts Kop, and rain begins to pour forth upon the embattled plain. An immediate rout is the consequence. The waggons, inspan and rattle off, the hosemen race homewards, the pedestrians take to their heels and fly, the armed forces beat a rapid retreat, - British soldiers do that before the inexorable elements which they are never known to do before a human foe, - they hurriedly retire. A few minutes more and the field is deserted, the bare hill is itself once more.
Natalians have, by being present, shown their loyality, and have tacitly declared the fact that in spite of time and distance, in spite of lifes changes, Victoria the great and good, is still their unquestioned Queen.

May 19, at Durban,
Mrs. J.T. ALLISON, of a son
May 20, at Durban,
Mrs. W.H. CULLINGWORTH,of a son
May 20, at Sandhill Farm, Mrs. G. HILLARY, of a daughter May 18, at Prospect, the wife of J. BICKHILL, of a son June 6, at Durban, Mrs. F. BELL, of a son June 7, at Colenzo, Tugela, Mrs. CRAW, of a daughter May 19, at Richmond, Mrs. H.J.C. HUTTON, of a son At Kettle Fontein, Mrs. G. FRANKLIN, of a daughter June 1, at Durban, the wife of the Rev. W.H.C. Lloyd, of a son
May 26,at Pietermaritzburg, Charles Tebbutt BELL, Government Surveyor, to Portia Victoria Palema, only daughter of T.H.E. Okes, of Pietermaritzburg May 21, at Durban, W. Law, eldest son of Mr. J. Torry HESTER, to Maria, third daughter of Mr. A.
May 11, at Kettle Fontein, Thomas, youngest son of the Rev. J. METHLEY, to Elizabeth Martin, youngest daughter of the late A. HAIR.
Coals - There have been two or three small parcels of 50 tons.
Beer - Market very fully supplied
Tea - No arrivals this month. Stocks still large Tobacco - 700 boxes Cavendish and 158 bales of leaf tobacco came to hand.
The market is now stocked and tobacconists fully supplied Timber - Arrivals this month inconsiderable
Staves- Demand dull
Soap - 5,450 boxes Liverpool, ex Princess, 400 boxes London, 700 boxes American.
Hops - American, 20 bales received. Market heavy.
Wheat - No foreign arrivals during the month.
Candles - 75 boxes and stock fast reducing Salt -Stocks very low and receipts this month limited to 200 bags.
Tallow - Foreign arrivals of this article, 8 casks only, and in good demand

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