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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1859 3 September - December

5 September 1859

The Royal Mail steam ship Dane, belonging to the Union Company arrived at Southampton on Friday last. She left Table Bay 23rd July and brings 16 passengers, 10,000pounds in specie, and a cargo of wine, wool, horns and sundries.
Passengers –
Rev. Mr. & Mrs. BANKES
Mrs. CLYDESDALE and child

The Catherine of 539 tons, Captain Joseph Ginder, sailed on the 4th August from Southampton for Algoa Bay, with 239 emigrants, under charge of Surgeon-Superintendent James Robert Turner. These emigrants were selected by the Hon. William Field, the Commissioner specially appointed by the Cape colony to conduct emigration. The emigrants were composed of 41 married couples, with 69 children, 63 single men, 25 single women, 116 were English, 84 Scotch and 39 Irish. The religious instructor is Mr. Griffith JONES.

On the 12th inst. There were embarked at Liverpool, under the superintendence of the Hon. Mr. Field, in the ship Matilda Atheling, for Table Bay, 288 emigrants, equal to 255 statute adults. They are principally agricultural labourers and female domestic servants, with some country masons, blacksmiths and joiners. They comprise also 53 statute adults under engagement with Messrs. PICKERING, contractors for the Cape Town Railway.

The Bermondsey of 507 tons, belonging to Messrs. Wilson and Cooke, Captain Abbott, sailed on the 25th ult. from Southampton for Algoa Bay, with 230 emigrants . 36 married couples, 72 souls, 69 single men, 24 women, 25 boys under 12, 30 girls under 12, 10 infants. 116 English, 56 Scotch and 58 Irish.

On the 2nd instant the John and Lucy embarked at Birkenhead, for Table Bay with 406 souls. 57 married couples, 173 single males, 46 single females, 28 boys and 29 girls under 14 and 16 infants.


(From our own Correspondent ) Cape Town, July 23, 1859
The event of the past month, which is now exclusively engrossing public attention, is the recall of Sir George Grey from the Government of the Cape of Good Hope. The dispatch  announcing it was in a mail-bag that had been overlooked, and it was early on the day after the Celt’s arrival, that the dispatch was received. It would be difficult to describe the sensation produced when it became known. Sir George was just preparing to embark for England, on leave, in H.M. steam ship Perseverance, which sails today, but he has now decided upon remaining here until the arrival of his successor. No time was lost in calling a public meeting of the inhabitants to decide upon the best means of conveying to his Excellency the expression of the colony’s sympathy and esteem. The meeting was attended by persons of every shade of political opinion.

There is no doubt that his Excellency will be inundated with addresses from every part of the colony. The evening before last a grand Masonic dress ball was given in the Commercial Exchange, at which both Sir George, who is a Mason, and Lady Grey were present.

The attention of the public is now fully directed to the formation of the railways and other works of utility. A company has been formed for a railway between Cape Town and Wynberg, and the survey for a railway between Port Elizabeth and Grahams Town is on the point of being commenced. The foundation stone of the new patent slip and docks at Simon’s Town was laid by his Excellency the Governor, with great ceremony, on the 12th instant.

The following extracts from a letter addressed by the Emigration Agent to Mr. Field will give all the information respecting the emigrants who arrived here in the Bride –

The immigrants per the Bride have all taken employment, and with the exception of a few, have quitted the depot – those remaining being the parents of children suffering from measles.
The wages obtained by most of them are quite equal to former rates.
With regard to farm labourers, the board considers, it most undesirable that such immigrants should be encumbered with large families, and particularly with any number of young children, such operating as a hindrance to their obtaining ready employment, and when they do meet employment, the wages they receive are sometimes so inadequate to meet their expenses that they naturally feel dissatisfied and become disheartened.

The fox hounds have been brought into the field creditably this season. The majority of them are young, but all are healthy, in good condition, and they go well together. They are completely under command, and in cover they range cleverly and work with great eagerness. The "whips" are well mounted. Both ride gallantly. On Friday, the 1st instant, the pack met at Figkraal at seven a.m.. As the sun rose dispelled a heavy fog, the hounds settled down to their work in the bush, scouring hither and thither and at times giving tongue. Several foxes had been about during the night, and nothing could be prettier than the bustling activity of the pack as they ranged around for the latest evidence of the marauder. Presently Vixen, Sempstress, and Baronet proclaimed that they were close upon him, and others joined in the chorus and the pack began to mend. Reynard rattled away for a couple of miles, sometimes along a waggon path, then dodging suddenly to right or left amongst the bush; but his tricks were of no avail. A spur of white sand, which has rolled on year after year, has now approached the eighth milestone, covering the bush with its sickly glare. At the last point of this sand is a cluster of dense shrubs, out topping the horsemen and impenetrable to the rider. Reynard ran through this, then made a circuit on the sand to baffle the hounds, and craftily returning, threw herself into the thicket. But the hounds were not prepared for this trifling. With a burst of music which the sportsman loves, they forced her out, and now begins our run. Watches are taken out and the time noted; hunting caps are pressed firmly down and hands, held low, firmly grip the reins, whilst the voice rings out, " hark to Vixen; hark to Sempstress; yooi, at him; yooi, good hounds!" For a mile Reynard rattled along the bushy knolls which skirt the sand, then plunged boldly into the open, heading for Eerste River. The pace was severe; the riders could only hold their own. The fox scarcely swerved from his line, which was daringly taken overgrass land but it soon became evident that she was going straight for the rock earth trusting to speed alone. Here a grassy plain extends for miles whitish rocks cropping out at intervals over its full compas. Then a wide plain, devastated by bush-fire and soon to be a sandy desert. , " Tally-ho " for the first time,—the fox well ahead and going strongly. Reynard, at view, struggled into a piece of bloembush-cover. She was, however, soon forced through, and after a few brief and ineffectual rings, was run into in presence of the field, after one hour and five minutes of as glorious a run as ever was seen in this colony. The waves were breaking on the shore of False Bay within one mile and a half of the spot; and thus this speedy run could not have been less than fourteen miles, without a check for one moment .  Argus 5 July.

The following account of the mission station of Kuruman is extracted from a frontier paper –
The fine mission station of Kuruman, comprising some 400 acres, was purchased some thirty or forty years ago by the agent of the London Missionary Society from the chief Mothibi, for £50 worth of beads, at that time a high price. Buildings constructed of blue limestone and timber, formerly conveyed from Magalesberg, have been raised to the value of about £6,000, not to mention the cost of an enormous watercourse. Both sides of the Great Valley are covered with native and mission gardens, irrigated by the splendid stream.

The committee of the Mechanics’ Institute announce that classes for working men, apprentices, and others are about to be opened forthwith. The Superintendent- General of Education, who takes great interest in the progress of such an institution as that which has now been established nearly six years, has consented to devote a portion of his evenings for the instruction of carpenters, builders and masons in the philosophy of their respective trades, that they may connect theory with practice.  
Mr ASHLEY will open a class for vocal music and Mr. BASTOCK is ready to commence his course of lessons in arithmetic and penmanship.


July 7 at Phillipolis, Mrs. W.J. CROSSLEY, of a son.
May 15, at Cape Town, Mrs. M.T. KING, of a son
June 19, at Green Point, Mrs. James CHAPMAN, of a son
June 18, at Knysna, Mrs. W. M’PHERSON, of a son.
July 1, at Sea Point, Mrs James KING, of a daughter


June 20, at Zuurbraak, Malcolm, youngest son of the late Benjamin MOODIE, of Grootvadersbosch, to Johanna Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Rev. D. HELM.
June 9, at Cape Town, Mr James WILLIAMS, to Miss Emma SMITH
June 30, at Cape Town, Mr Francis BURKE, to Miss Bridget Augusta KEATING
July 18, at Franschhoek, Julius Constant De Boer MAZIER, to Regina Magdalena HAM, widow of the late A.A. DE VILLIERS.

July 5, at Rondebosch, Lieutenant W.B. STUBBS, eldest son of the late W.T. STUBBS, 48th Regiment, to Frances Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. George STEVENS.


July 12, at George Town, J.M.C. CORNUEL, aged 48 years
July 12, at Cape Town, Mary, wife of Mr. R. THOMAS, aged 50 years
July 14, at Cape Town, John, son of Captain R.H. ALLAN
July 17, at Cape Town, Jane, widow of the late Mr. M. ADAMS, aged 48 years
June 30, at Cape Town, John, son of Mr. R.C. JONES, ages 20 years
June 23,at Cape Town, Mr. James EVANS, aged 39 years
June 28, at Cape Town, Mr. Simon LUCAS, aged 37 years
June 24, at Cape Town, Mary Ann,daughter of Mr. G. HOLLOWAY.
June 6, at Cape Town, Mr John Hinton, aged 33 years.


The Schah Jehan, 757 tons, J.A. COX, commander arrived here with 288 emigrants on Friday last, the 8th inst. after a fine passage from Southampton of 67 days. There have been no deaths during the voyage, but the number has been increased by three births.
A large proportion of the emigrants by this vessel are “permit” cases, and these were at once received on landing by their relatives or friends, entailing no more expense on the funds and relieving the Immigration Board of all further trouble on their behalf. The other emigrants on being landed were at once taken to the depot. Many have already met with engagements and most of the others are only waiting for means of transport to the inner districts. In this, as in mercantile affairs, the great difficulty of obtaining conveyance is severely felt. Waggons are not procurable, and for the few that do offer exorbitant rates of carriage must be paid.

A destructive fire occurred here on Sunday, 3rd inst, whereby the premises of Messrs. JAMES and ABLETT, in Thompson street, were burnt to the ground. The building was a wooden shed used a carpenter’s shop, and was insured for £250, in the Guardian Office, but the loss of property, it is estimated, will be pretty nearly double that amount. Another shed on the opposite side of the street, the property of Mr. J.S. DISTIN, also caught fire, and, for the prompt and active exertions of several persons who at once collected on the spot, would have been entirely destroyed. A dwelling house adjoining had a narrow escape, and considering the quarter of the town in which this fire originated and the quantity of deals and other inflammable property in the immediate neighbourhood, it is fortunate the damage done was not greater. It would undoubtedly have been so but for the two new fire engines lately imported by the local insurance offices, which, under the management of Mr. ARCHIBALD, the town engineer, did good service. But the want of a regularly organsied body of men as a fire brigade was much felt. A good deal of confusion prevailed at the outset, and the result was the loss of valuable time. Of the long talked of fire brigade, only two members presented themselves and offered their services. Messrs. D. CRABB and Bernard LEE distinguished themselves on this occasion by their indefatigable exertions, and their conduct was officially brought to the notice of the municipal authorities, who instructed a vote of thanks to these gentlemen to be recorded on their minutes.

The schools in connection with the Grey Institute were re-opened on Monday last. In the high school, under the charge of Mr. MACLEISH, 56 pupils were enrolled, and under Mr. WEBB, in the elementary school, there are 49 scholars receiving tuition. Both these schools during the past quarter have been conducted with ability and success, and the institution is proving a most valuable one to Port Elizabeth.
The Bethel at the foot of Jetty street is nearly completed, and will be opened for Divine service shortly. This building having been placed at the disposal of the board of managers of the Grey Institute, it is intended shortly to establish a day school there for the use of the children of a large number of families in the immediate neighbourhood.

The Circuit Court at Uitenhage sat on the 7th inst. and its proceedings were closed same day. There were very few cases for trial, either criminal or civil and none of great interest. There were only six criminal cases – several of the prisoners having escaped from the gaol.
It has been a remarkably quiet circuit – too quiet by far for the lawyers, who are complaining that this state of things will not pay.

A very fine oil painting by COBBETT has just been received by Mr. DU TOIT, from the Glasgow Art Union, and is now on view at his office. This picture is the prize of the Rev. Mr. St. LEGER, one of  the subscribers to the society, and is worth a hundred guineas. It is one of the finest works of art yet brought into the colony.

The election of a member of House of Assembly in the room of Mr. BILLINGHAM, deceased, takes place this day. On the 22nd ult., the day fixed for the election, there were three candidates in the field viz – Messrs. ASPELING, DOBSON and STRETCH. A poll was demanded on behalf on Mr. Stretch.

The horse sickness, prevails to such an extent in the Cape district that the daily mails to Paarl, Tulbach and Wellington have been discontinued and in future will run only three times a week.
It has been determined to form an Agricultural Society in Queenstown, as the promoters frankly admit that our system of agriculture is but little advanced since the days of Van Riebeck, we plough, sow, and reap as the Cape Dutch did then.

INTERESTING DISCOVERY – There recently arrived in the Peri, and we believe are now laying at the South Wharf, five brass guns, respecting the history of which some interest has been excited. They were accidentally discovered in Walwich Bay, about 20 miles to the south of Zwartkop River, imbedded in the sand, by a trader named WILSON, who turned them up one after another while driving down his cattle to give them a sea bath. Two of the guns are rather a plain description, while the other three are somewhat ornamented. They seem to be twelve pounders, bear the Royal Arms of Spain, and the date of 1800. Near the mouth of three of the pieces there is a scroll work, on which there are the words “San Juan” and it is supposed that they were the quarter-deck guns of a Spanish man of war. We are told the natives have a tradition to the effect that years ago a vessel with “dark white men” on board was wrecked on the reef outside, and that the survivors put to sea on a raft and were never heard of again. Some further investigations are to be made on the spot with the view of obtaining a clue as to what the vessel was. The guns, we understand are to be forwarded to England.

Several business failures have occurred in King Williamstown consequent upon embarrassments in the colony, with which the trade of that town is so intimately connected. The inhabitants have recently held a bazaar to discharge the debt of the Episcopal Church. The handsome sum of £ 400 was realized, an amount that no similar effort in the colony has ever reached.

A private letter has been received from Kuruman, which contains information of the death of one of the missionaries’ ladies and child. It states –

Peace is still being enjoyed, and fears, for the present, are lulled. We hear that the Boer commando started, but a division in council caused a retreat. Rumour speaks of a five years peace. Mrs. SYKES has given birth to a son, but he lived only two days, since then, the mother relapsed and unfavourable symptoms were manifest. After lingering in extreme pain, and at times, unconsciousness, at eight a.m. on Thursday, the 15th May, she fell asleep in Him who was her stay and trust. One day, previous to her death, she remarked, “What should I do without the stronghold? God is very gracious and indulgent to me. He has helped me a long time, and he will help me a little longer”. And thus, resting her hopes on her Savior, she departed to her inheritance amongst the saints in light.


June 8, at Graham’s Town, Mrs. Alfred BENN, of George, of a son.
June 21, at Spring Grove, Mrs. E.D. WEBSTER, of a son.
July 5, at Queenstown, Mrs. Daniel BRADFIELD, of a daughter.


July 6, at Somerset East, Mr. John TUDHOPE, of King William’s Town, to Mary Georgina Magdalena, third daughter of the Rev. John PEARS.
June 15, at Graham’s Town, William Webber MARTIN, to Frances Sarah, youngest daughter of the late F.A. ALCOCK, of Uitenhage.


June 17, at Cradock, George Edward, son of Mr. Charles MALLET.
June 15, at Reed Fountain, Mr. Joseph WRIGHT, aged 61years
June 26, at Graham’s Town, Mrs. William POTTER, aged 71 years
At Maasdorp, Sarah Ann, wife of Mr. William BEAN, aged 65 years
June 30, at Bathurst, William George, only son of Mr.J.G. WOOD
July 8, at Graham’s Town, Mrs. Isabella TONWAY, aged 72 years
July 10, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. William WATSON.
July 2, at Colesberg, Jane Anne, wife of Mr. J.D. BURNES, aged 21 years.


Intelligence is unusually devoid of topics of importance.


June 15, at Stella, Mrs. H.G. KNOX, of a son
June 25, at Umhloti, Mrs. W. CAMPBELL, of a daughter
June 30, at Durban, Mrs. Thomas GREEN, of a daughter
July 6, at Durban, the wife of Mr. H. GILLESPIE, of a daughter
June 2, at Umhlali, Mrs. E. COWARD, of a daughter
June 20, at Durban Mrs. R.J. THOMAS, of a daughter


June 30, at Durban, Henry Thomas, second son of Mr. TUNMER, to Caroline Y., second daughter of Dr. HUME
June 30, at Durban, Arthur, second son of the late Mr. R. SPENCER, to Miss Martha Elizabeth SAUNDERS


June 9, at Durban, Katherine Stantial, daughter of Mr. J.W. ACKERMAN
June 14, at Pietermaritzburg, Edward Goodeve GOBLE

1 October 1859

The Royal Mail steam ship Celt, Captain Brown, belonging to the Union Company, arrived at Plymouth on the 26th ult., having left  Table Bay August 21, and brings the following passengers-

His Excellency Sir George GREY and Lady Grey and two servants.
Lord and Lady John TAYLOR, two children and nurse
Captain PRICE
Mr. & Mrs. CROLL
Mr. S. TOY

True to her day, the Norman was signalised, and such of your readers as are familiar with the Cape will be able to realise the scene I describe, hundreds of the first inhabitants crowding the causeway and quay waiting the return of the port boat, and the moment the port captain touches the shore the eager inquiries from all sides, "Who is our new Governor?" Imagine our surprise at the answer - "They know nothing of Sir George's recall in England!". Later in the day his Excellency informed one of the deputations, on presenting an address, that his despatches did not in the smallest degree refer to his recall or successor. All this has afforded strong hopes that his services may yet be retained to the colony, and public meetings were immediately called to petition the Queen on the subject. The Celt takes home several, that from Cape Town alone being signed by 2,272 persons, while that from the Fingoes who certainly owe the Governor a great debt of gratitude, is quite a curiosity in its way.

The last public act of Sir George GREY has been to lay the foundation stone of the new general hospital and infirmary. In performing a task so congenial to his feelings, the inhabitants determined to make it the occasion of paying him another tribute of respect by observing it as a close holiday. The arrangements made were excellent, and it was one of the gayest and most brilliant assemblages ever witnessed at the Cape. Upwards of ten thousand people, it is estimated, were present. But the enthusiasm then evinced was nothing compared to that with which his Excellency was greeted to-day on his embarcation for England. There was not a circumstance omitted which could possibly add to the effect. Triumphal arches, with appropriate mottoes, were erected at the causeway. Banners and flags were hung across the streets and flying in every direction. The whole length of the principal street was lined on each side by the Masons, Odd Fellows, Cape Mounted Rifles, H.M'S 59th Regiment, and the Volunteer Cavalry and Rifles. All the shops were closed and business entirely suspended. After holding a levee, at which both Sir Grey and Lady Grey shook hands with and bade farewell to every individual present, they entered their carriage and proceeded to the wharf. On reaching Aderley street (the tops of the houses, windows, and balconies being thronged with ladies waving their adieus), the horses were taken out of the carriage and it was drawn down to the wharf by some of the first inhabitants. On leaving the jetty, salutes were fired from the castle and the battery of the Volunteer Artillery and Sir George and Lady Grey, who were both much affected, were accompanied on board by many of the inhabitants.

All the vessels in the bay, as well as the boats, had their colours flying, and the strains of music and firing of cannon rendered the scene on of the most enlivening the Cape has ever witnessed. On reaching the steamer, Sir George called the volunteers on board and after again shaking hands with each of them, three cheers were given and returned, and thus ended the greatest ovation ever paid to any individual in the history of the colony.


The railway works are making good progress, the first locomotive and a portion of the rails being daily expected.

A cheap meat company has been established in Cape Town, and the butchers have in consequence been compelled to reduce their charges.

The number of horses shipped to India by the Remount Agency has been 5,394 and 104 mules. The casualties at sea have been under 3.5 per cent.

THE HALF-HOLIDAY MOVEMENT - A meeting of working men was held in the Town Hall on Thursday night, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of procuring a general half-holiday. It was numerously attended and several masters were present. Mr. ROBERTS was called to the chair, and Mr. MASON proposed that a committee be appointed to consider the subject with power to appoint a deputation to wait on the masters to solicit them to grant the boon craved. A long and animated discussion followed, and while some of those present thought it would be better to ask only a quarter day, others were in favour of throwing out the half or quarter holiday on Saturday, and going for nine instead of ten  hours labour each day. Ultimately, Mr. MASON's motion was carried, and Messrs. CAVE, ROSE, MASON, WIGGET, NEWMAN, CRAMONT, FRASER, COLLINS, and ROBERTS were appointed as the committee.

CAPE WINE - The following extract of a letter from England to a Cape resident has been handed to us-

"Please mention to Mr. LEIBBRANDT that his wine was declared as being the best on sale, and brought the highest price in the running market, although no profits - but it shows that good wine will always sell, but only one thing I find fault in, and that is the Cape wine merchants give too high a price to the farmers, so that they cannot sell to the shippers at such a price to make it worth while. The expenses are greater on wine."


July 27, at Cape Town, the wife of the Hon. Rawson W. RAWSON, of a son.
July 29, at Cape Town, Mrs. R. SANDERS, of a son, premature,
August 4, at Beaufort West, Mrs. James DALE, of a son.


On 28th July, at Rondebosch, Henry A. EBDEN, M.D. Bengal Army, youngest son of J.B. EBDEN, to Laura Henrietta, third daughter of the late L.H. TWENTYMAN

August 4, Mr. J.R. ABBOT, to Miss. Elizabeth MARTIN


July 24, at Cape Town, Mary Jane, only daughter of R. DOBSON, aged 3 years
July 30, at Cape Town, Mrs. Bridella GLYNN, aged 69 years
August 2, at Wynberg, Mr. Thomas SHANNON, aged 52 years.
July 20, at Green Point, Maria Josephine, wife of Mr. J. LE BRUN, aged 30 years
July 23, at Cape Town, Alfred William BAKER
July 25, at Sans Souci, Celina Ernestine, infant daughter of P.G. VAN DER BYL, aged 3 years
July 31, Aletta Johanna Hester, eldest daughter of B. DANEEL, and wife of Mr. G.M. STEWART, aged 32 years
August 10, at Cape Town, Johanna Elizabeth, wife of Mr. H.P, DE VILLIERS, aged 70 years.
August 13, at Cape Town, Marie S.F., relict of M. VAN BREDA, aged 65 years.


The trade of this province, since our last summary, has been dull, yet transactions to a moderate extent have occurred, and owing to the difficulties of procuring transport of goods from Algoa Bay stocks are considerably reduced. In breadstuffs the market has been bare.

The arrivals during the month have been the Burlington, to Table Bay, with 276 immigrants, and the Coldstream to Algoa Bay with 253. Some of the former complain that their destination was Algoa Bay, and the Commissioner sent them to Table Bay to make up the vessels complement, but under promise that the colonial authorities would forward them coastwise to Port Elizabeth. This the Cape Town board has refused to do, and some permit cases actually find themselves set down in a strange land 800 miles from their friends, and penniless. The Governor will undoubtedly offer these people a free passage to Algoa Bay.

The roads in this province under the superintendence of Mr. A.G. BAIN, are rapidly improving. An excellent road has been opened from King Williams Town to this city. The Beaufort, Cradock and Graaff-Reinet roads are also much improved and the formidable pass, Woest's Hill, which for many years has almost cut off our coast country from us, has been subjected to great improvements. The bridge over the Konap River is progressing rapidly, that over Fish River at Espags is in abeyance, owing to some official mismanagement, that over Little Fish River, near Somerset, is to be constructed by contract without delay.

Port Elizabeth has formed a company with a capital of 20,000pounds to supply the town and shipping with water. The Algoa Bay Watering Company have held their annual meeting, where it was shown that a new tank boat had been built and further facilities for supplying vessels provided.

The foundation stone of the new patent slip in Simon's Bay has been laid by the Governor with great eclat.

SHOOTING A TIGER - Mr.W.G.B. SHEPSTONE was proceeding towards Queenstown on Saturday last, he encountered a large tiger in the Queens road, which he fortunately shot.

We have been favoured with the following particulars extracted from a letter addressed to a friend in Graham's Town -

Fort Brown July 23, 1859  -
As we were coming up this side of the Exxa, at the first turn of the road, about half past two p.m. what should we see at the distance of 50 yards, walking in the middle of the road, but a splendid tiger. When he saw us he stood still and quietly surveyed us, but move out of the road he would not. I then said to Mengo, It is time for action, as that gentleman means mischief, but to my horror, my gun-tackle was packed away in the saddle bags. I told Mengo to get it. Just as I got the powder, which occupied some time, the tiger moved slowly off into the bush, and we rode up the old road to avoid contact with him. We were then riding, disgusted at our want of forethought in not, having the gun loaded, and hence losing so splendid a skin, when Mengo on looking round, said quietly - Oh, here he is coming after us. My gun was still unloaded and he only about 40 yards behind us. I therefore had to be particular as to the quantity of powder I put into my rifle,
so as to make a true and mortal shot, but before I could get the second cap on, he slunk away into the bush, where I was not going to follow him. I then rode on, and when nearly at the top of the hill turned and saw a single horseman coming from town, and feared the tiger might attack him. Mengo immediately concurred with me that we had better go back, and we did so, when we saw our foe sitting on his haunches in the old waggon road. He looked at me as coolly as possible and then looked towards the person coming from town, who proved to be Dr. GREY.  I set down on the edge of the scarped road and prepared to take aim, the tiger being about 150 yards off. He rose just as I pulled the trigger, and fell on his back lifeless. He was about the handsomest I ever saw, a fine male. When he lay on the ground he looked like a golden model. It was as much as Mengo and I could do to carry him a short distance, and as we had no spare horse we were obliged to skin him, but I have kept the skin and the head. It was one just in his prime, and good nine feet in length.

Good schools have recently been opened in King Williams Town, for young persons of both sexes. One of these is conducted by a German, in whose school, English, German and French are taught.


July 23, at Victoria West, Mrs. H. WILLIAMS, of a son.
August 10, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. G.M. COLE, of a daughter.
August 12, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. F.H. CARPENTER, of a daughter
July 24, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. E.H. SHEPHERD, of a son
July 18, at Burghersdorp, Mrs. Otto PETERS, of a son.
July 21, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. G.VAN RYNEVELD, of a son.


July 27, at Port Elizabeth, Richard DANIELL, of Cape Town, to Ann, daughter of George UBSDELL, of Port Elizabeth
August 1, at Bloemhof, Walter Everitt, youngest son of Mr. Alfred MURRAY, to Anna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of George SOUTHEY
July 27, at Durban, Gilbert John, youngest son of the late Charles SMITH, to Maria Berendina Letterstedt, second daughter of Dr. H. Hobart GIRD.


July 27, at Graaff-Reinet, Maria Johanna, wife of G. VAN RYNEVELD, and daughter of A. BERRANGE, aged 24 years
July 19, at Amsterdam Flats, Mr. A. HART, aged 53 years
August 10, at Port Elizabeth, Miss. Elizabeth MURRIN, aged 25 years
August 13, at Port Elizabeth, Miss Elizabeth HUGHES, aged 27 years.


Silver, it is announced, has been discovered. The ore in which it is found yields the precious metal in a large proportion and a ring had been already manufactured from Natal silver.

By a letter from the Zulu country, dated 18th July, we learn that the upper parts fo the country are depopulated by the flight of the inhabitants into Natal for protection against the fierce internecine strife that prevails. Six chiefs, with their people and cattle have gone into the Buffalo River, Boer district. Panda has lost his best supporters, and is now quite powerless. Some Dutch Boers have been to him lately and swindled him out of cattle by promising to protect him against his son, Ketchwayo. The "Intombi" trade (in young girls) is brisker than ever.


August 3, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Captain M. BARTON, of a daughter
July 4, at Durban,  Mrs. W. SMERDON, of a daughter
July 8, at Durban, Mrs. J.F. KAHTS, of a son
July 24, at Durban, Mrs. H.E. STAINBANK, of a daughter
July 12, at Durban, Mrs. T.P. JAMES, of a daughter
July 22, Mrs. W.J.D. MOODIE, of a daughter
July 27, at Maritzburg, Mrs. R. KINCADE, of a daughter
July 29, Mrs. C. M'DONALD, of a daughter
July 30, at New Devon, Zulu Country, Mrs. E. RATHBONE, of a son
July 11, at Weenan, Mrs. John MACFARLANE, of a son
July 18, at Durban, Mrs. D.F. WHITTAKER, of a son.


July 25, at Durban, Mr. James MOORE, to Miss. Elizabeth PEARSE.
August 3, at Durban, the Rev. Frederick MASON, to Maria, third daughter of the late John P. GILLESPIE
August 3, at Durban, Mr. Edward LELLO, to Ellen, daughter of Mr. C. BRISTOW.
July 7, at Caversham, Thomas Nettleship, eldest son of the Rev. J. JACKSON, to Mary Pike, only daughter of J. HODSON.


July 15, at Maritzburg, Georgina Caroline, fourth daughter of John GRICE, aged 17 years.
July 19, at Umgent, the infant daughter of Mr. DUPONT.

1 November 1859

The Royal Mail steam ship Phoebe, Capt. Clarke, with the English mails of the 6th August, arrived in Table Bay on the 10th Sept., having made a remarkably quick passage of 34.5 days.
The Royal Mail steam ship Norman, Capt. Boxer, belonging to the Union Company, arrived at Plymouth on the 26th inst., after a rapid passage of 36 days. Her dates are, Table Bay, Sept. 20, St. Helena, Sept 30, and Ascension, Oct 4. She brings the following passengers -
Mr. and Mrs. ANSDELL
Mrs. HICKS, four children and servant
Mr. MOSS for St. Helena
The Jalawar, 726 tons, Captain ROCHEFORT, chartered by the Emigration Commissioners, sailed from Birkenhead, on the 2nd Oct. for Table Bay, with 21 married couples, 77 single men, 65 single women, 17 boys between the ages of 1 and 12, 15 girls between the same ages, 5 male infants and 1 female, making a total of 222 souls, 62 of whom were English, 2 Scotch and 158 Irish under the charge of Surgeon- Superintendent Alexander Cumming.
The Early Morn was loading at Natal for London and was expected to sail about the middle of October with a full cargo of produce and several passengers.
The Maynards sailed from Downs for Algoa bay on the 21st instant, with a full cargo and the following passengers -
Mr. and Mrs. WIGGELL


The arrival of the mail steamer Phoebe, after a quick run of 34 days, with the intelligence of Sir George Grey's recall having been cancelled, has opened up a new topic which has occupied the attention of the public to the exclusion of almost every other subject.

In our more social and domestic affairs, the good people of the Cape have been quietly "pursuing the even tenor of their way," for despite a long continued drought in the upper districts of the colony, from whence we draw our cattle supplies, and the consequent dearness of provisions, the wealth and trade of the colony has been steadily increasing and the public works of the colony carried with enhanced vigour.

Our railway is proceeding somewhat slowly, owing to want of labour. The first locomotive with a portion of the plant has arrived and with the 300 navvies hourly expected, Messrs. Pickering, the contractors are stated to be confident that the first 21 miles will be completed and opened within six months.

A successful attempt has been made to introduce English fresh water fish at the Cape, and several varieties will shortly be added if the experiment continues successful.

THE MAIL STEAMERS SERVICE - The admirable manner of conducting the present line of small steamers, by the agents here, as well as by the directors of the company and their commanders, all of whom are well up in their duty, is a matter of congratulations to all parties. Those who live in Cape Town, and who enjoy privileges from these mails which it is impossible to extend to other towns in the colony, see the benefits which we derive from the working line much clearer than persons living at a greater distance.
We have on more than one occasion applauded the commanders of the steamers, who are, without exception, admirable men and excellent sailors, and we have never yet seen occasion to remark upon the company other than approvingly. But it is the agents here that we owe many of the conveniences which we now enjoy.  The steamers are no sooner at anchor in Table Bay than they and their representatives are on board, and when the mails are dispatched, the agents are the last to leave the steamers. Everything is done under their personal superintendence. Such things as mistakes are seldom or never heard of.
Last Saturday, by arrangement of the agents and attention on the part of the commander (Capt. Clarke) the Librarian of Public Library (Mr. MASKEW) received all the English periodicals within an hour after the steamer anchored, and Mr. ROBERTSON, the bookseller, was enabled to distribute his monthly parcel of periodicals long before the omnibuses left town for the country.
Whilst upon this subject, we feel bound to acknowledge the immense improvements which have lately been effected in the General Post Office. it was quite cheering  on Saturday to see so much life and spirit throughout the place. The growing demand for English news shows that we are getting nearer and nearer to the civlised world. It is the old story of Sam Slick's clocks over again. Before people knew the value of news, they never thought about it. Once let them enjoy it, and the appetite grows upon what it feeds on.

BANKRUPTCY COURT - Insolvencies declared
31 Aug - John PATRICK of Grahams Town, brewer
02 Sep - Hermanus Isaac DEMPERS of Stellenbosch, trader
02 Sep - William Sebastian DE VOS, P. son of the Paarl, tinsmith
03 Sep - James Thomas Owen LONG.
03 Sep - Alexander FERGUSON and William ARTHUR, trading under the style or firm of FERGUSON AND ARTHUR
06 Sep - Dirk DE ROCK, of the Paarl


Sept 5, at Swellendam, Mrs. J.D.K. REITZ, of a daughter
Sept.12 at Cape Town, Mrs. E. JONES, of a daughter
Aug. 26, at Cape Town, Mrs. W.J. WILLIAMS, of a daughter


Sept. 7, at Cape Town, Mr. Jan C. SCHOLTZ, to Anna Elizabeth J.D., only daughter of J. ESTERHUYSEN
Aug. 15, at Cape Town, Mr. John ROWSELL, to Miss. Mary ABEL


Sept. 11, at Cape Town, Mr. James RAPPER, aged 46 years
Aug. 20, at Botelary, Mr. J.G. FISCHER, aged 62 years
Aug. 19, at Cape Town, Mr. P.A. VOSS, aged 22 years
Aug. 18, at Cape Town, Charles Jewam, infant son of C.R. EATON
Aug. 28, at Cape Town, Mrs. George BENSON, aged 27 years.


The quit-rents on lands are being collected by the Government with a vigourous hand, and as some of the farms have fallen 10 to 20 years in arrear, the present payment on them has become heavy. Central Road Board rates are also being collected by civil process.

We had no arrival of immigrants during the month, and as the drought has again set in and matters are dull, the delay is fortunate, as after rains fall employment of all kinds will be the more easily procured.  It appears the Emigration Commissioner has engaged 300 navvies for the railway.

Transport is still scarce and high in all parts of the country. Hundreds of tons of goods are awaiting in this city and in Port Elizabeth for conveyance to the inland towns.
Oxen are at present our only means of conveying loads. The plague of lung sickness has prevented the breeding of cattle being followed, the disease has carried off many thousands, troops are killed in transport of the colony, and others are starved to death from neglect of shelter or of winter fodder, or die from want of water because no dams are in existence.

Aug. 22 at Fort England, the wife of Quartermaster, J. LANDNEY, of a son
Aug. 27, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. G.A. WATERMEYER, of a son
Aug. 21, at Grahams Town, Mrs. J.G. WOOD, of a daughter
At Groot Vley, the wife of R. RESTALL, of a daughter
Sep. 3, at Grahams Town, Mrs. George IMPEY, jun, of a son
Aug 23, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. H. SCRIVENOR, of a daughter


Sep. 3, at Grahams Town, William Dunn, to Sarah Elizabeth, second daughter of the late J. HOWIE
Aug 30, at Grahams Town, Mr. James DEVINE, to Miss. Ellen ADAMS
Aug. 31, at Grahams Town, Mr. T.P. BERRY, to Matilda Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. T. BONE


Sep. 7, at Graaff-Reinet, Ann, wife of Mr. Thomas COLE, aged 63 years
Aug. 29, at Bedford, Maria J. Wilhelmina, wife of H. PAVER, of Zeerust, and daughter of the late F.J.A. METLERKAMP, aged 21 years
Sep. 6, at Port Elizabeth, Lillias C.M. only daughter of Mr. J. DORWARD
July  28, at Cradock, Mary, wife of Mr. E. GARDNER
Aug. 22, at Steenkamp Flat, Frederick George, infant son of Mr. H. WEBB
Sep. 1, at Grahams Town, G. PHILLIPS, aged 84 years
Aug. 28, at Colesberg, Mr. D. ARNOTT, sen, aged 64 years
Aug. 29, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. W. BOONE, aged 56 years
Aug. 15, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. J. LEWIS, aged 22 years.


Rumours were current of the discovery of both gold and silver in different parts of the colony. The testing experiments were said to have been successful.

A steam tug has been built in England for the Government, which is intended to facilitate the shipping business and will also be fitted up with a rake for loosening the sand on the bar and thus assisting to deepen the channel. Two small screw steamers have also been ordered by private parties to ply along the coast and enter some of the rivers adjacent to the larger sugar estates, thus avoiding the difficulties of a tedious conveyance by ox waggons.

The plant for the railways was shortly expected, and the preparations for it were so forward that great hopes were entertained that Natal would be the first to inaugurate a railway in South Africa.

An electric telegraph between D'Urban and Maritzburg is talked about.

An action for slander was to be tried in the Supreme Court, the Rev. W.H.C. LLOYD is the plaintiff, and the Bishop of Natal the defendant.


July 29, at Snaresbrook, Mrs.W.H. MIDDLETON, of a daughter
July 31, at Durban, Mrs. J. RAPSON, of a son
Aug.5, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. R. VAUSE, of a son
Aug. 20, at Durban, the wife of the Rev. G.Y. JEFFREYS, of a son
Aug. 8, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. John WATLING, of a son


Aug. 19, at Maritzburg, A.S. WINDHAM, to Juliet Alexa, eldest daughter of Colonel M'LEAN,
Aug. 11, at Durban, John Robert, eldest son, of the late Rev. J.L. LYS, to Olivia Selina, daughter of the late Lieut. FRY
Aug. 5, at Durban, Mr. GAVIN, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. HILLARY


Aug. 21, at Maritzburg, Alice Emily, infant daughter of E.F. M'GILL
Aug. 21, at Pietermaritzburg, Philip, son of Mr. J. PLAYER

1 December 1859

The Union Steam Navigation Company’s mail packet Phoebe, Commander Henry Clark, from Table Bay, October 22, arrived at Plymouth on Friday morning, having made an extraordinarily quick passage of 34 days.
The Phoebe brings the following passengers :-

Lieutenant SQUIRL
Mr. & Mrs. FLOWERS and five children
Mr. & Mrs. DECKER, two children and servant
Surgeon RYAN
Rev. Mr. BEFFY
Mrs. AKERS, four children
Captain GRAHAM
Captain MOLLER
Corporal LANSEY and Mrs. LANSEY

The Lieutenant-Governor, General Waynard, had arrived in Cape Town from the frontier to conduct the administration of the Government during Sir George Grey’s absence in England, or pending the appointment of his successor.

The drought which had prevailed so long and so severely over the whole colony has broken up, and abundant rains have fallen in all directions. A drought so severe, we must warn our English readers, is by no means usual.

Algoa Bay has been visited with two terrific south-east gales on the 7th and 16th October. In the first of these, four vessels went ashore and were wrecked. In the second six were stranded. The loss is estimated at about £ 35,000.


I could not communicate any intelligence more gratifying than that the drought which has afflicted the colony from one end to the other, and with greater severity than for many years past, is now fairly broken, and the thirsty land has been refreshed with abundant rains throughout its length and breadth.
As may have been expected, the drought has been followed on the frontier by some severe storms, and Algoa Bay was visited by two terrible south-east gales on the 7th and 16th October, which, besides other damage suffered by the shipping, resulted in the loss of ten ships. On the first date, the Basiliea Roberts of Whitby, a regular Natal trader, the French barque Chasseur, Blanc from Mozambique, bound to Marseilles, the colonial brigantine, Witch of the Wave, and the condemned barque Surat, ran ashore and became total wrecks. On the 16th the gale was even more severe.
The Star of the East, which had just completed her loading of a valuable cargo of colonial produce for London, the Prince Woronzoff, loading for Liverpool, and the Lyme Regis, Governess, Arabian and Wigrams, all came on shore and, with the exception of the Lyme Regis, will all become total wrecks. Its is fortunate that, amidst all this fearful loss of property, I have not to record any loss of live, which has been mainly owing to the noble exertions of the Acting Port Captain, the crew of the life boat, and the assistance of the Port Elizabeth people.

In Table Bay, the season has fortunately passed over without a single wreck in consequence of the weather, the only casualty being a case of collision, which has afforded some work for the gentlemen of the long robe.
On this subject, I may mention a case decided by the Supreme Court the other day which has excited an unusual amount of interest. The Namaqua Mining Company affected insurance on cargo of copper ore per Admiral Collinwood, with three Cape Town offices, to the extent of £ 10,000. The insurers, having had their surveyor’s report as to the seaworthiness of the vessel, effected the insurance, and she sailed for Hondeklip Bay and Port Nottoth to take in ore for Swansea. After taking in 150tons she left the former for the latter place, where just as she was about completing her loading, she was found to be making a little water, but as this was attributed to her upper works having opened on account of having been in ballast n a hot climate so long, they took in about 60 tons more ore and set sail. A few days after she encountered some heavy seas, and the leak continuing she was finally abandoned two days after leaving port. Two of the insurance companies paid, but the Commercial Marine refused, on the pleas of evident unseaworthiness, while the plaintiff’s declaration was to the effect that the plea had not been proved, and even if so, the risk commenced with the loading of the vessel at Hondeklip Bay. The majority of the court gave judgment for the plaintiff for the amount claimed (£ 4,000), with costs and the defendants are going to appeal, so you will have more of the merits of the case on your side of the water. The conduct of the insurance company is very much censured, and if the judgment be reversed it will make marine insurance very unsafe.

The unmarried females obtain liberal wages as usual – 20s. to 25s. and even 30s. with board and lodging, and in some cases washing.
I cannot help thinking these wages extravagant, considering that, like the majority of those who came out previously, they have everything to learn, and as for those who call themselves cook, I really believe that, with but few exceptions, they will be found to understand far better how to eat a dinner than to cook one.
I had an anecdote of one of them related to me. She was told to cook a beef steak, which to the horror of her mistress in these dear times, when such luxury is little short of 1s. per pound, she boiled!
The next day there were to be mutton chops at table, which were dressed under the superintendence of the mistress, who directed her on leaving the kitchen to put water in the hot-water dish and then put the chops in it, which she did literally! The dish was put on table, but on removing the cover there was no chop.
“Mary,” exclaimed the lady, “where’s the chop?”
“In the dish” was the reply. And so it was, lying in the water. You may imagine the surprise and anger of the lady at her new English cook, and poor Mary in her simplicity, remarked, “ What curious people you Dutch are, yesterday, because I boiled the beef, you scolded me, and now again because I obeyed you by putting the chops in the water, for sure and you told me to do so!”

The plans for the various new gaols and public offices throughout the colony have all been issued from the civil engineer’s office, several of the buildings have already been commenced, whilst for others, tenders are now invited. Numerous other works, including roads, and bridges are in course of progress and being developed from month to month. At Cradock, we observe, a wrought iron bridge is to be thrown over the Great Fish River. It will consist of two spans eighty-five feet in the clear, resting on solid stone abutments. The expense of the bridge is estimated at £ 6,500. An iron bridge is also to be erected over the Little Fish River, at Somerset East, the contract for the masons work of which has been taken by some immigrants recently arrived per Coldstream.

WANTED A SCIENTIFIC HANGMAN – Those who are not born to be drowned may congratulate themselves that they can now be hanged upon scientific principles. The commissioner of emigration has been recently sent to Newgate to study under Jack Ketch, and to obtain the very latest improvements for “Swinging off” from this world those who are too bad to live in it.
Calcraft, we are informed received the honourable gentleman most civilly and put him up to all the secrets of the infernal art, which have been duly forwarded to the colonial civil engineer, with the newly invented noose and pinions. The commissioner assures the authorities here that a culprit, by the aid of anything like a skilful practitioner, can be disposed of before he knows where he is. There are no knots to unfasten, as they frequently do when tied by the Cape hangman, for it is not a rare event here to hang a man twice.


Sept 7, at Rondebosch, Mrs. Gysbert VAN REENEN, of a son.
Oct 9, at the Castle, Cape Town, the wife of Major ROMER, of a daughter


At Wynberg, John, eldest son of Charl MARAIS, of Rondebosch, to Augusta Wilhelmina Magdalena, eldest daughter of F. DUMINY, of Tygerberg
Sept. 29, at Cape Town, Mr. George STEWART, to Miss. Catherine Olivia Ella DELAHUNT


Sept. 28, at Cape Town, Myra Edith, the infant daughter of Mr. Lawrence B. TWENTYMAN
Sept. 24, at Cape Town, Sarah, relict of the late Arthur BAKER
Sept. 19, at Cape Town, Mr. Robert INGLESBY, aged 47 years
Oct. 1, at Cape Town, Robert Dobson, late of H.M. Ordnance, eldest son of Captain DOBSON, aged 50 years


The past month has been remarkable for the opening of a bridge in the Eastern Province, the first that has been built at the charge of the Colonial Government. The ceremony was attended by all the officials who went out in their best attire, a holiday was given to the clerks in the public offices, and the Government or those who represented it, made the most of the only praiseworthy work that has been constructed in this province.

The valuation of the fixed property in Lower Albany is put down at £ 104,311, that in the division of Fort Beaufort at £ 249,000, and that of Adelaide at £ 65,643.

An effort has lately been made to purchase sites for a town hall, but hitherto without success. An extensive reservoir is about to be built, to avoid inconvenience in times of severe drought. A rate
of 1s. in the pound rental upon all immoveable property has been passed for the repairs of the streets.

The anniversary of the Wesleyan Sabbath Schools has been held at King William’s Town and Port Elizabeth, and passed off successfully.

The Trinity Church has been re-opened during the month, and the charge of the congregation has been accepted by the Rev. Mr. Johnstone. The native chapel under the Rev. N. Smith has also been re-opened during the month, and special services held. Several new Wesleyan chapels
are about to be erected – two in this city and another in the district of Uitenhage.

THE WEEKLY HALF-HOLIDAY – Here we enjoy our Saturday half-holiday regularly, and probably far more work is done – and done in better style in Port Elizabeth than in any other town in the colony. Our friends ‘down West’ who are interested in the holiday movement may take this as
fact, for it is stated on the authority of one who has tried both ‘systems’, and we hope they will agitate until they succeed in gaining their object. Depend upon it there is nothing so killing as having nothing to do, and to keep a lot of young men in a store for the pleasure of making them
miserable will not pay in the long run.


Oct. 11, at Graham’s Town, the wife of Deputy Assistant Commissary General, BLACKER, of a
Oct. 15, at Graham’s Town, the wife of Captain CONNOR, of a daughter
Oct. 15, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. J.W. BROPHY, of a son.


Oct. 7, at Graaff-Reinet, John Gysbert, second son of W.W. ALEXANDER, to Elsie Sophia, fifth daughter of the late S.P. COETZEE.
Oct. 3, at Alexandria, Charlton, youngest son of Mr. W. DENTON, to Catherine, second daughter of Mr. Marthinus LANDMAN..
Oct. 12, at Graham’s Town, Charles Henry Croft, eldest son of the late Mr. Henry HILL, to Deborah Clarage, eldest daughter of Mr. George CYRUS.
Oct. 4, at Graham’s Town, Thomas Tyler GOULD, to Harriet Alicia, eldest daughter of the late F.A. ALCOCK.
Sept. 26, at Koeberg, Mr. T.D. FAIRCLOUGH, to A.E. third daughter of Dr. H. GIRD,


Oct. 10, at Graham’s Town, Eliza, widow of the late Mr. W. OGILVIE.
Oct. 9, at Graaff-Reinet, Charles, eldest son of Mr. Mark COCKROFT, aged 24 years.
Sept. 11, at Graham’s Town, Mr. Thomas WALKER, aged 64 years
Sept. 11, at Velvergenogh, Maria Naish, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Wilson COLLARD.
Sept. 23, at Graham’s Town, Mr. R. CROUCH, sen., aged 67 years
Oct. 16, at Port Elizabeth, Frederick Allen, the infant son of W.B. DEARE
Oct. 17, at Port Elizabeth, Jessie, daughter of Mr. M. DIESEL.
Oct. 12, at Port Elizabeth, William Richards, infant son of Mr. George IMPEY.


The completion of a new sugar enterprise has been fairly inaugurated at the Sea Cow Lake estate, four miles from Durban.

The Durban Rifle Corps and Steam Transport Company have been established.

The Mayor of Durban, has given a sumptuous banquet to the Mayor and Corporation of Maritzburg, and all the officials and dignitaries of the place.

Dr.MALAN, the Superintendent of Education has been visiting the coast on a tour of inspection. He is on the whole very well satisfied with the interest generally displayed by the British colonists in the spread of education throughout the colony. Dr. Malan has also been lecturing at Durban and Verulam.

The case of Lloyd v. Colenso for slander was nonsuited on the ground of there being no evidence of the animus injuridandi.

And thus with her head set fairly towards a hopeful future our trim and taut little colony moves steadily onwards. The winds of dissension may now and then cause the vessel to behave in a manner rather unbecoming such a sedate little craft, but on the whole we (the colony) conduct ourselves with tolerable propriety, and may safely look forward to national prosperity as the due
reward of such meritorious conduct.

A BRIDGE OVER THE UMGENI – We are glad to announce that a project is on foot, under the highest professional auspices for spanning the Umgeni with an iron bridge, capable of carrying
traffic of any burden. It is proposed to place the bridge at a part above Mr. KENEDY’S drift.


Sept. 25, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. William WILSON, of a daughter
Sept. 23, at Rosslyn, Mrs. T. FANNIN, of a daughter
Sept. 6, at Clairmont, Mrs. F Sidney SMITH, of a daughter
Aug. 10, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. Henry DUNNING, of a son
Aug. 27, at Durban, Mrs. D. GAVIN, of a son
Sept. 5, at Maritzburg, Mrs. Hector URQUHART, of a son.
Sept. 13, at Durban, Mrs. George WINDER, of a daughter


Sept 28, at Durban, George, eldest son of Mr. PUTTERILL, to Eleanor, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Robert SPENCER
Sept. 8, at Cato Manor, Cornelius Mynard Johnnes Heernza MOLL, to Caroline Wilhelmina,
Sept 15, at Clairmont, Mr. James Gazley MACK, to Miss. Sarah Ann GORDGE.
Sept. 3, at Maritzburg, Mr. James STUBBS, to Miss Isabella URQUHART
Sept. 3,at Durban, Mr. Eugene B. CROWLY, to Miss. Wilhelmina VAN DER MERWE


Sept. 15, at Pietermaritzburg, the only son of Mr. J. SMITH, aged 3 years.
Sept. 17, at Durban, Mary Ann, the wife of Mr. Andrew WELCH, aged 32 years
Sept. 5, at Pietermaritzburg, the infant son of Mr. J.S. COLBORNE

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