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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1860 1 January - April

2 January 1860

The Union Steamer Navigation Company's mail packet Athens, Captain Strutt, arrived at Plymouth on Saturday, bringing the following passengers :-
Mr. & Mrs. G. THOMPSON,
five daughters and son
Mr. STEIN (of Mauritius)
The Imperial arrived in Table bay on the 11th, the Imperatrix, and the Royal Mail steamer Dane, on the 15th November.
Two ships with immigrants had arrived during the month, the Matilda Atheling, with 285 souls, at Table Bay, and the Chatham, with 239 souls, at AlgoaBay. The former ship arrived on the 27th October and the latter October 24. Another ship was daily expected at AlgoaBay - the Bermondsey, with 230 souls, besides three vessels for Table Bay, viz., the John and Lucy, the Jalawar, and the Ascendant. The intelligence of the loss of the first named vessel had not reached the colony. A large number of "navvies" for the railway works have also arrived.
The intelligence that Sir George Grey had been reinstated in the Governorship had created universal gratification, and his Excellency may expect a most enthusiastic welcome on his return to the colony.
The severe drought had been entirely broken up, and from all parts of the colony we have the most favourable reports of agricultural and pastoral interests. Heavy refreshing rains had fallen everywhere, and although the price of provisions was still excessive and the rates for carriage into the interior very heavy, and likely to continue so for some time, the turning point had evidently been arrived at and the worst of the crisis passed through.
If "no news is good news", the intelligence from the Cape to every one taking an interest in the colony must at least be gratifying, for, with the exception of the effect produced by the report that Sir George Grey would return to resume the Governorship of the colony, there are few occurrences, since the departure of the last packet, to which there is attached an even local interest.
The long vexed question of the railway terminus has been at last settled. The passenger station will be at the north end of the Grand Parade, and that for goods will be fixed adjacent at the SouthWharf. The works are being carried on now with considerable vigour. The survey of the line between Port Elizabeth and Graham's Town is to be immediately undertaken, under the auspices of the Eastern Province Railway Company of London, by Mr. BROUNGER, the resident engineer of the Cape Town and Wellington Railway.
The friends of the agriculture are looking forward with great interest to a monster show, which is to take place at Caledon on the 29th inst. and to extend over three or four days. It is something on the principle of the Highland Society and is the first joint exhibition which has taken place in the Western Province.
The distance is about 80 miles from Cape Town, yet numbers of waggons have for several days past been leaving for there with stock and implements. The gathering is expected to be one of the largest that has ever been seen out of the metropolis.
Mention was made last month respecting a decision of the vestry of the DutchChurch to permit the English language to be preached occasionally in their pulpits. This gave rise to a considerable amount of ill feeling on the part of those who regarded the measure as a stepping stone to innovations which would destroy the purity of their Church. A reconsideration of the question took place, and it will hardly be credited that, although nearly the whole of the younger portion of the congregation understand English better than Dutch, the decision was reversed.
Dr. INNES, the General Superintendent of Education in the colony, has retired upon a pension, and Dr. DALE, the Professor of Classics at the South African College, has been appointed to succeed him.
Mr. BANG's property in Strand street sold on Friday last realised £3,200, Mr. MAYNARD was the purchaser. The part of Captain GLENDINING's property which was sold on Monday brought £4,573. Brighton House bought by Mr. J. BLACKBURN, £ 925, Brighton Villa by Mr. C.H. HODGSON, £ 800, The Cottage, by Mr. KING, £400, Out Buildings, by Mr. TAYLOR, £350, Several lots of ground by Captain JARVIS, Captain MESSUM, Mr. KETTLE, Mr. GAIN, Mr. STYLER
Captain Glendining still retains a large portion of the estate, as well as the adjoining one with two streams of water. The arrangements were on a very liberal scale. The house in St. John street belonging to Mrs. W.A. HAUPT, which was lately put up into auction, has since been sold out of hand by Mr. BARTMAN for £ 950. Mr. STEWART's house and ground situated in the gardens,which was sold yesterday by Mr. JONES, realised £1,100.
CAPE ROYAL RIFLES - A considerable amount of interest was exhibited by the members of the Cape Town Rifles in the election of the six lieutenants for the new companies on Monday evening last. The poll terminated at half-pas six o'clock, and between eight and nine the scrutineers, Colonel EUSTACE, Captain THOMSON, and Mr. SPITTAL, announced the following as the result, amidst deafening cheers :- Sergeant W.W. BALL 171 votes Private R. GRANGER 144 votes Sergeant T. MOSTERR 128 votes Sergeant W.F. WILLIAMS 121 votes Private H.C. MYBURGH, 99 votes Private G.H. GALT 68 votes
There was a very close contest between Mr. GALT and the candidates immediately below him. The successful competitors, of course, were carried around the square in front of the Town House on the shoulders of their supporters, followed by a large crowd, who enthusiastically exerted their lungs to the fullest extent, and in the course of the evening the candidates had the pleasure of responding to complimentary toasts quaffed in "bumpers" of flowing champagne.
Oct 29, at Cape Town, Mrs. F.S. WATERMEYER, of a daughter
Nov 1, at Cape Town, Mrs. Alfred W. COLE, of a daughter
Oct 20, at Green Point, Mrs. J.C. BERRANGE, of a daughter
Nov 11, at Cape Town, Roderick NOBLE, to Jane Charlotte MACKAY
Oct 19, at Paarl, Mr. J.D. DE VILLIERS,sen, to Miss Alida Maria BECKER
Nov 9, at Cape Town, Mr. Henry MARSHALL, to Miss Mary Ann NIMROD.
Oct 28, at Cape Town, Anna Josephine, infant daughter of Mr. J.T. HUTTON
Nov 13, at Cape Town, William Hans, infant son of Mr. E. SYFRET
Nov 12, at Cape Town, Eleanor F.A., daughter of Mr. J.C. ADAMS
We are happy to state that the "breaking up of the drought" was not of a partial or temporary nature. The dull and dreary aspect of the veld has been changed for one of smiling verdure, and both hill and dale, forgetful of the past, beam as it were joyful expectation of a fruitful season and a good harvest.
Of course the grass did not grow instantaneously, neither did the sheep or cattle fatten in a week, Time was required to recover from the severe shock, but with the prospect of speedy improvement, fresh vigour animated hearts and brightened the countenances of all, and though scarcely one short month has passed since the rain fell the change is beginning to be sensibly felt, and ere another month has elapsed will be still more appreciable. Farmers once more took courage - ruin no longer stared them in the face, merchants began to think of relieving the plethoric state of their stores and warehouses, and reckoned on the produce they were to receive in return - carriers saw that their occupation was not entirely gone, activity once more superseded the dull and listless indifference which had so long characterised the movement of all, - as a people, we were inspired with fresh hope - the country was saved.
Another elementary school, in connection with the Grey Institute has been in active operation during the past month, in the Bethel, and under the management of Mr. LOUDON, the teacher appointed, has proved very successful.
The Seaman's Chapel has been opened during the month, and Divine service is now regularly held there every Sabbath. The attendance has not been as good as was anticipated.
The new building for the Library, Town Hall and Athenaeum is rising rapidly, and will soon be ready to receive the roof. It already presents a very imposing appearance.
COAL - Coal has been discovered on a Dutchman's farm, about 25 miles from QueensTown. From the quality of it, a coal miner believes that superior coal might be obtained by digging a little deeper.
Oct 22, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. Ewald WATERMEYER, of a son
Oct 26, at Graham's Town, the wife of Colonel R. Newport TINLEY, of a daughter
Nov 8, at Graham's Town, Captain SHIPLEY, to Louise, OGILVIE
Oct 25, at Queenstown, Ebenezer Joseph, youngest son of Mr. J.C. WARNER, to Emma Ruth Jenkins, second daughter of John BRADFIELD
Nov 8, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. John M'CABE to Miss Margaret LEONARD
Nov 2, at Graham's Town, Mr. John MARCUS, of Burghersdorp,to Miss SCHRYVER
Nov 6, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. Samuel CYRUS, aged 78 years
Oct 29,at Graham's Town, Mr. David HOGGAN, aged 63 years
At Fort Beaufort, Mr. John NILAND, aged 79 years
Nov 14, at Fort Beaufort, Sarah Georgina, wife of Captain WHITTAL, and eldest daughter of G.R. MIDGLEY aged 25 years
Nov 8, at Zwarte Koppen, William Redding MERRILL
Oct 24, at Port Elizabeth, Henry Dunlop DYKE, aged 35 years
Oct 13, at Salem, Mr. Thomas KING,sen, aged 87
Nov 1, at Sunday's River Ferry, Mr. George COLLING, aged 39 years
Nov 4, at Port Elizabeth, John, third son of Mr. J.L. JAFFRAY
Oct 15, at Cradock, Mr. Thomas Charles Price ADAMS, aged 39 years
Oct 26, at Queen's Town, Margaret,wife of Mr. Peter MARSHALL,aged 27 years
Nov 12, at Port Elizabeth, William R., infant son of Mr. George IMPEY
Oct 10, at Graham's Town, Eliza, widow of the late Mr. W. OGILVIE
Nov 9, at De Hoop, Charles, eldest son of Mr. Mark COCKCROFT,aged 24 years
The Rydal, from Liverpool had arrived with 70 immigrants, a considerable number of persons had also come to the colony from the Cape, Mauritius, and Australia, the latter chiefly Australians, who declared their preference "for the land of sugar and arrowroot over the land of gold"
A new bank has been projected at this port, and the capital has been eagerly subscribed for.
It was long felt that the port of the colony ought to possess its own banking establishment.
Our relations with the neighbouring nations and tribes and our internal peace continue settled and satisfactory. The lung-sickness in the Zulu country has given "a notion" to adventurous British traders, and a large trade is at present conducted in salted sides from that quarter.
The Zulu authorities have given full permission and all reasonable facilities for establishing a Church of England Mission in that country, and several Englishmen are accepting the offer of farms there, made by the Zulu chief. It is believed that ere long a portion of that country, splendidly adapted for sugar, will be occupied and worked by enterprising sons of Britain.
Adam Kok, the Griqua chief, with a numerous retinue, has lately paid a friendly visit to Natal.
Nov 3, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. William WATSON, of a daughter
Sept 15, Mrs. F.W. REID, of Mooi River Dorp, of a daughter
Oct 19, at Sinkwasi, the wife of Dr. W.H. LUDLOW, of a daughter
Oct 27, at Umzinto, Mrs. J. GREETHAM, of a son
Oct 20, at Edendale, Mrs. D.H. TARBOTON, of a daughter
At Potchefstroom, Mr. James EVANS, of Pietermaritzburg, to Susanna Christina, second daughter of M.A. GOETZ
Oct 18, at Umgeni, Mr. William Clark, to Sarah, only daughter of Mr. J.L. GEE of Durban
Sept 28, at Durban, Mr. G. GOODWIN, to Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. John ANDREWS.
Oct 24, at Pietermaritzburg, Lloyd Evans MESHAM, aged 47 years
Oct 14, at Pietermaritburg, Henry, son of John ATKINSON, aged 26 years
Oct 23, at Durban, Mrs. S. TENISON, relict of T. TENISON
At Pietermaritzburg, James THOMSON.

1 February 1860

The first electric telegraph in the colony had been laid down, and was in active operation as far as the railway works extended. Its use has hitherto been confined to the railway contractors, but it was expected that it would be thrown open to the public within a couple of years, by which time it is probable that the works will be completed. It is then proposed to extend it along the sea-board districts as far as Graham's Town.

The Government has entered into a contract for a short telegraph line of twenty one miles, to be laid down between Cape Town and Simon's Bay.

WESTERN PROVINCE - Cape Town Dec. 22 1859

At the grand agricultural fete at Caledon, the Hon. Mr. RAWSON, the Colonial Secretary, stated that from a communication received from Sir George Grey he felt confident he was on board the steamer Celt on his return to the Cape. Every preparation was consequently made to receive him, the military were ordered to line the street, but in came the Celt and as the greater portion of the people correctly supposed, without Sir Grey on board.

In connection with agriculture, there is an event which has excited considerable alarm among wine growers. The vines and fruit have been attacked by a disease which, from the first description, led people to believe was no other than the dreaded oidium of the continental vineyards. On closer examination, however, the general impression now is that it has been caused by the unusual quantity of moisture that existed during the early part of the summer and the very heavy dews which have so often fallen since the formation of the fruit.

Great fears are entertained of the safety of the emigrant ship John and Lucy. She left Liverpool on the 5th September last, and has consequently been out upwards of 109 days. Hopes are, however, entertained that she may have had to put into Bahia or some South American port for supplies. She had 450 souls on board, including the crew.

Two emigrant ships have arrived during the past month, the Bermondsey, at Algoa Bay and the Jalawar, in Table Bay. The Immigration Agent at Port Elizabeth, Mr. LONGLANDS, reported that both the Bermondsey and the previous arrival, the Chatham, "were very confined in their accommodation, and the arrangements of the latter were in some respects objectionable. He particularly mentioned "that the access to the single women's apartment should be from the poop, in the case of the Bermondsey, they had to pass through the married people's to reach the deck. He also spoke in unfavourable terms of the conduct of the Bermondsey's passengers during the voyage.

A very melancholy accident occurred in Algoa Bay. Col. ROSE, who had just arrived from England to relieve Major-Gen. BOLTON, in the command of the corps, was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of the serf boat in which he and several other passengers were landing from the steamer Waldensian. It is supposed he must have been struck by the oar, as he had a mark on his head, and the means which succeeded in resuscitating the others entirely failed in his case, although continued for a length of time. Col Rose was the author of an excellent work entitled "Four Years at the Cape" and ere he could revisit his sporting scenes, after an absence of thirty years, he met with this melancholy fate.

Our late Chief Justice, Sir John WYLDE, died on the 13th inst. at the ripe old age of 79 years. He was appointed Judge Advocate of New South Wales in 1816, Chief Justice at the Cape 1827, which he retained until 1855, when he retired on a pension of 2,000 pounds a year, which reverts to this Government. Sir John was the brother of the late Lord Truro.

The German Legion have received an intimation that their pay and allowances will cease on the 31st March 1860.

Under the influence of a burning South African sun, let me close the events of this year by wishing you and your readers a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

P.S. -- half past 11, Dec 22 1859

I am glad to be able to allay any fears as to the safety of the passengers by the emigration ship John and Lucy by announcing the arrival at this moment of the American barque Ceres from Pernambuco, having on board 188 of the John and Lucy's passengers. She was wrecked on Cape Rocque, on the South American coast, no lives lost. A steamer took them to Pernambuco, where a portion have come by the Ceres, and the remainder will be brought to the Cape by the steamer Stanley.

PUBLIC SALES - Several extensive sales have lately taken place, and our auctioneers and land agents - Messrs. JONES, CAUVIN, BLORE, and BARTMAN, and CAFFYN, and Mr. E.J.M. SYFRET, have had plenty of business.

A dwelling house in Bree Street, in the estate of H.L. HANSLO, to Mr. P.U. LIEBRANDT  and another in the same estate to Mr. RUSSOUW.
Building lots at Claremont, belonging to Mr. C.B. DREYER, two cottages and ground belonging to Mr. D. WILLIAMS of Newlands.

Crown lands also have been sold in the districts of Colesburg and Richmond  to the following purchasers


The next list is of lands in the Richmond district-

No 63. Winterveld 4,106 morgen M.A. VERMEULDEN
No 65  Winterveld 8,800 morgen ZACH, BLOMERUS
No 70  Winterveld 4,400 morgen J.L. DU PLESSIS
No 83  Winterveld 367 morgen Carel VAN DER MERWE
No 84  Quagga's Poort, Winterveld  600 morgen Carel MARAIS
No 85 Winterveld 9,049 morgen Frans VILJOEN
No 86 Winterveld 5,904 morgen A. WIPPENER
No 87 Winterveld 11,893 morgen A. WIPPENER
No 88 Kereebosch, Winterveld 11,993 morgen Carel VAN DER MERWE
No 89 Wintervel "Waterval" 6,890 morgen Widow VILJOEN

BANKRUPTCY COURT - The following insolvencies have been declared before the Master

Dec 16, James HEPBURN of Fort Beaufort, transport rider
Dec 20, Frederick Augustus BAMERS of Gramham's Town, clerk

The meetings held before the Master yesterday were -

Johannes Jacobus DE KOCK, insolvent, fourth surrender first and final meeting and Jacobus Fredericus Gerhardus PIETERSEN elected sole trustee.
Julia HODGSON, insolvent, second meeting and election of Frederick MURRAY as sole trustee.
Jan Hendrik BAM, insolvent, second meeting and election of J.F.G. PIETERSEN and Wilhelmus Cornelius Arentz MOLLER as joint trustees.
Johan Michiel PFYFER and Gezmas Adila PFYFER (born KOK), insolvents, third meeting. The trustees report having been read, was adopted, and it was further resolved that the trustees be authorised to have the insolvents examined regarding certain assets removed from the premises prior to their surrender.

Henry Ralph HARRIS, insolvent, special meeting. At this meeting it was resolved by the creditors present to sell and realise all the landed property belonging to the estate, as soon and in such manner as shall be seem desirable.


Nov 19, at Vervoorem, Wellington, Mrs. FOCKENS, of a son
Nov 26, at Cape Town, Mrs. J.J. LE SUEUR, jun, of a daughter
Nov 21, at Stellenbosch, Mrs. C.F. LIESCHING, of a daughter


Nov 19, Mr. Benjamin CROWDER, of Natal, to Matilda Jane, only daughter of William GHISLIN, of Paarde Vlei, Stellenbosch.
Dec 7, at Simon's Town, Joseph Jacques HUSKISSON, to Miss Rachel King BAILEY.


Dec 14, at Simon's Town, Mr. Elijah MORDEN, aged 39 years
Nov 25, at Cape Town, Robert Orme, aged 12 years and on the 27th Nov, Willoughby James Cleghorn, sons of Mr. James BRUCE


PRICE OF LAND - Farms still continue to change hands at exorbitant rates, the money paid for them seems ridiculous. In Graaff-Reinet land has recently been sold at 38s. per morgen, and two other farms bought by Mr. MEINTJES in 1854, have been sold at a profit of nearly 7,000pounds. In Port Elizabeth a piece of land which cost 30 years ago 22pound. 10s. has just been sold for 500pounds.
Nearly 40,000 morgen of Crown lands have been sold by auction in the Colesberg district, and realised a total of 9,752pounds. The conditions under which the land is being sold are by no means favourable, while the notice of the  sale is published only in the Government Gazette of the colony, the circulation of which is confined to officials.

A new surf boat of upwards 30 tons measurement has been launched from H.M. Surf Boat Establishment at East London.

Large quantities of fine fish have been sold on the King William's Town market during the month, brought from East London.

A robbery of the Free State mail occurred between Fauresmith and Colesberg. The post rider, a Hottentot, was stopped on the road by a party of three Englishmen on the pretence of sending him to get them a small pole, or piece of wood, to mend a cart which had broken down. Whilst the man was absent these villains cut open the mail bags - destroyed several letters - buried others in the sand - and when the post rider returned gave him brandy and made him drunk. The parties implicated are one STANFIELD, with an alias, a deserter from some regimental band, KERR, a shoemaker, an Englishman, and CLAYTON, a young Africander. The latter has been admitted State evidence, and has given such information as will bring the guilt home to the other parties.


Nov 18, at Graham's Town, Mrs. James D. COUPER, of a son
Nov 14, at Cradock, Mrs. C.H. NELSON, of a son
Oct 29, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. George ROBEY, of a son
Nov 20, at Richmond, Mrs. J.S.O. BRINK, of a daughter
Dec 12, at Graham's Town, the wife of Henry CRUMP, of a son
Nov 19, at Rowie Krantz, Mrs. John WESTCOTT, of a daughter
Nov 9, at Graaff-Reinet, the wife of Dr. FEHRSZEN, of a daughter
Dec 6, at Graham's Town, Mrs. C.R. GOWIE, of a son


Nov 30, at Eden Grove, Henry, second son of Joseph LINTON, to Sophia, third daughter of Charles SLATER, of Graham's Town
Nov 2, at Graham's Town, William George, second son of the late Mr. Robert FEATHERSTONE, to Jane, second daughter of the late Mr. J.H. FINNAUGHTY
Nov 28, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. Henry CRACKNELL, to Miss Jane Mary Evet THOMPSON
At Mooi River Dorp, M. VANDERHOFF, to Anne, daughter of M.A. GOETRY.


Nov 26, at Fort Hare, Isabella, the infant daughter of George SAUNDERS
Nov 8, at Zwarte Koppen, William Reading MERRITT, surgeon
Oct 11, at Thorn Dale, Transvaal, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Henry HARTLEY, and eldest daughter of the late Mr. William UPTON, aged 39 years.
Nov 4, at Cradock, Antonia Francina, wife of the Rev. J. TAYLOR, aged 69 years
Nov 23, at Graham's Town, John CARLISLE, aged 62 years
Nov 25, at Graham's Town, William SMITH, aged 60 years
Nov 27, at Colga, Joseph, son of Mr. Joseph GREEN, aged 94 years
Nov 21, at Graham's Town, Jemima Ann, wife of Mr. William PAGE, aged 30 years
Nov 10, at Graham's Town, Asenath, wife of Mr. John WESTCOTT, and eldest daughter of Thomas COCK, aged 34 years
Dec 3, at Bedford, Marianne Susanah, wife of Mr. Alexander Robert WELCH, aged 24 years
Dec 3, at Graham's Town, Mr. Thomas WAY, aged 38 years.
Nov 11, at Port Elizabeth, Elizabeth Catherine, youngest child of Mr. Francis THOMPSON


The greatest satisfaction is felt at the arrival of the steam tug, the Pioneer, which is considered quite an event in the annuals of the colony. She will be a great acquisition to the local trade, as she will work along the coast, gathering up the sugar at the different stations, and bring it to market.

A free coloured  American is on a visit to South Africa, with a view to promote a settlement of free American negroes in Natal, or some other part of the British possessions. An intention is also announced of forming in Natal, a Dutch village and settlement, to be composed of emigrants from Holland.

A minister from the congregational body of Canada is also on his way here, to organise a settlement of Canadian Christians in Natal.

The Rev. John REYNOLDS has arrived to take charge of the Congregational interest in Maritzburg. There has as yet been no regularly organised church of that body there, and Mr. Reynolds is sent out by the Colonial Missionary Society.

The Colonial Chaplain has failed in obtaining a renewal of non-suit by the Chief Justice, in his action for slander against the Bishop of Natal.

Balls and concerts have been plentiful during the month, and a successful attempt has been made to establish the British sport of steeple-chase.

PIETERMARITZBURG STEEPLE-CHASE - This long expected event came off on Tuesday, November 23. Judging from the number of spectators on the ground, it would appear that the Dutch as well as the English inhabitants of Natal were largely impregnated with a strong relish for the pleasure and excitement attending this truly British sport.


Dec 1, at Durban, Mrs. G. PAY, of a son


Dec 7, at Durban, the Rev. W. BAUGH, Minister of St.Mary's, Maritzburg, to Sarah, the only daughter of the late W. SIMMONS
Nov 17, at Isipingo, William MUARO, of Durban, to Laura Elizabeth, only daughter of Michael JEFFELS.


Nov 7, at Durban, Alice Townsley, youngest daughter of Mr. P. LENNOX, aged 14 months
Nov 22, at Umhlali, Frances, youngest daughter of Mr. J. HENWOOD.

1 March 1860

The Union Company's mail steam ship Celt arrived at Plymouth on Monday at noon. Her dates are Table Bay, Jan 20, St. Helena, 29, Ascension, Feb 5.
The Celt brought the following passengers -
Mr. HAWKINS, jnr (Wynberg)
Colonel and Mrs. DILL, four children and two servants
Captain FORBES (late of Hastings)
Dr. TANCRED (late MP for Clanwilliam)
Mr. Justice PHILLIPS

The following is a list of passengers who have engaged berths for the mail steamer Dane, which sails on the 6th inst. from Devonport -
Mr. & Mrs. LASKER
Mr. ATKINSON and daughter
and three passengers sent out by Mr. MOSENTHAL

The following is a list of the passengers by the Dutch ship Provincie Drenethe, Capt. BECKERING, from Amsterdam to the Cape of Good Hope -
Mr. & Mrs. BERLYN
Mr. & Mrs. ROOS and five children
Mr. & Mrs. JOEN
Mr. & Mrs. HEMMERS and three children
Mr. & Mrs. WILD
Mr. & Mrs. VAN ES and two children
Mr. & Mrs. REYS and two children

The Wellington chartered by the Emigration Commissioners sailed on the 25th ult. from Southampton for Cape Town, with 226 souls. They comprise a number of agricultural labourers and female domestic servants, as well as of artisans of every description from the three kingdoms. The emigration to the Cape, at the colonial expense under the Local Act of 1857, now amounts to 6,578 souls.

The Newspaper Press of South Africa - In the eastern and western provinces there are now published 27 newspapers, three of which are issued thrice weekly, and five twice weekly. At Natal there are four weekly newspapers, also a Government Gazette. In the Transvaal there are two issued weekly.
The vine disease, we regret to hear, was spreading, and had been identified as the oidium Tuckeri. The Lieutenant-Governor had appointed a commission to ascertain its real character and the extent of its ravages.


Amongst the many changes that have taken place with the new year is one that deserves prior notice - the retirement of Mr. FAIRBAIRN from the editorship of the Commercial Advertiser, which he had held for a period of thirty six years. He was styled the Father of the Colonial Press, his journal having been the first one published at the Cape. Shortly after its commencement he secured the freedom of the press in South Africa, and during these many long years he has continuously exerted his great abilities in promoting the prosperity of the colony, and its moral and intellectual improvement is greatly owing to him, while his determined and unflinching conduct in the anti-convict struggle, and securing a Constitutional Government for the Cape, was the mainspring of the colonists' success on those memorable occasions. Mr. Fairbairn has been in declining health, and rest and relaxation had become indispensable. He still, however, retains his seat in the House of Assembly, as member for Swellendam.

A larger number of vessels have been lying in Table Bay during the present month than has ever been known before. Amongst them were several foreign men-of-war, and we are now daily expecting the French fleet of some twelve vessels with the reinforcements for China. A French commissary has already arrived to purchase supplies. All this tends to keep up the prices of provisions. We, however, reap the benefit in other ways.

The result of the election of a President for the Free State has placed Mr. PRETORIUS at the head of the poll by an overwhelming majority. He is now the President of two Republics. What steps he will now take is not known, but it is very evident that there is a pretty little storm brewing in that direction.

The readers will be sorry to learn that the two sons of MOSHESH who were educated here, baptised in the Cathedral with great ceremony - one being called after Sir George Grey, who stood sponsor, petted by the Dean, and sent home to be examples to their sable brethren, have relapsed into heathenism.

INSOLVENCIES - The following insolvencies have been declared during the past month -
James HEPBURN - transport rider, Fort Beaufort
Frederick Augustus BOWERS - clerk, Graham's Town
Johannes Gerhardus VAN GRAAN - of Noordekoof, Caledon
William Thompson LLOYD, of Bathurst Street, Graham's Town - chemist and druggist
Cornelius Petrus Laurence, of Kleine River, Uitenhage, - agriculturist and trader
Charles George DYASON - carrier, Uitenhage
James STANTON - shopkeeper, Port Elizabeth
Fred. LIPPERT, - boatman, Harrington Street, Cape Town


Jan 4, at Cape Town, Mrs. Matthew WOODIFIELD, of a daughter
Dec 27, at Cape Town, Mrs. George JESSUP, of a son


Jan 2, at Cape Town, Mr. P. FLETCHER, to Agnes, only daughter of R. EAGLESIM, merchant, Scotland
Jan 4, at Cape Town, Mr. Charles P. Vos, to Miss Martha A.J. VAN NIEKERK
Dec 20, at Hope Town, Doctor Maximilian Trougatt Curtis BESIG, to Amalie Frederika, third daughter of the late Rev. George STEIN, of Herrnhut.
Dec 6, at Stellenbosch, J. KORSTEN, to Catherine, eldest daughter of the late Charles TENNANT
Dec 7, at Cape Town, Henry John PAULING, to Miss. Charlotte Sarah Harriet MAYNIER


Dec 30, at Cape Town, Mr. Michael W. KELLY, a native of Tuam, Ireland, aged 47 years
Jan 12, at Cape Town, Frank Aitchison, infant son of Mr. Henry GREEN, aged nine months
Jan 2, at Swellendam, Susanna Frederika, Vicomtesse de Marillac St. Julien, and only daughter of Dr. R. WEHR, aged 22 years.
Dec 18, at Cape Town, Mr. W.H. MARTIN, formerly of Burlington Arcade, London, aged 56 years
Nov. 27, at Simon's Town, Jane Amelia, wife of Mr. George LANKESTER, aged 30 years.
Dec 2, at Cape Town, Mrs. Jane NEAVE, aged 63 years.


We have had one arrival - that of the barque Ascendant, 517 tons, Capt. Robert Spencer, with 252 souls, under the charge of Surgeon-Superintendent Goullet. She arrived on Sunday, December 25th, after a rather tedious passage of 89 days from Southampton. At the commencement of her voyage, she experienced a good deal of heavy weather and contrary winds, and was considerably retarded by light and baffling winds on running down the "trades".
The emigrants by this vessel appeared to be a very respectable lot of people. Their conduct throughout, despite the long passage, was of a very satisfactory character. The larger portion of the emigrants were "permit"cases.
There was a good deal of sickness amongst the younger portion of the emigrants during the voyage, and the surgeon's office, in this instance especially, could have been no sinecure. There were no fewer than forty cases of measles and twenty five of hooping cough, but, fortunately, the mortality was small, the number of deaths being only five - or taking the emigrants at 250, about 2 per cent.
The deaths were - one from measles, one from pneumonia, three from diarrhea, and one from gastro-enteritis. There were four births during the voyage.
The only emigrants now remaining at the depot are the following - about to proceed to Graaff-Reinet under engagement, one married couple and four children, and three single men, to Fort Beaufort, one married couple and one child.

The city has been almost deserted during the Christmas holidays. Very few remained at home to take stock, make up their books, and count the returns of the year. Several hundreds of persons, of all sizes and ages, must have been seeking pleasure at the sea side, where they led a gipseying life and only returned when they found it irksome to dispose of their time. A desertion of this sort once a year is excusable, and we have some little respect for that man who can give up mercenary pursuits for a time, and enjoy the blessings and freedom of a country life.

GRAHAM's TOWN - Gas will soon be introduced into this city. The trustees of Commemoration Chapel have sent to England for the apparatus in order to light that building. After its first introduction it will speedily become in general use.
The anniversaries of the Wesleyan Sunday School have been celebrated at Queenstown and Uitenhage by special sermons and tea meetings. At a Bazaar held by the Wesleyans at Fort Beaufort 90 pounds was realized. The Wesleyan chapel at Collingham, a village about six miles from this city has been re-opened during the month. There were nearly 200 persons present and the collections were sufficient to pay off the whole of the debt incurred by the alterations.


Dec 12, at Fort Beaufort, Mrs. S.H. ROBERTS, of a son
Dec 23, at Riet Fontein, Mrs. G.W. AYTON, of a daughter
Dec 13, at Graham's Town, Mrs. E.H. DELL, of a daughter
Jan 4, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. B.Z. STEGMANN, of a daughter
Dec 23, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. Edward NATHAN, of a son
Dec 19, at Graaff- Reinet, Mrs. H.F. HENDRIKZ, of a son
Dec 24, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Septimus JONES, of a son
Jan 9, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. James RICHARDS, of a daughter


Dec 21, at Graham's Town, Mr. Thomas Carey STREET, to Georgina Sophia Sarah, only daughter of George SLATER


Dec 14, at Port Elizabeth, Amelia, relict of the late Mr. David McMASTER, aged 68 years
Dec 30, at Graham's Town, Alexander HEDDLE, aged 70 years
Dec 16, at Graham's Town, Mrs. Louisa D. FOUNTAIN
Dec 24, at Graham's Town, Peter Ernest KRUGER, aged 56 years
Jan 1, at Fort Beaufort, Mary Anne, wife of Mr. Thomas WARD, aged 35 years
Dec 7, at Fort Beaufort, Mr. George POLLARD, aged 41 years
Jan 10, at New Essex, Uria, youngest son of Mr. John BOWLES
Dec 12, at Port ELizabeth, Elydell Martha, infant child of Mr. C. BAKER
Jan 11, at Graham's Town, Eleanor W.H. infant daughter of Lieut. GROPPS
Jan 5. at Port Elizabeth, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. W.S. CRAIK, aged 22 years
Dec 1, at Uitenhage, Wilhelmina Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. J.G. SCHLEMMER, of Uitenhage, and wife of Mr. George GRUBER, of Port Elizabeth, aged 33 years.
Nov 19, at Paljas Fontein, Griqualand, James FOSSEY, aged 49 years
Nov 26, at Cuylor Manor, Mr. William ARMSTRONG, aged 54 years.



Dec 20, at Durban, Mrs. Henry George BEACHCROFT, of a son
Dec 26, at Durban, Mrs. G.W. BANCROFT, of a son
Dec 12, at Red House Farm, Mrs. W. LISTER, of a daughter
Dec 13, at Durban, Mrs.W.H. SAVORY, of a son
Dec 25, Mrs. J.J. CHAPMAN, of a son
Dec 14, at Ladysmith, Mrs. George LUCKHAM, of a daughter
Dec 26, at Maritzburg, Mrs. John KILLOCH, of a daughter


Jan 5, at Durban, Mr. Thomas B. BURNHAM, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. J. CULLINGWORTH
Dec 2, at Maritzburg, Mr. Henry WEST, to Miss Jenkins
Jan 10, at Durban, John Otto WIRSING, to Annie, eldest daughter of F.J. KOTZE, of Mowbray
Nov 4, at Keiskamma Hoek, William, second son of William Simpson, of Graham's Town, to Caroline, second daughter of Mr. John NETTLETON
Jan 3. at Maritzburg, Mr. William Cox to Miss. BIRCHMORE.
Jan 2, at York, Mr. Thomas Body to Miss Clark


Dec 20, Helen Mary, daughter of Mr. G.H. WIRSING
Dec 22, at Umbilo, Anne, wife of Mr. Mark Foggirt
Dec 27, at Richmond, Mr. John GRICE, aged 58 years
Dec 19, at Ladysmith, Thomasine Mary, infant daughter of Mr. George LUCKHAM
Dec 3, at Ladysmith, Captain John MACDONALD, aged 68 years
Dec 24, at Ladysmith, Sophia Mary Jane Forster Kaye, wife of George LUCKHAM, and sister of H.E. KNIGHT, of Klip River, aged 31 years
Dec 30, at Umsunduzi Mission Station, Lewis Paulinus, only son of the Rev. Lewis GROUT.

4 April 1860

The Union Steam Navigation Company's mail packet Norman, Capt. Boxer, arrived at Plymouth, on Sunday from the Cape of Good Hope, Feb 21. She brings the following passengers-

Dr. DUMBRECK , lady, child and servant
Mr. & Mrs. PREUSS and son

The Norman brings a full cargo of colonial produce, valued at about 12,000pounds, comprising 289 bales of wool, 200 casks wine, 2,000pounds worth of ostrich feathers, also French coins to the value of 4,000pounds.

Since the departure of the previous mail the weather has been very oppressive, the thermometer having averaged 95 degrees in the shade and 185 degrees in the sun. Thunder storms had been frequent, more particularly in the Eastern Province.


The Supreme Court has been occupied with two cases of great public interest. The first being the legality of Mahommedan marriages, as affecting the rights of wives and children to share in the property. The court has decided that such marriages having taken place without the usual publication of banns, as required by law, they are illegal, as this will seriously affect many wealthy Mahommedan families, a bill, it is said, will be introduced next Parliament to meet the case. The other question was a friendly suit to determine whether a law exists in the colony limiting the rate of interest to 6 per cent, consequently, whether free trade in money is illegal. The court stated yesterday that so many arguments had been brought forward on both sides, and that the authorities were so conflicting that they would not give any judgment at present, and before they did there would, the Chief Justice remarked, be ample time for Parliament to set the question to rest.

The Maria Somes is the only immigrant ship that has arrived during the month, she brought 252 emigrants, under the charge of Dr. Robertson. There were no births or deaths during the whole voyage. They were at once landed, and many found immediate employment. Female servants - cooks and housemaids, are always in demand and engaged.

The Simon's Bay patent slip, after some squabbling with the late engineer, is now making good progress.

The volunteer movement continues with unabated spirit. The very sad and fatal accident that occurred at the last Colonel-in-Chief drill on the parade has thrown a gloom over the entire community. In one of the cavalry charges, Mr. E.C. TURPIN (of the firm of Turpin, Puzey & Co), who was a member of that corps was struck by a piece of lead that had adhered to one of the rifles during ball practice on a previous occasion and was so thin as to be undetected on loading. It passed through his belt and entered the intestines, causing mortification, which terminated in his death on the second day after the accident. His captain (the Attorney-General) remained with him nearly the whole of his illness. His funeral, which was conducted with military honours, was the largest that was ever witnessed, and every respect and regret was manifested on the part of the inhabitants for his untimely fate.

Trade is rather brisker, but the money market continues dreadfully tight.


The 14th March next, is the day appointed for the nomination of a member of Somerset East, in the room of Mr. P.E. KRUGER, resigned. Mr. G. CHABAUD, attorney, of this town, has been invited to stand for this constituency. It is reported that Mr. J.A. KRUGER, the (Dopper) member for Albert, has also resigned.

The small pox, from which we thought the town had been perfectly freed, has, we regret to say, again made its appearance. Besides this, there has been a good deal of sickness in the town. Dysentery and diarrhea have been very prevalent, and several deaths have taken place during the month.

A private named Thomas PIGGOTT, a native of London and about one-and-twenty years of age, belonging to H.M.'s 13th Regiment, was drowned on the afternoon of Sunday, the 15th ult. He was bathing at the time on the south side of the breakwater. The current - strong and rapid, owing to the heavy sea sent in by a prevalence of winds from the southward - carried him out of his depth, and before assistance reached him he sank and so met his untimely end. His body was interred with military honours on the following day.

Some sixty or seventy Mormons, it is reported, are about to leave this town in the barque Alacrity, for Boston, en route to "Salt Lake", Utah. On her last voyage to Boston, the Alacrity took a large number of the believers in the "doctrines" of Brigham Young from this port, also for the Salt Lake.

The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel have granted a pension of 25pounds per annum to the widow of the late Rev. J. WILSON who was murdered in 1858.

A want that has been much felt here will, in a few months, be satisfied. A piece of ground in the Bright has, we understand, been recently purchased by Capt. A.H. TAYLOR,on which that gentleman purposes erecting several bathing machines, which he intends bringing out from London on his next voyage. This cannot but prove a profitable investment to the originator, as the frequent and regular use of the bath is necessary to health and good temper.

A large boa-constrictor, caught in the neighbourhood of Maritzburg, has been brought down by the Hanoverian brig Candace, from Natal. Its length is about twenty feet.

Mr. Charles CUMBERS, an officer of the mounted police force, has met his death under distressing circumstances. It appears that while in the act of bathing at East London, he was seized with violent cramp in his limbs, and though medical aid was quickly at hand and every effort was made for his restoration, he died within a few hours after being removed to his residence.

From East London we learn that Mr. KROHN is fitting up a cutter to trade between the Buffalo and St. John rivers.


The entire direct expenditure of the colony was certainly small. With days when the Governor received only about 4,200 guilders, or 350pounds per annum.

From the manner in which the revenue was gathered, a statement of it includes necessarily a detailed account of the actual agricultural produce of the colony. A tithe of the crops was at once the property of the Government. Of 25,000 muids of wheat annually required by the company - 5,000 of which were consumed here and 20,000 sent to Batavia - 16,000 were delivered in kind as the Government tithe, which at 8 florins Cape currency, equal to 6.4 florins Dutch amounted to 102,000 guilders or 8,533pounds 6s. 8d. the most important item in the collection of revenue. Wine further formed a source of revenue, but here the tithe was not exacted.

The total revenue of the colony was, therefore, in the middle of the last century, a hundred years after Riebeck planted the settlement, 17150pounds.There were no customs dues, for nothing might be imported in foreign ships, and as regards Dutch vessels, the sole importing and exporting merchants were the Dutch Company, who were the owners of all the imports and exports.

No roads whatever existed, Bridges were wholly unknown, with the exception of a bridge over the Laurens River, in Stellenbosch, built by a patriotic individual named GRIMPIN, who, and whose descendents, were by the Dutch Government exempted from the performance of burgher service, and one which had been erected by Governor Van Der Stel, over the same river, for the purpose of his farms at Hottentots' Holland, but which was suffered to fall into decay when he was removed.

In the farms of the interior, or Overberg, bread was a luxury, for months in the year scarcely attainable. The dried flesh of game or of oxen, often performed the office of wheat and flour. There was no education, three ministers of the Gospel for the entire population, no printing press, no Post Office, no books except those in the possession of men holding official rank, and the Bibles and prayer books.


The strides we are making in agriculture is sufficiently proved by the fact that, during one month, no fewer than three steam sugar mills have been completed and commenced operations. The first was Mr. SMART's at Isipingo, driven by an engine of twenty horse power, the next was Mr. PRIDDLE's in the same locality, and the third, Mr. SHIRE's over the Umgeni.

The papers announce the death of Mrs. John SHEPSTONE, on the 20th January, at the house of her father, D. MOODIE.


Jan 4, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. M. WOODIFIELD, of a daughter
Jan 7, at Visch Fontein, Mrs. J.B. EVANS, of a son
Jan 13, at King William's Town, Mrs. M.B. SHAW, of a daughter
Jan 14, at Aliwal North, Mrs. J.M. ORPEN, of a daughter
Jan 23, at East London, Mrs. G. BURNETT, of a son
Jan 18, at Fort England, the wife of Colonel Arthur HORNE, 13th Light Infantry, of a daughter
Jan 25, at Burgershoop, Mrs. A.M. MEIRING, of a son
Jan 25, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. MACLEISH, of a daughter
Jan 27, at Fort Beaufort, Mrs. C.B. HUTCHINS, of a son
Jan 28, at Rondebosch, Mrs. W.C. KNIGHT, of a daughter
Feb 2, at Cape Town, Mrs. J.F. LONG, of a daughter
Feb 5, at Cape Town, Mrs. J.G. BLANCKENBERG, of a daughter
Feb 5, at Cape Town, Mrs. Redmond BARRY, of a son
Feb 6, at Cape Town, Mrs. SHORT, of a son
Feb 7, at Oudtshoorn, the wife of the Rev. Mr. ANDERSON, of a son
Feb 8, at Cape Town, Mrs. G. PRINCE, of a son
Feb 9, at Graham's Town, Mrs. M.R. ROBINSON, of a daughter
Feb 14, at Cape Town, Mrs. BAGWILL, of a daughter


Jan 5, at Tygerberg, Mr. George Francis PARKER, to Miss. Mary Elizabeth BERRY
Jan 10, at Aliwal North, Herman MOSENTHAL, of Murraysburg, to Eliza, second daughter of Dr. J.H. STEINAU.
Jan 10, at Bethulie, Mr. Robert SCOTT, Bloemfontein, to Louisa Hortense, eldest daughter of the Rev. J.P. PELLISSIER.
Jan 17,at Port Elizabeth, Alexander WILMOT, to Alice Mary, eldest daughter of Edward SLATER
Jan 18, at Graaff-Reinet, Arthur, eldest son of the late Mr. Arthur GILSTAIN, of the Quartermaster Generals Department, Cape Town, to Helena, youngest daughter of Mr. Richard Graham BROADBROOK, late of her Majesty's Customs, Dublin
Jan 26, John Blades CURREY, of the Civil Service, to Mary Margaret, daughter of Ewan CHRISTIAN
Jan 31, at Cape Town, Mr. Edward RICHARDS, to Miss. Janet JOHNSTONE
Feb 1, at Claremont, Captain W.R. Jeffreys, to Emma Jane, daughter of Rice, J. JONES
Feb 8, at Port Elizabeth, J.E.L. BURCHELL, to Maria Petronelle, eldest daughter of Ignasius MULLER
Feb 12, at Eerste River, Mr. T.M. MORRIS, to Miss Eliza BRIMACOMBE
Feb 13, at Cape Town, Robert MAIR, to Mary Telfer, eldest daughter of the late Captain RIDDOCK
Feb 15, H. JONES, of Rondebosch, to Emily Ann, third daughter of R. DANIEL


Jan 1, at Fort Beaufort, Mary Ann, wife of Mr. T. WARD, aged 35 years
Jan 2, at Swellendam, Susanna Frederica, wife of Vicomte de Marilac St. Julien, aged 22 years
Jan 4, at Graham's Town, Charles John, infant son of H. CRUMP
Jan 5, at Port Elizabeth, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. W.S. CRAIG, aged 22 years
Jan 5, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. Edward HARTLY, aged 39 years
Jan 6, at Middleburg, Elsabie Antoinette, infant daughter of the Rev. Mr. W. MURRAY
Jan 12, at Port Elizabeth, Elizabeth Martha, infant daughter of Mr. C. BLAKER
Jan 13, at Graham's Town, Mr. Aaron ALDUM,sen, aged 82 years
Jan 14, at Graaff-Reinet, Frank Aitchison, infant son of H. GREEN
Jan 13, at Fort Beaufort, the only son of Mr. J.J. GUNN, aged 6 years
Jan 16, at Cape Town, Mr. James ROBERTSON, aged 84 years
Jan 16, at Fort England, Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John CURLY.
Jan 17, at Winterberg, Agnes, second daughter of the Rev. Mr. W. Mesden
Jan 25, at Graham's Town, Catherine Harriet, infant daughter of Mr. W.A. RICHARDS
Jan 27, at Cape Town, the infant daughter of Captain J. Cumming CLARK
Jan 29, at Cape Town, Mr. William OWENS, aged 22 years
Jan 30, at Cape Town, Miss Ann Catherine ULRICH, aged 22 years
Jan 30, at Cape Town, Mr. Edward Chubb TURPIN, aged 28 years
Jan 31, at Graham's Town, Mr. John HILL, aged 28 years
Feb 2, at Newlands, Magdalena Johanna Wilhelmina Martina, wife of Mr. John BEGLEY, sen aged 40 years
Feb 3, at Graaff-Reinet, Elizabeth Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles RUBIDGE, and wife of Mr. Alexander INNES, aged 18 years
Feb 3, at Cape Town, Ellen, wife of Mr. Maurice FOLEY, formerly of London, aged 26 years
Feb 6, at Fort Alice, Captain CUMBERS, of the Mounted Police Force
Feb 8, at Cape Town, Mr. Robert Sanders, formerly of Burton-on-Trent, aged 29 years
Feb 10, at Clanwilliam, Cornelis Justus SOEK, aged 57 years
Feb 12, at Cape Town, George HERBERT, aged 73 years
Feb 19, Mr. Advocate TURNER, of the Supreme Court, Cape Town, and nephew of Lord Justice Sir. G. TURNER
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