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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1860 2 May - August

Editions for May, June and July are missing

1 August 1860

The Union Company's Royal Mail steam ship Celt, Captain Brown, arrived at Plymouth on Sunday, with the mails form the Cape. Her dates are Table Bay, June 21, St. Helena, July 1, and Ascension, July 6. The Celt brings the following passengers:-

Mr. and Mrs. HALL, two daughters and two sons
Capt. and Mrs. FRASER
Mr., Mrs. and two Misses STAINES
Mr. and Mrs. LEVY, two children
Col. and Mrs. SMYTH, child
Rev. and Mrs. FRANCKE
Messrs. ALBERTYN (2)



The following insolvencies have been declared before the Master:-

June 15 :-
Michael Cornelius VAN NIEKERK , of Cape Town, General Dealer
Jan Hendrik Marthinus LOCHNER and deceased spouse, Anna Catharina Magdalena Coetzee of Groot Reit
John William BROPHEY, of Port Elizabeth, saddler, harness and boot and shoe maker

Meetings of creditors in insolvent estates held before the Master yesterday were:-

Charles PARSONS, insolvent, special meeting at which it was resolved that the trustee be authorised to dispose of the landed property in the estate, provided he obtains the appraised value of same.
John George ARDERNE , insolvent, special meeting at which it was resolved that he be allowed all his household furniture and requisites unsold, on his repayment of 23pounds advanced to him.
Frederick Augustus BOON, insolvent, at which it was resolved that the proceeds of the furniture in the estate, amounting to 316pounds 9s. 3d. be paid to Mr. Thomas HALL, for the benefit of Mrs. Boon and family.
Daniel Johannes MORKEL, W. son, insolvent, third meeting at which it was resolved that the report of the trustee be adopted and the insolvent be paid 20pounds for the care taken of the property.
Thomas COBERN, insolvent, second meeting, at which debts to the amount of 2,407pounds, 3s.10d. were proved, and E.J.M. SYFRET and C.J.C. GIE elected joint trustees.
CROMPTON and LAMB, insolvents, third meeting at which debts to the amount of 440pounds, 2s. 4d. were proved, also the trustees report read and adopted and the insolvent allowed to retain such tools as the trustees shall deem necessary.
Christian Daniel Dirk VAN REENEN, insolvent, second meeting, at which debts to the amount of 96 pounds 16s.7d. were proved and C.J.C. GIE elected sole trustee.
Jacob LEWIS, insolvent, third meeting, at which no creditors appeared. The trustee presented his report and the insolvent was examined under oath.


Graham's Town, June 16, 1860

During the month we have had an unusual muster of grantees. You are aware that British Kaffraria, Queenstown, and other parts of the colony have been divided into farms, which were granted to colonists upon certain conditions. One of these conditions is that they shall keep a horse and a gun for themselves and a retainer armed. Another is, that they shall muster on the Queen's birthday. This annual muster keeps them in trim, and this last one was a very creditable affair.

Traffic at the present time is scarce, and the rate of carriage has risen to 4s. per 100lbs.

The immigrant ship John Masterman, J. Westgarth, commander, arrived in our bay on Tuesday last from Southampton, which port she left on the 24th March, being thus 70 days on the passage. She brings 245 emigrants, a large proportion of whom are agricultural labourers. Of female domestic servants, who are in much request, she brings a good number - 36. There are not so many tradesmen among this batch as were brought out by the previous vessels.


May 11, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. WORMWALD, of a son, stillborn.
May 22, at Cape Town, the wife of Assistant Commissary-General ATKINSON, of a daughter
May 27, at Cape Town, the wife of Dr. James ABERCROMBIE,jun, of a son
May 28, at Graham's Town, Mrs. MARCUS, of a daughter
May 31, at Graham's Town, Mrs. J.C. Hess, of a daughter
Jun 10, at Cape Town, Mrs. Cyrus James MARTIN, of a son


May 21, at Cape Town, Mr. Dominic MASSAREY, to Miss Jane SCOTT
May 23, at Cape Town, Mr. James POWRIE, to Mrs. Matilda WADDALOVE.
May 31, at Cape Town, Mr. James RAWBONE, to Miss. Mary Ann GODFREY
June 5, at Cape Town, Mr. Charles WHITTAKER, to Miss Johanna Aloysiu KEATING
June 14, at Cape Town, Garwood ALSTON, to Miss Elizabeth Annie Petronell DE WITT
June 14, at Cape Town, Mr. George EDWARDS, Sub-Inspector of Police, to Eliza, second daughter of Mr. John WESTLEY, of Newlands
June 6, at Cape Town, P.A.J. KIRSTEN, son of Andries Kirsten, to Harriet, eldest daughter of the late James McGregor
June 15, at Cape Town, Mr. G.F. BAUMAN, to Miss Ann Hogg.


May 20, at Cape Town, Mr. James McDONALD, aged 22 years
May 21, at Cradock, the Rev. J. Taylor
May 23, at Cape Town, Mr. Joseph WOODWARD, aged 52 years
May 26, at Cape Town, John Henry William, son of Mr. George D. WALLACE, aged 1 year.
May 29, at Houwhoek, Mr. George Campbell, aged ?0 years
May 31, at Cape Town, Christiana, wife of Mr. John MIELL
June 1, at Graham's Town, Anne, wife of Lieut.-Col O'REILLY.
June 2, at Port Elizabeth, Anna Scrivener, aged 9 months
June 2, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. George FEATHER.
June 2, at Cape Town, William POWELL, son of Mr. John HERBERT, aged 2 years
June 8, at Uitenhage, Mrs. Alexander CUNNINGHAM
June 10, at Cape Town, Mrs. Johanna Jacoba Elizabeth COOKE
June 13, at Claremont, Emily Maria Arderne, aged 13 months.

The annual muster of the grantees at King William's Town, took place on the 24th May. The number present was considerable, and all were well armed and mounted. The grantees elected commandants under whom they would serve in case of need. The following commandants were elected:-

King William's Town and Stutterheim district - Mr. John COUCH
Gonubi - Mr. G. BISSET and Mr. COWIE
Chalumna - Mr. J. WRIGHT and Mr. J. M. STEVENSON
East London - Mr. W. MANLEY

On Trinity Sunday the Bishop of Graham's Town, held an ordination service in Trinity Church, King William's Town, when the following candidates, Messrs. H.E. WOODROFFE and R. VON HUBE, were ordained priests, and Mr. M. NORTON deacon.


The Rev. H. PEARSE, superintendent of the Wesleyan Missions in Natal, had arrived at Bloemfontein from Pietermaritzburg, by Adam KOK's new route, having traveled the whole distance in a light two-wheeled vehicle (buggy). The reverend gentleman speaks highly of the engineering ability displayed by Captain Kok on this new pass through the mountains, and is of opinion that few professional engineers would have attempted such an undertaking with so little mechanical aid.

Two lamentable catastrophes have rendered last month a disastrous period. About three weeks ago, a large sugar estate near D'Urban, belonging to Mr. SHIRE, was burnt to ashes. A neighbour had accidentally fired the grass, which, at this season, is long, dry and inflammable. A few days afterwards, twenty acres of an estate not very far distant from Mr. Shire's were destroyed in a similar manner. These losses will render planters and agriculturists more guarded in their measures for burning the grass around their farmsteads and fields.

The omnibus is busily engaged in running between port and city. It does the journey in about eleven hours and carries twelve passengers. Just a present horse-food is particularly and unprecedently scarce, and it seems doubtful whether the vehicle will prove a paying concern. The fares whether up or down, are 1pound each way, and half that for children. We consider this moderate.

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