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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1860 3 September - December

3 September 1860

The Union Steam Navigation Company's Royal Mail steam ship Norman, Commander Boxer, from the Cape July 21, arrived at Plymouth on Friday morning.

The Norman brought the following passengers :-

Hon. J CAWOOD and family (6)
Mr. GILLESPIE, child and servant
Mr. J.D. THOMSON, wife and family
Miss. PARR

The Colony was in hourly expectation of Prince Alfred's visit. The Prince will only remain in the colony six weeks, during which time he will go round with his Excellency to Port Elizabeth by sea, and from thence to Aliwal North, and on to Natal.

The following is a list of passengers who have engaged berths on board the mail steamer of the 5th inst.:-

1st Class - Mr. COTTERELL
Mr. Charles BOYLE
Mr. and Mrs. PREWSS and child
Mr. and Mrs. AYLIFF and Miss AYLIFF
Mr. and Mrs. COLEMAN
Mr. and Mrs. HOLLOWAY
Mr. and Mrs. DUTHIE
Mr. Jacob LICHEL
2nd Class :- Mr. and Mrs. COMBRICK

The Echo was dispatched by Messrs. James I. Bennett, on the 20th August, for Algoa Bay, taking as passengers Miss DAVY and Mr. WILKIE. She had a large and valuable cargo and live stock.


THEATRICAL - We are glad to be in a position to inform our readers that the members of the Cape Town Dramatic Club have engaged the building in the Buitenkant, formerly known as the Music Hall, for six months, and intend giving a series of performances, the first of which will take place about the middle of the month. The piece selected for the opening night is, we hear, Tom Taylor's "Payable on Demand"

THE BOTANIC GARDENS - The annual report of the Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens has just been laid before Parliament.

There are now in the garden many plants of timber and trees, principally coniferae, raised from seeds received from India, Australia, and elsewhere. It is proposed to distribute these gratis to the public gardens at Graham's Town and Natal, as well as to private individuals throughout the colony who will engage to devote the necessary care and attention to their establishment and growth. From these trees, so distributed, seeds may in future years be available in the districts where they are planted for local distribution.

The sport world of the metropolis of the Cape of Good Hope have given expression of their approval of Tom SAYER's pluck and skill by sending him a purse of guineas, which has been subscribed in a few days. The Hon. Mr. Joseph CAWOOD, has undertaken the duty of presenting it to the champion through the editor of Bell's Life. Mr. T. RUSSELL, of the Masonic Hotel, was the secretary to the fund, and Mr. WIDDOWS, the late landlord of that excellent hostelry, was treasurer. Every Englishman in the colony was proud to hear their champion's conduct, but they are not over well pleased at the arrangement of giving a belt to each.


The Harbour Board have commenced the erection of a lighthouse on "the Hill", close to the Donkin monument. The foundation has been laid and the work is in progress. When completed the work will be of great service to the shipping. We believe it is intended to have a semaphore in connection with the lighthouse on Receiffe Point, distant some eight or nine miles, so that ready communication may be had with each other.

A SUCCESSFUL ELEPHANT HUNTER - A trader, who lives in Mareko, in the Transvaal, has recently arrived at Worcester, whence he started for the interior about ten years ago. He was an elephant hunter. He left as a very poor man, and is now in good circumstances. He states that he has himself already killed eighty-eight elephants. In the last hunt he went with a party up to the Zambesi, three days journey from where Dr. Livingstone was. They killed ninety-four elephants, of which thirty-eight fell to his share. He has left with Messrs. Van Der Byl and Le Seum, at Worcester, the cured head of an elephant and some rhinoceros and antelope heads.


An important discussion has been going on in Durban touching and concerning a new township on the Black Beech Bush, called "Addington," founded by the Government on the application of numerous small tenants, mechanics and others, who cannot afford to lease a five acre lot from the corporation, and are still less able to purchase at present prices. The Addington allotments are divided into half acres, and let for 21 years at 3 pound each allotment, and, judging from the large number of applicants, the measure must be very popular, and indeed one cannot see how it can be otherwise, since one hundred acres of waste lands will thus be reclaimed, two hundred small tenants will thus be accommodated on reasonable terms, and Government will obtain 600pounds per annum towards paying the interest on the new harbour works.

We take from the Natal Star of June 30 the following account of the opening of the railway which this colony has the honour of having first constructed and opened in South Africa :-

With the present work commences an entirely new era in Natalian history. The opening of the first railway in South Africa is an accomplished fact. On Tuesday last, the 26th instant, the official opening of the line took place. It was eighteen years ago, on that memorable day, since a handful of brave Englishmen, after the most unprecedented perils and hardships, during the siege of Durban by the Dutch Boers, were relieved by the timely arrival of the Southampton, and Port Natal was fairly and permanently won over to the British Crown. Many a loyal and manly heart, who took part in those proceedings, has happily survived to witness, in the festivities of this day, what has been accomplished during those eighteen years! they have lived to see with delight how they and their younger coadjutors have successfully overcome the mightier obstacles of nature, the happy results of which were powerfully illustrated in the triumphal proceedings of last Tuesday.

By 10 a.m. a crowd of people of all ages, colours, and complexions were gathered round the platform at the Durban terminus, near St. Paul's Church, and by half-past-ten the invited guests of the company, who were admitted by ticket upon the platform, and who, after the formal ceremony of opening, were conveyed in the first train down to the Point, began to arrive, but it was near eleven when his Excellency the Acting Lieutenant-Governor and his suite arrived, which was of course a signal for the ceremony to begin.

When the company had become placed in such a manner as to give the photographic artists the best chance of doing justice to the inte resting scene, the Lord Bishop of Natal read an appropriate collect and then delivered a prayer.

Having delivered the prayer, his Lordship gave blessing, when the children of the Durban Sunday Schools, who were placed under the direction of their teachers, in front of the platform, struck up the National Anthem and sung an additional stanza adapted to the occasion.

The singing was followed by three hearty cheers and one cheer more from the assembled crowd, and the Natal Railway was declared to be formally opened.

SOCIAL - Concerts, balls, lectures, cricketing, races, public dinners, agricultural shows, and military displays have made the days, and the nights too, trip it right merrily. Maritzburg is but a trifle of a city, but it has an immense capacity of enjoyment, and a will to make the most of its ability. If this little place could be taken up bodily and dropped down somewhere in Europe, it would become as gay as a German Spa. As it is, it is decidedly the Baden-Baden of South Africa.



May 27, at Glen Grey, Mrs. W.H. WARNER, of a daughter
June 1, at Cradock, Mrs. S. DE BEER, of twin daughters
June 16, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs.F. WASLEY, of a daughter
June 18, at Somerset East, Mrs. Hougham HUDSON, of a son
July 3, at Cape Town, Mrs. P.A.O. BRINK, of a son
July 4, at Cape Town, Mrs. J.B. WILSON, of a son
July 6, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Charles ADCOCK, of a son
July 7, at Cape Town, Mrs. P.E. FAURE, of a son
July 7, at Cape Town, Mrs. B.H. DARNELL, of a daughter
July 9, at Graham's Town, Mrs. W.J. HOLMES, of a daughter
July 10, at Alice, Mrs. W. McGLASHAN, of a son
July 10, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. W.H. COLEMAN, of a son
July 14, at Cape Town, Mrs. J.H. BRAND, of a son


June 15, at Cape Town, Mr. G.F. BAUMAN, to Miss Ann HOGG
June 21, at Port Elizabeth, Philip FROST, jun, to Maria Magdelina PARKINS
June 21, at Cape Town, Mr. Arthur GATES, to Miss Mary Maria THOMAS
June 21, at Cape Town, Mr. C.B.P. ARNOLD, to Miss Isabella THOMAS
June 22, at Cape Town, Mr. R.C. BROWN, to Miss. M.J. RICHARDSON
June 28, at Cape Town, Mr. T.G. GLYN, to Miss Eliza Rose BLUNDEN
July 2, at Queen's Town, Mr. S.S. WAKEFORD, to Jane Maria, daughter of the late T.H. WEST, of Graham's Town.
July 3, at Simon's Town, P. NIGHTINGALE, to Frances Emma, daughter of the late  P. BROPHY of London
July 3, at Goshen, Mr.T.H. SEPHTON, to Sarah C.C. ROBINSON, daughter of the late W. ROBINSON, of Klip Hoek
July 4, at Wynberg, Mr. J.M. DALLAMORE, to Miss. S. WARMINGTON
July 9, at Cradock, Mr. W.G. WELLS, to Johanna Catherina, daughter of W.C. COETZER
July 9, at Cape Town, Mr. J.P.G. DANTU, to Mrs. J.M.W. BARKS
July 10, at Cape Town, A. BROWN, to Miss. A.H. FAURE
July 12, at Cape Town, Mr. J.A.S. HELDZINGEN, to Miss. L. SINCLAIR
June 12, at Cape Town, D.HULL, sen, to Miss. E. POCOCK


Lately, while proceeding to the Orange Free State, Mr. MOSLEY, late of Keiskama Hoek.
June 3, at Cape Town, Miss. C.F. BECK
June 8, at Caledon, Mr. W.E. COLE
June 12, at Cape Town, the infant daughter of Dr. SYME
June 12, at Claredon, Natal, Mrs. SHAW
June 16, at Graham's Town, the widow Rebecca SMITH
June 17, at Camp Ground, Mr. Thos. King ELLIOT
June 18, at Cape Town, MR.H.W. TEITJE
June 19, at Green Point, Mrs. Hannah KENNEDY
June 21, at Cape Town, the widow Susannah HERTZOG
June 25, at Nurney, Mr. C. COCK, Glendower
June 26, at Cape Town, Mrs. E.C. WARDEN
June 26, at Simon's Town, Mrs. S. WILLET
June 26, at Cape Town, Mrs. BORAIN, Sen
June 26, at Cape Town, Miss. G. PAINE
June 26, at Mowbray, Miss. E.H. TONKIN
June 26, at Cape Town, Master A.L. MILLS
June 27, at Simon's Town, Master P.A.H. RAVEN
June 27, at Cape Town, Master W.F. VAN DER OVEN
June 28, at Sidbury Park, Thomas BERRINGTON, sen
June 28, at Cradock, W..M. VICARY, late of St. Blazey, Cornwall
June 30, at Cape Town, Master H. COMBRINK
July 1, at Cape Town, Master W.A. TILLEY
July 4, at Beaufort, the wife of H. GREEN, Civil Commissioner, Colesberg
July 4, at Cape Town, W.A. WENTZEL
July 7, at Cape Town, Miss. C.A. LIETHAR
July 9, at Cape Town, Miss. F.J. VAN DER REIT
July 9, at Cape Town, an infant daughter of B.H. DARNELL
July 9, at King William's Town, Ida Elizabeth, only daughter of E.E. SHORT
July 9, at Gleniffer, Henry Edward infant son of Mr. E. BUCKLEY
July 12, at Cape Town, Mrs. E. MESTIER
July 13, at Cape Town, Miss M.C.D. LACOCK
July 13, at Cape Town, Miss. M.H. LANGLEY
July 16, at Cape Town, Thomas Andrews, infant son of Mr. John JEFFRIES
July 16, at Cape Town, Mr. J.N. RUSSOUW, sen
July 16, at Richmond, the infant son of Mr. M. TAIT



June 3, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. LEE, of twin daughters
June 3, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs.A. SMITH, of a son
May 23, at Berea, Mrs. W.C. HUMPHREYS, of a daughter
May 24, at Durban, Mrs. G. PHILLIPS, of a daughter
May 31, at New Brighton, Mrs. P. SHORTT, of a son
May 3, Mrs. E. STAFFORD, of a daughter
May, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. H. MACKENZIE, of a son
May 6, at Durban, Mrs. W.H. PEDDIE, of a son
June 13, at Durban, Mrs. Captain JOSS, of a son
June 9, at Durban, Mrs. W. CLARK, of a daughter
June 11, at Verulam, the wife of Dr. BLAINE, of a daughter
June 11, Mrs. F.A. PETERS, of a daughter
June 7, at Richmond, Mrs.Thomas TAYLOR, sen, of a son
June 13, at Richmond Mrs. D. TAYLOR, of a son
June 21, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. Eugene B. CROWLEY, of a daughter
June 29, at Durban, Mrs. J.C. HELMORE, of a daughter
May 7, at Mount Moreland, Mrs. H.P. HORNING, of a daughter
May 15, at Tongaat, Mrs. James CATTERALL, of a daughter
May 8, on the Berea, Mrs. G.V. LAMBERT, of a son
June 5, at Ladysmith, Mrs. John ALLISON, of a son
June 23, at Durban, Mrs. George PUTTRIL, of a daughter
June 3, at Durban, Mrs. Alexander McARTHUR, of a son
June 4, at Durban, Mrs. John Millar, of a son


June 19, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr.J. LEAN of Durban, to Miss. Mary OSBORNE, of Pietermaritzburg


June 4, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr. W.J. POLE, aged 36 years
May 7, at Pietermaritzburg, Samuel Walter, son of Mr. James BUTTON, aged 6 months
May 8, at Pietermaritzburg, suddenly, Mr. CONROY
May 10, at Potchefstroom, in the Transvaal Republic, John only son of Mr. H. BELLIS, Cheshire, England, aged 24 years
June 12, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr. James SMARFIT, aged 48 years
June 21, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. Catherine PALMER, widow.
June 22, at Pietermaritzburg, Miss. Isabella C. FITZSIMMONS, aged 19 years
July 3, at Congella, Mr. William Henry LUDLOW, aged 29 years
May 14, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr. William STURDY, late of Easingwold, Yorkshire, aged 29 years
In April, at Zululand, Mr. Robert SUMMERS, of Up Park, Umhloti
May 4, Mary Ann, wife of Mr. E. STAFFORD, aged 33 years
June 24, on board the brig Utopia, Captain James LEE, aged 62 years
June 4, at Lidgetton, Mr. POLE
June 4, at Ladysmith, Mr. WILLIAMS, of the Buffalo River.
October edition missing

1 November 1860

The ship Bride, of 565 tons, Capt. Samuel W. Gibson, belonging to Messrs. Temperleys, Carter, and Darke, sailed from Southampton on Saturday, the 13th October, for Algoa Bay, with emigrants selected from the agricultural and artisan classes by the Hon. William Field. They are under the charge of Surgeon-Superintendent, J.G. Cambell, and comprise 32 married couples, 74 single men, 50 single women, 38 children, and 9 infants, total 235 souls. These emigrants include a small draught of men enrolled for the Cape Frontier Mounted Police Force. The emigration to the Cape at the colonial expense, under the local act of 1857, now amounts to 7,514 souls.

The following is a list of the passengers who have engaged berths by the mail steam ship Norman, which sails from Devonport on the 6th inst. for the Cape :-

Mr. and Mrs. JACOBS, two children and female servant
Mr. and Mrs. PRINCE
Captain and Mrs. O'SHAUGHNESSY
Mr. and Mrs. LINWOOD and two children
Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIAN and infant, two children
Mr. and Mrs. DARTER
Mr. and Mrs. SHEPHERD and four children
Lieut. COLE
Messrs. J. and C. COOK
In 2nd class :- Mr. HOWARD
10 men and 2 women of the Hospital Corps.

 Messrs. T. and C. Nichols have just despatched the Monsoon, for Port Natal, with a full cargo and the following passengers :-

Mr. and Mrs. STRAFFEN
Mr. and Mrs. SAVORY and child
Mrs. BERRY and family
Mr. Stephen KING and child
Mr. George DOWLING
Mr. Thomas JACKSON

The Natal Mercury of the 17th August contains the following testimonial to Captain H.Sorry, of the favourite tender Early Morn, from his passengers on her last voyage to Natal :-

"EARLY MORN," July 23, 1860

DEAR SIR, - We, the undersigned passengers of the Early Morn, take this opportunity of expressing our satisfaction and thanks for your kindness and attention to us during the voyage from London to Port Natal, and we sincerely wish you every success in your future undertakings.
Hoping you will do us the honour of accepting this as a slight expression of our esteem, we remain, dear sir, yours sincerely,

The Royal Charlie, with 226 immigrants, arrived in Table Bay on Friday, the 31st August. The immigrants were all enjoying good health and spoke highly of the voyage. There was one birth and no deaths. All the immigrants are engaged.


On Saturday a capital carnival fete, in imitation of the English provincial fairs, was got up in the Botanic Gardens, and attracted many thousand visitors, and the Gardens never before presented such an animated appearance.

The dinner party at Government House in the evening was composed of Prince Alfred, the Governor, Col. and Mrs Travers, Major Cowell., Mr. Carter, Mr. Grey, Mr. Harries and Mr. Rivers.

The ball in the evening was attended by nearly all the persons invited. At about nine o'clock his Royal Highness, with Mrs. Wynyard, followed by the Governor with Mrs. Travers, entered the ball room, when the National Anthem was played and dancing was kept up with much spirit until twenty minutes to twelve o'clock, when his Royal Highness retired. The party then dispersed.

The ladies whom his Royal Highness honoured by dancing with were :- Mrs. WYNYARD, Mrs. SOUTHEY, Mrs. TRAVERS, Mrs. RIVERS, Mrs. ROMER, Miss. B. BARROW, Miss. C. ROSS, Miss. BARROW, Miss BORCHERDS, Miss. Ada Bickersteth, Miss. J. BARROW, and Miss. ROSS.

On Sunday, the Prince attended service at St. George's Cathedral, the Dean of Cape Town preached on the occasion.

On Tuesday, came other work, and of equally auspicious character, to be performed by the Royal boy. First, at high noon the foundation stone of the new Alfred's Sailors' Home was laid by him with all the Masonic honours, and two hours later he inaugurated the new splendid institution of the South African Library and Museum. And after the Prince had deposited on the shelves the costly donation of books from the Governor himself, his Royal Highness, in his Royal mother's name, presented to the colony the magnificent portrait of her Majesty.


Since the visit of Prince Alfred to King William's Town, the volunteer movement has taken a start. Two companies have recently been formed, one by the English and the other by the German population. They are to be named respectively "Prince Alfred's Volunteer Corp" and "Prince Albert's German Rifle Corps"

The following appointments have been made in the "Volunteer Corps":-

Colonel-in-Chief. - John MACLEAN
Colonel Commandant - Richard TAYLOR
Cavalry Captain - Mathew Ben SHAW
Lieutenant - Wallace HEWETSON
Adjt. - James Faunce LONSDALE
Cornet and Quartermaster - Edward JONES
Surgeon - James PETERS
Serjt. Major - R. HOOD
Serjeants - John SWEENEY, John SHORT, George BROSTER,
In the "German Rifle Corps" the following were elected officers :-
Major Commanding - J. PETERSON
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant - G.A. WACKNEL
2nd Lieutenant - Ch. MUELLER
Ensign, Drillmaster and Instructor of Musketry - J. HUNDERMARK
Quartermaster and Paymaster - A. MASS
Colour-Serjeant - Baron v. ZECH
1st Serjeant - Mr. VAN DER DECKEN
2nd Serjeant - Mr. STRAUCH
1st Corporal - Mr. VOIGTRITER
2nd Corporal - Mr. PETERS
3rd Corporal - Mr. NEWBETT
4th Corporal - H. PETERSON

The most notable event of the month is the death of Ned MACOMO, son of the celebrated warrior-chief bearing that name.

During a thunder-storm on the 30th August, the Rev. Mr. LIEFELDT, was struck down by lightning near Frankfort, but fortunately not more seriously injured than being somewhat indisposed from the effects of shock.

The Rev. J. BROWNLEE, of the London Missionary Society, has had several fits, which have nearly laid him prostrate. The Rev. gentleman has been for a number of years engaged in missionary labour among the natives, and is universally respected by all classes who know him.

It is rumoured that steps will shortly be taken to establish a botanical garden in King William's Town.

The Prince has made a present of his state waggon to the Government of the Orange Free State, for the use of the President for the time being, bearing the British coat-of-arms


The dry season has ruined our crops of arrowroot and a little damaged our standing sugar-cane. Fires, from grass-burning, continue. Money and vegetables of all kinds continue scarce, and we have been threatened with more than one "gunpowder plot". Still we go on steadily progressing, and when we get good roads and bridges and a decent harbour, we shall no longer fear the final success of the little colony of Port Natal.

The Prince laid the foundation stone of the Town Hall, and in the afternoon presented new colours to the 85th Regiment.




August 12, at Worcester, Mrs. A. MURRAY, of a daughter
August 18, at Cape Town, Mrs. S. INNES, of a daughter
Sept. 9. at Cape Town, Mrs. Captain THOMSON, of a son
Sept. 10, Mrs. W.G. ANDERSON, of a son
Sept. 11, at Cape Town, the wife of Dr. BROWN, of a daughter
Sept. 13, at Cape Town, Mrs. John WILLEMBURG, of a daughter


August 22, at Fort Beaufort, James, son of Mr. J. PRINGLE, Glenthorn, to Jane, daughter of Mr. W. STANTON
Sept. 6, at Port Elizabeth, Peter Everard, of Human's Dorp, second son of the late Rev. Peter Davye FOULKES, Shebbeare, North Devon, to Frances Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Caesar ANDREWS.
Sept. 6, at Uitenhage, Frederick LANGE, to Susannah, third daughter of Christian HEUGH,
Sept. 8, at Port Elizabeth, Robert SPEEDY, Assistant Staff Surgeon, to Jessie, fourth daughter of John O. SMITH, of Port Elizabeth
Sept. 14, at Cape Town, Mr. James William WILSON, to Miss. Mary Ann STEWART


Aug. 4, at Cape Town, Mr. J. DE VILLIERS, sen, aged 41 years
Aug. 22, at Cape Town, Mrs. C. PONTOON, aged 44 years
Aug 27, at Cradock, Dina, daughter of Mr. H. DENNISON, Clifton, aged 14 years.
Aug. 27, at Uitenhage, Mrs. Edward James SMITH
Aug. 29, at Swellendam, Anna Catherina, only daughter of Mr. G. BREMNER
Aug. 30, at Wynberg, Mr. A.M.B. CHIAPPINI
Sept. 6, at Cape Town, Mrs. E. WIGLESWORTH, aged 47 years
Sept. 6, at Cape Town, Mrs. C.E. MARCUS, aged 48 years
Sept. 8, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. John Charles SCHWARTZ, aged 28 years
Sept. 11, at Port Elizabeth, Annie Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. George BIRT
Sept. 13, at Cape Town, Dorothea, wife of Mr. Wilhelm Carel PFISTER, aged 19 years
Sept, 15, at Cape Town, Mrs. E. POVALL, aged 25 years
Sept. 19, at Claremont, Mr. Anothony HEDLEY, aged 43 years



July 30, at Durban, Mrs. E. LELLO, of a daughter
Aug. 4, at Verulam, Mrs. J.W. DICKINSON, of a daughter
Aug. 4, at Ladysmith, Mrs. J. DE KOCK, of a son
July 31, at Durban, the wife of Dr. SCHOLTZ, of a daughter
Sept. 1, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. William MARSHALL, of a daughter
Sept. 1, at Pine Town, Mrs. A. MURRAY, of a son
Aug. 26, at Claremont, Mrs. Edward PHILLIPS, of a daughter
Aug. 19, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. R. DAWNEY, of a daughter
Aug. 18, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. CHATTERTON, of a son
Aug. 2, at Palmerton, St. John's River, the wife of the Rev. T. MASON, of a son
Aug. 1, at Verulam, Mrs. C. SHAW, of a son
Aug 10, at Congella, Mrs. John William HARRIS, of twin sons


Aug 1, at Umhlali, James Leige HULETT, of Drie Fontein, to Mary Ann, only daughter of B. BALCOMBER , of Chaka's Kraal
Aug. 15, at the Berea, Mr. David MARSHALL, of Durban, to Penelope Sarah, eldest daughter of the late G.F. SMITH, of Braintree Mills, Essex.
Aug. 16, at Mount Prospect, Mr. Thomas PEACHY to Miss Emma THRING.


Aug. 3, at Umgeni, Violet, daughter of Mr. James VINCENT
Aug. 4, at Umgeni, James, youngest son of Mr. James VINCENT
Aug. 24, at Durban, Anne Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. R.W. TYZACK, aged 2 years
Aug. 13, at Durban, Philip Clifford, youngest son of Mr. John KING, aged 3 years.
Aug 17, at Durban, Mrs. GLEASON, aged 28 years **
Aug 25, at Durban, Mr. C. W. PAYNE, of Congella **

** These entries were listed under "Births"

3 December 1860

The Royal Mail steam ship Dane, belonging to the Union Company, arrived at Plymouth on the 29th November. Her dates are, Table Bay Oct 22, St. Helena Oct 30, and Ascension Nov. 3.

The Dane brings the following passengers :-
Mr. Sydney HAWKINS
Mr. Sefton PARRY
Mrs. CONNOR and child
Mr. and Mrs. WYKHUISEN

The first trial of the railway was made on the 20th October, when for the first time the whistle of a locomotive engine was heard in this colony. The pioneer engine of the line, the "Argus" was placed on a part of the railway near the Castle, on which the rails are laid, and it was intended to have run it with a train of trucksdown as far as Salt River, but the Government, who were removing gunpowder from the military stores near the hospital, objected to the engine passing the magazine, consequently, it could only run a distance of barely half a mile.

From the Oude Emigrant, a paper published in Dutch and English, at Potchefstroom, the chief town of the Transvaal Republic, we learn that Messrs. Barend LIEBENBERG and L. MAYER, who recently arrived at Potchefstroom from Magliesberg, brought samples of sugar-candy manufactured by Mr. ROOS in Magaliesberg. The sugar-candy, although not properly manufactured, has a very sweet and agreeable taste, and is of a light brown colour.  The same parties have also brought with them samples of soda from the warm baths at Waterberg, which, if dissolved in warm water, is said to have the same effect upon sick persons as if using the warm bath in its natural state.


The harbour Board has now fairly commenced its work. A few days ago a huge mass of stone, about two hundred tons, was blown up by electricity, under the superintendence of Mr. WOLLASTON, electrician.

The new Somerset Hospital, and other public works under the superintendence of the Colonial Engineer's department, are progressing favourably.

The local Volunteer Corps are still maintained in full number and efficiency. A short time since the Volunteer Artillery had a regular field day. They marched out to Papendorp, where they had excellent  field gun practice, and closed the evening with a dinner at the hospitable table of Mr. Allen TAYLOR. At dinner after the healths of Colonel Du Prat and Captain Brand had been drunk, an interesting ceremony took place. This was the presentation of a gold watch to Lieut. and Adjutant J. HOPKIRK, silver cups to Gunners SOREY and ROE, and a trumpet to Bugler EUCKERMANS. Lieut. SHERMAN was also warmly thanked for his services as treasurer to the corps and Bombardier L. ADAMSON, who had performed the duties of secretary, was unanimously appointed to the office of Quartermaster-Serjeant.

In spite of the enormous sums the Cape folks had to spend during the Prince's stay, they in a short time again subscribed a sufficient amount for procuring a full length portrait of his Royal Highness by one of England's master painters.

It is with regret we observe that Miss. Anne ROWLANDS has announced her intention of retiring from the stage.


British Kaffraria has not yet been erected into an independent colony, but the most extravagant expectations are entertained of the manner in which it is "to go ahead"

The great event of the month has been the races, which came off at King William's Town on the 25th, 26th and 28th of Sept. with great eclat. Everything passed off well and gave great satisfaction.

On Thursday a grand match took place between the King William's Town Cricket Club and the military, and the race ball came off in the evening with considerable eclat.


A shock of an earthquake was felt on the evening of the 21st September, but it seems to have been very partial and slight, no damage beyond a little transitory alarm having been occasioned.

An electric telegraph between Durban and Maritzburg is talked of, and a company projected to supply the required capital. It was to cost about 2,500pounds to complete the line.

NATAL RAILWAY - It will be seen that the company has arranged for the supply of season tickets. To those whose business or inclination takes them daily to the Point, this concession will no doubt be highly satisfactory. We are also informed of there being a probability that in future four trains will run daily instead of three, as is at present the case.

There has been an extensive failure in Cape Town. The establishment of Mr. B.C. SCHONEGEVEL has been closed. The liabilities are stated at about 17,000pounds, with a deficiency of nearly 9,000pounds.




Sept. 12, at Hondeneck, Mrs. J.N. SLEE, of a son
Sept. 18, at Queenstown, the wife of C.D. GRIFFITHS, of a son
Sept. 22, at Graham's Town, Mrs. Henry LINTON, of a daughter
Oct. 7, at Bushy Park, Mrs. C. LOVEMORE, of a son
Oct. 8, at Whittlesea, Mrs. James Northampton MARSHALL, of a son
Sept. 14, at Cape Town, the wife of Dr. BROWN, of a daughter
Sept. 15, at Caledon, Mrs. Westcott MORRIS, of a daughter
Sept. 22, at Cape Town, the wife of Dr. J. WILLIAMSON, of a daughter
Sept. 23, at Cape Town, the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel ASTON, of a daughter
Sept. 29, at Cape Town, Mrs. D.C. LUYT, of a daughter
Oct. 11, at Rondebosch, Mrs. S.P. ELLIOT, of a daughter
Sept. 10, at King William's Town, Mrs. S.M. SHEPSTONE, of a daughter

Sept. 19, at Cape Town, Mr. J.D. FRIESLICH, to Miss. Veroniha Christine Maria RABE
Sept. 20, at Cape Town, Mr. James HUTCHINSON, to Miss. Ann THOMPSON
Sept. 18, at Graham's Town, Thomas, second son of Mr. T. MILLS, of Procter's Fontein, to Margaret, fifth daughter of Mr. N. LAKE, Sidbury
Sept. 13, at Bathurst, Adolf ARENHOLD, of Port Alfred, to Miss. Annie SIMKINS
Sept. 25, at Alice, Mr. P.H. HUMPHRIES, of British Kaffraria, to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late Mr. George HARDING, of Bristol, England.
Sept. 26, at  Somerset East, M.T. BERGH, of Port Elizabeth, to Harriet Louisa, second daughter of the Rev. John PEARS.
Sept. 26, at Somerset West, Mr. G.F. MATHEW, of Wellington, to Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles ROBINSON, Caledon
Sept. 27, at Queenstown, Mr. Horatio HUTCHONS, of the Waschbank, to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Joseph HUGHES, of Warminster, Wilts, England


Aug. 31, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. James Neville STREAK, aged 57 years
Sept. 8, at Adelaide, Mr. Charles HILTON, aged 33 years
Sept. 15, at Roydon, M.J.S. FINCHAM, wife of Mr. George FINCHAM, aged 41 years
Sept. 25, at Trompetter's Post, Amelia, wife of Mr. W. MONTGOMERY, aged 32 years
At Keiskamma Hoek, Mr. John KINCAID, aged 84 years.
Oct, 4. at Graham's Town, Jane, relict of the late Mr. W.A. MORGAN, aged 56 years
Sept. 19, at Rondebosch, Anthony HEDLEY, aged 48 years
Sept. 20, at Cape Town, Mr. William Samuel OWEN, aged 86 years
Sept. 25, at Cape Town, Mr. William Henry HUTCHINSON, aged 58 years
Sept. 27, at Cape Town, Sophia Alida, relict of the late MR. C.B. BAM, aged 47 years
Sept. 28, at Cape Town, Georgina Caldwell FAURE, infant daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel ASTON
Oct. 4, at Main Barracks, Cape Town, the wife of Dr. G. WILLIAMSON, staff-surgeon
Oct. 7, at Paarl, Mr. Pieter Jacob DE VILLIERS, aged 61 years
Oct. 8, at Cape Town, Mrs. Maria Johanna HEYNES, aged 77 years
Oct. 12, at Cape Town, Mr. Richard WARREN, aged 63 years.
Sept. 10, at Frankfort, Elizabeth, relict of Mr. John VICE, of Fort England, aged 70 years
Oct. 4, at King William's Town, Antonia Anna V.T., wife of Mr. James SHAKEY.



Sept. 13, at Lnyokane, Mrs. D.F. WHITTAKER, of a son
Sept. 7, at the Berea, Mrs. W. MUNRON, of a daughter
Sept. 12, at Umhlali, Mrs. Edward COWARD, of a son
Sept. 25, at Verulam, the wife of the Rev. J.A. GASKIN, of a daughter
Sept. 2, at Pretoria, Mrs. E. W. TINLEY, of a son
Sept. 4, Mrs. F. JACOBS, of a son
Sept. 18, at the Berea, Mrs. J. LLOYD, of a daughter
Sept. 22, at Umzinto, Mrs. C. DACOMB, of a son
Oct. 1, at Congella, Mrs. H. TUNMER, of a daughter
Oct. 5, at the Little Umhlanga, Mrs. Len ISABELLA, of twin sons


Sept. 13, at Durban, William, fourth son of Mr. R.S. UPTON, to Emily, daughter of Mr. TUNMER
Sept. 20, at Camperdown, Robert Shand ANDERSON, of Caledon Hill, Pinetown, to Frances, second daughter of Leonard WRIGHT.


Aug. 25, at Durban, Mr. Thomas Reed LONGSTAFF, formerly of Sunderland, aged 25 years
Sept. 23, at Umhlali, the infant son of Mr. Edward COWARD
Sept. 29, at Durban, Catherine Jemima, widow of Captain W.H. JESSE, and daughter of Donald MOODIE, aged 34 years
Sept. 23, at Richmond Farm, near Pinetown, Susannah Johanna, eldest daughter of John Coote FIELD, and granddaughter of William FIELD, Collector of Customs, Cape Town
Oct. 1, at Durban, the infant son of Mr. F. JACOBS.

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