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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1861 1 January - April

1 January 1861

Adam Kok, one of the Griqua chiefs on the north-east frontier, has obtained the grant of the tract of land near Natal called No Man's Land, swearing fealty to the British Crown.

The public works in the neighbourhood of Cape Town, are being pushed on with spirit. It is anticipated that the Cape Town and Wellington Railway will be open for traffic in October next. The Sanatorium, for the accommodation of invalids from the East, is to be on a most extensive scale, not less than half-a-dozen vessels, freighted with materials of all necessary descriptions, being on their way to the Cape. All these works will be the means of employing labour and circulating money, and be the means of benefiting the general business of the place.

Telegraphic lines are about to be constructed between Port Elizabeth and  Graham's Town in one direction, and between East London and King William's Town in another direction.


Theatricals in Cape Town have been looking up during the past month, and some standard old English comedies have been produced. with great success. Cape play-goers are looking forward to the arrival of the January steamer for the company of professionals promised us by Mr. I.R. TAYLOR, when, no doubt, we shall be afforded a treat which the colony has never experienced.

The Seven Weeks' Poort road is progressing favourably. The preliminary steps for the new road across the Clanwilliam mountains, near Piketberg, under the care of Mr. P. FLETCHER, are going on satisfactorily.  When it is complete it will be great boon to the agriculturists and others in that part of the country, as they will then be able to get at a port for the shipment of their produce.

The gaols in some places are nearly completed. The Malmesbury prison is n ow presenting a front of goodly proportions. The Paarl gaol, stopped twice for the want of funds and the difficulty of procuring the materials required, is again advancing and is not far from completion. The prison at Alice has been purchased and repaired by the Government, and is occupied. In consequence of the wretched state of the Bedford gaol, the clerk superintending has been superseded, some criminals having managed to escape from it. New work will be required in the building. The Fort Beaufort prison is reported finished.

The designs for the new public offices for the safe keeping of the Registry deeds have been three times planned, and as often arrested in their progress by the authorities. Parliament voted the money for the fireproof building, the site on the Parade was approved by Government, tenders were about to be called for the erection of the building, when the judges discovered it would be impossible to separate the office of the Master of the Supreme Court, from the immediate vicinity of the Law Courts. The plans which the Colonial Engineer had prepared to afford accommodation for the Master, the Registrar of Deeds, and the Surveyor-General were therefore useless, and the matter is now in abeyance.


WRECK OF THE "GLADIATOR" - The following particulars of the wreck of the Gladiator, a large ship of 1,500 tons, are furnished by Mr. Robert RESTALL, of Oliphant's Hoek. The catastrophe occurred between Point Padrone and the Bushman's River, on the evening of the 12th, or early on the morning  of the 13th November :- " A most disastrous shipwreck has just occurred below our cottage - the Gladiator, 1,500 tons, bound from Bombay to Liverpool, laden with cotton and seeds. This morning, when we awoke, we saw the vessel on the shore. I then sent down to tell the people to come up, and an express to Mr. PHILPOT, the magistrate at Alexandria, for assistance. There are forty-five lives on board. Three men came up with the boys. They could hardly relate their story. We had them clothed and fed. We went down again with J. CANNON and tried with one of the boats to reach the vessel, but he could only save seven. Two boats came from the Bird Island, but the surf was so high they could not approach her. The shrieks of the poor people on board are awful. It is now 4 o'clock and only ten safe. We can have no communication with the vessel. Mr. and Mrs. PEERING and two little children are the only passengers. She, with the two children, was put into a boat, which swamped, and they were all drowned. Mr. Peering, Captain Jeffray, and crew still on board.  Two of the masts are still standing. She is a new vessel. It was a pitiable sight to see Mr. Peering grieving over the loss of his wife and children while we were binding up his legs and arms. The little baby, 15 months old, was washed up - dreadfully cut. The last seven men are safe this morning. The captain alone has lost in furniture about 500pounds. He was part owner.

FIRST PATENT - Mr. Woodford PILKINGTON has the honour of being the first colonial patentee, and the invention which has been secured is connected with a new system of forming and driving piles. Instead of employing the cumbrous teak logs generally used in the colony, Mr. Pilkington uses three, four, five, or six parallel iron roads, firmly connected by ments of horizontal discs or plates, through which they pass. There are other peculiarities, which could scarcely be made intelligible without the aid of illustrations. It is reported that the invention will shortly be tested at some of the works under the management of the Colonial Engineer.


Mr. RUSSOM, the secretary of the Natal Society, has just favoured us with a sight of a copy of  "The Pictorial History of England," in seven volumes, handsomely bound, and bearing the royal arms, which has been forwarded by Lieut.Colonel TRAVERS, Cape Town, agreeably with the commands of H.R.H Prince Alfred, and which is to be deposited in the library as the gift of his Royal Highness.




Oct. 2, at Fraserburg, Mrs. C.L. DEVENISH, of a son
Oct. 6, at Middelburg, the wife of the Rev. William MURRAY, of a daughter
Oct. 17, at Fort Murray, Mrs. M. THEENAN, of a son
Oct. 22, at Cape Town, Mrs. PINCHIN, of a daughter
Nov. 8, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. G. IMPEY, of a daughter
Nov. 14, at Cape Town, the wife of the Hon. P.E. DE ROUBAIX, of a daughter
Nov. 14, at Roodebloem, the wife of P. PICKERING, of a daughter
Nov. 15, at Robben Island, Mrs. J. McMULLAN, of a daughter
Nov. 18, at Cape Town, Mrs. Captain W.H. SMITH, of a daughter
Oct. 24, at Galla Water, Mrs. John SUTHERLAND, of a son
Nov. 3, at Cape Town, the wife of C.E. SAUNDERS, of a son
Nov. 9, at Cape Town, Mrs. W. MILLARD, of a son
Nov. 9, at Cape Town, the wife of Captain W.W. Ball, of a daughter
Oct. 24, at Graham's Town, Mrs. Collin McBRAN, of a daughter
Oct. 26, at Graham's Town, Mrs. T.I. COCKCROFT, of a son
Oct. 7, at Somerset East,  Mrs. Benjamin W. HALL, of a daughter
Oct. 14, at King William's Town, Mrs. G. USHER, of a son


Oct. 18, at Bredasdorp,  A.T.B. SIMONS, to Miss. M.C.C. HOFMEYER
Oct. 18, at Uitenhage, Captain SIM, to Miss. E.E. FROST
Nov. 7, at Creek Farm, Chalumner River, Mr. J. ELLIOT, to Miss. S.A. FAIRCLOTH
Oct. 30, at Cape Town, Mr. John Ebenezer MAXWELL, to Susannah, only daughter of Mr. Robert MILLER
Nov. 2, at Cape Town, Mr. G.A. WILCOX, to Miss. Catherina TOWERT
Nov. 12, at Cape Town, Mr. John Charles BARNES, to Miss. Wilhelmina Rosine WHELAN.


Sept. 13, at Baviaan's Kloof, Mr. W.H. DEMPERS, aged 59 years
Oct. 1, at Keiskamma Hocks, Mr. J. KINCAID, aged 34 years[reported last month as- At Keiskamma Hoek, Mr. John KINCAID, aged  years]
Oct. 7, at Queenstown, Miss. H.W. STAPLES, aged 3 years
Nov. 10, at Cape Town, Mrs. J.M. DEQUENTZ, aged 47 years
Nov. 13, at Cape Town, Mr. F. VISSER, aged 73 years
Nov. 14, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. E.E. BENECKE, aged 29 years
Oct. 22, at Cape Town, Alfred Robert Williams, infant son of Mr. John ALDER
Oct. 24, at Cape Town, Samuel Oliver, son of Mr. C. WELFORD, aged 19 years
Oct. 25, at Cape Town, Mr. Robert MILLER, aged 50 years
Oct. 29, at Cape Town, Rykie Catherina, wife of J. LE SUEUR, Civil Commissioner of Worcester
Oct. 29, at Caledon, Henry, second son of Mr.Charles ROBINSON, aged 8 years
Oct. 30, at Cape Town, Daniel Wilmot, infant son of Mr. Joseph FLACK
Nov. 1, at Rondebosch, S. VAN BREDA, aged 57 years
Nov. 4, at Cape Town, Mr. STORM, aged 59 years.
Nov. 4, at Cape Town, Mr. John Cox CURRY, aged 38 years
Nov. 8, at Robertson, Mr. Price LEWIS, aged 21 years
Nov. 11, at Cape Town, Susanna Sophia Combrink, wife of Mr. William GROOM, aged 37 years
Nov. 13, at Cape Town, Edward William, son of Mr. BURTON, aged 9 years
Oct. 15, at Uitenhage, S. DU TOIT, aged 65 years
Oct. 21, at Cape Town, Susan, infant daughter of Mr. Edward Jones
Nov. 7, at Port Alfred, Robert Winter, youngest son of Mr. Benjamin HOCKEY
Oct. 27, at Graham's Town, Richard Thomas Gush, fourth son of Mr. Christopher Webb, aged 27 years
Oct. 26, at Graham's Town, Mr. George Gilbert, aged 80 years
Nov. 1, at Graham's Town, J. WIENAND, aged 48 years
Oct. 28, at Graham's Town, Frances, wife of Mr. William Webster, aged 58 years.
Nov 6, at East London, Mrs. W.M. ROWER, aged 30 years
Sept. 15, at Groot Ventor Hoek, Elizabeth Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry SLATER, aged 20 years.
At Clarkebury Wesleyan Mission Station, in the Transkeyan Territory, Amelia, wife of W.G.B. SHEPSTONE, aged 81 years.



Oct. 13, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. LIVINGSTON, of a son
Oct. 15, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. William COX of a daughter
Oct. 16, at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs. COLBORNE, of a daughter
Oct. 23, at Sarnae, Pinetown, the wife of H. SHENK, of a son
Oct. 26, at Durban, Mrs. BURNHAM, of a son


Oct 27, at Durban, Mr. John Davis WITHERSPOON, to Miss Mary Ann SINK
Oct. 18, at the Great Umhlanga, Mr. John WINSON, to Miss. Emma NEWBURY
Oct. 10, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr. John IRELAND, to Miss. Ada Constance RICHARDS


Oct. 16, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr. VANDERMERWE
Oct. 27, at Pietermaritzburg, the infant son of Mr. ANDREWS
Oct. 12, at Durban, George, eldest surviving son of the Rev. John WOLLEY, of Allen Hill Derby, aged 80 years
Oct. 28, at Durban, Mr. John Alexander WILSON, formerly of Aberdeen, Scotland, aged 32 years.

28 January 1861

The vine disease was committing sad havoc in the wine districts, and the sulphur remedy was being very generally applied for the destruction of the fungus.

The potato disease appears to be spreading a good deal in some of the Western Province districts.

Six hundred and seventy-four tons of copper ore were shipped to England, from Hondeklip Bay, during the month of October.

A notice from the Colonial-office announces the intention of Government to lease Malagas Islands, Saldanha Bay, with permission to remove the guano.

English weights and measures were to come into use from the 1st January, and parties were providing themselves with new weights.

The Cape papers contain particulars of the sufferings and deaths of various members of a devoted missionary party in the Zambesi country. After two years of unprecedented trial and suffering, the Rev. Mr. HELMORE, a missionary of seventeen years experience, succumbed to disease and died. His wife was carried off a few days after, and was speedily followed by her two children, and they by a native teacher.


It is rumoured that the directors of the Cape Town fire assurance companies, alarmed at the frequency of fires in the village of Swellendam and the mystery that seems to be connected with them, are likely either to increase the premiums on these risks very considerably or to refuse them altogether.


The Gladiator, a large ship of 1,501 tons, bound from Bombay to England, Captain Jaffaires commanding, was wrecked on the east coast of the colony near Cape Padrone. Mrs. PAGAN,[reported in January edition as Mrs. PEERING] wife of a passenger, her two children, and three of the crew were lost. The ship had 2,200 tons of cargo on board.

Port Alfred :- Two life boats have been purchased at the Bay for this harbour, one of which, the property of Captain CHAPMAN, is said to be capable of holding fifty men and is coming round by sea. Capt. Chapman has taken up his residence here, and will commence the duties of Port Captain on the 1st December next.

A new Wesleyan chapel has been opened in Graham's Town for divine service and the foundation stone of another Wesleyan chapel has been laid in the same city.

REMARKABLE LONGEVITY - At the Phiel Missionary Station, a woman died lately, after reaching the rare old age of one hundred and thirteen years. She has left a daughter aged 85, a granddaughter of 70, and, of course a considerable number of great-grand and after children.

We regret to record the death of Mr. George GILLAM, son of Mr. John Gillam, of this town, which took place at his father's residence in New Town. Deceased had been suffering for many years from pulmonary consumption. He was highly respected by all who knew him.


The great event of the past month has been the arrival of two ships from India with Indians on board for the port. The Truro was the first arrival, with 342 natives of various ages, sexes, and complexions, including about 200 male adults and embracing Hindoos, Mohammedans, Malabars, and Christians. The ship brought a clean bill of health and the passengers all landed in a healthy condition. The Belvidere arrived on Monday week with a similar number of Indians for this port from Calcutta, whence she sailed on the 4th October. From that date to the 22nd October, she had 24 deaths on board from cholera, but she reached this port with a clean bill of health and obtained pratique on the 4th day after her arrival, having been placed in quarantine in the meantime. She landed her passengers on Sunday and Monday last, for safety's sake, however, they were not at first brought upon the main land, but placed in canvas tents upon the western side of the Bluff facing the Bay. In a few days, when all reasonable chance of danger is over, they will be brought over to the Indian barracks, in the Bush Path, between Durban and the Point.

Several deaths have occurred - some of them of a very melancholy kind. Mrs. ERSKINE, lady of our Colonial Secretary, die very suddenly about three weeks ago. Measles, too, had been fatal in several cases. Miss DAWES, a young person but lately arrived from England, was carried off in a few days, she was an interesting girl of about fifteen years of age. A distressing accident happened at Richmond not long ago, by which a person, in drawing a charge of powder, shot his own servant. Still more recently, and in the same direction (at Illovo), a young man named MACKENZIE had his abdomen ripped up by an infuriated buck which he had wounded in hunting. The aid of a surgeon was immediately sought for, but without success - all the doctors had their hands full.




Nov. 27, at Graham's Town, the wife of James Guy Piers MOORS, of a daughter
Dec. 4, at Graham's Town, Mrs. Horatio SCOTT, of a son
Nov. 15, at Graham's Town, Mrs. HUNTLEY, of a daughter
Nov. 16, at the Knysna, the wife of T. BAIN, of a daughter
Nov. 25, at Cape Town, the wife of G.F. BARTH, of a daughter
Nov. 26, at Cape Town, the wife of J.B. CURREY, of a daughter
Nov. 29, at Victoria West, the wife of the Rev. H.C.V. LEIBRANDT, of a son
Dec. 7, at Graham's Town, the wife of H. POWELL, of a daughter
Dec. 8, at Knysna, the wife of William McPHERSON, of a daughter


Nov. 15, at Graham's Town, Paymaster-Serjeant, George GORDON, to Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Mr. F. SHORT. of that city.
Nov. 21, at Yellow Wood Trees, Mr. Francis Phipps LEONARD, of Thorn Meadow, district of Queenstown, to Elizabeth Martha, eldest daughter of Mr. R.J. PAINTER
Nov. 15, at Graham's Town, Frederick, son of the late Mr. John JARDINE, to Mary Ann Maria, daughter of Mr. Henry MARSHALL, lately residing at Collingham.
Nov. 20 at Cape Town, Mr. J.H.L. MILLER, to Miss. W.B. CERFONTEYN
Nov. 22, at Cape Town, M. O'SULLIVAN, to Miss. S.M.H. DE SMIDT
Nov. 24, at Cape Town, Mr. R.P. ROBBINS, to Miss. L.J. ARNOLD


Nov. 13, at Gramham's Town, Mr. Charles John Lester, aged 24 years
Nov. 15, at King William's Town, George, son of Mr. John GILLAM, aged 21 years
Nov. 26, at Cradock, Ellen Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. Peter WRIGHT, aged 17 years
Nov. 20, at Cape Town, Mrs. L.J. MULLER, aged 42 years
Nov. 21, at Cape Town, Mrs. PEARCE, aged 42 years
Nov. 24, Master Thomas H. FINDLAY, aged 5 years
Nov. 24, Mrs. R.C. COFFIN, aged 45 years
Nov. 24, at Cape Town, C.T. WYLDE, aged 47 years
Nov. 24, Master Richard Charles RAVEN, aged 4 months
Nov. 25, Miss. J.E. ABRAHAMS, aged 13 years
Nov. 26, at Somerset West, Master W.F. ENGELS, aged 2 years
Nov. 15, at Stellenbosch, the infant daughter of C.F. ERICKSON, aged 18 days.

5 March 1861

We have the record of two wrecks - the bark Underley from Sunderland, foundered between L'Agulhas and Queen Point, and the Lord George Bentinck, which has been stranded on the coast near Durban, Port Natal, she had just landed 276 Indians at the port. No lives lost in either.


A sad accident happened on the Governor's arrival at Worcester on entering the town, says a letter in the Argus, "when the salute was commenced from the "big gun" stationed there. Unfortunately, however, through a sad accident the firing ceased, and it was afterwards found that James CAMPBELL, one of the artillerymen, on account of the vent of the gun not being properly served, had one arm blown off and the other fractured, besides being injured in other places. His Excellency has shown the kindest sympathy for the unfortunate artilleryman. Immediately on hearing of the accident he rode to the hospital with Lieut. Le Sueur and the cavalry, and he did not leave until he was satisfied that the unfortunate man was well attended to. Amputation of the arm was successfully performed by district Surgeon FRAENKEL, assisted by volunteer Surgeons GLASER and KUYS, and the poor fellow is doing well.

There are no less than 600 cases of measles in this town, in consequence of which many of the volunteers did not turn out.


Colesberg was to be represented by its own newspaper on and after the 1st January. The Colesberg Advertiser and Northern Frontier Gazette is to be in English and Dutch.

Mr. W. SMITH has been appointed the first Mayor of Port Elizabeth.

A census of the population of King William's Town has recently been taken by the resident magistrate, Mr. TAYLOR. The returns have not yet been published, but it has transpired that the white population of the town has increased during the year by 274.

The valuable discovery made by Mr. E.W. GILSTAIN, in respect to the dying properties of the common lichens of British Kaffraria, possessing as they do all the properties for the manufacture of archil, litmus, and cudbar of commerce, and which can be obtained in very large quantities, is about to be practically and we hope successfully applied. We understand that he intends sending samples of dyed articles to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce and several leading woolen manufactories in Yorkshire, and as the properties of these substances are excellent in the extreme, we doubt not that the mercantile men at home will take active steps towards securing a regular shipment of this valuable material, which will be readily obtained if the native population are acquainted with its use and value. We only wish that in other respects there were more GILSTAINS amongst us, to illustrate the capabilities of British Kaffraria in supplying the wants of the commercial world.


The strong Scotch element in Durban society has a tendency to render the first days of January in each year something like a general holiday, during which pic-nics, exhibitions, and concerts claim the chief attention of the inhabitants.

The corporation of Durban have at length made up their minds to do something towards draining the town and providing the inhabitants with a good supply of wholesome water, and not before they were wanted, for the town, as you know, is placed in a swamp, and up to this time no proper provision had been made for these primary and most important desiderata, in the meantime the deaths, both infant and adult, have increased in the alarming ratio of three hundred per cent.

Mr. Robert TATHAM has been appointed Manager and Secretary of the Natal Railway Company.




Dec. 12, at Graham's Town, Mrs. Samuel HUNT, of a daughter
Dec. 31, at Cradock, the wife of J. COLLETT, jun. of a son
Jan. 2, at King William's Town, the wife of the Rev. James SCOTT, of a daughter
Jan. 3, the wife of the Very Reverend the Dean of Cape Town, of a son
Jan. 4, at Cape Town, the wife of P.L. MORKEL, of a son
Jan. 5, at Cape Town, the wife of W.C.A. MOLLER, of a daughter
Jan. 12, the wife of P. LANDSBERG, of a daughter


Dec. 31, at Cape Town, Mauritz DE VRIES, to Miss. P.A.A. MORRIS
Dec. 31, at Cape Town, by special licence, F.G. RETIEF, to Miss. J. P. JANZEN
Jan. 1, at George, W.H. AURET, to Miss. E.A. PRITCHARD.
Jan. 3, at Cape Town, Arie VAN BRANT, to Miss. J.S. VERMAAK
Jan. 11, at Rondebosch, the Rev. John FRY, to Miss. H.L. ELLIOTT
Jan. 14, at Cape Town, G. RODWELL, to Miss. A. FOWLER


Dec. 22, at Cape Town, G.T. KEMP, aged 65 years
Dec. 30, at Cape Town, the wife of C.G. PFISTER, aged 25 years
Jan. 2, at Graaff-Reinet, W.J. DIXON, aged 48 years
Jan. 5, Sara Carolina, daughter of J.C. GIE, aged 16 years
Jan. 8, at Stellenbosch, the widow of the late J.F. DU TOIT, aged 60 years
Jan. 10, Mr. Pieter Michiel WEEPNER, aged 35 years
Jan. 14, Mrs. Mary GOONEY, aged 45 years
Jan. 15, Mr. William August Van Reenen, son of Mr. William van Reenen WILSON, aged 20 years



Nov. 1, at the Umbilo River, Durban, Mrs. G. BOTTOMLEY, of a son
Dec. 13, at Durban, Mrs. Thomas DAND, of a daughter
Dec. 11, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of George MACLERY, Registrar of Deeds, of a daughter


Nov. 29, at St. Paul's Church, Durban, by the Rev. W.H.C. LLOYD, Mr. Edward Hoste HICKMAN, to Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. S. BENINGFIELD, of Durban.
Dec. 3, by special licence, at the Mission House, Durban, by the Rev. F. BLENCOWE, W. MAWBY, of Mearston Plantation, to Elizabeth, third daughter of James Thomas LEPPAN, Somerset East, Cape Colony.
Dec. 19, at the Mission Station, Verulam, by the Rev. J. GASKIN, Mr. S. CREWE, to Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. Richard ACUTT, of the Umhlanga.


Nov. 3, at Pietermaritzburg, Annie Maria, wife of Major the Hon. David ERKSINE,
Dec. 7. at Natal, Mary, second daughter of T.G. CROWLEY, aged 10 years
Dec. 13, Harriet, wife of Mr. Thomas DAND, of Durban.

1 April 1861

The Norman is the next outward steamer, and will take the following passengers :-

Mr. and Mrs. SHARP,
Rev. and Mrs. H.D. BURRUP
Mr. CLARKE and female servant
Mr. and Mrs. J. EATON, infant and servant
Mr. and Mrs. CAWOOD, two children
Mrs, CONSIDYNE, 2 daughters and a son
Mr. H. RUDD.

The Miles Barton, Captain Shelburne, with the 1st battalion of the 3d Buffs on board from China, was lost in Struy's Bay on Feb. 8. All hands saved.

We regret to notice by this mail the death of Mr. George ROBINSON, at his residence, Bayside, Natal. The deceased was for nearly eight years the editor and proprietor of the Natal Mercury, which he founded, and ever afterwards conducted on principles which were broad, liberal, consistent, and eminently in accordance with the enlightened spirit of age.


The Midlothian, a barque of 393 tons, Captain H.S. WALLACE, had arrived in Table Bay, bringing 37 artizans and a large amount of plant for the breakwater. An accident attended with very serious consequences happened on the voyage. One of the passengers carelessly sat on deck with a loaded pistol in his pocket, by some mischance the pistol went off, and the ball entered the body of Mr. BLACKMORE, who was standing close by, immediately above the hip, and passed right through. The wounded man immediately received every attention, and serious as was the disaster, he is rapidly recovering.

Since the commencement of the railway works, 200 births had taken place amongst the wives of the navvies employed upon the line.

The new organ just erected in the cathedral has proved to be an instrument of fine tone and considerable power. It was built by Messrs. Bevington, of London, and was used for the first time in the public services of the church on Sunday 17th February.

A melancholy affair occurred on Feb. 19, in the Castle Barracks. Assistant-Surgeon DYER, attached to the Hospital Army Corps, put an end to his existence by cutting his throat. The unfortunate young gentleman arrived at Cape Town on the 17th September in the ship Thames, and was but twenty-four or twenty-five years of age.

Mr. DENYSSEN has been offered the judgeship of British Kaffraria, at a salary of 800pounds a year, it is believed that the offer has been accepted.

PARLIAMENTARY - Mr. Joseph MOSENTHAL, head of the extensive firm of Mosenthal Brothers in Cape Town, has been elected to represent the Eastern Division, in the place of Mr. John PATERSON, as a member of the Legislative Council.

Several other vacancies have occurred at Graham's Town by the resignation of J.H. GREATHEAD, and at Graaff-Reinet by the retirement of Mr. MEINTJES.

Dr. Ebden, son of an old and esteemed colonist, J.B. EBDEN, has sent for the Botanic Garden here, per Malborough from India, a valuable medicinal plant, the Bael fruit, or Bengal quince. The doctor, addressing Mr. McGIBBON, says, "I send you, for your botanic garden, plants of the Bael, so universally famed now as a remedy for chronic bowel diseases. I hope earnestly they will thrive, and in after years prove very useful to future generations of South Africanders.

DEATH OF THE REV. DE SMIDT. :- It is with regret we have to announce the death of this much esteemed and earnest pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church. Mr. DE SMIDT had for some weeks been very anxiously exerting himself amongst the sick in Robertson, especially amongst his own congregation. At last the typhus fever seized him in his labours, and he removed to Montagu, hoping thereby to ward off the effect of the disorder. But it was useless, and on Monday last, at the early age of twenty-eight years, this able, zealous, amiable, and highly esteemed clergyman breathed his last. His loss will be severely felt by the orthodox party in the Church, but in Robertson his absence will be particularly lamented.


Port Elizabeth is to have its own arms. The following description of the sketch brought up by a committee consisting of Messes. Adler KEMSLEY, PERKINS, KIRKWOOD, and PEARSON, will convey to all interested in such matters and idea what the committee will probably recommend - "Or, - on a chevron azure, (between two light-houses, sable, - burning proper, - and an anchor, in base, sable, cable, - gules) - three golden fleeces - or- banded gules. Supporters - on the dexter side a ram ermine, armed, or - on the sinister, a sea lion, or, and azure. Crest - on a cap of maintenance, gules, turned up - ermine, the monument proper. " Motto - Grandescunt aucta labore"

SALE OF FARMS : - A very extensive sale of landed property in the Eastern Province has just been held by Messrs. LAWRANCE and OSMOND, consisting of several farms belonging to Messrs. DELL and bought by them from the estate of the late Mr. HOWSE.

The farm adjoining the foregoing, belonging to Mr. H. BROWNE, advertised to be sold after the foregoing, was stated to have been disposed of privately to Mr. SHELVER for 2,500pounds, a high price considering the nature of the farm, two-thirds of it being unavailable.


The case of BERGTHEIL v. the Natal Trust and Insurance Company, which has occupied the Supreme Court eleven days, has just terminated in favour of the defendants. Instead of allowing the plaintiffs' claim altogether and granted the company's claim in reconvention against the plaintiff for 961pounds, and, except upon some minor points, condemned Mr. BERGTHEIL in the entire costs. This case has caused a great sensation in the colony, the relative position of the parties and the enormous amount of the claim set up Mr. Bergtheil, the further actions understood to be threatened by other parties in case of his success, having caused much curiosity and speculation as to its result, and it will most probably put an end to all ideas of further proceedings on the part of others.

Accidents during the past five weeks have been unusually numerous and unusually terrible in this part of the world. In the first place, Mr. Surveyor KING, had a very narrow escape of being carried over the Umgeni Falls, which are 323 feet in height. Fortunately, he did escape, though he will doubtless ever remember this terrible passage in his life.

Other accidents, however, have occurred which terminated less happily.

In the early part of January, Mr. WHEELER, a gentlemen well known in Natal, was crossing the Tugela, in company with his two daughters, the eldest a fine girl of fourteen, when the stream of the river suddenly came down with a fearful rush, and the advancing tide hit and smashed the cart just as the front horses touched the bank. The travelers were of course all precipitated into the angry tide, and in an instant, apparently, the youngest child was carried away by the stream and drowned. The agonised father, assisted by a friend, Mr. TRACEY, who traveled with them and shared the perils of the disaster, made a desperate effort to save his eldest girl. For a moment he seems to succeed - he swims with his darling to the bank, from which they have just before been whirled away, he attempts to clamber up the steep incline, but alas! encumbered as he is with the senseless form of his child, the ascent is too steep. Of the three who survived the first shock, only one is destined to regain the shore alive, the waters overcome even the fathers strength, his daughter is torn from his arms, and he himself is dragged to the shore by his friend Mr. Tracey, more dead than alive, and wishing in the first bitterness of his grief that he had shared the fate by which his children were so suddenly and terribly overtaken.

On the 29th January, Mrs. HUNT, of Pietermaritzburg, was out on horseback with her husband, when the animal she rode took fright, threw his rider from the saddle, and dashed along at full speed, dragging the poor lady after him. It is fitting that your readers should be spared the recital of the particulars of the terrible tragedy. It is enough to say that the steed had proceeded half a mile before he was stopped, and then its rider was a bruised and bleeding mass, in which life fluttered but for a moment, and expired. The victim of this melancholy accident was only twenty-six years of age.

Captain GRANTHAM, R.E. for many years resident in this colony is about to leave for Graham's Town, and the men of his department gave him a ball at the barracks.

Mr. J. RAW, Town Clerk, for many years of Maritzburg, having resigned, the Town Council of that city have presented him with a purse and other gratifying testimonials.

Captain ALLAN's steam yacht was sold the day by Mr. BENNINGFIELD for 157pouns. It is, we believe to be shipped off to the Mauritius. Natalians cannot afford such expensive toys as yet.




Jan. 27, at Cape Town, the wife of J. LONG, of a son
Jan. 28, at Cape Town, the wife of J.J. LE SUEUR, of a daughter
Jan. 30, at Cape Town, the wife of J.R. MOORE, of a daughter
Jan. 30, at Cape Town, the wife of F.N. VOGT, of a daughter
Feb. 1, at Malmesbury, the wife of F. SMITH, of a son
Feb. 2, at Cape Town, the wife of H.J. RUSSOUW, of a daughter
Feb. 3, at Beaufort West, the wife of J.A. HONEYBORNE, of a daughter
Feb. 4, at Caledon, the wife of Rev. J.C. WAUGH, of a son
Feb. 4, at Cape Town, the wife of C.F.B. JURITZ, of a daughter
Feb. 5, at Cape Town, the wife of T. MELVIN, of a daughter
Feb. 10, at Stoney Vale, Fort Beaufort, the wife of G. GILBERT, of a daughter
Feb. 11, at Cape Town, the wife of J. RAWBONE, of a daughter


Jan. 23, at Cape Town, C. LINDEMANN, to Miss. S.D.S. SCHOLTZ
Jan. 23, at Cape Town, E.A.F. UCKERMANN, to Miss. A. ROUS
Jan. 27, at Oudtshoorn, J. ANDERSON, to Miss. STRACHAN
Jan. 28, at Cape Town, A.B. STORNOFF, to Miss. J.W. EYMAAL
Jan. 28, at Cape Town, Captain A. DUNCAN, master of the schooner Susan, to Miss A. PHILLIPS
Feb. 4, at Cape Town, Captain D. PATTERSON, of the Maria Burries, to Miss. C.C. EVEREST
Feb. 15, at Cape Town, Lieutenant Adjutant James Guthrie CRAIG, to Miss. H.M. ROWLEY
Feb. 18, at Cape Town, G.W. THOMAS, to Miss. C.W. SPRUIT


Jan 21, at Cape Town, T. YOUNGER
Jan. 21, at Montagu, the Rev. C.H. DE SMIDT, aged 29 years
Jan. 24, at Green Point, Mrs. W.C. NEETHLING
Jan. 25, C.M. GRANGER, aged 38 years
Jan. 25, at Port Elizabeth, A. WARES
Jan. 26, at Cape Town, Mrs. A. PETERS, aged 40 years
Jan. 26, at Cape Town, P. ROUX sen, aged 86 years
Jan. 26, at Cape Town, J.S. PORTER, of the Cape Weekly Chronicle, aged 40 years



Jan. 14, at Willow Fontein, Smithfield, Mrs. R.F.A. LAVERS, of a son


Jan. 24, at Willow Fontein, Smithfield, the infant son, of Mr. R.F.A. LAVERS, aged 10 days

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