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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1861 2 May - August

May edition missing

3 June  1861

H.M. brig Persian, Commander Buckley, arrived in Simon's Bay on the 11th April, from the Mozambique, which she left on the 21st March. She reports that H.M.S. Enchantress (which left Simon's Bay not long ago) went ashore on the reef at Mayotta and is a total wreck. No lives lost.

H.M. St. Wasp (the same vessel that went ashore near Cape Point in coming out to this station) also knocked on a reef near Mayimba, and although afloat again, is seriously injured.


The demise of an old resident at the Cape is thus noticed by the Advertiser and Mail :-
The sudden and unexpected death of Mr. THEUNISSEN will be deeply regretted by a very wide circle of warm friends. He was until a very few days ago, though far advanced in years, still almost in the prime of healthy vigour, and a long prospect seemed yet in store for him of a happy and honoured green old age. In all the relations of life his career was not merely unblemished, but distinguished for every virtue. As an honorary magistrate, he dispensed justice among the humbler classes who, appeared before his court with a fairness that was ever tempered with judicious kindness, and as a private gentleman in his magnificent residence at Vergelegen, the hospitality he displayed was something which, in its cordiality and its extent, reminded one only of the good olden times now unhappily passing so fast away. He was in all respects about the most perfect specimen of the South African gentleman we have ever met. His beaming face and the cordial welcome with which he ever met his friends - and they were numberless - will never be forgotten, even by the most forgetful of them.

MR. LONG'S CASE :-  A few gentlemen at the Cape have formed themselves into a committee to receive subscriptions in aid of Mr. Long's legal expenses in the present question between himself and the Bishop of Cape Town.

We regret to notice the suspension of the long established and well known firm of Messrs. J.B. ROBERTSON and Co. but hopes are entertained that the estate will pay a good dividend if sufficient time is allowed for liquidation.


A letter from Somerset district, published in the Cradock News says :-

We have had an abundance of rain lately, the large dam was full to overflowing for two days. On Thursday last, about nine o'clock in the evening, the mail cart was washed down in a small ravine between this place and Somerset. There were two passengers in the cart, when they found the horses going with the stream, they leaped from the back of the cart into the water, and by catching hold of some projecting bushes, they got out safely. They proceeded to the farm of Mr. VAN DEN FYVER on foot, where every attention was paid to their comfort. On the following morning the cart was found some thirty yards below the drift, turned upside down, the horses fortunately being still alive. The mail bag was found about 200 yards further down, the Cape Town packet was missing. It was a providential escape both for the passengers and post-boy.

DEATH OF MR. JOHN OWEN SMITH ;- It is our painful duty today to record the death by drowning, of Mr. John Owen SMITH, jun, which took place on the 26th March. Deceased was the second son of our fellow-townsman, Mr. John Owen Smith, and a partner in the firm of Messrs. John Owen Smith and Co., and was in his 26th year. His untimely death has cast a gloom over the entire community. - PE. Telegraph.

The District-Surgeoney of Fort Beaufort, vacated by the removal of Dr. WILLIAMS, has been filed by Dr. BENBOW.

SOMETHING NEW IN COLONIAL PRODUCE :- A sample of washed Fingo wool has been sent us by Mr. McGILLEWIE, of Alice, and now lies for inspection at this office. The wool itself is of no great value, but the sample shows the excellent manner in which the wools are turned out of hand at his establishment. It is well worthy the notice of our farmers.

SHOCKING SUICIDE OF AN OFFICER :- A most melancholy case of suicide occurred on the 18th, within a short distance of Port Elizabeth. The victim was Adjutant CRAIG, of the 10th Regiment, who arrived here but a short time since from Cape Town. He was under orders for Graham's Town and on Monday morning last, previous to starting  for that place, it was noticed that his mind was somewhat deranged.
However, nothing serious was anticipated in consequence, and towards the afternoon he, together with his lady and a male and female servant, left in a mule waggon for Graham's Town - the servant riding his masters horse and the master remaining inside the waggon with his wife. When they had got near the first creek the deceased declared that he would commit suicide, and attempted to leave the waggon, but was held back for a time by his wife and the female  servant. After a struggle he overpowered them, got out of the waggon, and tried to open two of his boxes, and failing in this he smashed in one and took out a razor. He then walked away from the waggon, taking off, as he proceeded along, his coat and waistcoat, till he came to the bank of the creek, when he stood still and deliberately cut his throat and his body fell forward into the water. The man-servant, who had witnessed the whole proceeding without any attempt to prevent it, then rode into town to report the sad occurrence, and the coloured man belonging to the waggon ran to a house at a short distance and informed Mr. C. FULLER of what had taken place, who ran into the water and dragged out the unfortunate young man, but his life was already extinct. An examination of the body was made by a medical man as soon as it was brought into the town, who, we hear, gave it as his opinion that the cut itself would not have caused death, but that it was caused by drowning. Lieutenant CRAIG, was married only about a month ago at the Cape, and has left a young widow to mourn his premature death.

BURGHERSDORP : - There have been very abundant rains lately, and a portion of the out-houses on the premises of Mrs. KOLBIE were thrown down by the rain.

GRAAFF-REINET.: - We regret to hear that as Mr. ESSEX, sen, was mounting his horse, before he got himself properly seated in the saddle, the horse suddenly set off, throwing him heavily on the ground and for a time, great apprehensions were felt that he had received some serious injury, but we are very glad  to hear, that, with the exception of a few bruises and a severe shaking, his injuries are not serious.

A new bank, called the Colesberg Bank, was announced with a capital of 25,000pounds in 20pound shares.


Natal has been favoured with a visit from one of those ubiquitous individuals known as London detectives. The person of whom he was in search arrived in the colony by the Lady of the Lake, and again speedily took a free passage, in company with his captor, by the Waldensian, which sailed on the 12th April. The name of the party thus captured in Ernest BRAWN, his alias in Natal being PARKER. For 15 years he had held an office of great trust in the  house of Julius Bordier and Co., of London. The warrant for his apprehension is dated Jan. 22, 1861, and charges him with embezzlement , in 1859, of four separate sums of 1,000pounds, although it is understood larger amounts are involved ; his re-appearance, however, is, we are informed, more urgently sought for in consequence of certain information which he can give regarding other important transactions. Since his arrival in Natal, Mr. Brawn, who is a man apparently about 40, had been seeking employment as an accountant. We have heard it mooted whether a simple English warrant can be legally enforced in Natal, without an order from the Secretary of State to the local authorities having been first obtained.

An old Dutch Boer, named De LANGE, upwards of seventy years of age, has been tried at Ladysmith for murder, he having deliberately shot a native in the Klip River district. By jury of his own country men he was found guilty, and a sentence of death was accordingly passed upon him.

DE LANGE'S EXECUTION : - The inexorable demands of British justice have met with a melancholy sacrifice since the last mail left. De Lange, the grey headed and white bearded Dutchman, who was found guilty of the murder of a native, has been hanged at Ladysmith. The unfortunate man was commiserated by every one. His age and degeneracy called forth the pity that his crime instinctively forbade. Powerful intercessions in his behalf were made to the Governor, both by his aged wife and by other influential persons. The circumstances, however, were too glaring, and the necessity for stern justice too imperative to justify a reprieve. De Lange has been executed, and the strict impartiality of the British Government strikingly exhibited in the eyes of all coloured tribes. So strong was the feeling of revulsion entertained in the neighbourhood at the ignominious execution of so old a man - the first Dutchman who entered Natal - that Ladysmith was deserted during the event and scarcely a solitary white man beheld the appalling spectacle. In consequence  of the rope breaking, the process had to be twice performed by the inefficient hangman. May our annals never again be stained by the record of such a dreadful tragedy.



Mar. 24, at Natal, the wife of the Rev. S. McKINNEY, of a daughter
Apr. 2, at Natal, the wife of Mr. George KNOX, of a son
Apr. 3, at Graham's Town, the wife of Mr. Charles H. MORGAN, of a son
Apr. 4, at Graham's Town, the wife of Mr. J. AYLIFF, of a daughter
Apr. 7, at Durban, the wife of Mr. W. COWEY, of a son
Apr. 13, at Graham's Town, the wife of Assistant Commissary-General  C.W. GICHBAUM, of a son


Mar. 20, at Graham's Town, Mr. P. AMM, sen, to Mrs. Mary WEDDERBURN, of Linsdale, daughter of T.C. CROFT.
Mar. 21, at St. Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. E. Pickering, Charles Henry MAYNARD, eldest son of Charles Maynard, of Cleveland Square, to Frances Margaret, daughter of William FLEMING, of Port Elizabeth.
Mar. 21, at Cape Town, Louis J. CAUVIN, to Helen Margaret, daughter of Daniel MILLS.
Apr. 4, at Graham's Town, A. R. MONTFORD, to Emma Frances, daughter of F. CARLISLE.


Mar. 14, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. J.R. SHEPPARD, aged 25 years
Mar. 25, at Fort Beaufort, Mrs. Ann STRINGFELLOW, wife of the Commissioner and Resident Magistrate
Mar. 25, at Port Elizabeth, John, brother of W. ROUPELL
Mar. 26, at Kram Valley,  Mr. Leopold Johannes VAN WYK, aged 31 years
Mar. 26, at Port Elizabeth, drowned while bathing, John Owen Smith, jun, aged 26 years
Apr. 2, at Wooldridge, the wife of Mr. W. HUNTER , aged 31 years
Apr. 3, at Natal, Mary W. infant daughter of the Rev. S. McKENAC
Apr. 5, at Graham's Town, Mr. Phillip KING, aged 74 years
Apr. 7, at King William's Town, the infant son of Mr. BEDLEY, aged 1 year and 8 months
Apr. 7, at Mowbray, Mr. C. MOSTERT, jun, aged 49 years
Apr. 10, at Cape Town, Mr. Joseph SOLOMAN, aged 77 years
Apr. 10, at Springbok Fontein, Mr. N. FACEN, aged 39 years
Apr. 11, at Port Alfred, the wife of Mr. George JARVIS, aged 31 years.

27 June 1861

The Royal Mail steamer Cambrian arrived at Plymouth on the afternoon of the 25th inst. with the following passengers :-

Mr. & Mrs. J.A. TRUTER
Mr. & Mrs. and Miss. FRAMES and 6 children
Mr. and Mrs. M. BENJAMIN and 7 children
Mr. BENJAMIN jun, Miss Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. M.H. BENJAMIN and 2 children
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HALL
Mr. Wm. KUHR
Miss. WOOD
Miss. A. WOOD
Captain GRIMSTONE (13th Regt.)
Mr. and Mrs. CAREY,
Mr. Montagu BEALE
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AYLIFF
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob WATERMEYER
Miss. HIRE
Mr. and Mrs. MILLER
Mr. Walter DUNN

For Ascension - Miss RICHON
To Embark at St. Helena :- Mr. and Mrs. N. SOLOMON

Several passengers, who were transferred from the coasting steamer Waldensian to the Cambrian on the morning of the departure of the latter vessel, are not included in the above list.

At the Circuit Court (before Justice Bell) Mr. WALKER, the ex-civil commissioner of Colesburg, was put on his trial for delacations from the public chest amounting to 5,000pounds. The jury would not return a verdict of guilty upon the indictment, although they gave one of "guilty of fraud" which the court could not receive and the prisoner was acquitted.


MELANCHOLY SUICIDE :- The Argus reports the death of Mr. CARRUTHERS under the following melancholy circumstances :-
The unfortunate gentleman has for sometime past suffered from mental aberration, and last week went to pay a visit to Mr. FOULKES, a gentleman residing in the Caledon district. While there his malady increased in violence, and eventually assumed the form of raving madness. The deceased laboured under the hallucination that a ship was waiting to convey him to Scotland, his native country, and while under the impression, excited by the emotion caused by a passing vessel, rushed into the sea, and was drowned. The body was recovered but not before life was quite extinct. Mr. Carruthers was well known in connection with the introduction of Cheviot sheep, and by the agricultural body and a large number of personal friends his loss will be very deeply regretted.

FIERCE GALE - The weather, which had long been threatening, burst on Thursday morning, 2nd May into a fierce and terrible gale. The day broke cold and gloomy, there was an ominous hush over the city and bay, and the whole aspect of the scene, where the higlands were not obscured by clouds of mist, was bleak and wild. Presently the wind began to rise - at first gusts - but soon it swept on regularity and power. Very early in the morning a  great sea came rolling in, with all the force of the wide Atlantic to back it up, and the waves began to beat angrily on the shore, while the ships in the bay tugged at their cables as though impatient for destruction. At twenty minutes past eleven the tempest came on in all its fury, A faint distant peal of thunder, that rolled, and reverberated amongst the caves of Table Mountain like a Titan's moans, was instantaneously followed by a heavy fall of rain and a fierce gust of wind. Very soon tokens of its violence were to be seen on every hand. The first blast tore down the smith's shop connected with the railway works on the Parade, and the materials speedily became a completed wreck. Nor was this all. The roof of the stable and forage store in Harrington street, belonging to Mr. WORDON, soda water manufacturer, was torn completely off and carried away for a considerable distance.
On shore, however the fierce and furious gusts of wind did an immense amount of mischief. Besides the casualties noticed above, trees have been torn up by the roots, fences flung prostrate, and carts overturned. One cart coming into the city was thrown down, and a girl who was inside was killed on the spot, though her travelling companions escaped. The horses attached to this vehicle were also killed. A Malay woman, riding in an open cart, was struck and injured by lightning, and many other accidents of a less terrible kind occurred.


NEW FOSSIL REPTILE : - MICROPHOLIS STOWIL :- The Eastern Province Herald says that an interesting and pleasing discovery has been made, which, no doubt, will act as an encouragement to our local geologists, who have, notwithstanding the energetic labours of BAIN and Drs. RUBIDGE and ATHERSTONE, the comparatively unexplored geological treasures of South Africa spread out before them, and awaiting their research. In 1858, Mr. George W. STOW forwarded to the Geological Society of London a quantity of fossils, collected by him in the neighbourhood of Rhenosterberg, and a paper of his on these same fossils was read before the society. Among them was a beautiful and almost perfect scull, of an entirely different genus to the Dicynodon, the only family found before in the Karoo or Dicynodon strata. In the paper alluded to, the writer suggested that, from the formation of certain bones of the skull, he, Mr. STOW, thought that it might prove an umphibian, The assistant secretary, T. Rupert Jones, in answer to this communication, stated that "The little scull is of very great interest, for though there are many undescribed reptilian remains from South Africa in the British Museum, yet we, at present, know only of the Dicynodon for certain, with the exception of this little scull, which certainly belongs to a different order of reptiles."



Apr. 23, at Cape Town, the wife of H.P. MOLLER, of a daughter
Apr. 26, at Castle, Cape Town, the wife of S. CORDUE, of a daughter
May 3, at Cape Town, the wife of L. GOLDMAN, of  a daughter
May 9, at Eerste River, the wife of T.M. MORRIS, of a daughter
May 13, at Cape Town, the wife of Arthur GREEN, of a daughter
May 13, at Rondebosch, the wife of Thomas PRINCE, of a son
May 8, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. S. BAIN, of a daughter
Apr. 18, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of H.B. DEARE, of a daughter
Apr. 19, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of F.D. DEARE, of a son
Apr. 13, at Graham's Town, the wife of A.C. Gen. EICHBAUM, of a son
May 6, at Graham's Town, the wife of A. HILLIER, of a daughter
March 23, at Panmure, Mrs. George JUBBER, of a son
May 7, at Graham's Town, Mrs. C. MALLETT, of a daughter
Apr. 29, at Bedford, the wife of Percy NIGHTINGALE, of a daughter
Mar. 30, at the Berea, Durban, the wife of Mr. Augustus Marsden BARNES, of a daughter


Apr. 10, at Rondebosch, Thomas MUTER, to Miss. M.A. CARNEL
Apr. 15, at Hopefield, R.L. DALY, to Miss. ROCHER
Apr. 28, at cape Town, Thomas PEARCE, to Mrs. R. MERRITT
May 8, at Cape Town, Percy STRUTT, to Miss. Maria BOYES
May 8, at Cape Town, W.A. TOLL, to Miss. S. Ann BOYES
May 9, at Uitenhage, J.G.J. RAWSTORNE, to Miss. C.J. HERMANS
At Uitenhage, Mr. William MACHIM, of Port Elizabeth, to Miss Mary Ann Lusaanah PHILLIS
Apr. 18, at Somerset East, Mr. John Serapio PARKES, of Wheatlands, to Mary Tozer, eldest daughter of the Rev. G.H. GREEN, Wesleyan Minister
Apr. 18, at Clumber, Mr. William Wilberforce SMAILES, to Annes Shepherd, daughter of Mr. Robert COCKROFT, of Myrtle Grove, Lower Albany.
May 8, at Graham's Town, Martin Ebenezer, son of the Rev. N. SMIT, to Mary Ursula, daughter of the late Mr. John T. TIDD, of Wellington road, Stoke, London
On the 14th inst. at Lockerbie, Robert Johnstone THOMPSON, Clairmont, Port Natal, to Margaret Johnstone, daughter of the late Robert NEWBIGGING, surgeon, Lockerbie
On the 19th inst. at Edinburgh, M.S. VANDERBYL of Woodville, Cape of Good Hope, to Charlotte Eliza, daughter of the late G.W. CAMPBELL, Boreland.


Apr. 2, at Wynberg, Mrs. W. HUNTER, aged 68 years and 8 months.
Apr. 23, at Cape Town, Mr. Robert BRITTON, aged 46 years
Apr. 27, at Cape Town, Charles HARTOGS,
Apr. 28, at Cape Town, J.W. WENTZEL, aged 68 years
May 3, at Cape Town, Mrs. William EVEREST, aged 47 years
May 6. at Riversdale, J.B.A. BLAND, aged 68 years
May 7, at Cape Town, Mrs. Sophia Johanna MOCKE, aged 83 years and 10 months
May 8, at Cape Town, Miss. Margaret E. NEWALL, aged 13 years
May 13, at Ceres, Mrs. W.J. SAXEY
May 18, at Cape Town, Eliza, Baroness VON LUDWIG, aged 65 years
Apr. 20, at Oorlangspoort, district of  Colesberg, Mr. William DU TOIT, aged 28 years.
Apr. 24, at Clumber, John Herbert Fletcher, son of Mr. John ELLIOTT, aged 8 months and 14 days
Apr. 11, at Port Alfred, Judith, wife of Mr. George E. JARVIS, and daughter of the late Mr. G. TROWER, aged 31 years.
Apr. 5, at Panmure, the wife of Mr. George JUBBER, aged 35 years.
Apr. 17, at Graham's Town, Martha Mary, aged 2 years 6 months and 23 days, and on the 23rd Apr. Frederick Siddons, aged 10 months and 21 days, only son and daughter of Mr. Daniel LOWE
May 12, at Port Elizabeth, Anne Marie, wife of Mr. Douglas MACMILLAN, late of Highbury, London
May 7, at Bathurst, River Gambia, from a fall from his horse, Lieutenant-Colonel FINDEN
Mar. 11, at Port Natal, W.S. JOHNSON, aged 25 years.

1 August 1861

The Royal Mail steamer Norman arrived at Plymouth on the evening of July 30 and 54 passengers. The following are their names:-
Hon. Mr. BARRINGTON and 2 masters
Mr. HOPEWOOD and child
Miss. Anne EAGLE
Mrs. NISBET and 2 children
Colonel and Mrs. HILL
Colonel and Mrs. Kent MURRAY and child
Colonel FARRAN and 2 children
Assist. Com.-Gen. SMITH
Lt. and Mrs. CURRIE and child
Miss. Ellen HUGHES
Mr. John Owen SMITH and Mrs. SMITH
Messrs. BRANDISH (2)
Captains WEIGHILL and McQUEEN and 3 servants.

Trading was unusually dull. The stocks of wine were low. The losses sustained by the wool speculators in the Eastern Provinces were considerable. There was a good demand for shipping.

The usual festivities of the Queen's birthday were, in a measure affected by the news of the death of the Duchess of Kent. The ball at Government House was postponed to the 12th of the present month, and the levee indefinitely. Still, on the bay a regatta had been contrived, and here the members of the rival rowing clubs the "Union" and "South African" - exhibited their prowess.

The Roman Rock light, at the entrance to Simon's Bay was to be lit on the 16th September, from which time it would substitute the floating light now moored within a cable's length of the north end of the rock.


The Law of Inheritance Bill is still before the Assembly in Committee, but its fate, since the League leaders have combined to oppose it, is at best but dubious.

In the theatrical world this month things have been brisk. Mr. PARRY has got a capital little working company together, and the Cape public appear for once inclined to support them properly.

It is proposed to organise another rowing club, to be termed the Civil Service Rowing Club, and on the principle of "the more the merrier," the Cape Town people like the prospect of having three rowing clubs to enliven the dull monotony of Cape Town life by giving occasionally an exciting race on the bay.

A cricket club has been recently formed at Simon's Town.

Mr. OLIFF, whose wife was drowned from the wreck of the Bernicia, was about to conduct the new school at Constantia.

THE WRECK OF THE BERNICIA : - The following are the details of the wreck of the bark Bernicia on Robben Island, and the loss of seven lives, on the 16th June. "On Sunday night, a quarter of an hour before midnight, and when the captain calculated he was about fifty miles from land, the ship, running for Table Bay, struck near Shell Bay, on he outside of Robben Island. The night was pitch dark and the rain fell heavily. The Green Point light could not be seen nor was anything visible by which the position of the ship could be made-out. There was a very heavy sea and the breakers broke over the ship at a tremendous height and swept the decks the moment she struck. The passengers jumped out of bed instantly and rushed upon deck, it was with difficulty that some of them were got out of their cabins. Mrs. PRITCHARD was dragged up through the skylight. The ship was not on the rocks ten minutes before she parted. The fore-part of her, with four of the sailors on it, drove on the reef near the shore, and a large quantity of the cargo was swept on to the beach. This part of the ship was so near the rocks that the sailors were able to get upon them, and clambered their way over them to the beach. Amongst the cargo was a large quantity of wines, spirits, and beer, and these sailors no sooner found themselves safe than they broached the casks and commenced drinking. The after-part of the ship, on which were the captain, mate, the passengers, and the steward, instead of washing in with the fore-part of the ship, settled down further out, and any attempt by the captain to get the passengers off would have been worse than futile. Had such an attempt been made every one of them must have been lost. There was nothing left but to watch for daylight. There were two lady passengers with three children each, one of them, Mrs. PRITCHARD, the wife of Mr. Pritchard, secretary to the Admiral, the other the wife of Mr. OLIFF, whose husband was by her side. These ladies were only just able to reach the deck in their night dresses before the ship parted. All then got upon the raft. Within a half-hour after she struck the sternmost portion, on which were the passengers and others, heeled over and all on it were obliged to get over from the deck upon the side. Even this part of the ship was, in less time than it takes to tell the story, a heap of broken timbers. But for a quantity of flooring boards belonging to Searight and Co., a part of the cargo, having floated under the lee of the wreck and rested upon the rocks, and formed a kind of raft, all hands must have been drowned. Upon this raft all hands got. For six dreary hours did these people, passengers and sailors, watch for the daylight to come. They were drenched to the skin, breaker after breaker fell upon them with tremendous force, and they were only kept from a watery grave by clinging with all their might to the raft. One of the children, the youngest of Mrs. PRITCHARD's, was washed out of its mother's arms within an hour from the time the ship struck. The unfortunate lady is said to have remained surprisingly collected, and she bravely exerted her best efforts to save the other two. She suffered in silence and never once complained. In a short time the second of her children was washed off the wreck and seen no more, in spite of all she could do to prevent it. These were followed by two of Mrs. OLIFF's children, who perished instantly, and the mother, unable to hold on longer, was swept away too. The captain found the oldest of Mrs. PRITCHARD's children quite stiff and apparently dead, lying some distance from her mother. He snatched it up and wrapped it in his coat, and nursed it into life. Piece by piece of the wreck was torn off by the raging sea, and the planks upon which they stood quivered at the shock of every wave, and their hope of succour was frail indeed. Every minute seemed an hour as the crashing timbers were torn away. At daylight the captain saw where his ship had gone ashore, but still nothing could be done. As the morning broke he saw his men lying about drunk upon the rocks and on the beach. Neither the captain nor the mate liked to leave the ship until the passengers were on shore, but not being recognised, they jumped into the sea, and with difficulty reached the beach. The captain was nearly lost. They went immediately to Dr. MINTO, and several of the lunatics rushed to the scene of the wreck to give assistance. One of them, McKENNA, who is a lunatic convict, jumped into the sea at the risk of his own life, and got Mrs. Pritchard on shore with a  rope, and with the assistance of his companions all the passengers were saved, and it was not until she reached the shore that her spirits gave way. All the passengers met with the greatest sympathy from Dr. MINTO and his family. The sailors remained drunk and drinking all the time. The lunatics and paupers joined them, and they all got drunk together on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday they were locked and prevented from getting near the liquor again. Captain Jamieson no sooner heard the melancholy account of the wreck than he pushed off with his crew and rendered all the assistance in his power, and a watch was placed over the cargo. The water police finally took charge of the crew.
The drowned were :- Mrs. PRITCHARD's two children, Mrs. OLIFF and two children, Mr. VAN BOORK, and one sailor, the saved were - Mrs. PRITCHARD, daughter, and servant, Mr. OLIFF and son, Mr. NICOLL, and Mr. HASALL.

During the past month the agricultural districts of the Western Province have lost one of their warmest advocates by the death of Dr. GIRD. Dr. Gird came to the colony during the regime of Lord Charles Somerset, intending to enter the Civil Services, but in all the political questions of the day, and especially devoted himself to the advocacy of everything likely to advance the prosperity of the colony. He gained what he justly earned, the respect of all who knew him.
The obituary of the month also contains the name of Dr. MORGAN, whose death occurred at the residence of Sir. W. CURRIE, Graham's Town. Dr. Morgan was commissioned in 1818, and had served with distinction in this colony, India, and the West Indies. He received the Kafir medal for his services in the frontier wars.

There has been an entertaining newspaper correspondence on the subject of "nobs and snobs," bearing on the Union mail steamers. A complaint has been made, it is said, by a snob, that too much deference is paid to nobs on board the mail boats. The popularity of the boats can bear a little ill-natured criticism, and the general testimony borne to the excellence of the accommodation and to the courtesy of the commanders is a sufficient answer to a silly and ill-tempered complaint which is not sustained by an atom of evidence.


At Graham's Town a grand concert by Mr. WEISBECKER, assisted by the Musical Society, was about to be given.

The bank at Montagu has been resolved on.

An unfortunate young man, a Dutchman who had accomplished the whole distance from the Free State to within a few miles of Karoo Poort, there the effort proved too much for him. He begged the driver of the cart to stop, he dismounted raving mad, and shortly afterwards perished miserably in the veldt.

A young whale calf was caught in Algoa Bay on the 20th inst., it measures 18 feet in length. A cow was in company with it, but made off.

G. WOOD, of Graham's Town, has, it is said, purchased the whole of Mr. W.A. THOMPSON's sugar estate and  plantations at Natal for 10,000pounds cash!


The enemy of the sheep farmer,  Xanthium Spinosum, is making great ravages in Natal. English pheasants have been landed in a healthy state, and an endeavour is being made to localise this favorite bird in the wide veldts of Natal.


The erection of King William's Town into a borough is now a great fact. The Chancellors have elected Mr. Henry Leonard HEAD as mayor.

The electric telegraph erected between King William's Town and East London is doing good service, occasionally the wires get broken or disturbed by carelessness of waggoners in using their whips while passing under them.

The report of the Albany General Hospital has been published, it had 204 patients during the preceding twelve months.

The committee of the Botanical Garden is disseminating and planting trees and shrubs through  the whole of the frontier, and even beyond the colony as far as the Free State, so that Graham's Town is being looked upon as the great botanic nursery of the Eastern Province.



May 23, at King William's Town, the wife of Mr. E. WARRINGHAM, of a son
May 30, at Port Alfred, the wife of Adolph ARENHOLD, of a daughter
June 5, at Alexandria, the wife of Captain W.H. GIBBON, of a son
May 21, at Cape Town, Mrs. Charles Peter LANE, of a son
May 24, at Cape Town, Mrs. A.C. BERRANGE, of a daughter
May 25, at Cape Town, Mrs. ORPEN, of a daughter
May 26, at Cape Town, Mrs. F. HAMILTON, of a daughter
June 14, at Cape Town, Mrs. G. HUGHES, of a daughter


May 27, at Cape Town, Mr. Jacob Daniel Johannes BOSMAN, to Miss. Phillippina Helen POEZYN
May 30, at Port Elizabeth, B.G. LENNON, third son of Mr. E.S. LENNON, of Ireland, to Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the late Mr. Richard SMITH, of Yorkshire, England
June 3, at Cape Town, Mr. Gabriel Jacobus LE ROUX, to Miss Aletta Catharina Sibella LIEBNITZ
June 3, at Cape Town, Captain Dugald FERGUSON, to Mrs. Clarissa Annie TELLET
June 4, at Cape Town, Mr. Samuel Thomas JONES, to Miss Emily Harriet STONE


May 22, at Zonnebloom, Miss Adelaide Mary AINGER, Mission Teacher, aged 25 years
May 30, at Graham's Town, William Emanuel Knight, only son of Mr. J. COLEMAN, aged 27 years and 9 months
June 5, at Graham's Town, the wife of Mr. Joseph Short, of Salem, aged 73 years and 4 months
June 6, at Queenstown, Joseph, eldest son of Mr. Joseph WEAKLY, of Graham's Town, aged 44 years and 24 days
June 7, at Cape Town, Mrs. Catharina Elizabeth Scholtz, relict of the late J. DAY, aged 71 years

30 August 1861

The Royal Mail steamer Athens arrived at Plymouth on the evening of August 28. She brings 46 passengers. The following are their names :-

Mrs. ROSS, infant and 2 servants
Mrs. DANIELS, 3 children and 1 servant
Mr. and Mrs. CRIGHTON, 8 children and 1 nurse
Mrs. VERRY and child
Mr. Jollip KEMP
Captain RIVE
Lieutenant CAMPBELL
Mrs. MISCHE and 2 children
Mrs. BRITTAIN and 1 child
Mr. John BUSHELL and two children

The following have engaged berths in the next outward mail steamer Norman.

Mr. RUBIDGE and family
Mr. and Mrs. STOKES, masters Stokes (2) Misses Stokes (2)
Surgeon MOORE
Dr. and Mrs. GRIMMER
Mr. and Mrs. HOLMES and family

Second Class :

A bill introduced into the Legislature to give the members of the Dutch Reformed Church power to elect ministers, wardens, etc was withdrawn.

The Assembly has authorised a survey for the construction of a branch railroad from Wellington to Malmesbury, and the erection of a telegraph from Cape Town, via Port Elizabeth, to Graham's Town.

The offices of the Colonial Engineer and of Commissioner of Roads are to be abolished.

The island of Ichaboe was annexed to the Cape of Good Hope June 19, by Captain Jones, of the Furious. Other islands in the neighbourhood will probably be also annexed.


RIDING POST :- Extraordinary feats of travelling are often performed by colonial mail carts. Some time since a traveller from the Free State announced his safe arrival in Cape Town after a journey of some eight hundred miles accomplished in five days. The venture was a great one - very extraordinary nerve and sinew alone could stand the fearful strain of such prolonged watchfulness and fatigue. In a recent case - that of a Dutchman - it has terminated quite tragically.

A monster mushroom was found growing at Sir Lowry's Pass. It is three feet seven inches in circumference and three inches thick in the centre. The stalk is two and a half inches thick, and the weight two pounds thirteen ounces.


DRINKING FOUNTAIN : -  Mr. H. MAYNARD, of the firm of Maynhard, Booth and Co., has given orders to have erected at the expense of several hundred pounds, a handsome public drinking fountain in Graham's Town. Warm skies, hot winds, and long droughts will render it a welcome boon. This monumental act connects his name as well as fortune with the rising city.

THE FLYING DUTCHMAN :- Immense alarm followed by immense hilarity has been created in Burghersdorp by the appearance of a character whom all agreed, some from positive convictions and some from less positive conjecture, to be an escaped convict. The suspicion was no sooner hinted than a rush was made to the magistrate to have him apprehended, but the horrid magistrate would not have the fellow taken up unless some one would positively swear that  he was the convict. Strange to say, none of the pursuers had seen the genuine SMITH. The poor visitor was minutely scanned over from head to hand, hand to foot. The Government Gazettes were hunted up, this man answered the description given there of convict William SMITH. Then the Graaff-Reinet Herald's file was taken down with like result. There could now be no mistake, besides, this man had written Smith on a piece of paper. The magistrate now permitted his personal examination with reference to identity. Now came the difficulty - how was this armed man to be examined? The chances were, if this was the desperate convict Smith, he would shoot any one who attempted it. To escape the danger, the prisoner was made drunk, but, horrid disappointment, he had no wreath tattooed on his arm - consequently was not the convict! Then it was found the mark on the hand was only a streak of dirt, not a scar, and the scar on the forehead was only a red line caused by the pressure of the hat, and this man's hair, though dark brown, was far from curly, and his head, instead of being bald, contained thick coarse hair, enough to pad a saddle.


The increasing population of Pietermaritzburg is causing the church-goers to be very crowed, devout persons complain that they cannot kneel as they would like, the seats being much too close, rendering it very uncomfortable. A gallery will probably be erected in the Cathedral, and be paid for by subscription.


One of the four Whitworth rifles sent out by his Royal Highness Prince Alfred to be shot for as prizes, in remembrance of the reception given him by the people of South Africa on the occasion of his visit last year, has been transmitted for competition by his Excellency Sir George Grey to British Kaffraria.

The electric wire between East London and King William's Town is doing an increasing amount of business.

FISHERY AT PORT ALFRED : A fishery has been established off this port. A life boat has been purchased for the purpose, and an active crew engaged. The fisherman state that the sea outside the harbour is "alive with fish." The chief difficulty in giving a constant and regular supply, "fresh and cheap," at King William's Town, has been the transport over the 33 miles separating it from the coast.

THE ORCHILLA DYE - Mr. GILSTAIN, now in Kaffraria, is determined to make his dyes a grand success, and is sending to Natal and the Cape specimens of prepared silk, French merino, and cloth. These are but hurried preparations, dyed by the third extraction from the lichen. That the actual dyeing powers of the orchilla weed of the colony are successful there can be no doubt.  The dyes obtainable are not confined to one species of lichens, Mr. Gilstain is confident that the valuable bark on which these lichens are generally found, known commercially as "Peruvian" and yielding sulphate of quinine, is abundant in the forests of this colony. A discovery, at the present time particularly, of so valuable an article of export as this bark would add materially to our importance and wealth.



July 7, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. M.S. BERGH, of a son
June 27, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. James RICHARDS, of a daughter
June 6, at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. William DENT, of a son
June 29, at Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. D'Urban DYASON, of a son
July 3, at Durban, Mrs. George WINTLER, of a daughter
July 5, at Durban, Mrs. Laurence H.G. GREENE, of a son


July 8, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. George THOMSON, to Ellen Lardner GREENWOOD
July 10, Mr. G.D. SMITH, to Anne Elizabeth Mary, fourth daughter of the late J.W. FAIRBRIDGE, of Uitenhage
July 3, at Graham's Town, by the Rev. Mr. HAY, Michael Robert HURLEY, to Mary Elizabeth AMOS, of Mount Remarkable.


June 28, at Graham's Town, Mr. F.W. CRAWLEY
June 22, at Graham's Town, Mrs. CYRUS
June 22, at Graham's Town, Mrs. FOLEY
June 25, at Graham's Town, J.B. WALKER, of Staffordshire
June 22, at Mount Pleasant, Mr. J. LEAN, aged 55 years
June 24, at Durban, Mr. E. VALE, aged 41 years
June 22, at Umhlah, Mr. Richard W. SHADWELL, aged 34 years.

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