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Cape and Natal News

Cape and Natal News 1861 3 September - December

30 September 1861

The Royal Mail Steamer Dane arrived at Plymouth on the morning of the 28th with the following passengers :-

Messrs. J. and G. NORVAL
Mr. and Mrs. HAUSEN,
Mr. and Mrs. HALL and 2 daughters
Mr. and Mrs.  RATHFELDER
Mr. and Mrs. CRUMP and two children
Mr. TRUTER and family
Misses PHILCOCKS (20
Colonial Surgeon, Mr. and Mrs. MARAIS
Mr. HENRY and master Henry
Mr.and Mrs. G. ROCK, son and daughter
Second cabin :- Miss. ROBERTSON
Mrs. and Misses BALL (2)

Shortly after the departure of the last mail for England, a Government messenger from Natal brought down despatches for Sir George
Grey, from which it appeared that KECHWAYO, the acting chief of the Zulu people, had assumed a threatening attitude towards that colony. The danger was considered by Sir. George to be sufficiently imminent to justify him in sending off in H.M. St. Narcissus, at a days notice, the whole of the troops in Cape Town, consisting of the right wing of the 58th Regiment, few Cape Corps, and artillery.

On August 1, H.M. steam ship Narcissus arrived at Natal from the Cape with Troops.

Mrs. LIVINGSTONE was at Cape Town, intending on the first opportunity to join her husband, the celebrated traveller at the Zambesi.

A large number of German immigrants had arrived at the Cape, and were being landed and taken charge of by the parties who ordered them.

PRETORIUS had resigned the presidency of the South African Republic, and is now only President of the Free State.


THE 10,000pounds  - The Graham's Town Journal remarking on the expunging from the estimates of the item of 10,000 pounds remarks -
"The people of England are taxed to the amount of 4,000,000pounds a year for the protection of the colonies. The question is, whether the people of England ought to bear the whole of that expense and we no part of it."

A NEW FISH MARKET, - A new fish market is to be constructed in Cape Town. Tenants of the cottages along the beach, in the vicinity of the Post Office, have received notice to remove, the whole area will be cleared out, a slip will be erected for the convenience of the fishing-boats, and stalls will be built and every other requisite arrangement will be provided, though of course on a proportionably smaller scale, after the fashion of the admirable fish markets of Billingsgate or Newhaven.

NEW DUTCH CHURCH - The Dutch Church at Montagu is advancing to completion, and with its steeple, blefry, gothic windows, and ornamental gable ends, bids fair, so far as the outward part goes, to be the handsomest church in the country.

PORT OFFICE STONES ;- When, in the olden times, outward and homeward-bound ships of the various India companies - Portuguese, Dutch, and English - made the Cape a place of call, in order to receive despatches from or to communicate with their countrymen at home or abroad, the commanders brought with them large stones of a peculiar shape, engraven with the name of the vessel and its officers, which were left at particular spots on the shores of Table or Saldanha Bays. One of these has just been found in Cape Town with a Dutch inscription dated 1620. It was at first mistaken for a tombstone.

SEVEN YEARS OF SILENCE. - It would seem that there has been no proper audit of accounts since 1854. That the management of the audit office should be unsatisfactory, and its books badly kept, is not surprising when, as has now been ascertained, the Chief Clerk has not spoken to his coadjutor for a period of seven years, either publicly or privately.


The municipality of Graham's Town are going to displace their present leaden for patent enamelled water pipes, the water having been found to exercise a peculiarly corrosive action on the latter.

Dried fish is being disposed of profitably at Colesberg.

A REPRESENTATIVE SERVED OUT. - Nine hundred persons out of a population of less than nine thousand in Graham's Town have had their revenge on Mr. MUNDAY, the Parliamentary representative, for not voting for separation. The figure of a man with two faces, supported on either side by a banner bearing the inscription "Traitor !" and the whole surrounded by innumerable lights in coloured lanterns, has been marched in procession, with bands playing, gibbeted, drawn, and quartered.

There is a very active competition going on amongst the Graham's Town insurance societies. The rates are - dwelling-houses in town, iron or slate, 4s. 6d.; do., thatch, 12s. 6d.; store, non-hazardous, 5s.; do., hazardous, from 6s. to 7s.

SEPARATION - Since the last mail several of the Eastern Province members of Parliament have returned from Cape Town, and the constituents have shown, in an unmistakable manner, their approval of the conduct of those members who voted for separation and supported the cause. The Graham's Town Committee of the League have invited the members to a public dinner on their return from Parliament, and there is to be a grand demonstration. In Port Elizabeth it was determined that a public demonstration should be made on the return of the other members from Cape Town, and as by the last advices received it appears Messrs. TUCKER, PAINTER, SCALEN, BOWKER, and UPTON are now at sea on their voyage round, active preparations are being made to them a suitable reception on their landing here. An address has been prepared by the central committee of the League fro presentation to them on arrival, and a public dinner is to be given in the Town Hall.

The Graham’s Town Telegraph Bill, which has passed through committee, provides that the line which is to run thither from Cape Town via Port Elizabeth, is to be extended, if required, in the direction of King William's Town in one way, and Graaff-Reinet, Cradock, and Colesberg in another.


UMZINTO SUGAR COMPANY. - This is the largest company in Natal. To secure reliable labour the company has engaged 56 men and 18 women from India. The gross yield of the land now under cultivation may be assumed at 120 tons. In the coming season they hope to bring 100 more acres under cultivation. The subject of transport has engaged much of the attention of the directors, and the former heavy expenditure may now be greatly reduced by sending their produce to the Umcoomaas River, which reduces the land carriage to about 13 miles.
The revenue for the next official year is estimated in Natal at eighty-five thousand pounds.


The Grey Hospital at King William's Town, a magnificent building, is rendering immense service to the sick and unfortunate of both the European and native classes of the community.


Aug. 3, at Cape Town, Mrs. C.J. ANDERSON, of a son
Aug. 3, at Graham's Town, Mrs. Colin T. CAMPBELL, of a daughter


Aug. 6, at Durban, by the Rev. G. BLENCOWE, Alfred Sydney, son of John COCKERELL, Brixton, London, to Emma, daughter of Mr. James RIDGWAY, of Umgeni.
Jul. 31, at Graham's Town, Mr. Fitzgerald Edward SCALAN, to Miss. Mary Hope HEAVYSIDE
Aug. 1, at Graham's Town, Mr. George William Armstron, to Miss. Eliza Rebecca BIGGS.
July 16, at Cape Town, Mr. William James Symons, to Miss Charlotte Elizabeth CAMPBELL
Aug. 6, at Cape Town, Mr. Johan Wilhelm Bernard JAHNS, to Miss. Christina PFITZER


July 17, at Thaba 'Nchu, Wesleyan Missionary Station, Bechuana Land, William Impey Sargeant, son of Mr. G.A. ROSE, aged 5 months and 6 days.
July 18, at Upper Bushman's River, Mary, wife of Mr. William WATSON, sen, aged 65 years and 7 months
July 29, at Durban, Yda Christina, daughter of Mr. D.C. VAND DER SPUY, aged 1 year and 10 months.
July 31, at Graham's Town, Wilson Clement, eldest son of Wilson Clement CRUTTWELL, aged 20 years and 9months
Aug. 3, at Cape Town, Mr. J.J.F. ECKARDT, aged 71 years
Aug. 4, at Wellington, Francois Paulus, son of Mr. G.D. MARAIS, aged 11 months.
Aug. 5, at Cape Town, the widow of R.J. VAN DER RIET, born HEROLD, aged 80 years.
1 November 1861
The Royal Mail steamer Celt, arrived at Plymouth on the morning of the 1st inst with the Cape of Good Hope mails and passengers. The following is her list of passengers :-
General and Mrs. DURBAN
General and Mrs. GORDON
Captain and Mrs. DRAKE
Major KERR
Mr. PADDISON and daughter and two sons
Mr. and Mrs. ARNOTT,
Sergeant Major STOWELL, wife and child
Mr. and Mrs. DILLON
Mr. and Mrs. MATHEW and children
Mr. and Mrs. ELAM
Assistant Surgeon HEUSMANN
Corporal TURNER
The last month had been replete with interest on the subject of native affairs. CETYWAYO, finding his ruse to obtain possession of his refugee brothers at Natal had failed, had suddenly become alarmed, and now descends to the most servile adulation of the power he was once disposed to dare.
There had been severe south-east winds, which had occasioned two wrecks off East London. The Lunaria, of London, was totally lost. The Barbadoes went ashore at Algoa Bay and was a total wreck. The barque Ellen, of Liverpool, was also wrecked off Struys Point, and the Natalie, coasting steamer at the mouth of the Umkomas River.
Shocks of earthquake have been extensively felt at various points in the Eastern Province.
The clipper barque Witch of the Seas, Captain Richard Hardy, sailed from Gravesend 20th October, with a full cargo, for Cape Town and Simon's Bay, having the following passengers :-
Mrs. STEVENSON, Miss. E. MAHON, Mr. and Mrs. W. WHITE and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. EATON and family.
A NEW CHURCH :- A meeting has been held at Aliwal North for the purpose of building a Dutch Reformed Church in that  district. The subscriptions already promised are very large, they are paid for the most part in kind. The farmers have engaged that every child of a family shall give one lamb.
RAILWAYS :- The railway station, a building which outvies in ugliness any other in Cape Town, is rapidly approaching completion. It will be useful, if not ornamental. The local directors of the company have considered the tariff of fares to be charged on the line, and the following will probably be the rates from Cape Town to Stellenbosch, a distance of twenty-five miles - First class, 7s.6d., second class, 5s, third class, 3s.6d, return tickets and season tickets will of course be issued at much lower rated.
His Excellency Sir George Grey's splendid collection of ostriches and rare native birds was shipped on board the mail steamer Celt, to be forwarded to the Royal Zoological Society.
MISCELLANEOUS NEWS - The rule interdicting the proprietors of the Eastern Province Herald from continuing the publication of Mr. Charles Dickens's story of "Great Expectation" has been made absolute, with costs, by the Supreme Court. Charles Dickens has appeared by proxy in the Supreme Court, having obtained an injunction under the Law of Copyright, restraining the editors and proprietors of the Eastern Province Herald from further publication. The Attorney-General remarked that, though an act of the Colonial Parliament had been passed, allowing of the importation of foreign reprints of English copyright works, no act of theirs can alter the provisions of the Imperial Law.
Mr. BAYLIS, a well known and very able London actuary, died lately at the Retreat Hotel. He had been here for about three years, and in the course of that time had assisted various companies and undertakings. The deceased gentleman was much respected.
Small-pox has broken out in Hope Town, and the act for staying the progress of the infectious diseases put in force there.
Quite a number of tigers have recently been hunted out and killed.
The Swedenborgian Society of London has made a present to the Cape Public Library of the works, theological and philosophical, issued by that society, and extending over no fewer than fifty-five volumes.
The shock of an earthquake has been felt in the neighbourhood of Queen's Town, Aliwal North, Burghersdorp, and Dordrecht on the night of the 17th ult.
A new Roman Catholic Church is to be erected in Port Elizabeth, to meet the wants of those professing that religion.
Large shoals of whales have been seen in Algoa Bay.
Telegraph between Port Elizabeth and Graham's Town - This has been commenced. A full staff of employees was expected, and there would be communication between the two termini in about three months.
AN OPEN SEA LIFT - A proposal is now under consideration by which for 30,000pounds there could be placed in Algoa Bay a "lift" capable of raising a ship of 1,500 tons, which would float her into six feet depth of water, or carry her over a bar of that depth. The principal of this lift is simply a cradle, the bed of which is formed of hollow iron compartments worked by pneumatic pressure.
WHOLESALE DESERTION - The fair portion of the recently arrived immigrants per Rajasthan seem to have made considerable impression on the too susceptible heart of Jack. Nearly every man, including all the officers, excepting the first, deserted the ship. Some were captured, other are still at large. The second and third mates were, together with the sailmaker, taken at the Amsterdam Flats, brought back, and sent to brood over the subject of love for three months in the new prison.
REVENGE - An attempt has been made by a Mr. LESTER to try on the Cradock Bank the plan that Rothschild once tried on the Bank of England, by making a sudden run on the bank for gold. The Cradock Bank, however, survives the "drain" and is a little too strong for this Mr. Lester.
The two newly appointed Professors of the Graaff-Reinet College, Professors GUTHRIE and GELL , have reached the colony.
Natal, after a few weeks of agitation from the demonstration on the Tugela, and the efforts put forth to counteract its intention, is again pursuing the even tenor of her way. She has not lost any prestige by the affair. For the eighteen years she has existed as a British colony, she has struggled against more serious difficulties, and all the time with a spirit and a vigour that has enabled her to enter on the race of development with an ever accelerated speed.
OBITUARY - We deeply regret to record the death of Donald MOODIE, formerly secretary to the Natal Government, and in later years the first Speaker of the Legislative Council, who died at his residence on the 27th Sept. in his 67th year. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends, dignitaries and citizens.
The 5th Natal Building Society had been established in Durban. Its predecessors had conduced greatly to the encouragement of saving propensities amongst the working population.
INCREASE OF GOVERNOR'S SALARY - The Legislative Council had refused to increase the Lieutenant-Governor's salary, the elective members voting against it.
On the 29th Aug. at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. P.W. COURT, of a daughter
On the 28th Aug. at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Clement FRAMES, of a son
On the 22nd Aug. at Graham's Town, the wife of Mr. A.R. GOOCH, of a daughter
On the 8th Sept. at Graham's Town, the wife of Mr. E. HANCOCK, of a daughter
On the 23rd Aug, at Echo Vale, British Kaffraria, the wife of Mr. Walter OGILVIE, of a son
On the 7th Sept. at St. Andrew's College, Graham's Town, the wife of the Rev. F.St. LEDGER, of a son
On the 2nd Sept. at Graham's Town, Mr. Frederick BURTON, to Miss Julia MAHONY
On the 29th Aug, at Graham's Town, Mr. G.J. LEVY, to Miss Sarah Jane YELLING
On the 4th Sept. at Cradock, Mr. Edward William SAUNDERS, to Miss. Phoebe Rhoda TROLLIP
On the 3rd Sept. at Port Elizabeth, Mr. J.S. DYCE, to Miss. E.B. SYMS
Aug. 28 at Port Elizabeth, Matilda Freeland, beloved wife of Mr. G. Montague COLE.
On the 15th Sept., at Graham's Town, Mr. George DENNISON, of Lower Albany, aged 47 years.
Sept. 1, at Doorn Kloof, division of Alexandria, Mr. Samuel EARL, aged 52 years
On the 13th Sept. at Graham's Town, George JARVIS, Justice of the Peace, aged 62 years

1 December 1861

The following passengers have engaged berths by the outward steamer of the 5th inst.

Mr. and Mrs. LIENFELD
Mrs. MONCKTON and three children
Mr. and Mrs. BARRINGTON, and infant
Mr. and Mrs. GLOVER
Mr. and Mrs. DARTER
Mr. and Mrs. STROUD
Mr. and  Mrs. GETDEN
Mrs. BICKFORD and three children
Mr. and Mrs. WODEHOUSE
COURT MARTIAL - A court martial held  at Simon's Town on Commander Stirling of the Wasp, had terminated in his honourable acquittal. The investigation was held for the purpose of eliciting all particulars concerning the running aground of the Wasp, which lately occurred, and the commander and officers were discharged without a stigma upon their characters.
DARING ROBBERY OF REGISTERED LETTERS - A most extensive and daring robbery has been committed at the Port Elizabeth Post-Office, the amount abstracted being no less a sum than 1,772pounds. Several of the missing notes had been presented for change at a canteen, and were thence traced. A coloured man named SMIT, a groom, had been arrested on the charge of stealing them. Two of the missing bank notes had since been recovered in Graham's Town, Smit having sent them to his wife, through the minister of her church. The mail from Graaff-Reinet, arriving in the middle of the night, had been left at the Commercial Hotel by the direction of the Postmaster, and Smit had cleverly opened the bags.
INAUGURATION OF GRAAFF-REINET COLLEGE - The inauguration of the New College of Graaff-Reinet has been an event in every respect gratifying and auspicious. The venerable Baronet, Sir Andries STOCKENSTROM, raised his eloquent voice to advance the educational interests of a district which beheld his first successes in official life nearly 40 years ago. It was no less gratifying to find the aged minister, Andrew MURRAY, who by himself and his incomparable family had done so much to advance the religious, moral, and educational interests of the country, still spared to see so far the consummation of objects long so dear to him.
LICENSED VICTUALLERS ASSOCIATION - A Licensed Victuallers Association has been formed in Graham's Town. The society comprises some of the most influential and respectable licensed victuallers, and there can be no doubt that the moral as well as legal influence which they will bring to bear upon their position and rights will tend to secure their own individual advantage, and also to destroy that bane to the success of its members - smuggling - which it is understood prevails at an alarming extent.
Port Elizabeth is to have a police force.
Zulu matters are as pacific now as they were before any suspicions of disquietude were entertained. Warlike demonstrations have been superseded by messages of the most peace-breaking nature.Cetywayo avows himself the abject vassal of the Lieut. Governor, and declares that the best wish of his heart is to have some opportunity of fighting for his new patrons. As a further guarantee of his friendship, he and his father conjointly have sued for the Governor's advice in regard to the movements of the Transvaal and Free State Boers.
A constant tide of immigration seems to have set steadily in towards Natal. Every ship that arrives leaves its contribution of new settlers. They seem to be mostly of the right stamp - men who have come out determined to face difficulties and to battle manfully forward. This is the only class that will prosper in a colony like Natal. The immigrant must expect to encounter at the outset many a privation and hardship which he had not anticipated or, perhaps, fully realised. He is certain to meet with discouragements of some sort or another. There is no colony on the face of the earth where a stranger would find himself in clover from the time of his landing.
SUGAR - The cane on the ground at the sugar estates of Umzinto, at the mouth of the river, is of extraordinary size and vigour. Mr. BABB's splendid mill is rapidly drawing near completion, and when erected, being much the largest in the colony, it will be interesting to observe its operations.
SALE OF WRECKS - The sale of the wrecks at East London have gone off very satisfactorily. The hull of the Therese realised 33pounds and all the cargo high prices, as high, it is said, as first class goods were selling at King William's Town. Hence speculators were disappointed. The hull of the Lunaria and the remaining cargo on board fetched about 105pounds. The total sales of the latter and her cargo saved was 1,500pounds, and the other wreck 450pounds.
The Oude Emigrant of 10th September, in deep mourning, communicates to its readers that it is going to depart this life, in the hope of the resurrection at a time when real liberty of the press shall have been established in the Transvaal. This is really a serious loss, for notwithstanding the odd ways for which our contemporary was famous, for instance the discrepancies often observed between his English and Dutch articles, a good deal of valuable information on a country which formerly was almost quite unknown to the colonial public was generally found in its columns.
There are no Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the December 1861 edition

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