Cape Frontier Times 1844 2 April - June
Thursday 4 April 1844
At Private Sale
The Sheep Breeders wishing to purchase any of the Ewes from the old established Merino Flocks on the Burnt Kraal Farm, may select any number out of the Ewe Flock, now lambing down, at £1 each; and from the imported Australian Merino Ewes, at £3 each; also young pure-bred Rams, 2 years old, at £5; and half-bred ditto at £2 each.
The same will be exchanged and bartered for Horses, Oxen, Cows, and all description of Stock, and Produce from the Farmers, - and a liberal Credit allowed upon purchase by note of hand.
Application to be made to Mr. CORBETT, at the Burnt Kraal Farm, and the proprietor at Prospect House, Graham's Town.
27th March 1844.
Thursday 18 April 1844
MARRIED at St.George's Church, Graham's Town, on the 16th inst, by the Rev J Heavyside AM, Samuel WELSFORD Jun to Sarah Ann EARLE, eldest daughter of Mr. W.J. EARLE of this town.
Thursday 25 April 1844
DIED at Graham's Town on Monday 22nd April, William Tice, the youngest son of the Rev J. LOCKE, aged eight months.
Thursday 2 May 1844
Alexander HYDE of New-street, Graham's Town has the honor to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Albany that he has taken out a license to deal in Wines and Spirits by Wholesale and Retail; and trusts by strict attention to the wants of his Customers, to merit their Support.
NB Good accommodation for Travellers
Excellent Ale, Beer and Cider
Sudden Death
We have to record a melancholy case of sudden death that took place in Graham's Town on Sunday last. The name of the deceased was Mrs. ELLIOTT, a woman who got her living by mangling, and who, it appears, was quite well on the Saturday evening prior to the day of her death. As she did not make her appearance as usual on the Sunday, some of her neighbours got admission through the window into the cottage she occupied, and found her lying dead upon the floor. She is supposed, from the appearances presented by the body, to have died of apoplexy.
Thursday 16 May 1844
DIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday evening, the 14th inst, Augusta Elizabeth Ann Fair, only daughter of Mrs, WELLMAN, aged 12 years and 5 months.
DIED at Fort England, this morning, 16th inst, Mr. John JOLLEY, aged 49 years. Deceased was one of the Original Emigrants of 1820, since which period he has been distinguished for his industry, enterprising perseverance, and general probity. – he has left a widow to deplore the loss of an affectionate husband – and a family of nine children, that of a tender parent.
DIED on the 15 April last, at his residence De Staden's River, district of Uitenhage, after a lingering illness of five months, Ignatius Stephanus FERREIRA Esq, aged 54 years, deeply regretted by his family and numerous circle of friends, who were deservedly attached to him.
Deceased possessed a most retentive memory and strong powers of mind, which he had cultivated by a perusal of the best Dutch Authors. He had thus acquired a large fund of intelligence, and was acquainted with both the facts and chronology of History, to an extent not often met with in those possessed of scholastic attainments. He was distinguished by a fine flow of animal spirits, and for a spirit of generosity and hospitality almost unbounded. This was displayed not only to his own countrymen, but also to strangers (and especially to those in want of assistance) as the English residents in that neighbourhood can abundantly testify. He has left a widow and eight children to deplore his loss.
De Staden's River, May 7 1844.
Thursday 23 May 1844
DIED at Carel's Rust, in the District of Albany, on Monday the 13th May 1844, Carel Frederick POHL Sen. Esq, in the 77th year of his age, deeply lamented by his Widow and numerous Family.
Thursday 30 May 1844
BIRTH at Fort England on Tusday 19th inst, Mrs. John JOLLEY of a Son.
Notice of Removal
Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE to the Premises adjoining the Stores of Mr. M.B. SHAW, High-street, opposite to Eastern Districts Auction Mart.
Thursday 6 June 1844
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Insolvent Estate of Joseph COOPER, of Tarka Post, in the District of Cradock, Trader
The Undersigned having been duly appointed Trustees in the above Estate, hereby give notice to all persons claiming to be Creditors, to send in their claims to the third Undersigned within Six Weeks from this date, - and that those indebted to the Estate are required to liquidate their accounts within the same period.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, under the Firm "SPARKS & Co", as Sheep Farmers, has this day by mutual consent been Dissolved; and that all Debts due to, or by, the late Firm, will be adjusted by the Second undersigned.
Henry SPARKS q.q.
Graham's Town, 30th May 1844.
Thursday 20 June 1844
In the Intestate Estate of the late John JARDINE
All persons indebted to this Estate are requested to take notice that the undersigned has been empowered by the Executors to receive all Debts due to the above Estate; and that all accounts not settled within one month from this notice will be sued for.
Mr. A. KIDWELL, of this Town, met his death last week under painful and melancholy circumstances. He had been engaged for some time past in conducting Mr. FORD's butchering establishment in Bathurst-street, and upon his entering the cattle kraal for the purpose of securing a refractory cow, the animal ran at him and gored him severely in the thigh. The unfortunate man lingered for several days, when mortification of the limb ensued and he died last Thursday, on the day on which he was to have been married.
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