Cape Frontier Times 1844 3 July - September
Thursday 4 July 1844
A Dutch farmer by the name of J. DE LANGE was, we regret to state, wounded by Kafirs under the following circumstances:- It appears that he, with some other farmers, were tracing the spoor of stolen cattle on Monday last. On coming to a deep kloof they perceived the cattle at a distance at the bottom of it, and as they were descending a Kafir fired at DE LANGE and wounded him severely – the ball, we are told, passing through the left arm, entering his left side, and coming out at his back. Other Kafirs were seen in the bush close to the cattle, upon whom the farmers instantly fired, and shot, it is said, three of them. The cattle were then abandoned by the farmers, who assisted in conveying their wounded companion home, a distance of 4 miles. The Kafirs, it appears, must have fled immediately on receiving the fire of the farmers, as all the cattle were discovered on the following morning. Assistant-Surgeon FRAZER was promptly dispatched to the assistance of the sufferer – and by the last accounts, we are glad to say, that the wound, though severe, was not expected to prove mortal.
Another Dutch farmer named Hermanus LOMBARD was also wounded by Kafirs with an assegai in the hand, on the 29th ult. He was looking for some oxen on his own farm, on the Koonap, when he was suddenly attacked by some Kafirs – by one of whom he was wounded as stated above.
Lt. ARMSTRONG, commanding the Mancazana Post, has been out patrolling during the whole of the week, spooring stolen cattle, - and patroles have been sent from Graham's Town and Fort Brown, to scour the country in all directions.
Thursday 11 July 1844
BIRTH at Graham's Town, July 11, 1844, Mrs. G.A. MONRO of a Son and Heir.
Thursday 18 July 1844
The Roman Catholic Church
In Hill-Street
The new Catholic Church in Hill-street will be dedicated to Divine Worhip
On Sunday the 21st inst
By the Right Rev. Vicar Apostolic
At 11 o'clock am, when a Sermon will be preached and a Collection made in aid of the Funds for paying the debts and completing the Edifice.
Notice to Creditors
Port Elizabeth 3rd July 1844
In the Insolvent Estate of George Philip VINEY, late Shopkeeper at Port Elizabeth.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned have been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Trustees of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the first Undersigned forthwith, at his Office in High-street, Port Elizabeth, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Notice to Creditors
Port Elizabeth 3rd July 1844
In the Insolvent Estate of Gabriel HAUBTFLEISCH, Agriculturalist, of Welbedagt, near Port Elizabeth.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned have been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned forthwith, at his Office in Damant-street, Port Elizabeth, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Thursday 8 August 1844
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 2nd instant, Mrs. James BLACK of a Son.
Thursday 15 August 1844
DIED at Colesberg on the 1st August, the Rev James MURRAY, Government Teacher of that place, deeply regretted.
Colesberg, Aug 12 1844
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Samuel BONNIN, deceased, formerly of Graham's Town
Notice is hereby given to the Creditors who have proved Debts under this Estate, and all others whom it may concern, that a Special Meeting will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, Cape Town, on Wednesday the 4th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose, - first of receiving from the Trustees a full and detailed Report of the state of all matters connected with the said Estate; and, secondly, to decide whether the undermentioned Plots registered in the Land Registry as property belonging to the said Insolvent Estate shall be sold by Public Auction, and if so, to settle the Conditions of Sale; and further to give such general instructions for the management of the said Estate, as the said Creditors may deem meet.
The following are the Plots alluded to, viz:
No.1 A Plot of Ground marked A, being sections of Lot Nos. 108 and 109, situated at Graham's Town, in extent 40 square roods and 112 ditto feet, sold by the late S. BONNIN previous to his insolvency to one Ralph GODDARD of Graham's Town.
2. A Plot of Ground, being sections as above, in extent 128 square roods and 99 ditto feet, sold to one Edward TURVEY.
3. A Plot as above, marked F, in extent 90 square roods and 90 ditto feet, sold to one George MARSDEN.
4. A Plot as above, marked I, in extent 90 square roods and 90 ditto feet, sold to one Joseph HELMAN.
5. A Plot as above, marked K, in extent 90 square roods and 90 ditto feet.
6. A Plot as above, marked L, in extent 165 square roods; both these last mentioned Lots sold to Robert GODFREY, deceased, whose widow is remarried to one REYNOLDS.
7. Two Plots as above, each in extent 90 square roods and 90 ditto feet, not disposed of, situated between I and K.
8. A Plot of Ground, being section of No. 108, situated in Worcester-street, between Lot A and the Lot at the northern corner of said Erf transferred to Benjamin NORDEN, the extent of No.8 being 94 square roods and 61 ditto feet.
9. A Plot of Ground, being a section of No. 109, situated between B and C, in extent 39 square roods and 9 ditto feet.
10. A Plot of Ground, being portion of Lot 21, Artificer's square, Graham's Town, extent unknown, on which the late Richard PRIOR is said to have erected buildings.
11. Lot No. 101. Situated in African-street, in extent 1 morgen, 181 square roods and 3 ditto feet, less such portion of it as, being disposed of by the Trustees, has on the 1st July 1829, to James HOWSE. [sic]
12. Lot No. 102. Adjoining No. 11, in equal extent, less such part as was sold on the 1st July 1829 to Joseph LATHAM.
13. Lot No. 103. Adjoining No. 12, in equal extent also, less the portion sold on 1st July 1829 to Joseph LATHAM.
14. The whole of Lot No. 105, measuring 1 morgen, 181 square roods and 3 ditto feet, bounded on the East by Lot No. 104; on the West by Lot No. 106; on the North by Worcester-street; and on the South by African-street; supposed to have been sold by BONNIN previous to his insolvency, in small sections, to Joseph STEPHENS, R. GIBSON, Thomas CARDEN, and others, whose names are unknown.
15. The whole of Lot No. 141. Situated in Graham's Town, in extent 51 square roods and 108 feet, still registered in the name of S. BONNIN, and supposed to have been sold by him previous to his insolvency.
Forbes STILL
Joint Trustees
Cape Town, 1st August 1844
Thursday 22 August 1844
To the Creditors in the Insolvent Estate of Stephen HUMPHREYS, Tailor and Shop Keeper, Fort Beaufort.
The Undersigned begs to notify the Creditors in the above Estate that he will meet them on Monday morning, the 26th inst, at half past nine o'clock, at the Stores of Mr. J. TEMLETT, Market-square, Graham's Town, for the purpose of ascertaining how his Estate stands, and to make proposals for the settlement of the said Estate.
Fort Beaufort, August 13 1844.
Thursday 5 September 1844
In the Assigned Estate of Mr. J. NORTON
The Landed Property in Hill and High Streets, Graham's Town, comprising the Block of Buildings from the Premises occupied by the Eastern Province Bank to those now in the occupation of Messrs. LEVICK, SHERMAN and KIFT inclusive, are now for Sale by private Contract. Offers for the Whole, or any Portion, will be received by
Agents for the Trustees.
Thursday 19 September 1844
DIED on Saturday the 14th instant, Leonard Henry, son of Mr. W.J. EARLE of this place, aged 7 months and 4 days.
William STENT
Colourer, Stenceller, Paper-hanger, Glazier, Painter &c
Roofing Paper, Canvas &c put on Roofs on the shortest notice and in the best manner.
Removed to the first house from the new Independent Chapel in Hill-street.
W. STENT takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his Friends and the Public for the liberal support he has hitherto received, and he hopes by the same attention and good workmanship to still merit a share of their patronage.
Some large Glass, Boiled Oil and Lamp Black.
An Apprentice Wanted.
BIRTH at Cradock on the 3rd inst, the Lady of W.Y. ELDRIDGE Esq of a Son.
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