Cape Frontier Times 1844 4 October - December
Thursday 3 October 1844
BAPTISM on Monday 30th Sept, at Cradock, by the Rev J. Edwards, a son of W.J. ELDRIDGE Esq, baptised William Antonio.
Thursday 10 October 1844
MARRIED on the 1st instant at the Drostdy House, Graaff-Reinet, Edward HEUGH Esq, eldest son of P. HEUGH Esq of Port Elizabeth, to Maria Martha, youngest daughter of W.C. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinet.
Graaff-Reinet, 8th Oct 1844.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 9th Oct, Mrs. J.C. HOOLE of a Son.
DIED on the 8th October, at his residence, Mr. Philip DIXIE Sen, aged 56 years; one of the early Settlers of the Salem party – deeply regretted by his family and all who knew him.
9th Oct 1844.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Ignatius Stephanus FERREIRA, deceased, and surviving Widow Gertruida Sophia FERREIRA, born MINNE.
All persons having claims against the above Estate, of whatever nature, are hereby called upon to send them in, with proper vouchers, to the office of the Undersigned, No.16 Cuyler-street, Uitenhage Town, within two months from this date; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to discharge their debts within the same period.
Ignatius Steph. FERREIRA Jr
Joachim BREHM
Exors. Dative
Uitenhage, August 16th 1844.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Anna Maria MINNE, deceased, and surviving husband Joachim BREHM
All persons having claims against the above Estate, of whatever nature, are hereby called upon to send them in, with proper vouchers, to the office of the Undersigned, No.16 Cuyler-street, Uitenhage Town, within two months from this date; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to discharge their debts within the same period
Executor Testamentary
Uitenhage, August 16th 1844.
Thursday 24 October 1844
Wm. ANDERSON Sen & Co have removed to the New Stores opposite the Wesleyan Chapel
Graham's Town, 9th Oct 1844.
Thursday 31 October 1844
BIRTH at Fort England on the 26th inst, the Lady of Lt.Col. LINDSAY, 91st Regt, of a Son.
30th October 1844.
Thursday 7 November 1844
We have this week to record another accident to the Mail Coach, which was upset last Friday night in attempting to pass through Howitson's Poort. The driver, Mr. STUBBS, was thrown to the ground, and received an injury in his shoulder. There was one passenger inside, who luckily escaped unhurt. Such is now the state of our roads that he who travels along them at night risks his neck. We are informed that along the road over Quagga's Flat there is a succession of holes large and deep enough to bury the mail cart, and that the road through the Ado Bush is almost impassable even by day.
Thursday 14 November 1844
It has pleased the Almighty to remove from us my dearly beloved Father, Hendrik VAN DER WATT Sen, in the advanced age of 88 years 11 months and 5 days, after an illness of 9 days, - of which Notice is hereby given to the relations and friends.
Stofpad, situate in Plettenberg's Bay
District of George, 9th Oct 1844.
Thursday 28 November 1844
Mr. John FORD has for Sale at his Butcher's Establishment, Bathurst-street, about 100 Roasters; and also Meat of all description, at the lowest prices.
Nov 20th 1844
Thursday 12 December 1844
DIED at Bellevu, District of Somerset, on the 13th November 1844, at the youthful age of sixteen years, Carel Johannes, the beloved son of Mr. E.D. WIENAND, deeply lamented.
Dr. A.G. CAMPBELL intimates to the public that he has entered into arrangements with Dr. MORGAN, late Surgeon 57th Regt, by which he will be enabled to provide for the increasing demands of his practice: either of whom will be happy to attend to patients both in town and country. And from Dr. MORGAN's previous experience in the Eastern Province, and subsequently in India, Dr. A.G. CAMPBELL will confidently recommend him to his patients. Messages for Dr. MORGAN or Dr. A.G. CAMPBELL to be left at Mr. G.A. MONRO's Dispensary.
Graham's Town, 5th December 1844.
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