Cape Frontier Times 1847 1 January - March
Tuesday 5 January 1847
Notice of Partnership
Messrs. Stephanus Ignatius VAN NIEKERK GLson, formerly of Long Kloof, in the Division of George, and Stephanus Jan Van Keroel DU TOIT, late Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage, beg to intimate that they have entered into partnership as Auctioneers and General Agents, for buying and disposing of Property of every description, by public or private sale, administering Testate, Intestate and Insolvent Estates, obtaining Loans and Inheritances, effecting Transfers, collecting Money, and the performance of such other business as may be confided to them.
Messrs VAN NIEKERK and DU TOIT hope by moderate charges, and the diligent and faithful discharge of the trust reposed in them, they will gain a share of the patronage of their friends and the public in general.
Office at Mr. W. HYMAN's residence, Caledon Street, in this Town.
Uitenhage Town
9 December 1846.
Tuesday 12 January 1847
Dissolution of Partnership
We the Undersigned have this day dissolved Partnership by mutual consent. Al Debts due to the said Firm to be paid to the second Undersigned.
Graham's Town, 31st Dec 1846
NB The Business in future will be carried on by Michael BENJAMIN as usual on the same Premises.
Mr. T. STUBBS gives notice that his Horse Wagon will be ready to take Passengers to Port Elizabeth and back on Monday next the 18th inst. The wagon will accommodate six Passengers but it will not start with less than four.
Graham's Town, Jan 12 1847
Mr. FENNER informs his Friends and the Public that the duties of his School will be resumed on Monday the 18th inst.
Tuesday 19 January 1847
To Travellers and Others
G.B. CURLE having obtained a Licence for the Retail of Wines, Spirituous Liquors &c and for a House of Accommodation
at his Premises, immediately opposite the Church now building in Campbell Street
Fort Beaufort
It having good Stabling, and he being provided with Forage &c, assures the public that he intends by moderate charges and due attention to the comforts of those who may favour him with their custom, to endeavour to merit their future support.
G.B. CURLE takes this opportunity of publicly thanking his numerous customers, who used his former Accommodation House for nearly 7 years on Manley's flat, for their previous support, and hopes that should any of them have occasion to visit Fort Beaufort, they will give him a call.
In the Insolvent Estate of Mr. H. FOLLETT of Sidbury,
On Tuesday the 2nd February next
Will be peremptorily sold to the highest bidder
The Farm Stock in this Estate, consisting of
700 Superior Ewes, originally from the flock of Lt. DANIELL
200 Second Class Ewes
5 Australian Rams
10 Head of Cattle
2 Horses
Conditions of sale:
Under £20 – Cash
Above £20 – 3 and 6 months, under approved Notes bearing interest.
C. MAYNARD, Trustee
The sale will take place in Church-square.
Stephen HARDING begs to inform the inhabitants of the Eastern province that he has taken the Premises belonging to Mr. TROTTER, formerly occupied by Mr. ETHERIDGE, Coach Builder, and which have been fitted up expressly for an Accommodation House – no expense having been spared to render them comfortable.
Travellers, and Families from the country, accommodated on the most reasonable terms.
Coffee &c from 6 o'clock in the morning – Tiffin at 11 – Dinner at 1 o'clock.
Good Stabling and Forage for Horses
Saddle Horses to Let
NB Some respectable young men may be accommodated with Board and Lodging.
Graham's Town, 15th Jan 1847.
Tuesday 26 January 1847
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Monday the 25th inst, Mrs. W.M. CONNELY of a Son.
DIED in the 61st year of his age, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. Christopher DALE, while on a professional tour. Deceased was an old resident of the frontier, where his musical skill had gained him much celebrity.
Tuesday 9 February 1847
DIED in Graham's Town on Sunday morning, 31st January 1847, after a long and painful illness, Sarah DUNFORD, widow, aged 64 years, deeply regretted by her family and friends.
Education – Cape Town
Academy for Young Gentlemen
Top of Grave Street (next to Government House)
And conducted by Mr. Ryland STAPLETON
Instruction is given in the Greek, Latin, French and English Languages, the Mathematics, Natural and Moral Philosophy, and the various branches of General Education.
For Boarders, 50 Guineas per annum
Extra charges made for Music, Drawing, and Washing, and for Board during the Half-yearly Vacations.
Payments to be made Quarterly, and a Quarter's Notice required previous to the removal of a Pupil.
General Orders
Headquarters, Cape Town, Jan.27 1847
At a General Court Martial held at Fort Peddie, ceded Territory, of the Cape of Good Hope, on the 4th June 1846, and subsequent days, Capt. Colin CAMPBELL, 91st Regt, was arraigned upon the undermentioned charges, viz:
1st: For conduct unbecoming an officer on the morning of the 21st May 1846, when in command of a detachment of troops escorting wagons from Trompetter's Drift to Fort Peddie, ceded Territory, Cape of Good Hope, in not supporting Lt. DICKSON, 91st Regt, nor making himself personally acquainted with the situation of that officer, during about two hours that he, Lieut. DICKSON, continued engaged with the enemy, with the advanced guard under his orders, on the occasion set forth in this charge.
2nd: For having shamefully abandoned, on the morning of the 21st May, a certain number of wagons, containing public stores and supplies, of which he had charge for the purpose of escorting to Fort Peddie.
Sentence of the Court
The Court having found the prisoner guilty of part of the first charge, and also guilty of the whole of the second charge preferred against him, which being in breach of the Articles of War, do now sentence him, the prisoner, Capt. Colin CAMPBELL of the 91st Regt. to be cashiered from H.M. Service.
Recommendation of the Court
The Court having performed a painful duty in sentencing the prisoner, Capt. C. CAMPBELL, 91st Regt, to be cashiered, feel themselves called upon strongly to recommend him to H.M. most gracious clemency, it appearing from the prisoner's having made two attempts to reach the front, after the attack on the wagons by the enemy had commenced, there does not appear to have been any want of personal courage, but the Court attribute his having so hastily abandoned the wagons to want of judgement, the novelty of the position in which he found himself placed in charge of a large convoy of 43 wagons through a dense wood, and his ignorance of the character of the enemy with whom he had to contend...
Tuesday 16 February 1847
DIED at Graham's Town on the 9th February 1847, Tryphena JEFFRIES, the only Daughter of Mr. Gad JEFFRIES, aged 8 Years and 9 Months.
Tuesday 23 February 1847
Graham's Town, Feb 23 1847,
The Undersigned having been appointed Executors to the Estate of the late captain Thomas DAMANT, request that all Claims against the Estate may be sent to the second Undersigned without delay.
Tuesday 2 March 1847
DIED at Glenthorn on the 8th February, of Dysentery, the Rev. W. CHALMERS of Tyumie, Kafirland, connected with the Glasgow Missionary Society. He was in the 45th year of his age, and has fallen in the cause of his Divine Master, on account of the distresses to which he had been subjected during the present warfare in which this country has been involved. His dying hours eminently illustrated the words "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace."
Baker, Confectioner &c
High Street, Graham's Town
Returns thanks to the public for the support he has received at their hands since he commenced business, and hopes for a continuance of it.
NB Hot Soups every day from 10am to 6pm
Mr. P has also a general supply of Groceries on hand.
Graham's Town, Feb 22, 1847.
Tuesday 16 March 1847
The Undersigned having been duly appointed Agent to Mrs. The Widow Eliza TILDESLEY, requests that all debts due, whether in Bonds, Promissory Notes or otherwise, to the Estate of the late Samuel TILDESLEY, may be settled within 14 days from this date; and that all claims against the said Estate may be sent in for adjustment without delay.
Graham's Town, 13th March 1847.
BIRTH at Colesberg on Friday the 26th Feb, Mrs. John CAMPBELL of a daughter.
Photographic Likenesses
Mr. W. RING begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham's Town and vicinity that he will resume taking Likenesses by the Daguerrotype (which sickness has prevented him doing earlier) so soon as he can procure a suitable situation for the occasion, of which due notice will be given.
Graham's Town, 9th March 1847.
Notice of Removal
Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE from High Street to corner of Hill and Beaufort Streets, opposite the new Independent Chapel.
Tuesday 23 March 1847
BIRTH at Fort Peddie on the 21st inst, the lady of J. MACLEAN Esq, Government Commissioner for the Slambie Tribes, of a Son.
DIED at their Residence on the 21st March 1847, Mrs. Margaret Cumbeeland [sic, should be Cumberland], aged 47 Years, the beloved wife of Mr. Stephen GRADWELL of Graham's Town. She was born in the Town of Lancaster in England on the 27th of August, in the Year 1799, and the only daughter of Robert and Ann FOXCROFT, was of Trapps Valley, near Bathurst, who are the oldest British Settlers of 1820, now living in Albany. She was beloved and respected by all who knew her while living, and is now deeply lamented, and to her husband and family of seven children now living, her loss can never be replaced in this world.
To whom it shall or may concern
I, the Undersigned, James BAKER, of Mill River, Carrier, wish hereby to make known to the Public that a provisional separation has, by mutual consent, taken place between my wife, Jane BAKER (formerly widow of one Isaac DEDNAM) and myself, and that any debts which she may hereinafter contract I shall not hold myself to discharge.
Witness my hand at Graham's Town this 12th day of March 1847
Tuesday 30 March 1847
MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 11th inst, Mr. Edward MINTO, Edinburgh, to Margaret Amelia, youngest daughter of J. BLAKEWAY Esq of Longnor Park.
Notes of the Week
Wednesday 24th March: Yesterday afternoon a long train of wagons with a large supply of ammunition, stores &c was sent to the front. A post will be immediately established at the mouth of the Buffalo river. Lieut. JERVOIS RE has received instructions to select the site. Three hundred men it is supposed will be stationed there.,.
Thursday: A report was this day made that ten valuable cows belonging to Mr. J. CARLISLE had been stolen from his farm Belmont, about 4 miles south of Graham's Town. A party has been sent off from town in pursuit.
Friday: We are happy to hear that the body of Mr. Howard LLOYD, who was lately drowned in an attempt to swim his horse over the Fish River, has been found. The remains of the ill fated young gentleman have been interred at Waterloo Bay.
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