Cape Frontier Times 1847 2 April - June
Tuesday 6 April 1847
BIRTH on Saturday 13th March, Mrs. RADFRORD of a Daughter.
A person named HAYWARD was choked by some food which he attempted to swallow at an eating house in Beaufort whilst in liquor. He died almost immediately, before medical age reached him.
[Transcriber's note: this was Samuel HAYWARD, son of 1820 settlers James HAYWARD and Tabitha PRISTOW, who died on 31 March 1847]
Tuesday 13 April 1847
DIED at Graham's Town on the 6th inst, George Estcourt, youngest son of E.E. and A. WELLMAN, aged Nine Months.
DIED at Hilton on the 6th instant, Mr. William ROBERTS, aged 40 years.
Circuit Court – Graham's Town
The criminal cases were concluded late on Wednesday. The following are some of the cases not reported last week:
Samuel MOSS, shopkeeper, of Graham's Town was charged with fraudulent insolvency. This was the first case of the kind tried on the frontier under the new insolvent act. Mr. EBDEN appeared for the prisoner. The prisoner it appeared had sent away goods privately from his premises, which goods did not appear in his schedule. This was discovered, and he was accordingly taken into custody and finally committed for trial. The jury found him guilty but recommended him to mercy on account of his numerous family. Sentence 6 months imprisonment with hard labor.
Frederick HEWSON, Hottentot, who some time ago shot two Hottentot girls in High street, Graham's Town, apparently without any motive. The particulars were mentioned in this paper at the time. It appears that the prisoner committed the act while in liquor. Verdict, culpable homicide. Sentence 7 years hard labor.
A criminal action was brought against Lt. Col. LINDSAY by John C. SMITH, for having caused him to be tied up and flogged whilst in command of Fort Peddie in May last. The action was brought at the insistence of SMITH, the Attorney general having declined to prosecute. Mr. EBDEN appeared for SMITH and Mr. JARVIS for Lt. Col. LINDSAY - who, after some delay, made his appearance – Mr. EBDEN contending warmly against any discussion on the proceedings during his absence. Mr. JARVIS then said that the law (20th sec, 40th Ordin, and 69th section of Rules of Supreme Court) had not been complied with, which required private prosecutors to enter into recognizances to meet the expenses of the case – and the exception threw the indictment out of court. The question of costs was referred to the Supreme Court, Mr. EBDEN giving notice that the action would be proceeded with in the Supreme Court.
John AVENTUUR, the Hottentot who it will be remembered shot at Mr. J. USHER, one of the Graham's Town Yeomanry, as he was conveying the post from Graham's Town to Manley's Flat, was sentenced to imprisonment with hard labor for seven years.
E.T. TAYLOR of Graham's Town, apothecary, was accused of committing forgery, by altering a diploma granted to him by Governor Sir George NAPIER, to exercise the profession of Apothecary and Wholesale Chemist, by inserting the word "Surgeon", to which the prisoner pleaded not guilty.
Tuesday 20 April 1847
DIED at Graham's Town on the 16th inst, of Fever, induced by anxiety of mind and fatigue, and exposure in the field, Mr. Philip NORTON of Kromme Park near Fort Beaufort, Fieldcornet of his Division, and Captain in the Graham's Town Provisional Levy, aged 27 years – leaving a widow and four helpless children to mourn their irreparable bereavement.
Tuesday 27 April 1847
In the Estate of the late Catherine SLAVIN
Will be sold by Public Auction, on the 15th May, on the spot, the whole of that valuable Landed Property, comprising a House and Ground, situate in High street, adjoining the Premises of Mr. A. HYDE. This Property is too well known to require comment.
S.D. MANDY, Executor Dative
MASKELL & POTE, Auctioneers
April 23 1847
21st April 1847
To the Editor: Sir, I and two or three agriculturalists accidentally met the other day when each seemed more than another to deplore the loss of our valued countryman John Mitford BOWKER Esq. JP. We asked one another why such an eminently bold, fearless and honest advocate of colonial interests did not merit a testimonial of his countrymens' esteem. At once we agreed that the erection of a Monument to his remains was the smallest tribute we could render to the memory of a true patriot and British subject, whose acts as a colonist must be embalmed while the history of our country exists. We have determined to enter into a Subscription to erect a Monument to record our sense of his moral worth, and we trust that the mere mention of such an intention will be sufficient to call forth general approbation among the Frontier inhabitants.
Tuesday 4 May 1847
Notice of Sequestration
Thomas JOYCE, Saddler, Graham's Town
Cape Town, 14th April 1847.
In the Estate of G.C. SANDFORD Esq
Will be sold on the 13th May next, before the Office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, all that valuable Plot of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated on the West Hill, Graham's Town, at present occupied by Mrs. CAMPBELL, and containing 2 morgen and 175 square roods of land, having a large Garden, well stocked with a variety of Fruit Trees &c. This property is admirably adapted for the residence of a genteel family.
Also 1 Lot of Ground in Bell street, Graham's Town
1 Lot of Ground in D'Urban street, Graham's Town
Graham's Town, 15th April 1847.
In the Insolvent Estate of WEBB & COUSINS
At the same time and place with the above will be sold all that valuable property in Beaufort street, Graham's Town, lately occupied by the Insolvents, consisting of a substantially built Dwelling House & Shop, with Out-buildings attached, and containing as per diagram 32 square roods and 127 square feet. This property being contiguous to the market is well adapted for any retail business.
Graham's Town, 15th April 1847.
In the Estate of J.D. NORDEN
At the same time and place will be Sold also the Lots in Bell and D'Urban Streets, Graham's Town, each containing 48 square roods and 108 feet, viz:
Lots 7,8,9,10,11,19, 23 and 24 in Bell Street
Lots 37,38,42, 50,51,52,53 and 54 in D'Urban Street
For the Exrs. of the Estate of J.D. NORDEN
Graham's Town, 15th April 1847.
Notice of Removal
Messrs. E. HERRON & Co beg to inform the public that they have removed their Stores to those lately occupied by Mr. C. FULLER, corner of High-street and Hill-street, opposite's Church.
Tuesday 11 May 1847
Dr. CHRISTOPHER, of Sidbury, is removing to his brother's cottage in Africa Street, Graham's Town.
Tuesday 18 May 1847
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of Robert WEBB
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graham's Town, on Wednesday the 9th day of June next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to pay the same to the Undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
Graham's Town, 27th April 1847.
In the Insolvent Estate of Chas. GRIFFITH
All persons claiming to be creditors in the above Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of the Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office at Graham's Town, on Wednesday the 9th day of June next at 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpose of submitting to the Creditors and taking their instructions upon a letter received from Henry MAYNARD Esq of London, with reference to a certain Policy of Assurance, on the life of the Insolvent for £400, and in which they have a claim to the amount of about £110.
Sole Trustee
Graham's Town, 24th April 1847.
Tuesday 25 May 1847
Dr. SMITH, Dentist, will positively leave Cape Town for Graham's Town by the 20th instant.
13th May 1847.
Tuesday 1 June 1847
Final Notice
The undersigned hereby gives notice that all cattle outspanned or found trespassing upon his farms, either at Howison's Poort or on the Kareiga, not having his permission, will be impounded without exception.
NB The above has reference to the line of road between Bell's bridge and the Krantz in Howison's Poort, and between Selwyn's bridge on the Kareiga and Mr. J.H. SMITH's place.
Graham's Town, 1st June 1847.
Tuesday 8 June 1847
Salem Academy
G. IMPEY takes this opportunity of informing the friends of pupils at Salem Academy that the usual Winter Vacation will commence on Tuesday the 15th June. The school will be re-opened on Monday the 19th July.
There will be no vacancy in the Establishment for the ensuing half year.
As more pupils have been offered than could be received, the attention of parents and others is particularly directed to the regulation which requires a quarter's notice previous to the removal of a pupil, or payment for the quarter.
Salem, June 1st 1847.
Tuesday 22 June 1847
MARRIED on Monday 7th June 1847 at Graham's Town, in St.George's Church, by the Rev.Mr. Heavyside, Mr. Robert WEBB, Butcher, to Mrs. JOLLEY, Widow of the late Mr. John JOLLEY Fort England.
Mrs. CROZIER begs to notify her Friends and the Public that she continues to give Lessons on the Piano Forte. For terms and particulars apply at Mrs. CROZIER's Residence, Fort England.
Graham's Town, June 22 1847.
Tuesday 29 June 1847
DIED at Gimmersmills, near Haddington, on the 27th February 1847, Alexander AITCHESON Esquire. Relatives and Friends at the Cape of Good Hope and at a distance will please accept this intimation.
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