Cape Frontier Times 1847 3 July - September
Tuesday 6 July 1847
DIED on Thursday 1 July, the infant son of Mr. R.J. PAINTER of Fort Beaufort, aged 10 months.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 2nd instant, John DUDLEY, aged 64, deeply regretted by his numerous relatives and friends, after an illness of upwards of 3 months. Deceased was a native of Birmingham and one of the settlers of 1820.
Graham's Town, 5th July 1847
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the Term of Partnership subsisting between the undersigned expired on the 30th ultimo.
All debts due by the late firm of MASKELL & POTE will be paid by the second undersigned, and all debts owing to the said firm to be paid to the same party.
Charles POTE
Charles POTE
Auctioneer and Appraiser
Begs respectfully to inform the Public that by the termination of the Partnership hitherto subsisting between himself and Mr. John MASKELL, he intends to confine himself in future entirely to the Auctioneering Business; and from his local knowledge and long experience in the value of Moveable and Immoveable Property generally, that he is well qualified for the successful management of this branch of Trade; and the advertiser trusts the knowledge the public have had of him during the several years he has practised as an Auctioneer, that increased confidence will be placed in his exertions for the benefit of those gentlemen who may employ him.
Sales of every description of Live Stock, Moveable and Immoveable Property, held on the shortest notice, and the Vendor Rolls discounted at a moderate percentage.
Graham's Town, 3rd July 1847
Tuesday 20 July 1847
BIRTH at Somerset on the 15th inst, the Lady of James O'REILLY Esq of a Son.
DIED at Uitenhage Town on Sunday morning the 4th July 1847, after a few days illness, Andrew, 5th son of S.H. DU TOIT Esq JP, aged 19 years 3 months and 11 days – deeply regretted by his numerous relatives and friends. The deceased served as Fieldcaptain in the Uitenhage Native Levy.
DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday morning, the 17th July, aged 40 years, Color Serjeant Patrick McCANN, 27th Regiment, much regretted by his comrades. Deceased served his country upwards of 22 years.
DIED of Croup at Theopolis, on Friday night the 6th inst [sic] William George, infant son of Rev.R.B. TAYLOR, aged 1 year 7 months and 3 days.
Tuesday 27 July 1847
We mention with deep regret the sudden illness and death of Mrs. MAYNARD, Wife of C. MAYNARD Esq, of Graham's Town. The deceased took cold a few days ago which, unfortunately, terminated in inflammation of the lungs, of which disease she died on the night of last Thursday, the 22nd inst. During the short period of her illness, only nine days, she endured much physical suffering, but some hours before her dissolution she was freed from all pain, and in a soft, gentle sleep her spirit "returned to God to gave it". She was in her 41th year. Her death will leave a void in the social circle that will not easily be filled, and fling a shade over it that will not soon wear away. As a long tried and affectionate wife to her husband; as an intelligent, fond and dutiful mother to her children, her death will not be replaced in this world. She was buried on Saturday, and her funeral was attended by the personal friends of the bereaved family; by the principal civil and military authorities of the town, long resident on the frontier, and by a very large number of the townspeople, who swelled the mournful train, and deeply sympathised with the chief mourner and his numerous young and motherless family in the distressing bereavement with which it has pleased Him who is able to bring good out of evil, to afflict them; who, by saddening visitations like these, speaks in loud and solemn tone to all who, unmindful of eternal things, cling to the perishable things of life, indifferent alike to the frowns or smiles of their Maker: reminding them, as it is said in the beautiful and affecting language of the burial service, that "in the midst of life they are in death", that man "cometh up, and is cut down like a flower", and fades away suddenly like grass which is green in the morning and growth up, but "in the evening it is cut down, dried up and withered".
Tuesday 3 August 1847
Fort Beaufort
The Somerset Arms, Somerset Street
J. DAVIS begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has opened the above Establishment, and that he will afford Accommodation to Visitors and Travellers.
J.D. trusts that the superiority of his arrangements, and the quality of his Liquors may insure universal support.
Good Stabling and careful attention to horses.
Tuesday 17 August 1847
DIED at Glenthorn, Mancazana on the 15th ult, Jessie, youngest daughter of the late Mr. William WILLIAMS.
Tuesday 24 August 1847
DIED on the 19th instant, Arthur D'Urban, infant son of Richard SOUTHEY Esq.
Graaff-Reinet, 20th Aug 1847
Tuesday 31 August 1847
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Francis RADFORD, late of Graham's Town, Canteen Keeper
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said estate, and that the Master has appointed the third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Graham's Town on Wednesday the 1st September at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said estate.
All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same at the office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, on or before the above date, or proceedings will be instigated against them.
J. STANDEN, Sole Trustee
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Charles HOCKEY of Graham's Town, Slater
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said estate, and that the Master has appointed the third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Graham's Town on Wednesday the 1st September at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said estate.
All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the same at the office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, on or before the above date, or proceedings will be instigated against them.
J. STANDEN, Sole Trustee
Boot and Shoe Maker
Has removed from Queen-street, and opened a shop at the back of the Colonial Stores, where he intends carrying on the above business, and for the better accommodation of those who have hitherto favoured him with their orders, he has purchased a large assortment of
English Goods
of the best description, which he intends to sell at reasonable prices.
On hand – Wellington and Clarence Boots, and Cloth and Blucher Boots, youths and boys Boots, single tie, double tie and Wellington Shoes, ladies' and maid's patent Morocco, prunella, and common Shoes, and children's Shoes.
NB At the same place Straw and Tuscan Hats and Bonnets made, cleaned, and altered to the latest fashion.
Graham's Town, 31st Aug 1847
Tuesday 14 September 1847
DIED at her Residence, Graham's Town on Thursday morning, 9th instant, Elizabeth DEVINE, Widow of the late William DEVINE, of Disease of the Liver, after a long and severe illness, leaving a large family and a numerous circle of friends to deplore her loss. Aged 35 years and 7 months.
Graham's Town, 14th Sept 1847
Tuesday 21 September 1847
BIRTH at Uitenhage on Monday the 13th day of September, the Lady of Rev Dr ROUX of a Son.
Dissolution of Partnership
This is to give notice that we the Undersigned have dissolved partnership by mutual consent, from the 23rd day of August 1847. All debts due by the firm will be paid by the first undersigned, and all debts due to the firm will be received by the same.
Graham's Town 18th Sept 1847
Notice of Removal
The undersigned has removed from the Stores lately occupied by MASKELL & POTE to the premises adjoining Mr. D. PAXTON, in High-street.
Chas. POTE
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