Cape Frontier Times 1848 3 July - September
Tuesday 11 July 1848
In the Estate of Marcus NORDEN
Notice to Creditors
On and after the 15th July instant a further Dividend will be paid in this Estate at the E.P. Trust Company's Office, High street
In the Estate of David PAXTON
The third Meeting of Creditors in this Estate will be held before the Resident at Graham's Town on the 26th instant at 10 o'clock.
Sole Trustee
Tuesday 18 July 1848
DIED at Hyde's Hotel, Graham's Town, on the 2nd inst, Mr. Charles BURTON, aged 31 years.
Tuesday 25 July 1848
A letter from Port Elizabeth referring to the late fire in that town, says that:-
"TENNANT, who was next door, noticed a strong smell of fire before he went to bed about 10 o'clock, and ROSELT went all over the house, but not finding anything, went to bed. About half past one young ROSELT was awoke in consequence of the very strong smell of fire which then pervaded the house; the house was again searched, and finding nothing, ROSELT went into the street, and on going round the corner saw the blaze on the top floor of KAY & Co's Store. TENNANT being very ill was carried to a neighbour's; and the store was emptied as far as the fire would admit. ANDREWS' store was nearly entirely emptied, also TENNANT's, and two of his neighbours in rear of the fire. I think they will get some compensation for loss they may have sustained, in endeavouring to preserve insured property from the flames."
A man has been taken into custody on suspicion of having set fire to the stores of Messrs KAY, HESS & Co, certain property belonging to the firm which was in the room in which the fire originated, and in which nothing was saved, having been found upon him.
Tuesday 1 August 1848
Dissolution of Partnership
The Undersigned beg to give notice that the Partnership heretofore existing between them and carried on under the firm or style of Messrs SHAW, HOOLE & Co, having this day expired, the same is dissolved by mutual consent.
All claims against the said firm will be settled as usual at the office of the first undersigned.
Graham's Town 31 May 1848
Tuesday 8 August 1848
Public Sale of Valuable Landed Property
At Fort Beaufort
The undersigned being duly authorised, will sell by Public Auction
On Saturday the 19th August next
The House and Premises at present occupied by Mr. John VICE, situated between the residence of Mr. SANDS and the Commandant's quarters, containing six rooms, Kitchen, Stabling, store room &c with a large enclosed yard.
The above property is well situated for business, and offers a good opportunity for investing capital. Title free – terms liberal.
B.D. BELL, Auctioneer
Fort Beaufort, 26 July 1848
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
All claims against Mrs. Ann BARRY, formerly BROSTER, are requested to be filed at the office of the second undersigned, within one month from this date; and those indebted to her, to pay their respective amounts within the same period.
Fort Beaufort, 26 July 1848
Tuesday 15 August 1848
Public Sale
Mr. Thomas VEITCH
Having disposed of his farm, will cause to be sold by public auction on
Wednesday the 30th day of August
On his farm, Sunday River, situated on the Vogel River, in the Fieldcornetcy of Zwagers Hoek,
Household Furniture
About 1,000 Extra Woolled Sheep
Ewes and Rams more or less
Empty Casks
And sundry other things
A quantity of Melies
One Horse Wagon with Horses &c &c.
P.C. MASSYN, Auctioneer
Somerset, 3rd Aug 1848.
Under the special sanction of His Excellency Sir Harry SMITH, Commander in Chief &c &c
Mr. BOON respectfully informs the public that he is about to return to the Mancanzana Post, where he will open a Day and Boarding School the first week in October. The details will be adjusted on the visitation of the Lord Bishop of the diocese. The School at the Winterberg will be under the superintendence of a Clergyman appointed to the district. For particulars see the Journal and Times newspapers for the 3rd June 1848.
Tuesday 22 August 1848
BIRTH on Monday the 21st inst, the lady of F.J. MILLS Esq of a Daughter.
Tuesday 29 August 1848
Mrs HAINES takes this opportunity of informing her friends and the public of the removal of her business from Market square to the premises lately occupied by Mr. STANDEN, High-street.
Graham's Town, 25th Aug 1848
Tuesday 5 September 1848
Mrs. KEW
Begs to inform the Ladies and her customers in general that she has removed from New street to Hill street, opposite J. WHILEY, Confectioner, where she still keeps every choice selection of Goods of every description, and selling at very low prices.
Hill street, Graham's Town
September 5 1848
Soap and Candle Manufactory
Bathurst Street
In returning his best thanks to his friends and the Public for past favors, begs to advise them that in addition to his Soap business he has attached that of Candle making, and assures them it will be his study to supply Soap and Candles of the first quality.
Graham's Town Sept 4 1848.
To Parents and Guardians
Takes this opportunity of informing Parents and Guardians that he has vacancies for Four Pupils in his Academy. The Course of Education combrises [sic] English Grammer [sic] and Composition, Geography and the use of Globes and Maps, Writing, Arithmetic, mensuration and Algebra; Latin and French.
Address Mr. JEFFERY, Glen Avon, Somerset East, or any of the following gentlemen, who have kindly offered their names as references: Robert HART Sr. Esq, JP, Glen Avon, Somerset East; Rev Mr. BIRT, Fort Beaufort; Capt. STRETCH, Thornkloof, Mancazana, and Robert HART Junior Esq, Glen Avon, Pomerset East [sic].
Begs to return his sincere thanks to the Public for the very liberal support he has received since he commenced business in this place, and in connexion with his present establishment in Bathurst street he has (by special request) opened a
Shop in New-street
near to Messrs HOOLE, and opposite the late Mr. STENT's, painter, where he trusts he will be able to supply the public with the best quality of Butchers meat.
J.B. flatters himself that he will be enabled to give general satisfaction in both shops, having procured the assistance of competent parties to supply him with the best stock the country can produce.
NB Live slaughter stock always on hand at moderate prices.
Tuesday 12 September 1848
DIED at Somerset on the 2nd Sept 1848 after a severe affliction of 18 months, Mr. John TESTARD, aged 58 years. Deceased came to this colony in the year 1816.
Tuesday 19 September 1848
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 7th September, Maria AUSTEN, the wife of Mr. John AUSTEN Sen, aged 38 years 3 months and 28 days, leaving a number of relations to lament the loss of their kind and affectionate parent – also deeply regretted by all her old friends.
Joseph GREEN
Bread and Biscuit Maker
Begs respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public in general that he has commenced Business in the above line
In Artificer's Square, Settler's Hill
and trusts by strict attention to his business and keeping on hand at all times the best articles, to merit a share of their patronage.
Graham's Town, 12th Sept 1848.
Tuesday 26 September 1848
MARRIED at Bathurst on the 12th inst by the Rev J. Barrow, Mitford HAYWOOD to Ann, second daughter of Geo. HODGKINS of Tiger Spring. [sic - should be Mitford HAYWARD and Ann HODGKINSON]
Shipping Intelligence
Arrived in Port Elizabeth
Sept 19: Bessy Robertson, brig, from Liverpool 12th June to this port. Cargo sundries. Passengers Mrs HALL and 4 children, Mrs. RANDALL, Miss RANDALL, Mrs. SHAW, Mrs. GALLEY and 5 children, Messrs HALL, RANDALL, SHAW, GALLEY, ASHTON, DAVIS and 1 servant. Mrs. MOTLEY died at sea on 6th July.
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