Cape Frontier Times 1848 4 October - December
Tuesday 3 October 1848
COLLARD & COLLARD's Patent Grand Squares
These instruments, so highly prized by the music profession for their excellent qualities and general usefulness, being used in England in the Orchestra, as well as the Drawing Room, are always to be had of the undersigned, and are warranted by them to be manufactured by, and to possess all the latest improvements of the celebrated House above named.
R. COCK & Co's celebrated Rosewood and Mahogany Semi Cottages. A supply of these instruments shortly expected.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of Elizabeth DEVINE, deceased, Widow of the late William DIVINE [sic]
All persons having filed claims in this Estate, and whose claims have been admitted, will be paid on application at the Office of the E.P. Trust Company.
Sec, E.P. Trust Company.
Tuesday 17 October 1848
The Partnership hitherto existing between Alfred JARVIS and Nicholas Peter KROHN, under the Firm of JARVIS & KROHN, of Port Elizabeth, is dissolved this day. All accounts connected with the Firm will be paid and received by Alfred JARVIS, the first undersigned.
Port Elizabeth, 30th Sept 1848.
Tuesday 24 October 1848
DIED at Sidbury Park on the 20th instant, aged 26 years, eldest Son of Richard DANIELL Esq, JP.
We sorrowfully announce the death of the eldest son of Mr. R. DANIELL of Sidbury, after a trying and painful illness of only three days. We are imperfectly acquainted with the cause of this painful bereavement, which is said to have been occasioned by a fall from his horse, in which the spine was injured. It is impossible to commend too highly the amiable disposition and honourable character of the deceased. He was exemplary in all the relations of life in which he had yet been tried, and his loss will fall not only very heavily upon his family, but will be severely felt by all who were honoured with his friendship or had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was yet in the morning of his life, being only 26 years old. He died on Friday. His funeral was to take place yesterday. We deeply sympathise with Mr. DANIELL and the bereaved family in the mournful calamity with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them.
[Transcriber's Note: Although not mentioned by name, the deceased was Charles Crawford DANIELL]
In the Estate of Joseph TREMBLE, deceased.
All Persons claiming as Creditors on the said Estate are called upon pursuant to the 30th section of Ord.104 1833, to file their Claim with the Executors at the Office of the E.P. Trust Company, within 6 weeks from the date hereof; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are called upon to pay forthwith.
J. HEAVYSIDE } Test. Exrs.
Graham's Town, 25th October 1848.
Tuesday 14 November 1848
The local reader will be concerned to hear of the death of Mr. John NORTON, who after amassing a very considerable fortune on this frontier, afterwards sustained a vicissitude which reduced him comparatively to beggary. He had just landed once more upon his native shore and immediately proceeded to the house of Mrs. Benjamin WHITECHAPEL, but not finding her at home, was proceeding to the house of Mr. MARCUS, a relative of hers, where she was. On the way he was met by Mr. MARCUS, to whose house they were proceeding together. When they had got within five minutes walk of the house, the deceased fell down in a fit of apoplexy. He was revived and raised by the aid of a little cold water, placed in a cab and conveyed to Mr. MARCUS' house, but his hour had come and he scarcely lived to be taken in to an apartment. Such has been the end of the career of a man who ten years ago was living in this town happy and in affluence and surrounded by a happy family. However death, and domestic and other misfortunes made fierce inroads upon this happiness before his death. His two eldest sons died during the Kafir war; one of them from a disease brought on in the exertion he made for the common defence, whilst serving in one of the local levies. His wife did not long survive them. Deceased leaves four sons and one unmarried daughter.
Tuesday 28 November 1848
Thomas CHARLTON of Fort Beaufort, having purchased of Mr. C. HOLLIDAY the Farm called "End Well" at Bush Neck in the Winterberg, hereby intimates that all Animals found straying upon the said Farm will be impounded, and Trespassers prosecuted.
Fort Beaufort, 7th November 1848
In the Insolvent Estate of KEEN & SWAN at Alice Town
On Monday 27th November
Will be sold all the Stock in Trade lately belonging to the said Insolvents, comprising articles too numerous to mention.
At the same time will be put up and sold without reserve, the Premises long occupied by the Insolvents as an Inn an Shop. Terms &c will be made known at the place and time of sale.
Joint Trustees
B.D. BELL, Auctioneer.
In the Insolvent Estate of James LONG at Fort Peddie
A Public sale will be held of the Household Furniture &c in the above Estate
On Monday 4th December 1848
when will be put up and sold to the Highest Bidder the Dwelling House of the Insolvent, long used and admirably adapted for an Inn, as well as Mercantile Establishment.
F. LUCAS, for self and Co-Trustees
E.G. STONE, Auctioneer
Tuesday 5 December 1848
Notice of Removal
John SMITH, Gunmaker &c begs to notify his Friends and the public that he has removed from High to Bathurst street, opposite J. BOYLE's Butcher's Shop, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their patronage.
Graham's Town 29th November 1848
Notice to the Public
In consequence of the Dissolution of Partnership between W. SMITH and J. WEBB as Painters and Glaziers, the Undersigned hereby warns all persons indebted to the said late Partnership, from adjusting or paying any Claims to the said W. SMITH, as he will not acknowledge the validity of such payments from and after the date hereof, the said W. SMITH having no authority to receive the same or grant any Acquittances.
20 November 1848
Tuesday 12 December 1848
BIRTH at Fort Brown on Sunday 9th inst, Mrs. COREY, wife of Mr. COREY, Innkeeper, of a Daughter.
MARRIED at Glenthorn on the 29th ult, by the Rev J.F. Cumming, William AINSLIE Esq of Cavers Cowie, to Mary Ann PRINGLE, third daughter of John PRINGLE Esq of Glenthorn.
DIED at Boomplaats on the 30th November from the effects of wounds received in action on the 29th Aug last, Ensign M.B. STEELE CMR, deeply lamented by all his brother officers.
Graham's Town, December 11 1848.
Tuesday 19 December 1848
Walter SMITH
Painter, Glazier and Paperhanger
Begs to return his graceful acknowledgements to his numerous friends and the residents of Graham's Town for the very liberal patronage they have given him in the above Trade for 2 years past, and trusts by the same attention to his business, still to merit their patronage.
Graham's Town, November 20 1848.
BIRTH at Graham's Town this morning, Mrs. C. BLACKBEARD of a Son
Dec 19 1848
BIRTH at Fort Waterloo on the 13th inst, Mrs. Thos. Chas. McLACHLAN of a Son.
Tuesday 26 December 1848
House of Accommodation to Let
The Undersigned will receive proposals from parties desirous of hiring for a term of years the Accommodation House and Ground on his farm called the "Gowaar" (established for many years) situated about 20 miles from Fort Beaufort, and on the direct line of road to Somerset, Baviaans River, Cradock, Colesberg and Graaff-Reinet, where a profitable business has been carried on by the present occupant, whose lease expires on the 31st December next. Possession to be given on the 1st January 1849. For further particulars apply to J.J.H. STONE, Solicitor, or by letter (post paid) to
Fort Beaufort
Also to let for a term of years, at a moderate rental, the remaining portion of the above Farm, with the Stock thereon, consisting of 2000 Woolled Sheep, 20 Oxen, 10 Cows and the usual Farming Implements, Wagon &c
Graham's Town, November 17 1848
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