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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1851 1 January - March

7 January 1851

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed Executors under the Will and Administrators of the Estate and Effects of the late William OGILVIE Senr of Graham's Town, deceased, and that all persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to pay the amounts of their debts to the last undersigned forthwith, and all those who may have claims against the deceased are also requested to send in the same immediately for adjustment.
The Business will for the present be carried on as usual at the Stores in High Street, Graham's Town.
Joint Ex'rs Test.

14 January 1851

Dissolution of Partnership

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership existing between the Undersigned has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All Debts due to the respective firms may be paid, and all Claims sent for adjustment to either of the Undersigned.
Mr. Nicholas Peter KROHN is hereby authorised to receive and pay all Accounts, referring to the Graham's Town Branch.
Trading in London as MAYNARD Bros & Co.
Trading in Graham's Town as C & H MAYNARD
Trading in Cape Town as Josh. BLACKBURN
Graham's Town, 31 Dec 1850.

21 January 1851

Has constantly on hand Brazil and Ceylon Coffee, Caper Tea, Mauritius and Java Sugars, brown and white Rice, Cape Meal, 1st and 2nd Steam Mill Flour &c &c. Just received, a parcel of fresh Dates.

MARRIED at Frankfort O.M. on the 6th October last, Nathan BIRKENRUTH Esquire, of Graham's Town, to Rosa, eldest daughter of J.B. SCHOTTENFELS Esq.

Extract of a letter dated Fort Beaufort, 12th Jan 1851:-
"I suppose you have heard that Mr. W. GILBERT's splendid house and tower, with all the valuable furniture it contained, except what was carried off by plunderers, has been burned to the ground. Charles and Richard BLAKEWAY's houses have shared the same fate, but their furniture had been removed. Mr. BLAKEWAY is as yet unharmed. Poor ANDREWS had built a new house, his being burnt down last war. It was just finished, but had not been inhabited, and is now reduced to ashes. The NILANDs had taken the precaution to take off their thatch and burn it, so their houses have escaped but their outbuildings are burnt. We are expecting today the arrival of a number of Burghers from Somerset and other districts, which I hope will be the means of preventing further destruction in this neighbourhood."

28 January 1851

DIED at Burgher Dorp on the 15th inst, after an illness of one day, Matilda GREEN, aged 24 years, deeply regretted by her family and friends.

Cradock, 23rd January:
We learn from a communication from this place that "the high and low, the rich and poor, are doing their duty. The Civil Commissioner was receiving urgent calls for assistance on all sides. Two expresses had just arrived from Baviaan's River soliciting aid. The Hottentots and Kafirs united, being engaged in devastating the country – the small lagers in that neighbourhood had being obliged to fall back upon that of Mr. D. PRINGLE. The country of Upper Baviaan's River, Kaga and Konap was laid waste. The Frontier line between Fort Beaufort and Somerset was open, with the exception of Mr. TROLLIP's place at Dagga Boer's Neck, and Mr. D. PRINGLE's camp. Twenty mounted Burghers from Cradock were to proceed to the assistance of Mr. PRINGLE's camp that evening (23rd). The Tambookies had been burning a number of places on that border, killing and wounding several persons. Fifty two Tambookies had been killed in the various attacks they had made on the camps."

From Theopolis we learn that Mr. DYASON, Resident Magistrate at Bathurst, and Mr. Walter CURRIE JP, went to that place on Saturday last, and the result was the apprehension of five persons belonging to the Institution, viz: KIEVIET, BEZUIDENHOUT, SPEELMAN, ADAM, a Kafir, and another. Further particulars will be given next week.

18 February 1851



On Monday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock a party of 20 of Commandant STUBBS' Rangers, headed by Captain Wm. STUBBS, started from Town with the double purpose of patrolling the country from De Bruin's Poort to New Year's River, and to recapture the cattle that had been taken by the Kafirs in the Addo, providing the enemy had succeeded in getting them past the other patroles. The party went on as far as DICKERSON's place (where the road leading to DELL's farm branches off from the Cradock road) and remained off-saddled there till next morning some time after sunrise, when a single Kafir some distance further along the Cradock road was seen by one of the party. Capt. STUBBS immediately ordered his willing Rangers to get ready, and they were not long about it, I assure you. Before the rear of the party was properly in motion from Dickerson's kraals the advance saw 7 Kafirs leisurely tramping along the main Cradock road (where the high prickly pear trees skirt the way), and motioned to the party behind. They then halted under cover of some scattered bushes to the right of the road, but the sharp eyed cattle lifters, after advancing about ten steps, saw our party, turned back and ran across the road just above the prickly pear trees. In an instant the Rangers made a thorough steeple chase affair of it, and before the rear of the party could get up, every Kafir to be seen had paid the just penalty of his ingratitude and murderous intentions towards the Colonists and his utter scorn and defiance of the mild rules of our Gracious Sovereign, with his life. Two only escaped – they were not fired at. It was certainly the most determined and rapid pounce I ever saw made upon a party of Kafirs – it must have appeared to their terrified imaginations like the lightning vengeance of heaven. They had not time to mock the pure heavens with a prayer. 18 assegais, 1 gun, 1 cartridge and some bullets fell into the hands of the Rangers. I was pleased to see these 30 of our fellow townsmen behave so remarkably well, in every respect, throughout the whole affair. Even when the foe had fallen there was not the slightest signs of a brutal joy manifested in any manner. No, every man seemed rather to lament that it had been his painful duty to assist in depriving those fine young forms that lay outstretched before them, of that life that neither mistaken policy nor a false philanthropy, however repentant, could ever restore.
S.W. DELL, not a "Ranger".


The public are hereby informed that the undersigned will not be responsible for any debt or debts contracted by Samuel TOLLEY in the name of JAMES & TOLLEY or TOLLEY & JAMES, or any debts contracted in his name, unless by an especial order from him.
Thomas JAMES.

BIRTH this morning, the Lady of Major SOMERSET C.M.R. of a Daughter.
Graham's Town, Feb 18th 1851

BIRTH at Colesberg on Saturday the 25th January, Mrs. John CAMPBELL of a Son.

25 February 1851

DIED at Alice on the 21st instant, Amy Isabella Ann MINTO, aged 10 months and 23 days.
Alice, Feb 24th 1851.

4 March 1851

(late of Fort Beaufort)
Has the pleasure to announce that he has made arrangements with Mr. MANDY for conducting the Hotel in Bathurst Street, Graham's Town, generally known by the name of
These premises are very commodious, possessing suitable Rooms for the Traveller, and good Stabling for Horses.
Mr. McK will devote his best attention to ensure comfort to all who may favor him with their patronage and support.
The best Foreign Wines and Spirits always on hand.
Tiffins provided every day between 12 and 1 o'clock.
The Farmers of Lower Albany, Fort Beaufort and the immediate districts on the frontier are solicited to continue their support at this Hotel.
Graham's Town, Jan 21 1851.

11 March 1851

DIED at his Farm Kabeljouws River on Monday 17 February 1851, at 1 o'clock pm, Anthony Michael FERREIRA Esq, aged 48 years and 6 months, leaving a widow, large family and numerous circle of Friends to deplore the loss of an affectionate Husband and Parent, and true Friend.

18 March 1851

DIED on Saturday 22nd February 1851, Charles STONE, of the division of Victoria, Farmer, aged 35 years. Deceased was killed in action against the rebel Tambookies, under the treacherous Chief Morose, on the plains of the Wittebergen, whilst gallantly heading a party of the Aliwal Burger Volunteers, in defence of his country.
His melancholy and untimely end has cast a gloom amongst a large circle of his friends, and his relatives deeply deplore the bereavement of an affectionate husband, parent and brother.
Graham's Town, March 14 1851.

25 March 1851


We have been favored with the following useful memorandum on the subject of the steam passage to England.
"The passage per mail steamer for England is: Chief cabin, 50 guineas, and fore cabin 40 guineas, this does not include wines and spirits which are purchaseable on board, but which passengers are not allowed to take themselves. Each cabin contains two berths. The ship finds bed linen, towels &c, the fares mentioned are for half a cabin or one berth. Single passengers should arrange with a friend beforehand, to share a cabin with, to make matters agreeable.
The above arrangements are believed to be temporary. When the large class steamers commence running an alternative for the cetter [sic] will take place as regards comfort."

East End of New-Street, Graham's Town
Fine Old Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, Ale, Porter &C &c
Well Aired Bed
Excellent Stabling
The Commercial and Agricultural communities may rely on finding in this Establishment all the comforts of a home, and at very moderate charges. Private apartments if required.
An Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. Tiffins always ready.
Accountant and Commercial Agent.

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