Cape Frontier Times 1851 2 April - June
1 April 1851
Mr. W.C. EDDIE, Retired Surgeon, on the half pay of the C.M.R., being about to remove to Cape Town, for the education of his Children, requests that all Claims against him may be sent to his residence in Campbell-street for immediate adjustment.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of James ATTWELL of Alice
The first Liquidation Account and plan of Distribution in the said Estate will remain for inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, for seven days from this date – after which the same will be forwarded to the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court in Cape Town.
For Self and Co-Trustee
Graham’s Town
29th March 1851
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of David PAXTON of High-street, Graham’s Town, Baker
Cape Town, 18th March 1851
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Master’s Office, Public Buildings, Cape Town on the 23rd day of April 1851 at 10 o’clock precisely, fot the proof of debts.
Sole Trustee
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas PITT of Graham’s Town
The second Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Master’s Office, for a term of 14 days from this day – after which the Hon’ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the Distribution thereof.
Sole Trustee
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Benjamin DICKS of Graham’s Town
The Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Master’s Office, for a term of 14 days from this day – after which the Hon’ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the Distribution thereof.
Joint Trustees
8 April 1851
DIED on Friday the 28th March 1851, James BROWNLEE (late of Fort Cox) aged 27 years. Deceased was killed by Kaffirs while gallantly heading a party from his Father’s Mission Station, in pursuit of stolen Cattle. This melancholy death has spread a gloom over a large circle of Friends, and his Relatives deeply deplore the bereavement of an affectionate husband, son and brother.
King William’s Town
2nd April 1851
15 April 1851
BIRTH on Monday the 14th instant, the wife of James BLACK Esq of a Daughter.
Graham’s Town, 15th April 1851
Port Elizabeth Mercury, March 29
Our readers will remember that some time since an account appeared in the Frontier journals of an affair between a party of Colonists under Mr. W.D. PRINGLE and a number of marauding Hottentots, in which the gallantry and humanity of the English commandant were alike conspicuous. With a union of tact and courage he succeeded in disarming double his own numbers, and then allowed the rebels to make off without injuring any of them. It appears that a few of these men pointed out by Mr. BENNET as loyally disposed, were accordingly permitted to retain their arms, and were placed by Mr. PRINGLE, with a quantity of stock, on a farm a short distance from where he himself encamped for the night. During this night it appears that another farmer who had been robbed by the Hottentots whom Mr. PRINGLE had disarmed, came up to the spot with a reinforcement of Fingoes, and immediately attacked what he naturally supposed was the rebel camp. The firing was heard by Mr. PRINGLE, who rode over with his party and put a stop to it, but not before several lives were lost on both sides. This unfortunate mistake was not concealed by any of the parties concerned, and was lamented by none more than the humane and kind hearted leader of the colonists. In fact it was one of those accidents that cannot be avoided in warfare against an insurrectionary force, and must clearly be laid to the charge of those who have wickedly rebelled and taken up arms against their fellow subjects.
We observe, however, by the last Graham’s Town paper, that advantage has been taken of this circumstance to give false colouring to the whole affair, and implicate on a charge of wilful murder and robbery some of the most pious and honorable men in our community.
The charge is preferred in the form of affidavits, taken before the Magistrate at the Kat River, and to which are appended very unnecessarily the names of several Missionaries as witnesses.
22 April 1851
Municipal Advertisement
The Commissioners of the Municipality having been requested by a requisition, signed by a number of Resident Householders, to call a Public Meeting in accordance with the 28th Section of Ordnance No.__ of 1836, for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of
Assessing a rate on the Immoveable Property
situate within the Municipality, for the special purpose of defraying the expense of a
For the defence of the Town during the present critical state of affairs. Notice is hereby given to all Rate Payers that in compliance therewith
A Public Meeting
will be held for that purpose at the Town Office
on Saturday Next, the 26th instant, at 3 o’clock pm,
By Order of the Board of Commissioners
A.W. BECK, Town Clerk
Town Office, Graham’s Town
18th April 1851
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 18th inst, Mrs. John RICKIE of a daughter.
6 May 1851
DIED at D’Urban, Natal on the 20th March 1851, Mr. Alexander Philip LAMONT, aged 37 years.
The following is the substance of three Courts Martial held at Fort Hare on the 23rd ult:
1. David DAVIDS CMR was charged with “traitorous conduct” in having, at the midnight attack upon Fort Brown, on the 9th ult, whilst on sentry, permitted the enemy to take away the cattle from the kraal over which he had charge, without making resistance or giving any alarm, and quitting his post without having been relieved. The prisoner was found guilty, with the exception of such conduct being “traitorous” and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment with hard labour.
2. Toontje PIETERS CMR was charged with making away with the greater part of his ammunition, and falsely stating that he had fired it away against the enemy. He was found guilty and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment with hard labour, to receive 50 lashes, and to forfeit all claim to good conduct pay, and to pension on discharge.
3. William MARTIN RB 91st Regt, for deserting from his regt, on the 15th June 1850, was sentenced to be transported as a felon for five years, and to be marked with the letter D.
There can be but one opinion as to the proceedings, at least in the case of the first prisoner tried, viz: that they are a farce and a mockery. It seems, in the opinion of the British officers composing this Court Martial, that to abandon his post in time of war, and to permit the enemy to plunder property under his charge, is not “traitorous conduct” in a soldier!! If the man had stolen a sheep, the law would have punished him more severely than he has been by sentence of this court. Time does not admit of further comment.
13 May 1851
Peremptory Sale of Landed Property at Port Elizabeth
Messrs. Samuel KERR and Wm. HYMAN, the Executors Testamentary to the Estate of the late Mr. Thomas COLLING Sen, have instructed the undersigned to sell publicly
On Wednesday the 21st May
At 12 o’clock on the spot,
Certain Three Lots of Ground
Each 55 x 75 feet, being sub-division of the Erf No. 19, adjoining the late Mr. WELSFORD’s Property and facing the New Chapel, in the Town of Port Elizabeth.
The Condition of Sale and Plan of the Property can be seen after the 12th May next at the stores of Mr, HYMAN, Port Elizabeth, or at the Office of
S.J.v K. DU TOIT, Auctioneer
Uitenhage Town, May 1851
Boarding and Day School
Mr. and Mrs. BARBER beg to acquaint the Inhabitants of Graaff-Reinet, and the public generally, that they have established a
Boarding a Day School
At Graaff-Reinet
Mr. and Mrs. B have vacancies for a few Boarders, and they beg to assure those Parents who may commit their Children to their care that every attention will be paid to the domestic comfort and moral habits of their Pupils, as well as to their progress in every branch of a good English Education.
Market-square, Graaff-Reinet
April 1851
I hereby give notice to the Public that I will not be answerable for any debts contracted by my wife Emily JOHNSON (born HEATH) from and after the date hereof, or ratify any act or deed performed or executed by her without my consent. And further, any person harboring her from this date will be prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the law she, the said Emily JOHNSON, having maliciously deserted from her home.
Graham’s Town, May 13th 1851
20 May 1851
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the Co-Partnership between the Undersigned, Wm. GREIG, of White Hart Court, Lombard-street in the City of London, and of the Cape of Good Hope, Merchant; and George GREIG of the same places, Merchant; carrying on business in London under the Firm “Wm.GREIG and Company” and at the Cape of Good Hope under the Firm “George GREIG and Company” – was dissolved on the 26th day of September 1850. Dated in London, the 14th December 1850.
William GREIG
George GREG
27 May 1851
DIED at King William’s Town on the 22nd May 1851, the beloved Wife of J.P. KIDSON and third Daughter of K. and Ann KNOTT, aged 28 years, deeply lamented by a numerous circle of relatives and friends, and leaving three children to deplore her loss.
3 June 1851
Steam Flour Mills and Bakery
CAIRNCROSS & Son having erected Steam Mills on their Premises, Grave-street, Cape Town, have constantly on sale Meal, Flour, Bran, Biscuits &c.
10 June 1851
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Charles Joseph GREY of Fort Peddie.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are requested to take notice that, by an order of the Honorable the Supreme Court, bearing date the 23rd May instant, the undersigned has been appointed Trustee provisionally, until such time as the Creditors in the said Estate shall make choice of a Trustee or Trustees to administer the same.
All parties indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their accounts within four weeks from the date thereof to prevent legal proceedings being instituted against them.
Provisional Trustee
Graham’s Town, 29th May 1851
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry GODFREY of Graham’s Town.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are requested to take notice that, by an order of the Honorable the Supreme Court, bearing date the 23rd May instant, the undersigned has been appointed Trustee provisionally, until such time as the Creditors in the said Estate shall make choice of a Trustee or Trustees to administer the same.
All parties indebted to the said Estate are requested to settle their accounts within four weeks from the date thereof to prevent legal proceedings being instituted against them.
Provisional Trustee
Graham’s Town, 29th May 1851
The Undersigned begs to inform the Public that he has removed from High-Street to the Premises lately occupied by Mr. KIDSON in Bathurst-street, where he still accommodates Travellers as usual.
NB Two or three Boarders can be accommodated.
17 June 1851
DIED at Cradock on the 1st instant, at the residence of his Son-in-Law, Mr. J. WALKER, at the advanced age of 83 years, Mr. Jonathan WAINWRIGHT, formerly of Leeds, Yorkshire. Deceased was distinguished through a long and arduous career, and in the midst of extensive commercial engagements, for two qualities rarely found united in the same individual – great simplicity and unconquerable energy of character, while from his youth piety was his predominant principle: “Diligent in business, fervent in spirit serving the Lord”. Of late years, from deafness and other infirmities, to the world he was little known; those alone most intimately acquainted with him can appreciate the sterling woth of his character.
To Farmers & Others
Market Agent
Begs to inform his Friends and the Public in general that he intends to devote his whole time to Receiving and Delivering Loads safe – the amount of which will be sent to the party or placed in one of the Banks if required.
A Good Dry Store to place any Produce in if not sold (Oat Hay excepted).
Terms, 6s each waggon.
Address as above, Chapel-street, near the Old Wesleyan Chapel.
24 June 1851
£10 Reward
Lost or Stolen from Commando Kraal, about the end of last month (May), Three Mares of the following description:
A bay Mare, aged, stands about 12 hands high, with a star on forehead and two remarkable white places under each eye.
A slate-coloured Mare, aged, stands about 14 hands 3 inches high, one white hind foot.
A chestnut Mare, rising four years, a blaze, and white on three of her legs, marked W.P.
Whoever will bring the above Mares to Mr. PULLEN, either at Cradock Town or Quaggas Flat, shall receive the above reward.
Port Elizabeth
June 18th 1851.
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