Daily News 2014 05 May
1 May 2014
ALLANSON Donald (Jack-Bompa) + 29 Nov 2014. Missed by Janet, Stephen, Louise, Martin, Melissa, Michael, Katelyn, Christopher, Geoffrey, Shannon, Mia, Zara, Charlotte and Ernie. Celebration of his life at Riverside Hotel on 5 May 2014 at 4pm. RSVP Louise at 031 5638434.
BECKLEY Peter (Pete) + 27 April 2014 result of a car accident . Son of Di & + Bill. Father of Alex and Jack. Brother of James, Wendy, Judy, Debbie, Mike, Johnny, and David. Friend of Jennifer. Memorial at Kloof Harvest Church 9 May 2014 at 11am.
FLORENS Patrick Michael (Mike) 1 Sept 1929 -----23 April 2014. Condolences to Maureen from The Catholic Order of the Knights of Da Gama St Nicholas Council 25. Brother Mike serves 25 years. Fraternally Yours. Grand Knight Ben POTGIETER.
HULTON Wilfred Jack + 27 April 2014 in Johannesburg in Linksfield Hospital Johannesburg, at age 99 years. Photographer and chairman of Photographic Society. Former director of Peterhouse LTD and Taeuber & Corssen, reknowned Leica expert and teacher. He was married to Heather for 73 years. 2 daughters and one son. Funeral at St Luke's Anglican Church Orchards 2192, on 3 May 2014 at 10am.
JEUDWINE Helen 23 Dec 1912 ------29 April 2014 .Loved by St Agnes Church family.
LUNDY David John 30 Oct 1988 ----26 April 2014. Son and brother. Memorial at Westville Baptist Church Westville on 2 May 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MANDLBAUR Yvette Charmaine. Funeral at St Margaret's Anglican Curch Bluff on 2 May 2014 at 1pm. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.
MGAGA S'phamandla (Detective-Constable) + 29 April 2014 and his cousin Nonkululeko MGAGA + 29 April 2014 were shot in Ladysmith. They were both 28 years old.
PILLAY Collin + 29 April 2014 x Cookie PILLAY. Eldest son of Mrs Nithia & + Siva PILLAY. Father to Sumeshan and Preashan PILLAY and father-in-law of Ludfiya. Eldest brother of Pravin, Mala and Kammy. Service on 3 May 2014 from 11-----3pm at 1 Citrine Rd, Croydon Kempton Park, Johannesburg. Proceeding to Brixton Crematorium from 3:30----4pm.
BROUGHTON Shaun 18 years gone now. Remembered by Dad, Mom, Warren, Ryan, Chan and Bianca.
HONE John 10 April 1947 -----1 May 2012. Remembered by Barbara, Gareth and Carryn.
SENNA Ayrton + 1994 . Remembered by Hennie & Rosa VERWEY; Quintin JOHNSON.
2 May 2014
BABULAL Kala + 1 May 2014 at age 64 years. She lived in Clare Estate and her house was burned down with her in it.
SPEELMAN Klaasie. Body was found on 29 April 2014. He was murdered. He was the biological father of murdered Anene BOOYSEN.
VAN NIEKERK Stephen Douglas. Husband , father and grandfather. Celebration of his life at The Oasis Church Howick on 3 May 2014 at 10:30am.
LANE Jennifer May ID 450330 0073 08 6 + 5 Dec 2013 of 48 Durnford Ave La Lucia 4051. ESTATE No. 227/2014/DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY INC. 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111. REF:- 4876/A Whatmore/I Laatz.
KWEYAMA Jabulani Michael ID 570213 5669 08 9 + none x Thokozile Mirriam KWEYAMA ID 571205 0312 08 6 of 30225 Mepho Rd Kwangcolosi KZN. ESTATE No 14062/2013/DBN. M E MBELE & CO P O Box 2232 Pinetown 3600. TEL:- 031
NAIDOO Logambal ID 470215 0145 08 1 + 15 Sept 2010 of 27 Ponati Street, Shallcross, Durban. ESTATE No. 17351/2010 . HARKOO , BRIJLAL & REDDY INC, 155 Mathews Meyiwa Rd, Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3032727.
NANA Mahendra ID 420524 5179 08 1 + none of 3 New Gate Hall 386 New Germany Rd, Reservoir Hills, Durban. ESTATE No 6418/2013/DBN. SHABEER JOOSAB ATTORNEYS , Suite 1, First Floor, 500 Ridge Rd, Durban.
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Christiaan Andries ID 430716 5076 08 5 + 5 Jan 2012 x Magdalena Johanna Maria VAN DER WESTHUIZEN ID 520322 0095 08 2 of 2 Mount Rd, Amanzimtoti. ESTATE No 4046/12/DBN. JACKSON & AMEEN. 320 Anton Lembede Street, 10th Floor, Mercury House Office 1003, Durban 4001.
9 May 2014
ABRAHAM Pamela ID 310911 0056 08 8 + 7 Dec 2012 of Sunnyside Park Home, Pietermaritzburg. ESTATE No 3774/2013/PMB. RSM BETTY & DICKSON P O Box 2120 , Westville 3630.
DORASAMY Bagain ID 200403 0261 08 5 + 8 Jan 2003 of 23 Recreation Drive, Marianhill, Pinetown. ESTATE No 9332/2012/DBN. DEKER GOVENDER 77 Blackburn Rd, Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5645154.
ENOCH Eligius ID 480730 5105 08 6 + 6 Nov 2013 of 4 Kabeljou Rd, Newlands East Durban x June ENOCH ID 550608 0016 08 3 . ESTATE No 15767/2013/DBN. MOHAMED KHAN & ASSOCIATES P O Box 70809, Overport. TEL:- 031 2081785. FAX 0866169538.
HURKENS Hanna Emilie Minna ID 240925 0055 18 4 + 4 March 2014 of Alexandra Home Scottburgh KZN. ESTATE No 4314/2014. IAN WEST P O Box 87183, Houghton 2041, Johannesburg.
KHAN Abdul Khaleck ID 460204 5482 08 9 + 4 Oct 2013 of 11 Rosemary Grove Sydenham x Salmah Bee Bee KHAN ID 480212 0094 08 6. ESTATE No. 4300/2014/DBN. MOHAMED KHAN & ASSOCIATES P O Box 70809, Overport. TEL:- 031 2081785. FAX 0866169538.
SOLYMOSI Anna ID 340427 0044 18 4 + 7 Nov 2013 of Natal Settlers Home 1A James Cottage, 17 Hutchinson Rd, Umbilo x Jozsef SOLYMOSI ID 350826 5045 18 6 . ESTATE No 16955/2013 DBN. BRADLEY ALIPHON ATTORNEYS, 12 Sagewood Way, GlenAnil 4051. TEL:- 031 5621118.
NAIDOO Veerasamy Loga ID 510919 5106 08 7 + 7 Sept 2013 x Precilla NAIDOO ID 560317 0145 08 6 in Community of Property. Address 30 Lloyd Street, Cabooture, Queensland Australia. ESTATE No.9534/2013. SUBHASH MAIKOO AND ASSOCIATES 484 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 033 3427173. FAX:- 033 3427174. ( REF:- 13N200001/CS/ss)
12 May 2014
Durbanville Memorial Park on 12 May 2014 at 10am.
McGREGOR Iain + 11 May 2014 at age 52 of a heart attack in the final round of the Madeira Open. He was a Zimbabwean caddy. He was working for Scotland's Alastair FORSYTH when he collapsed at the 9th hole. (LISBON).
MUTEBUSI Jules + 9 May 2014 at age 54 years in Kigali. He was former Democratic Republic of Congo rebel leader. He lived in exile in Kigali. Sapa-AFP KINSHASA
NAIDOO Vinothan Ponnusamy (Captain VP) x Theresa. Father of Bradley and Alecia. Father-in-law of Jarred. Funeral on 13 May 2014 at The Sunthoshum Avangelical Church Isipingo Rail from 11:30am. Proceeding to The Claire Estate Crematorium. TEL:- 082 3625693.
THOMSON Stephanie 13 March 1924 ----8 May 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Will be missed by Margie, Robin and Lindy, Elise and their families, great-grandchildren Greg, Carole and family. Memorial at Flame Lily Park Queensburgh on 13 May 2014 at 09:30am.
STEWART Greg 30 Sept 1974 ----11 May 2006. From Rod and family.
13 May 2014
McNEE Brandon & Andrea a girl Alexa Margaret. Granddaughter of Richard & Jenny OSBORNE; From family Uncle Haddles & aunty Daniela and cousin Jessie.; Greatgrandchild for Carl HITZE and Jean MITCHEL; Congratulations from Teressa & Primrose.
MOODLEY Annamalai Narisimulu (Sam Mama)* 13 May 1924 x Rava 1947. Congratulations from Blakie & John (Tila & Somie) and their siblings, children of + Vinayagam and Parvathy MUDALY family. Inserted by Thila NAYAGER and Som MUDALY.
MOODLEY Kamerin Happy 21st Birthday from Moleen, Kamenika and Ma.
RABINOWITZ Madeleine . Consecration of headstone at Redhill Cemetery Jewish section on 13 May 2014 at 10am.
MIDLANDS DAM TRAGEDY:- Children that died + 12 May 2014 all from Rietvlei :-
KHANYILE Amanda (11) . Sister of Sthabiso(12) and Snenhlanhla (12). Son of Sfiso.
MAYEKISO Lindokuhle (7 years) Son of Happiness SHEZI. Brother of Ntombizodwa (12), Nosindiso (17) and Nonkululeko (14). They survived.
MHLONGO Sindisiwe (10)
PHUNGULA Nokwazi, daughter of Jabulile. Her brother Senzo survived, as he was home with chickenpox.
SHELEMBE Pumlani age 17 years. Son of Victoria SHELEMBE.
BOZAS Tasia. Condolences to Diamond and family from Hans, Stravroula and family.
CHISLETT Thomas Alfred( Tom) 1937 ----10 May 2014 x + Yvonne Marion CHISLETT. Uncle of Seth BAISE . Fried of his sister-in-law Colleen Jill CROSSLEY. No Funeral or Memorial. Ashes will be placed next to his wife's ashes at Stellawood Cemetery. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
GIELINK Roland Martin. Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel on 16 May 2014 at 1pm. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
GODWIN Keith Archie . Memorial on 16 May 2014 at Pennington Methodist Church at 10:30am. Refreshments at Umdoni Village Bowling Club.
HARRINGTON Joseph . Funeral at St Michaels Parish Redhill on 14 May 2014 at 10am.
JANSEN Mike 3 March 1932 -----9 May 2014. Husband ,Father and grandfather, Helen, Diana and Ralph, Sarah and Johan, Dean, Brett and Ryan.
KEMPSON Dennis Charles 4 March 1937 ---10 May 2014 x Freda. Father to Denise, Sandra and Tony. Father-in-law of Samantha and Gavin.
KIVELL Stan. Will be missed by Ken, Di, Myles, Sharon, Bruce and Lee. Our hearts go out to Sue and family.
MOODLEY Tommy x Kogie. Father of Deshan and Thanusha. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium on 13 May 2014 from 2pm ----4pm. Cremation at 4pm.
MORRISON John. Funeral at Crab Apple Chapel, District Rd 17, The Dargle on 17 May 2014 at 10am. Proceeding to St Andrew's for burial.OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
NAIDOO Nagamma (Lillyma) x + Ramaloo NAIDOO. Mother of Glaris, Monica, Rajen(Pushy) and + Julian (Cpt HR NAIDOO). Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother. 15th and 16th Day Memorial on 14 May 2014 from 7pm at Merebank Community Hall Merebank. Supper at 6pm.
NAIDOO Sadhasivan (Mickey) x Ramini. Father of Schanice and Bevan. Funeral at his home 32 Crocus Rd Asherville on 13 May 2014 from 10:30am ---12:30pm. Proceeding to Asherville Grounds till 4pm Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium at 4:30pm. CENTRAL Funerals 031 8361440.
PILLAI PAYNE (Mr GOVENDER) x +Saras (Gigi) father of Kisna(Kissen), and Nageshnee.Body will lie in state at his residence Chatsworth Rd 751, House No 2 on 14 May 2014 from 10am ----1pm Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium at 13:30 for cremation at 4pm.
PREEN Melissa + 10 May 2014. Condolences to Robin and family from her cousin Denis.
SCHWEGMANN (Gordon) Gary 3 May 1934 ----8 May 2014. Now with Mom. Father of David, Karlene, Tayla, Jenna, Cameron and Hannah.
SPENCE-ROSS Graham *1949 --- 11 May 2014 after unforunate accident x Cheryl. Father of Royden and Bronwyn. Memorial at The Methodist Curch Hillcrest on 19 May 2014 at 10am. MARTIN'S Pinetown 031 7092142.
TOWNLEY Chad Burton (Chaddy) 3 Nov 1989 ----11 May 2014 tragically. From Dad Keith and Mom Cooks, sister Tanith. Funeral at Methodist Church Hillcrest on 16 May 2014 at 3pm. OAKLEIGH TEL:- 031 2059959.
TURCO Enio + 11 May 2014 in Australia. Husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle.
WALHUTER Rowena . From Bill.
14 May 2014
BENDJELLOUL Malik * 1977 in Ystad + 13 May 2014 in Stockholm at age 36 years. He was a Swedish director. He won an Oscar for his 2012 documentary "Searching for Sugar Man". He was born to an Algerian father and a Swedish mother. - Sapa
CHETTY Lutchmee (Bommie) + 13 May 2014 just hours after she received a wheelchair (donated). She was a community activist from Chatsworth. Funeral 15 May 2014.
GORE Geoffrey 9 Sept 1949 ------11 May 2014. Brother, Father and grandfather. TEL:- 082 4413724.
PHUNGULA Andile Samuel + 12 May 2014 at age 27 years. His car was stationary (breakdown) when PMB Mayor's car crashed into his car on N3.
VERMEULEN Pam + 11 May 2014. Love from Derek , Kevin and grand and great grandchildren. As per wish no funeral or memorial.
16 May 2014
DAMONS Karl Morgan . Funeral on 17 May 2014 at St Martin De Porres Catholic Church PMB at 12pm.
SCHNAAR Mervyn + 14 May 2014. Passed away in Cape Town. Will be missed by Mike, Norma, JJ, Shevaun, you best playmate Keean, Simon, Delia, Nicholas, Christopher and Kimberley.
19 May 2014
KNOESEN nee McCANN Darryn & Claire a boy David Alexander * 12 May 2014 in Perth Australia. Brother to James.
DAVIS Dudley 2 Oct 1950 -----16 May 2014. Missed by Mom and family.
GOVENDER Dr Manivanan x Dr Komala NAIDU. Father of Sundhiren and Sulini. Son of Gona & + Dhanalutchmee GOVENDER. Brother of Thavanesi, Puvendiran, Revathi, Rasiga and Magasvaran. Grandson of Mr & Mrs V.M. MOODLEY. Funeral on 19 May 2014 . Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2----5pm .
HOLMAN Sheilagh Eleanor 18 Aug 1952 -----14 May 2014. Mother of Myles, Tyron and Jason. Sister of Dolores. Grandmother of Ethan and Alyssa. Memorial and cremation private. AVBOB 031 2061831.
MASUKU Bongani + 17 May 2014. He was Killed. He was a vocalist for Johnny CLEGG. He started working for CLEGG in 1992.
MASIKANE Luhluthando and NDLOVU Luthando both 4 years, fell in a sewage pit and drowned at Nothisiwe Creche Nqutu last week.
PILLAY B T Thanabykum 25 Dec 1926 -----6 May 2014 .16th Day Memorial on 20 May 2014 at Umhlatuzana Temple Hall at 17-----19h00. Supper will be served.
DUNN Brian + 18 May 2013 x Beulah. Father, grand and great-grandfather.
MARSHALL Myna 14 May 1915 ----17 May 2001 . Mother and grandmother of Carol
and Kerryn.
WILLIAMS Gavis Edward (Tony). Immense gratitude to his 7 children and their spouses , Dawn VAN WYK, Members of A.O.G Family Church, Newlands East, Pastor Anton MARILLIER and apostle Colin LA FOY, staff at Albert Luthuli Hospital. Claims against estate contact 031 5776173 with proof. Mavis.
20 May 2014
EDWARDS Sam & Melissa a daughter Sophie Fero * 13 May 2014. Grandchild for Tom & Susan EDWARDS and David & Michele GILLMER.
ARMSTRONG Michael William + 12 May 2014. From Rob, Moira, Claire, Shona and Michael.
BLACK Donald Edward 16 March 1929 -----16 May 2014 x + Edith. Father of Graham, father-in-law of Driekie. Private cremation.
CULLEN Patrick Leonard + 16 May 2014 of Johannesburg & the UK x Angela. Father of Tim, Nick and Clare. Funeral at our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Sandton at 12pm on 23 May 2014.
CUNNINGHAM-GRAHAM Dr Heather x Stuart. Mother of James, Heath and Christopher. Memorial at St Olav's Church Musgrave Durban on 22 May 2014 at 2pm.
DALE Alan Dennis 3 April 1931 -------16 May 2014 . Father and grandfather of Bruce, Roz, Kirst and Brandon. Memorial at St Olavs Church , St Thomas Rd, on 21 May 2014 at 2pm.
EKSTEEN Noel. Will be missed. MARTIN'S Pinetown 031 7092142.
FARRELL nee REZIN formally HOLLOWAY Patricia Jean + 10 May 2014. Mother of Anne and Alan.
GOVENDER Moganathan (Steven). Funeral on 20 May 2014. Body will lie in state at 23 Arbenhome Crescent, Unit 6, Chatsworth from 10:30am to 13:30. Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Cremetery for burial.
GCWENSA Wonderboy (missing for 2 weeks) body was found on Thursday 15 May 2014.
MARBROUKI C M (Cornelius ) + 19 May 2014. Husband, father and family member. He lived in our block of flats [private].
NAIDOO Tidda x Dolly. Father of Cookie, Margie, Gordon, Mervyn and Denise. Funeral on 20 May 2014 at Bayview Christian Fellowship Umhlatuzana at 12noon. Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium at 1:30pm.
NIXON Meryl + 15 May 2014 x Platon. Mother and mother-in-law of Darren & Kim, Roston & Kerry, Colin & Lyn. Grandmother of Devon, Keagan, Jonathan and Tayla. Memorial at Presbyterian Church Port Shepstone on 23 May 2014 at 10:30am.
NUNS-SMITH Charles 13 Nov 1942 -----15 May 2014 x Dawn . Father of Melanie and + Debbie. Grandfather of Sydney and Courtney. Memorial at Highway Christian Community on 22 May 2014 at 15:30pm.
RICHARDS-EDWARD Heather x Stuart. Mother of James, Heath and Christopher. Memorial at St Olav's Church on 22 May 2014 at 2pm.
STANLEY Frank Dias (Frank, Zader, Grandad) 25 July 1929 ----17 May 2014 x Margaret. Father of Cheryl and Louise. Grand and great-grandfather. Private Cremation as per request.
TAYLOR John Edwin + 15 May 2014. Husband, father and grandfather.Memorial on 21 May 2014 at Horison Methodist Church Horison at 11a..
NARIAN THATHIAN 2 Sept 1937 ------18 May 2014 x Logambal. Father of Pravesh, Naveshni, + Vinesh, fathe-in-law of Virginia and Anthony. Grandfather of Braden, Nicole, Natasha and Suvesh. Funeral on 22 May 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium. Body will lie in state from 11am ---1pm.
VAN SCHALKWYK Oriana Mary + 15 May 2014. Sister of Sandra, Sabrina, sister-in-law of Brian, Ian and aunt to Tess, Mark, Tarryn, + Gwyn, Mark and great-aunt to Tyler. Memorial at Outspan Retirement Home on 21 May 2014 at 0930am.
NIELSON Shirley Maureen 18 Dec 1934 ----20 May 2013. Mother of Ivan, Rob, Verona, Tyla, Carmen, Angie and Amber.
PAUL KAY . 2 years gone now. Remembered by Heather, Duncan and families.
SCRIBANTE Remo. Son and brother.
VARGA Chelea 5 Dec 1992 ----20 May 2007. From Di, Darren and Bruce; Sister of Chevaun and Mom.; Grandma and Grandpa; Niece of Sha & Tony; From Dad, Kerry, Trent and Simone.;Debz and Dazz.
YATES Eddie 1936 ----20 May 1999 x Rachel and father of 3.
YATES Lily. Sister of Sylvia.
21 May 2014
LEVY Dr. Wallace Michael + 19May 2014. Father of Janet and Wendy. Father-in-law of Doron and Steven. Grandfather of Zev, Lia, Drew and Laura; From Phyllis and family.
RAINS Allan Woodrow 19 Dec 1946 -20 May 2010. Love from Teresa, Bradley, Nicky, Chloe, Chris, Hilton, Eon and Cindy.
22 May 2014
KINGON Getrude Millicent (Granny K) 15 July 1922 ----19 May 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Rory, Karen, Sandra, Robbie, Matthew, Maichael, Caitlyn and Lincoln, Hilary, Gussie, Tracy, Duncan and family; John , Liz, Jonothan, Andrew, Melanie and families; Rod, Lesley and family.
MABASO Nombuso + 20 May 2014. Shot in Wembezi Estcourt.
NKOSI Msawenkosi + 20 May 2014. Shot in Wembezi Estcourt.
SHATZ Boris + 15 May 2014. Friend of Pam & Boetie.
MADLALA Thokozani + 21 May 2014 at age 51 in Cleland. He was murdered. She was from Pietermaritzburg.
SEWPARSAD Parvathy (68) + 21 May 2014 x Billy (71). They had an accident in Ladysmith due to a trench dug across the road.
HOILE Margaret + 23 May 2012 . Miss you from Alec & Gary, Lauren, Barry, Wendy and Alan.
29 May 2014
AUNGIERS Jasper Donald 10 March 1922 ----27 May 2014 at Amberfield Howick x Patricia. Father of Clive, Jane and Hyde, Susan and Mark, Randal and Barbara, Helen and Pierre, Jasper and Tracy. Grand and great-grandfather.
BOWERS Charlie 27 May 1920 ----26 May 2014 .Known for his 68 years of preaching. Married to Eileen. Funeral on 31 May 2014 at Yellowwood Park Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 2pm.
DONEY Donald John Fabian + 27 May 2014. From Frances, Prudence and Tim.
GRADINSKI Milo. Howick Flying Club mourns the loss of Milo & Dave in tragic gliding accident. Cathy, Jo and Nick together with Nikola, Marko and Alex our condolences on passing of two great men.
HALL Dave. Howick Flying Club mourns the loss of Milo & Dave in tragic gliding accident. Cathy, Jo and Nick together with Nikola, Marko and Alex our condolences on passing of two great men.
HALL David John 16 Sept 1948 ----24 May 2014 .Husband and father of Katherine and Nicholas and Joanna. Memorial at The Greyhound Hall at Kearsney College Bothas Hill on 2 June 2014 at 10:30am.
LINTON Dennis + 19 May 2014 in Scotland. Husband and father and grandfather. From Pat, Lisa, Ryan, Pam, Samuel and Aaron.
MOORE Brian Terence + 17 May 2014 in Dubai UAE x Lazelle. Step-father of Che and Kyle. Son of Olive MOORE. Memorial at Glenwood Presbyterian Church Frere Rd on 30 May 2014 at 12 noon. OAKLEIGH -31 2059959.
NEIL Frank at age 95 years. Father of Patricia , father-in-law of George and grandfather of Nicholas and Sophie, Jessica and great-grandfather of Finnley.
O'CONNELL Brian Godfrey + 24 May 2014. RIP from Ann. Memorial gathering and Wake at Kranzkloof Nature Reserve Interpretive Centre Kloof Falls Rd Kloof on 29 May 2014 at 3pm.
PAVERD Barbara (Aunty Barbs) + 27 May 2014. Friend of Sammy, Craig, Evon, Corne, Neil and Claire.
SCHMITZ Elisabeth (Lisa) + 26 May 2014. Mother of Ludy, Elma, Ronnie and Desi.
THOMSON Gavin 21 Sept 1930-----25 May 2014. Memorial 31 May 2014 at Bartle House Durban at 13:30pm.
VAN STADEN Johannes Stephanus 11 Dec 1926 ----25 May 2014 x Lenie and father. (Waterfall) Cremation Service at Crossroads Family Church Underwood Rd Pinetown on 30 May 2014 at 10:30pm. Cremation private. AVBOB TEL:- 031 2061831.
BRACCO Marco Alexandar 1 April 1970 ---29 May 2013. Husband, father and brother. From Carla, Sebastiano, Carlo, Nicole, Catherine, Matt and the BEARD family.
VENTER Stephen. 31 years gone now. Miss you from Dad, Mom, David and Tracey.
HEYES Thomas Ronald (Ron) 23 Dec 1929 ----23 May 2014 (22SAS C Sqn (Malaya). He passed away in Cyprus. Father of Kim, Colleen, Gary, Lynne and Ronald. Funeral on 9 June 2014 at 16h00 (UK time).
JOSLIN John C + 22 May 2014 at age 75 years at Milpark Hospital in Auckland Park. Father of Murray JOSLIN and Laura MEEREDEW.
JOSSEL Mimi + 26 May 2014. Mother of Wendy and Winky; Mother of Neville and Lee; Remembered by her family, Wendy, Neville, Winky, Vanessa, Nicky, Doron, Cathy, Trevor, Vicci, Micky, Jon, Emily, Sarah and great-grandchildren.
PINTUSEWITZ Jack x Lorriane. Father of Jody, Tessa, Clive , Ovadia, Sue and the 5 boys.
GERRITSEN Wilhelmina Petronella ID 420117 0064 08 3 + 3 Aug 2013 of 134 Bankhead Rd Hillary. ESTATE No 14080/2013. VINAY GOVENDER & ASSOCIATES 175 Stella Rd, Hllary 4094 PO Box 31032, Merebank 4059.
REDDY Balakisten ID 401028 5077 08 2 + 7 Nov 2013 of 18 Cuppamma Place, Clare Estate x Devani REDDY ID 440103 0133 08 2. ESTATE No 21259/2014. ANAND DORASAMY & ASSOCIATES P O Box 65008, Reservoir Hills 4090.
HOFFMAN Ralph Alan ID 350519 5039 08 1 + 28 June 2013 of 36 Northfield 11 The Drive, Durban North. ESTATE No. 10196/2013/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS P O Box 1434, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 2085158.
PANDAY Bhagwanthee ID 470412 0069 08 6 + 31 Jan 2013 of 61 O'Flaherty Rd Clare Estate Durban x Juggdeswarpersad Sanduth PANDAY ID 390320 5056 08 0. ESTATE No. 10922/13/DBN. UREESH DORASAMY & ASSOCIATES 33 O'Flaherty Rd P O Box 65008, Reservoir Hills 4090.
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