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Daily News

Daily News 2014 06 June

2 June 2014


VAN DAM Derek (ENCA weatherman) & Tara HOSSACK (Host and producer of Runners World Radio and Bicycling Broadcast) got engaged at Comrades after they both came in from their run.


CHARLES (NAGAN) Mavis 27 Aug 1920 ----30 May 2014. Mother of Gerald, + Neville and Sylvester. Sister of Eddie NAGAN. Mother-in-law of Mali, Dylene and Rani. Funeral at St Aiden's Church on 3 June 2014 at 10h00.

DEVLIN Philip Percy 6 June 1931 -----20 May 2014. Brother, father and grandfather. Together now with Mom. From Maureen, Dana and Sean. Memorial at Rosebank Union Church on 5 June 2014 at 10am.

3 June 2014


RAMALOO Shirley 50th Birthday.Mother and grandmother.


JARRETT David & Leanne x 30 years ago. Parents and grandparents of Bryce, Brandon and Chelsea.


ARUNDEL John Robert . Memorial at Queensburgh Methodist Church Northdene on 3 June 2014 at 3pm. DOVES 0860025500

ATKINSON Sylvia + 31 May 2014. Wife , mother and grandmother. Memorial 3 June 2014 at Sanddown Village Pinetown at 2pm.

CAMP Daniel 16 Feb 2007 ----22 May 2014 tragically in New Zealand. Son of Peter & Sheena. Brother Joshua.

DANILEWITZ Daniel (Danny) + 31 May 2014 in Austin Texas. Will be missed by Hillary, Wolf, Debbie, Jeff, Lisa, Dean and families.

KARLSEN Michael Bruce 22 Nov 1985 -----30 May 2014. Tragically. Service at Insingizi Lodge, Mid Illovo on 5 June 2014 at 1:30pm. 

KING John Douglas Sheard 5 April 1928 ----31 May 2014 x Gwen. Father, grand and great-grandfather. Funeral at Westville Methodist Church on 6 June 2014 at 2pm. BELL Funerals 031 301 4793.

McTAVISH Ian Chisholm + 1 June 2014. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MEYER Neville + 29 May 2014. Memorial at Bartle House Umbilo on 6 June 2014.

RAE Thelma Florence (Aunty Thel) 9 May 1922 --- 30 May 2014 x + Barton. Sister of Hazel. Aunt of Murray, Ann, Mark and John. Memorial at Tuinsig Berea on 4 June 2014 at 11am. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.

SMITH Cecelia Paulna (Bokkie) 9 March 1937 ------30 May 2014. Missed by your family:- Lillian VAN VELDEN and Paul FLETCHER, Tatiana, Robin, and Juliet MACKINNON, Anthony, Natasha and Tegan VAN VELDEN and Richard VAN ROOYEN. Memorial at Moth Shell Hole Pinetown on 4 June 2014 at 2pm.

SOUTHWOOD Sidney Michael 1920 ----2014. Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Umbilo on 3 June 2014 at 2pm. BELL 031 3014793.

STAFFORD-MAYER Bob. Brother of Ivy, Miki and Shirley; Missed by Pam, Marc, Karen and Pixy. Service at Stellawood Chapel on 4 June 2014 at 2pm. Tea afterwards at NSA Gallery.

VAN GREUNING Matthys Jacobus (Ben) + 31 May 2014 x Seringa (was NORTJE before). Father of Henry, Benny and Freddy, their wifes and children.

WOOD Mervyn Roy + 30 May 2014 x Carol. Father of Janine & Stuart, Graesen & Owen, Lisa & Mike & Matt. Grandfather of Roxxi, Reuben and Tamsyn. Thanks to Leon AHLERS.


LESTER DALE 1979-----2000. Remembered by Dad & Mom.

WORTHINGTON Lindley Douglas. 6 years gone now. Remembered by Lynn, David, Gregory, Greg, Kevin, Cath, Karen, Michael, Sarah and Mark. Wish you had met Sam, Natascha and Dylan.

6 June 2014


Mc TAVISH Ian Chisholm CHISHOLM x Heather. Father and grandfather. Brother-in-law of Joy and Vernon. Uncle to Kerry and Lindy; Will be missed by Carol, Ronan and Billy; Will be rememberd by his sons CHISHOLM and family in Australia.

9 June 2014


COHEN Clayton + 4 June 2014. Nephew and cousin. RIP. Malcolm, Dianne, Leanne, Jason, Lauren KUPRITZ and family.

SHAPIRO Pearl . Cousin of Pearl, Stanley, Annette and Marlene.

TOMLINSON Kathleen May 1 May 1921 -----3 June 2014 in Knysna.

10 June 2014


RUTHERFOORD nee SCHNEIDER Scott & Julia a boy Sebastian Szilva * 29 May 2014 in Westville Hospital. Brother for Knox and Harrison.


ANTHONISEN Bernice & Geoff announce engagement of their daughter Robyn to Matthew, son of Lillian & Neil WAINWRIGHT.

DOEPKE-WOOLLATT Geoff & Irene WOOLLATT announce engagement of their daughter Jessica to Steven, son of Ralf an Gloria DOEPKE.


LOS ANGELES:- Couple shot officer SOLDO Igor at the back in his head he died. And officer Alyn BECK was shot in the throat erea. He also died. The the couple holed up at back of Walmart. The couple MILLAR Jerad and Amanda. Amanda (22) shot Jerad(31 ) and then herself.

ANTHONY Goinsamy + 7 June 2014 x Dharama. Father of Ravi, Lenny ANTHONY, Lorraine SARAPPA. Father-in-law of Daisy & Joeleen ANTHONY and Nelson SARAPPA. 9 grandchildren.

DRINN Ruth + 8 June 2014 x + Conway DRINN . Mother, garand and great-grandmother.

DU BOIS nee BOWMAN Valerie Jane 19 July 1926 -------6 June 2014 x Lloyd. Mother of Gail, Mark & Jen. Gran to Marc, David, Kellie, Matt, Talisa & Jono. Great-grandmother to Aiden.

DU PREEZ Louis + at age 38 years from multiple organ failure after running the Comrades marathon. He was from Pretoria and died in St Augustine's Hospital. Louis x Annalie. Father of Megan (16) and Ruan (13). Memorial on Friday in Pretoria.

HERCHENRODER Peggy + 8 June 2014. Missed by Marlene, Ricky family and friends.

LUDEN Rachel Magdalena + 4 June 2014. Mother of Jeni, Audrey and Henry and their families. Private cremation. Memorial at Bergvliet Methodist Church 2 Wesley Ave Bergvliet at 3pm on 13 June 2014.

SNYMAN Thomas (Tubby) 21 May 1960 ------7 June 2014 (cancer) x Shona. Father of Reece, Devlin and Myron.

STEWART Helen x Lionel. Mother of Cindy & Malcolm. Service at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Umbilo on 12 June 2014 at 11am. BELL FUNERALS 031 3014793.

STREAK Dorothy 25 Aug 1919 -------5 June 2014 at her daughters house where she lived the last 32 years. Memorial at Kindom Hall of Jehovah Witness Edenvale on 10 June 2014 at 3pm. TEL:- Mercia 011 6093698.

ZACHAU Marie Antoinette 28 Jan 1945 -----6 June 2014. Mother of Tanya and grandmother to Robert and Jordan.


VAN ROOY Grant 25 Dec 1971 -----10 June 1998. Son and brother. From Mom, Dad, Gavin, Steve, Shere.

11 June 2014


FRANK (Mrs) Niranjani 21 May 1930----10 June 2014 . Funeral on 12 June 2014 at Conquering Through Prayer Ministries Overport Durban Body will lie in state from 11:30am –1pm. Service from 13:00 ---2:30pm proceeding to Kenilworth Cemetery for commital at 3pm.

GOVENDER Nelson x Sergiri. Father of Sumeshnee and Eshen. Funeral on 12 June 2014. Body will lie in state at MTSS Hall Merebank from 12:30----3pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation between 3:30----4:15pm.

OSBORNE Sarah (Dolly) 8 Dec 1921 ----9 June 2014. Mother of Gladys, Jeff and Marianne. Grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of 10. Funeral on 11 June 2014 at Bryanston Bible Church, Sandton at 11am.

REECE Ronald + 9 Nov 2014 in King Edward Vlll Hospital. Was in difficulty at sea, Brighton Beach.(Diver)

12 June 2014


CLUCAS Michael & Louise a son Daniel Michael * in Dublin. Brother for William and 6th grandchild for Jen & Tony.

DONNELY nee WEATHERHEAD Martin & Dusty a son Adam Joseph * 9 June 2014. Congratulations from Shirley & Geoffrey WEATHERHEAD and Margaret & Fred DONNELY the grandparents.

KROLL JP & Delia a son Chad * 30 May 2014 in Kingsway Hospital and Cheryl Rowe of Cheryl's Gentle Births.


BAKER Courtney Jade . Memorial on 13 June 2014 at 3pm at Assembly of God Pinetown OAKLEIGH.

BISHENDEN Pearley Martha . Funeral on 13 June 2014 at St John's Anglican Church Sydenham at 10:30am. Cremation private.

CAIN Patricia Agnes 7 Nov 1919 ------11 June 2014 x + Aurthur. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at St Annes Church Sydenham on 13 June 2014 at 10:30pm. Proceeding to Redhill Cemetery. DOVES

DAY Gwen Kathleen x Ray. Mother of Bobby, Darryl and + Stephan. Mother-in-law of Helen. Grandmother of Kyle and Hannah. Memorial at Emmerson House Morningside on 17 June 2014 at 10am. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.

HALL Brian Francis John + 10 June 2014 x Christine. Father of Penny, Alison, Michael, Susan and Anthony and grandchildren. Stepfather of Andrew & Jen, Louise & Hugo and Baa of James, Michael, Anna & John-John. Memorial at Musgrave Methodist Church on 13 June 2014 at 11am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MC PHAIL Angus Robert "Bob" 28 Jan 1929 ------10 June 2014. Memorial at OAKLEIGH Presbury Pietermaritzburg on 13 June 2014 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH.

NAIDOO Visalutchmee Cookie. 13th Day Memorial on 14 June 2014 at Parasakthi Temple Hall Merebank from 11am ---12noon.

NAIDOO P (Sita) x A. R (Ram) NAIDOO. Mother of Eugene and Anita. Mother-in-law of Humsha. Sister-in-law of Johnny and grandmother. Funeral on 13 June 2014. Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2---3:30pm.

SOANE Steve 1945 -----2014 Husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle. Memorial on 13 June 2014 at 2pm at 7 Cussonia Place, Forest Hills.

SPARKS Ronald William (Ron) 29 Aug 1923 ----10 June 2014 x Iris. Father of Barry & Jenny and + Ann. Father-in-law of Bev and Ernest. Grandfather. Memorial Service at Athlone Park Methodist Church on 14 June 2014 at 2pm. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031 9035423.

STUART Perine Dawn x Steven. Mother of Melanie, Lynn, Jared. Sister and aunt. Grandmother and cousin. Funeral at Holy Family Parish Catholic Church Newlands East at 10:30am on 13 June 2014. Cremation private.

VANDAYAR Dr DK of Tongaat x Mrs G VANDAYAR. Father of Dr PK VANDAYAR, J GOVENDER, V PILLAY, P BISESWAR, Father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral on 12 June 2014 at Tongaat Town Hall from 1pm ----3pm. Proceeding to Tongaat Crematorium for cremation at 16:30pm. RAMBOS Funerals Tongaat 032 945 3430.

VENTER John William Wessels . Funeral at The Rock Church Pineville Junction on 13 June 2014 at 10am, AVBOB 031 2061831.


LABAN + 12 June 1987. Never forgotten from Mom, Duran, Jaman, Shaidan and Cayntan.

MUNISAMY Patchappen (PAT PILLAY) . Yearley Memorial on 15 June 2014 at 248 Marine Drive Bluff from 12noon ---1pm. TEL:- 031 4663494.

POTTS Bill. 6 years gone. Father of Tony, Kerry and Travis.

TERANES Peter + 2002 . Father and grandfather.

WILLIAMS Neville (Nev). 10 years gone already. Husband of Sally. Father of Lisa and Ross.

13 June 2014


RAMJEE Karsan Dharamshi (Lalloobhai) . Passed away in King Williams Town. Father of (sons) Balakrishna, Harrish, Vinodh, Yatish, (daughters) Jayshree, Precella , Meera. Father-in-law, 12 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Bhajan on 15 June 2014 at Kendra Hall Durban from 17:30 ----18:30pm.


HUGHES Alan ID 450910 5176 18 0 + 30 Jan 2013 of 7 Kingswood Estate, 151 Inanda Rd Waterfall. ESTATE No 11272/2013/DBN. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd.

JAYKARAN Ramkhelawan ID 300303 5076 08 3 + 3 March 2014 of 27 Appalachan Street, Shallcross x Soorajmathie JAYKARAN. ESTATE No 21963/2014 DBN. FNB TRUST SERVICES P O Box 27511, Greenacres 6057.

MOODLEY Thevasugayan Runganadan ID 511206 5061 08 5 + 15 June 2013 of 332 Silverglen Drive, Durban x Kanimma MOODLEY ID 611002 0753 08 4. ESTATE No 20117/14/DBN. P. PILLAY & COMPANY Suite 1702, 17th Floor Nedbank House, 30 Ingcuce Street 4001. TEL:- 031 3010255.

PAYN Valerie ID 490418 0021 08 0 + 22 Nov 2013 of Stoneleigh Farm Lot 385, Umzinto x Gerald Charles PAYN ID 460108 5029 08 1 . ESTATE No 002019/2014. ROGER ADKINS P O Box 1780 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2667931.


BELL Brenda Margaret ID 480911 0080 08 2 + 21 April 2013 of 129 Juniper Rd, Berea Durban 4001. ESTATE No 4075/2013/PMB. ROGER ADKINS P O Box 1780 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2667931.

MTETWA Sibiza Albert ID 490130 5174 08 3 + 31 May 2014 of Madlala Location Ward 15, Umzumbe Municipality KZN x Sibongile Hilldah MTHETHWA [as in press] ID 540102 0531 08 8. ESTATE No 22252/2014/DBN. L.A KHAN ATTORNEYS, Suite 118 Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban.

VAWDA Ahmed Mohamed ID 350518 5073 08 2 + 18 Dec 2009 of 45 Shannon Drive, Reservoir Hills KZN. ESTATE No 4465/2011/DBN. L.A KHAN ATTORNEYS, Suite 118 Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban.

23 June 2014


YOUNG Steve. Born 23 June 1908 near Kensington Palace in London. He is 106 years old and lives in Twilanga Retirement Village uMhlanga x 14 Oct 1946 Judy for 68 years. She is 91 years young. They had 3 children, one of whom had died. They have 5 Grandchildren. (photo)


GRANT John Atterbury 20 June 1931 ----17 June 2014. Cousin of Clive, Carmel, Bryan & Merridy. Memorial on 4 July 2014 at 11am at Hillcrest Methodist Church Hillcrest.

HORAK Bradley .Memorial at St Peter's Preparatory School Chapel Paulshof Sandton on 23 June 2014 at 10am.

LASKEY nee COETZEE Tjaart + 17 June 2014 x Fred. Mother of Fred and Wendy and their partners Paul and Huw. Grandmother of Dominique and Ayrton.

MARCUS GISCARD 28 Feb 1975 -----20 June 2010. Missed by Mom (Marcia), Bruce, Yolande and The Boys.

PAGE Brian William Bromley + 19 June 2014 x Valerie. Father of Michael x Sue. Memorial on 26 June 2014 at Callow House, Christ Church Kenilworth Cape Town. Donation to Western Cape Equine Trust.

26 June 2014


BACHE Grant Alan 12 Dec 1957 -----21 June 2014. Husband, father and grandfather. Had private service with family only.

DAVIDSON nee SCHROENN Jean Gwenllian + 22 June 2014 x Billy. Mother of William, Seonaid, David, Kenneth, Louise . Mother-in-law of Jeannine, Richard, Bronwyn , Sian , Richard and grandmother of Joёlle, Lucia, Tiffany, Christopher, Thomas , Nicholas, Fergus, James, Amelia and Evelyn. Memorial on 26 June 2014 at the family farm Zenith Estate at Nseleni at 11am.

DUDIDI Yoliswa (6years) . She was found by the side of a river in Pietermaritzburg near her home. Grandaughter of Zanele LUDIDI (Veteran ANC politician)

DUMBRILL Mary + 10 June 2014 in London UK 43 days short of her 100th Birthday x + Leonard. Mother of Graham, Richard and Bernard their families, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

DUNN Alwyn Simon (Bunny)+ 18 June 2014. Brother of Clive, Brenda and Desmond. Uncle of Nicky, Neil, Genevieve, Walter, Bradley, Gareth, Clayton Melissa, Stacey , Pierre. Father of Kerwin & Ricardo. Father-in-law of Delaine. Grandfather of Jordan. Funeral on 27 June 2014 at St Annes Parish
Church Sydenham Durban at 10:30am.

FICK Frances 9 Nov 1932 ---23 June 2014. Funeral at Musgrave Rd Methodist Church on 27 June 2014 at 12 noon.

GILDER Onah Elizabeth + 13 June 2014. Mother of Andrew. Requiem Mass on 27 June 2014 at 11am at Holy Trinity Catholic Church Musgrave Rd Durban. Light luncheon at Church Hall. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

GILLIES Lucy 21 Sept 1918 ------24 June 2014 (95 years). Mother of Jennifer, Margaret, Sandra and their families.

GIRAUD Marie Francoise Denise 5 Oct 1916 ----22 June 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother.Requiem Mass at Assumption Parish Umbilo at 10am on 28 June 2014.

GREYVENSTEIN James Roelof (Jimmy) 3 Feb 1928 -----24 June 2014 x Judy. Father to Pieter Ross. Memorial at Christ Church Howick on 27 June 2014 at 11am .OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.

KIRK Audrey Lilian 18 Feb 1927 ----22 June 2014. Mother ,mother-in-lw and grand and great-grandmother.

SMITH Jacob Jacobus . Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 28 June 2014 at 9am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.

WATSON Michael Selby (Mike) 27 May 1934 -----20 June 2014. Husband, father, grand and great-grandfather. ;Condolences to Joan, Rene, Michelle, Corinne, Kevin and Brian. From Gary, Tracy, Kerry and Camilla .; Funeral at Scottborough Methodist Church on 27 June 2014 at 11am.


HENDERSON Hazel Joy 8 July 1934 ----26 June 2014 From Johan and family.

HOSKEN Cara. From Mom, Dad and Grant.

ROHRS Grant 1980 ----1996 . Remembered by Henrie, Leigh and family.; Son of Dawn, sister of Claire and Shaub.

SMITH David + 26 June 2011. Remembered by Peter and Bobby.

27 June 2014


AJUM Mia Ahmed ID 220412 5076 08 9 + 28 July 2010 of 12 Narbada Rd, Merebank. ESTATE No 11245/2013. A.R. KAZI & COMPANY 169 Felix Dlamini Rd, Durban 4091.


LEWIS Anton & Stacey a girl * 24 June 2014 . Sister for Yakira, Danielle and Gabriella.


BIRER Sam (Sammy). Sympathy to Sandra,Lisa, Gavin, Samantha and families, and Judith, Leah and families. Cousin of Howard & Kerry PELKOWITZ, Michelle and Lawrie APPLE and family and Chloe SIMON.

FRANKLIN Stuart + 24 June 2014 . Husband and father and grandfather. Memorial at Great Brak River in December.

NATAS Alec + 21 June 2014 in Cape Town. He was a succesful photographer, entrepreneur, business man, Film director, writer, author, psychologist, philosopher. Condoleces to Marge, Ronnie, Ruthie, Rafi and families from Colin and Ronnie NATES and families.

30 June 2014


BOUCHER Mara 12 Feb 1930 ------26 June 2014 in Wentworth Hospital. Wife (no name given). Mother of Edward, Derek and Debora. Grandmother of Mary-Lee, Cherie, Duane, Claude, Cathy-Dee , Sarah. Great-grandmother of Augustine jnr,Robin, Chloe, Tara, Michaela, Dayna, Olivia and AJ.

BRAY Isaac Nicholas Van Alpen (Moon) * 9 Aug 1927 in Johannesburg --- + 20 June 2014 at age 86 in Somerset West. He was 2nd youngest of 4 children. He is preceded by his wife of 37 years Vera Joan BRAY. Father of Gill, Carol, Colleen, Graham. Brother of younger Vincent. He was companion of Iris JAGO.

COSGROVE (BRIDGINA) Ina Cronin + 24 June 2014 in Dublin. Service at Sacred Heart Estuary Rd, Malahide, Dublin on 28 June.


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