Daily News 2014 07 July
1 July 2014
COCKBURN Kevin & Stella 's daughter Ingrid to Chesney, son of Stanley & Cindy LONG of Grahamstown.
BIRER Sammy + 24 June 2014 x Sandra for nearly 50 years. Sympathy also to Lisa, Gavin, Samantha and their families. Brother of Leah; Brother and uncle of Judith, Rory, Jenee, Jaron and Tziyona.
BURMAN Pastor Alfred (Alfie) + 29 June 2014. HOLBY Funeral House.
DEALE Glenda 11 Oct 1938 ----30 June 2014. Wife and mother of + Mally, + Michelle and Hylton. Mother-in-law to Lorraine. Grandmother to Thunis, Lucre, L.J., Roslyn and Philip.
GOLDSWAIN Ernest. Father , grand and great-grandfather .Memorial at St Olav's Church at St Thomas Rd, Berea on 2 July 2014 at 10:30am. SHANEY'S 031 2057644.
HAYES Eugene Mark (ex Post Master Austerville and Jacobs) + 27 June 2014 in Cape Town. Re-united with Daddy, Mummy and Charles. Brother of Jean, Trevor, Debra, Estelle and Brenden.
HILL nee TEMPLEMAN Doreen Jane 6 Oct 1935 ----30 June 2014 x + George HILL. Mother of Graham and Cheryl. Missed by grandchildren and family. Service at DOVES Greyville on 4 July 2014. TEL:- 031 20861100
JUCKES nee RICHARDSON Beryl Joyce 30 April 1925 ----26 June 2014. Wife, mother of Tim x Elke. Grandmother of Stefan and Natasha. Sister of Gem. Thank yo to Ashley, Denise and staff at Flame Lily.
LEYDEN Lyndy + 29 June 2014 x Murray.Mother of Patrick and Diana. Daughter of Des & Barbara WHITAKER. Sister to Christopher and Michael No flowers please. Donation to Highway Hospice Association Westville. TEL:- 031 2086110.; Funeral on 4 July 2014 at St Elizabeth's Anglican Church Westville at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MILLARD Michael. Son of Edna.
MILNE William Robert (Billy) 6 March 1938 -----30 June 2014. Husband, father and grandfather.
NEAVE William (Bill) 19 July 1946 -----29 June 2014 x Treasure. Father of Justin, Angela and Jochen. Grandfather of Kayla, Donna and Kelly. Requiem Mass at St John the Divine, Clarc Rd on 3 July 2014 at 10:30am.
PAUL Daniel Basil 12 Oct 1924 -----25 June 2014 x Virginia (Zina). Father, grand and great-grandfather.
PILLAY Thanabalan (Dan). Younger brother of A (Aroo) PILLAY, Dolly, brother-in-law of Vasen. Uncle of Dr Lenny PILLAY. Father-in-law of Dr Krishnie PILLAY, Pragasan. Grandfather of Prelen, Leneshan, Shaylin, Navashan, Thivian . Uncle of Myesh and Prabashni. Dan body will lie in state
at home- 23 Henley Rd , Burlington Heights. Funeral on 2 July 2014 at home from 10am Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 2pm.
ROBERTS John Patrick + 29 June 2014 at age 60 years. Father of Gerard and Jason. Brother of Beverley and Peter.
ROBINSON Joan + 27 June 2014. Mother of Cathryn, Sharon and Sarah. BAKER & BAKER 033 3428764.
SAVILE Percival Beresford. Memorial at Manning Rd Methodist Church on 3 July 2014 at 2pm No flowers. Donation to Nazareth House. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
SIKIOTIS Sophie 22 Oct 1919 ----27 June 2014. Memorial on 6 July 2014 at 12 noon at Holy Trinity Church Kalk Bay. TEL:- Wendy 021 7887560.
SWADLING Maureen Grace + 26 June 2014. Mother , grand and great-grandmother of Linda, Hugh, Kirsten, Lauren, Darryn, Dylan, Brooklyn, Rob, Noelle, Taryn, Jaz and Cruz.
SWARTZ Brian Douglas +25 June 2014 x Lesley. Father of Robyn, Christopher and Liz. Grandfather (Bumpy) to Christian and Sophia. Memorial at Pennington 3 July 2014 at 3:30pm.
THOMSON Lynette Bridget 3 Dec 1942 ------29 June 2014 x Douglas. Mother of Scott and Sue, Ross and Karen. Grandmother of Daina, Connor, Rachel, Georga.
TOMLINSON Margaret Dulcie 22 Aug 1923 ----29 June 2014 at Eden Gardens. Mother of Michael and Marie, Heather, Brian and Teri, grand and great-grandmother. Sister of Douglas , sister-in-law of Pauline, Aunt of Hylton and Paul.
VAN DER BYL Diana Marion Walsham (89) and John Henry (92) passed away on 26 June 2014 and 27 June 2014 respectively . Husband and wife for 64 years. Parents of Antoinette, Yvonne, Henry, Frances. 8 Grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. Combined Funeral at St Martin-in-the Fields Irene on 4 July 2014 at 10am. Afterwards Tea on The Farm House Irene Dairy Farm. No flowers donation to Endangered Wildlife Trust.
WESSELS Valerie Johanna 26 March 1927 ----28 June 2014 x Manie. Mother of André and Annemarie. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.
WOOD Janet Mary (Jan) 31 Dec 1935 -----28 June 2014 (cancer). Wife, mother, grand and great-grandmother.
CLOKE Dillon . 25 years gone now. Father of David.
FORGE Frederick 22 March 1930 ---1 July 2008. From Joan and family.
FOSTER Bernice (Beryl) . 2 years gone now. Mom of Natalie, Geoffrey, Joyce, Marion and Hazel and Cliffe and grandchildren.
HAROLD Neil . 8 years gone now. Son of Sybil.
MURUGAS Nyanamba (Nyanam) 15 Dec 1936 ----1 July 2000.Son of + Mrs Angamma & Mr P MURUGAS. Brother of Narian MURUGAS. Housekeeper Mrs Thandi BUTHELEZI. And your Canine Brother Dino MURUGAS.
2 July 2014
LEVITAN Michael Bernard. Unveiling of tombstone on 9 July 2014 at Redhill Cemetery at 09:30am.
ROSENBAND Baruch. Unveiling of tombstone on 6 July 2014 at Redhill Cemetery at 09:30am.
WAINSTEIN Taube. Unveiling of tombstone on 6 July 2014 at Redhill Cemetery at 09:30am.
BLOM Tony + 30 June 2014 x Bette. Father of Cynthia and Jennifer and their husbands and your grandchildren.
CAMPBELL Elizabeth Marx 17 Nov 1945 ---26 June 2014. Mother of Esme, Bernadette, Mark , Carl and Bianca. Funeral at Interfellowship Church Wentworth on 5 July 2014 at 10am. Proceeding to Dudley St Cemetery for internment. DOVES 0860025500.
CARTER Elizabeth Jane 1 Sept 1915 + 26 June 2014. Memorial at St John Anglican Church on 3 July 2014 at 2pm. MARTIN'S 031 709 2142.
CASTELYN Denise Ivy 26 Aug 1921 ----30 June 2014. Mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. From Dev, Tony, Shaun, Clive, Addey , Elli, Kate and Raf
CRAWFORD Michael Patrick 17 March 1943 ----1 July 2014.Old Andrean Headboy in 1961. From Headmaster, Staff and Chairman and members of The Old Boys' Association St Andrews School (Bloemfontein.)
DALGLEISH Eric Barry (Doug) 27 June 2014. Husband and father of Debs, Gavin, Michele, Tracy and grandpa of Joshua and Michael. Cremation on 1 July 2014.
DIKKO Umar + in London at age 78 years. He was a Nigerian politician who was discovered drugged in a crate at a British airport in 1984. He had been the transport minister oused in 1983 coup.
DRIMML Friedrich (Fritz) 25 May 1948 -----28 June 2014. Father of Dana. Cremation private.
HILL Cheryl + 1 July 2014 . Missed by Brett, Devan, Angela and Aiden.
JOHNSON Errol Bruce . Funeral on 4 July 2014 at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham at 11am. Cremation private.
KRUGER Gustav Retief 2 Jan 1937 ------29 June 2014 x Cynthia. Father of Deon, Werner, Ingrid, Gustav (jnr) and grandchildren. Funeral will be done by Ds John MARAIS on 4 July 2014 at Stellawood Chapel Umbilo. AVBOB 031 2061831.
McGILLEWIE Derek + 27 June 2014 in Shrewsbury UK. Husband, father and grandfather of Pam, Wendy, Sue, Andy and Jessica.
McLAGGAN Douglas Hamish + 27 June 2014 in Eshowe x Rose. Father of Bruce, Athol and + Claire. Grandfather of Sven. Memorial on 4 July 2014 at N.G Church Eshowe at 11am. Donation to Zululand Home for the Aged. TEL:- 035 4742402. PUMULA KAHLE 035 4741600.
NAIDOO Kanakamma x Mr Kanakiah NAIDOO. Mother of + Bobby NAIDOO and + Lullie GOVENDER. Survived by her daughter Shanti NAICKER, son Daya NAIDOO. Mother-in-law of Danny GOVENDER, Kogie NAIDOO, 7 grand and 9 great-grandchildren. Funeral on 2 July 2014 between 4pm ---5:30pm at Clare Estate Crematorium. Cremation at 6pm.
PILLAI Logambal (Pathie) x + Arula PILLAY . Mother of Pranthakan, Jayshree, Saraniya. Mother-in-law of Tasavanee , Balan and Uben. Grandmother of Liam, Leah, Darshan and Jayani. Funeral on 2 July 2014. Body will lie in state at The Dravida Hall from 11am---2pm Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium. PHOENIX Funerals 031 5073925.
SPRINGER Britt. Daughter of Peter & Cheryl. Sister of Romy and East. Donations to SPCA. Service at Durban North Baptist Church on 4 July 2014 at 10am. BELL 031 3014793.
THEUNISSEN Elizabeth Maria (Bettie) 25 Nov 1923 ----29 June 2014 (90). Mother of Hentie (son), Adele, Luwig . Grandmother. Cremation private. AVBOB 031 2061831.
WOOD Janet Mary . Memorial at St James Anglican Church Morningside Durban at 2pm on 8 July 2014. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
ABBOTT Lorraine Priscilla. 25 June 1942 ----2 July 2013. Missed by Elena, Gavin, Keegan, Kellan & Aiden; Mother of Cidalia; Mother of your baby Jo-lene, Grandmother of Ethan; Mother of Lisa, Brian,children and grandchildren.; Mother of Bianca, Jose, Tiana, Ariana, Jose, Jana, Jovan & Jadene; Sister of Bernadette Ticko and family.
COLE Barry Lees 25 Sept 1946 -----2 July 2013. Sister of Barbara, brother-in-law George, Natalie, Mark and Tyler.
MUIL David + 2 July 2013. Husband, son, father and brother. Lisa, Ross, Todd, Peter, John and Mags.
PAUL Govindamma . Remembered by Mr & Mrs D.V. PAUL.
3 July 2014
LEUVENNINK nee YOUNGLESON Bern & Annemarie a girl Sophia Kate * 25 June 2014. Sister to David Joshua. Granddaughter for Bob & Anne.
MARS-BOWERS Raymond & Catherine a girl Chloe * 28 June 2014 in London. 1st grandchild for Sue & Maurice.
BEAUMONT Roy & Margaret x 3 July 1954. Congratulations from Gill and Ockie, Guy and Margie, Lynne and Marco, grandparents of 7 and great-grandparents of 5.
ALLAN Robert Alexander (Bob) x Colleen. Father of Jenny, Estelle and Audrey. Grandfather to Justin, Natalie, Tony, Raymond, Collien and William. Memorial on 4 July 2014 at Full Gospel Tabernackle Berea, Durban at 10am.
BHAGWANDIN Viresh . Condolences to KASHIV & BHAGWANDIN family from Principal, Staff and Learners of Crawford College La Lucia.
BRUCE-ALEXANDER Yvonne Mavis + 28 June 2014 at Tuinsig Frail Care Unit. Sister and aunt to Ian and Rhoda and David and their family. Private cremation Rememberance Service at Tuinsig Chapel Cowey Rd Durban on 10 July 2014 at 10am.
DAVIS Anita Shirley 9 Sept 1958 ----28 June 2014 x Barry DAVIS. Mother to Kerwin & Bradley. Grandmother of Emma, Hanna & Noah. Sister to Brian, Trevor, Rashida, Dan & Rodney. Aunty to PAULSEN & WALLACE family. Funeral at AFM Church Wentworth on 4 July 2014 at 11am. Burial at Dudley Street Cemetery.
DEALE Glenda . Memorial at the Wesley Methodist Church Hayfields Pietermaritzburg on 7 July 2014 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
GRANT John A .We have known you for over 61 years. From friends Janette GALBRAITH and your Australian friends.
HILL Cheryl-Ann. Condolences to family, by Brett, Devan, Angela and Aiden, from Principal, Staff and Learners from Crawford College La Lucia.; Funeral at DOVES Durban on 4 July 2014 at 2pm.
HILL nee TEMPLEMAN Doreen Jane 6 Oct 1935 ----30 June 2014 x + George. Mother of Graham and Cheryl. Grandmother. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 4 July 2014 at 10:30am.
JOHN BRYAN ROWLAND 1960---2014. Left us today. From Mom and Dad.
JONES LIONEL + 30 June 2014. Companion to Elaine . Friend of her sons and their families.; Friend of John, Carole, Lana and Mandy.
LE ROUX Merville + 26 June 2014. Father. Funeral at Bryanston Bible Church Bryanstone on 7 July 2014 at 14:15pm. Donations to Mug and Tree Soup Kitchen and Children's Home.
LESUR Jacques 1944 -2014 x Jean. Father of Viv, James, Bruce, and Michelle. Grandfather to Shaunagh, Gary, Andrew and Jemma. Memorial at Branxholme Farm, New Hanover on 5 July 2014 at 11am.
LEYDEN Lynda Muriel (Lyndy) + 29 June 2014. Funeral on 4 July 2014 at St Elizabeth's Anglican Church Westville at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
PADAVATTAN (JAMES) Sheila Pat. Funeral on 5 July 2014 at Bethsaida Ministries Phoenix from 11am ---12:30pm .Proceeding to Verulam Crematorium at 1:30pm. TEL:- Shem 0729255477.
PANDAY Surendra. Educator at Fairbreeze Secondary School. Son of Mrs. & + Mr. J.J. PANDAY. Father of Yuthika & Vidush. Grandfather of Mikheel. Brother to Rakesh, Sharmilla, Shakila. Funeral on 3 July 2014 at Tongaat Town Hall from 12h00 ---14h00. Proceeding to Tongaat Crematorium for Cremation at 14:45. TONGAAT Tongaat 032 9451756.
MATHARAI Constance May (Girlie). Mother and grandmother of the CHARLES family.; From GOVENDER Family; Remembered by Leela and family; Skelly, Rosemary and Krisen.
9 July 2014
DEWLOK Yuveera. 12 years old. Happy Birthday from Thanths & Aya (Moon & Pat NAIR )
BINGHAM Mark & Sue and Graham & Lesley RANDLES announce engagement of their children Julia and Gareth.
VAN DEN BERG / CLELLAND Chris & Maria announce engagement of Kate to Kevin, son of Jimmy & Maureen of Tongaat.
BARTH Larry. Memorial on 12 July 2014 at Shalom Outreach Fellowship Newlands East at 11am.
BEAN Reg. Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Glenwood at 11am on 11 July 2014. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
BLUMFIELD Llewellyn Michael x Phyllis. Father of Brian and Desmond. Requiem Mass at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church Bluff on 11 July 2014 at 11am. Cremation private.
CLEMENTI Carlo Ugo 26 May 1926 ----4 July 2014 x Anna. Father and father-in-law of Giorgio & Beverley, Guiseppe & Delia, Antonio & Glenda, Maria & Clive, Tiziana & James. Grandmother. Funeral at holy Trinity Catholic Church on 11 July 2014 at 11am.
DU TOIT Dr Vaatjie + 7 July 2014 x Jacqui. Father of Paul & Jenny, Penelope & Mark, Catherine & David, John & Lyall. Oupa to Megan, Thomas Jacob, Robert, Rachel , Joshua and Ashley. Memorial at Upper Umgeni Presbyterian Church Howick on 12 July 2014 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
EWAN Marcel William Antonie 10 July 1928 ----5 July 2014. Friend and colleague of Royal Durban Golf Club. Funeral on 10 July 2014 at 3pm at St Mary's Church Greyville.
GOVENDER Miss Sandano. Sister of Thoga M GOVENDER. Funeral on 9 July 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium at 1pm. Cremation there after.
GREY Hylton Andrew + 6 July 2014.
GRIMBEEK Thelma Joyce +7 July 2014. Mother of John and Pat, Sandy and Brendan. Grandmother of Robin, Bryan and Philippa, Keren and Chris, Simon, Sherry and Greg, Tracy and Mike, Vaughn and Tiffany. Great-gran of Layla, Keegan, Maddison and Makayla.
JENKINSON Mary Beatrice 5 Aug 1925 ------1 July 2014 . Mother of Ann and Sally, 5 grand and 10 great-grandmother.
KINSLOW Meryl + 3 July 2014. Remembered by John and Jeanette.Memorial on 10 Jan 2014 at 2pm at Church of The Good Shepherd Durban North.
LEVERTON Irene (Rene) 4 Oct 1934 -----4 July 2014. Mother of Trudy HIPPOLYTE. Sister of Yvonne JOHNSON. Grand and great-grandmother.
MARITZ Edna Patricia 7 Oct 1934 -----5 July 2014. Mother , Gran and friend. Memorial on 11 July 2014 at the Good Shephard Anglican Church Amanzimtoti at 11am.
McCLURE Timothy John Theo ( Tim) x Pauline. Father of Michael and Alison. Grandfather of Theo and Max. All our support to Pauline and Alison. Cousin of Pim, Ian and William. Friend of a fellow Mariner Allen & Rene BRINK.
MCCLURE Una + 3 July 2014 of Falls Haven. Mother and grandmother of Pimmo, Willo and Ian.
MOODLEY Chinsamy (Khanna) x Pushpa. Father of Rama (Sagren) and Selvarani(Tutti). Father-in-law of Rani. Grandfather of Shannel, McKyle, Melanie, Nadine and Talisha. Great grandfather of Leah and brother of Runga, Mummy, Ambie, Anjela. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium at 3:30 on 9 July 2014.
NASH nee WHEELER VAN DEN BERG Denise Dawn + 7 July 2014 at Entabeni Hospital. Memorial at 2 Quail Rd, Yellowwood Park Christian Felleowship on 12 July 2014 at 11am.
NCAYIYANA Thembe + 8 July 2014 at age 32 years. Hot at Lindelani North of Durban. He was a motor mechanic. Father of two sons.Son of Robert NCAYIYANA.
NTULI Lungisani (4years) Found died on premises of St John's Church Pongola this weekend.
PREEN Robin Peter. From Mom, brother of Sharmian and nephew Justin; Cousin of Denis.;Funeral at DOVE'S Funeral Parlour Durban on 11 July 2014 at 14:30pm.
PRUD'HOMME DU HARCOURT Therese 24 May 1932 ------8 July 2014 x + Ariste. Mother of Jacqueline and Francois. Grand and great-grandchildren. Requiem Mass at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Glen Ashley Durban North on 10 July 2014 at 11am .OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
PYONG-HO General Jon + 8 July 2014 of a heart attack,at age 88 years in North Korea. He was a chief architect of Pyongyang's ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programme and an individually name targed of international sanction. He will have a state funeral.
RIDSDALE Averill Lorraine + 3 July 2014 x Allan . Mother of Melanie, Craig and Caroline, Brad and Gill. Grandmother of Jessica and Alex. Funeral at Holy Trinity 10 July 2014 at 2pm.
RIDGWAY Stedman (Sted) 12 Aug 1937 ----5 July 2014 x + Dids. Father, grandfather and great -grandfather of Anne, David, Mark, Melissa, Debbie, Colin, Justin, Gareth and Hayden, Tracy, Phil, Kel and Chris, Brett, Lesley, Courtney, Bradley and Bryce, Cal, Graeme, Luke and Megan. Memorial at
Glenwood Community Church on 10 July 2014 at 2pm. TEL:- Carolyn 073 227 8896.
SANDERS Myrtle 26 Jan 1919 -5 July 2014. Service at Stellewood Crematorium Chapelon 10 July 2014 at 11am.
SHORT Julie Gertrude 10 March 1934 ----5 July 2014. Mother of Lorraine, Maureen & Penny. Memorial on 11 July 2014 at Sedgemeer Park Sedgefield. Thank you to Sedgemeer Park Staff.
HUGHES Evan + 9 July 1993. From Evie and family
JAYE Gertrude "Trudie" 9 July 2006 ----9 July 2013. Love from Stanley.
LUNDY nee LAMARQUE Lynette Irene + 9 July 2012 x Graham. Mother of Tracey and son Steven and their families.
TUNGUY-DESMARAIS Adrian 7 June 1969 -----9 July 1997. From Mom and Dad.
11 July 2014
GREENFIELD Michael Scott ID 431128 5009 08 7 + 21 May 2014 of 1 Kingston Place, Umhlanga Rocks, Durban. ESTATE No. 021832/2014/PMB. BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY P O Box 1098, Westville 3630.
KAJEE Mariam ID 270614 0054 08 1 + 25 May 2014 of 1 Rooikoppies Rd, Westville Durban 3629. ESTATE No 22902/2014. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05k 131 001.
MAHIBIR Ankumaree ID 280619 0142 08 1 + 20 Dec 2003 of 29C Delta Lane, Isipingo Beach. ESTATE No 16850/2011. ARADHANA DHARAMDAW & SAMLAL GARBARAN, 40 Prince Street, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti 4126. TEL:- 031 9041 630
MOODLEY Amrabathi ID 250407 0042 08 9 + 25 Jan 2013 of House 67, Rd 726, Montford , Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 21528/2014/DBN. GARACH & GARACH P O Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.
NAIDOO Seethanna ID 280505 5283 08 9 + 8 Dec 2006 of 109 Montdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092 x Kannamma NAIDOO ID 431110 0379 08 7. ESTATE No. 22617/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05E122 001.
SHEOBUX Sakunthala ID 410202 0088 08 4 + 7 June 2008 of 3 Moorcross Street, Moorton, Chatsworth x Deoduth SHEOBUX ID 411102 5086 08 4. ESTATE No 22403/2014. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 S176 001.
ASMAL Hassen Kader ID 480821 5595 08 5 + 6 Dec 2012 of Flat 8 Azad Mansion 14 Fourth Ave, Isipingo Beach x Zohra Mohamed ASMAL ID 490506 0634 08 2. ESTATE No 11040/2013/DBN. ISMAIL EBRAHIM VAHED P O Box 70020, Overport 4067. TEL:- 0837866733.
NAIDOO Surianarianan ID 451103 5051 08 7 + 29 Jan 2013 of 20 Chiltern Rd, Shallcross Durban x in community of property to Savathree NAIDOO ID 410426 0032 08 7 . ESTATE No 020417/2014. SUBHASH MAIKOO & ASSOCIATES 484 Burger Str Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 033 4527173 FAX:- 033 3427174 (REF:- 13N204001/CS/ss)
POTGIETER Catharina Elizabeth Magdalena ID 340316 0040 08 8 + none of 17 Camelot ,40 Coronation Drive, Queensburgh, Durban. ESTATE No 19071/2010/DBN. ATKINSON, TURNER & DE WET 478 Lillian Ngoyi Durban. TEL:- 031 3121303.
15 July 2014
STEYN John & Sue 's son Peter to Katharine, daughter of Roger & Rosalind EMBLING.
BOUWER Christopher John. Fiance of Cyndie. Son an brother of the JOAO family. Memorial at St Joseph's Catholic Church Wartburg on 17 July 2014 at 10am. Private cremation. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
DE BRUIN Chris 2 May 1955 ----13 July 2014. Father of Kevin DE BRUIN, brother . AVBOB 031 2061831.
EMERSON JOHN CLACK + 12 July 2014. Father of Nicole KOCK and Traci HAMPEL, grandfather of Jessica KOCK. Now with wife, parents and siblings.
FREEDMAN Joseph Ivan (Chunky) 29 March 1968 ---14 July 2014. Remembered by Loryn, Jessica, Chelsey and Lisa.
GORDIMER Nadine 20 Nov 1923 in Springs + 13 July 2014 at age 90 years in Johannesburg, x 1949 Gerald GAVRON. Marriage was disolved they had 1 daughter. Xx 1954 Reinhold CASSIRER who died 2001. They had 1 son. (Nobel laureate) Anti apartheid activist and author. Daughter of Isidore, a Latvian watchmaker & Hannah, from London. Father was a refugee from tsarist Russia.
GULTIG Lynn + 11 July 2014 x Winston . Sister to David RANKIN.
HEUER Irene Joan. Memorial at Lucas Gardens Durban on 15 July 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
KING Maudie 4 Jan 1939 ---13 July 2014 x Godfrey. Mother of Alison, Janet and Malcolm. Grandmother of Amber and Eva. Memorial at CityHill Church Hillcrest on 17 July 2014 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.
MAROT Marie Josee + 10 July 2014. Funeral at St Joseph Catholic Church Morningside Durban on 16 July 2014 at 9am. DOVES 0860025500.
MELLY Formarly DOBSON Betty 7 Nov 1931 ----13 July 2014 x Kevin. Mother of Mark, Janice and + Paul. Stepmother of Mike, Carol, Greg, Toni, Mark and Chris.
MENTZ Aletta Catherin Louw 23 April 1923 -----13 July 2014. RIP from Jack. Funeral for Ouma at Stellawood Chapel Umbilo on 16 July 2014 at 2pm. AVBOB 031 2061831.
NAICKER Devadasen Anbanathan (Andy). Funeral in Durban at Clare Estate Crematorium on 16 July 2014 from 2---4pm. Service 14 July 2014 at Kyalami Sport and Function Centre at 15:30-----16:30pm. 11th Day Ceremony on 22 July 2014 at 6pm. TEL:- 0827526306.
NAIDOO Sithammah x S.M NAIDOO. Children :- George, Siva, Irene, Roshnee and Julie. Children-in-law of Dassie, Krish and Balan, Lalitha and Savy. Grand and great-grandchildren. Funeral on 15 July 2014 at Kwarwastan Civic Hall from 11:30----14:30pm Cremation at 4pm at Clare Crematorium.
SAGAR Matthew John (Bill) + 6 July 2014. Father of Cathy and + Phillip. Grandfather of Mark, Paul, Robyn and Kevin and great-grandfather. Tea at Twilanga Home Umhlanga on 17 July 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
SEWNARIAN Vinesh x Usha. Father of Lesna, Kajal & Bhavish. Brother of Vishu, Nirmala and Roshnee. Father-in-law of Leon ,Mahendra and Leighshe. Son-in-law of RATTAN family. Funeral on 15 July 2014 at Verulam Daycare Centre from 12:30 ---3pm proceeding to Verulam Crematorium at 3:30pm. VERULAM Funerals TEL:- 032 5331602.
WORLEY Martin George 11 Nov 1945 ---8 July 2014 in England x Joanie. Father of Benjie. Yachtsman. RIP Martie from MITCHELL family.
GARDNER Anthony George + 14 July 2011 x Sandy. Father of Lee (son), daughter Ennelize x Lance and grandchildren.
HOLMES Cleo 2 Aug 1928 -----15 July 2006 . Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Carol, Jimmy, Terry fam and friends.
MOODLEY Mrs.Maga 1 year Memorial on 19 July 2014 at Arupta Kazhagam Hall Bayview from 3---4pm. TEL:- 031 4003903.
SMALE Penelope Anne + 15 July 2005.
18 July 2014
DAINES nee COX Joan Marry + 14 July 2014 at age 82 years. Mother and grandmother of Guy, Jenny, Kathleen and Kyle.
FULLER (GRIFFIN ) Kurt Brian 21 Dec 1978 ---15 July 2014. Son of Angela. Father of Charlize. Brother of Renata and Reece. Funeral on 19 July 2014 at St Theresa's Catholic Church at 11am. Proceeding to Stellawood Cemetery for burial.
SUSKIN Pamela Lilian (Pam) + 12 July 2014 x + Dad .Also with + Leon. Mother of Anthony and Michael SUSKIN. .
FORDHAM LANG Louise. 1 year gone now. From Sallyann, Tony, Scott, Christine, Emily, Blake, Lucie, Ethan and Oliver.
PENNELS Jean. Mom ,sister and granny.
ALEXANDER Kathleen Bridge ID 210108 0040 08 6 + 29 May 2014 of 32 Lucas Gardens, 541 Peter Mokaba Rd, Durban. ESTATE No. 23184/2014. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS 7th Floor, Mercury House, 320 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001. P O Box 1434 Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3012444. REF:- Dc Gardyne/01/A007001.
GOVENDER Arumugam ID 460419 5098 08 7 + 21 Dec 2003 of 7 Crimlen Place, Lenham, Phoenix 4068 x Anne Gloria GOVENDER ID 541125 0121 08 2 . ESTATE No. 23146/2014. CHRIS GOUNDEN & ASSOCIATES Suit 9, 2nd Floor. Acropolis St Starwood, Phoenix.
KHAN Zubeda Bee ID 470623 0583 08 8 + 14 Jan 2004 of 6 Blue Jill Crescent, Moorton, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 3751/2014. DBN. ZAIN FAROODEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall , 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 K122 001.
MAHARAJ Krishen Praemlall ID671120 5638 08 9 + 21 June 2014 of 11 Benghazi Crescent, Reservoir Hills. ESTATE No 23330/2014/DBN. J BUDREE AND ASSOCIATES , 21 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL:- 031 3452779
MDLETSHE Bekani Bethuel ID 541111 5983 08 6 + 18 June 2010 of 108680 Lovo x Gloria Phumelele MDLETSHE ID 630315 1245 08 3. ESTATE No 14825/ 2010/DBN. KRISH NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES P O Box 3206 Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3071968. INDEPENDENT on Saturday 19 Jul 2014.
KOYD May ID 240512 0038 08 7 + 4 March 2013 of 152 Caister Lodge, Musgrave Rd, Durban. ESTATE No 2873/2013/PMB. FULLER & COMPANY 29 Maryvale Rd, Westville 3629.
MARAIS Y ID 670606 0106 08 1 + none no address. ESTATE No 6377/2013/PMB. MOORE STEPHENS CJL, P O Box 11800, Marine Parade 4056. TEL:- 031 3328622. REF:- JB/WK 031 33328622
RACHAB GURUBI ID 260408 0192 08 8 + 23 Oct 2004 of 45 Sungum Crescent Westcliffe Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 2406/2005PMB. ZAIN FAROODEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E021 001.
WAHID Sadik ID 301231 5068 08 2 + 7 Feb 2001 of 102 Palmiet Rd, Clare Estate, Durban. ESTATE No. 10276/2006/PMB. ZAIN FAROODEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene , Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E142 001.
21 July 2014
VAN SCHAIK Roxanne , Leon and Alexandra congratulations on birth of Taylor. Love from Granny, Grandpa and Nana and Aunt Jamie-Lee.
KING Jonathan Charles Parnell and Candice Leigh SCHOFIELD are engaged.
KRAMER Dr Herbie + 15 July 2014. RIP neighbour from Barbara, Howie and Ingrid WOOLF.
NATES Devorah (Dawn ) + 14 July 2014. Founding member of Shalom Bayit and Co-ordinating Council of National Jewish Women's Organisations. From mourners of Jerusalem and Zion.
ZANK Rod. Funeral at St Martins in the Veld Church Johannesburg on 22 July 2014 at 11am.
22 July 2014
BOTSIS Ricky & Claire a boy Alexander Richard * 14 July 2014 in Cape Town. Brother for Grace. Grandchild for Colleen & Trevor.
MACGILLIVRAY nee WHITE Marc & Natalie a girl Kara * 17 July 2014 in London. Sister to Evlyn. Grandchild for Ian, Denise and Paul and Lynette.
GOSS Paddy & Judy announce engagement of their daughter Joanne to Craig , son of Chris & Varina ROSS.
BROWN Hugh 16 May 1942 ----12 July 2014 (72 years) in Cape Town x Mavis. Father of Nikola and Grant. Grandfather of Tyler, Jaime, Trent and Stella.
BRUNE Ian John + 18 July 2014 (unexpectedly) x Robyn. Father of Claire and Paula. Son of Mavis & Waldi. Brother to Lynn and Dave. Memorial at Christadelphian Hall, Pinetown on 24 July 2014 at 10:30am.
CHARTERS Beppie (Maria) 14 July 1930 ----21 July 2014 . Mother to Karen, Gary, Mark, Gail, Ingrid and Mike. Grandmother of Kirsty, Rod, Lauren, Andrew, Megan, Jade and Neil. RIP with Dad. Funeral at St Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 24 July 2014 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH.
DALTON Robert + 17 July 2014 at age 57 years. Talanted Musician. Brother of Peter and Joanne, Wesley, Murray.
DAVY Maureen 6 June 1939---20 July 2014. Memorial at DOVES Greyville on 23 July 2014 at 1pm. DOVES 0860025500.
DU PLESSIS (BOULLE) Marinette 14 July 1947 ------18 July 2014 x Andre DU PLESSIS. Mother of Vincent, Bernard and Alain. Mother-in-law and Inge. Grandmother of 4 and great-grandmother of 1 and Samantha.
JACKS Coral Cecelia . Mother of Rease, Etienne and Carmon. Mother-in-law, grandmother, sister and aunt. Funeral on 23 July 2014 at The Holy Family Parish Catholic Church Newlands East at 11am. Cremation Private.
JOHNSON nee VAN ROOYEN Patricia Thelma of Redhill. Mother of Renalda & Tanya and sister. Mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt. Funeral at St Paul's Anglican Church Durban on 23 July 2014 at 13:00pm Cremation private.
MALGAS Winston x Rita . Father. Erstwhile colleague of Alfred and Coba.
MITCHELL Adriana Maria (Bobby) 1 May 1917 -----15 July 2014 in Scottburgh. Friend of + Alma and Rex and Ethne and Rhona and families.
MULLER John George 10 Feb 1938 -----18 July 2014 . Memorial at Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve Durban North on 23 July 2014. Cremation private. Donations to Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife North Durban Honarary Officers.
OSBORNE Marion x David. Mother of Steve , Denise, Greg, Iolanda, Shelley and Brandon. Granny of Claire , Jessica, Brittany, Montanna, Aimee and Olivia. No funeral by request. Donations to Highway Hospice.
PEINKE Shirley Dawn. Memorial on 23 July 2014 at Pinetown Metodist Church at 2pm.
PRINGLE Dr Angus . Sympathy to Hetty and Family from all at Highway Philatelic Society.
RAYNOLDS [as in press] nee RAPSON Janet May 15 Feb 1931 ----19 July 2014 x + John Joseph REYNOLDS Mother, mother-in-law and grandmother of Bev, Ken, Jackie, Debbie, Rory, Charmaine and Belinda, Brett, Taryn, Tyrone, Joni, Devan, Wesley, Abigail, Blake, Jessica and Keli and all great-grandchildren.
REYNOLDS Janet May. Memorial at Church of The Good Shepherd Durban North on 25 July 2014 at 3:30pm. OAKLEIGH.
ROBINSON Denice . Condolences to Tom, Tracey and Nicky. Friend for almost 50 years of Stuart, Viv, Michael and Paul.
WATSON Zillah. Mother and grandmother. Commemorative service at Caister Home on 24 July 2014 at 9:45am.
DEDEKIND Maria Pauline . 3 years gone now. Love from Roland, Jasona and Amy.
23 July 2014
CHETTY Kalaivani + Monday . A car drove onto her as she was walking with a friend. She was a teacher at Ladysmith Secondary School. Funeral today (Wed 23 July 2014) at Ladysmith Crematorium.
MAJOLA Zodwa + 22 July 2014 at age 31 years. Partner of Thabiso MADLALA. They lived a a park in Davenport Ave Park. She is mother of Andisiwe (11) and Busisiwe (12).
FAIRLAMB David Thomas 29 May 1944 -----23 July 2009 x Gill for 43 years, Father of 3 daughters and 11 grandchildren.
24 July 2014
BOWIE nee KING Aaron & Samantha a girl Isla Sandra * 20 July 2014 in Auckland NZ. Rookie grandparents, Bob and Sandy is over the moon.
SHAW Ian & Lisa a girl Isla Andi * 22 July 2014. Sister for Madison.
BULL Eric George .Requiem Mass at Christ the King Catholic Church on 25 July 2014 at 12noon. DOVES 0860025500.
DU PLESSIS Marinette Gemma. Funeral at St Patrick's Catholic Church Bellair on 29 July 2014 at 11am. Proceeding to Stellawood Cemetery for internment. DOVES 0860025500.
EGELBRECHT Elsie (Madge) 1932 ----2014. Mother of Eugene, Lynette, Mario, Wayne. Memorial at Entambeni Farm Merrivale on 25 July 2014 at 11am.
EVANS Gareth Mark + 22 July 2014 x Moya, father of Rona and families. Family of the SOILCO family. Memorial at Durban North Methodist Church Durban North on 28 July 2014 at 2 pm. OAKLEIGH
LESLIE Cyril Clive of Johannesburg, before of Wentworth x Estelle. Father of Myles, Diego, Lee-Anne and Monique. Son of Gordon & + Patricia LESLIE, brother and uncle. Funeral at Christ The King Parish Wentworth at 10am. Cremation private.
LUTHULI Goodness and her daughter Nonthuli LUTHULI (24 years) were shot and died at an informal settlement in Pietermaritzburg on 22 July 2014.
MAYNE Geoffrey 8 April 1926 -----20 July 2014 x Murlien. Father of Glen, Lois, Charmaine and Alexander. Cremation Service on 25 July 2014 at St John The Devine Anglican Church Glenwood at 3pm. AVBOB 031 2061831.
MILL nee SELLMAN Gail. Sister of Nicky, Faryl, Troy and Chelsea.
MITCHELL Bobbie 1 May 1917 ----15 July 2014 . Mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.
PRINGLE Doctor Angus Llewellyn 26 July 1944 ----19 July 2014. Member of the Veterinary profession. Sympathy to Hettie and family. Celebration of his life at Hillcrest Presbyterian Church on 25 July 2015 at 3pm. AVBOB 031 2061831.
RAY nee LUCIOLI Ellen Rhona. Mother of Kevin, Mischief, Michael, Melvin and + Goodboy & Irvin. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at St Michael's Catholic Church Redhill on 26 July 2014 at 10am. Cremation private.
REILLY Eva x + Peter REILLY at age 98 years. Will be missed by Clive, Marina , children and grandchildren . Inserted by RAUTENBACH family. Funeral on 24 July 2014 at 11am at Red Hill Jewish Cemetery.
RICHARD JOHN THOMSON (Dick) 23 Dec 1925 -----22 July 2014 x Kath. Father of David; Donald & Kathy-Jane; Father-in-law of Karen and Margi. Grandfather of Cuan, Dana and Greg. Cremation private and Memeorial Service to follow.
CHRISTIAN RUBY MARCEL " Cheri" 1 year gone now. Wife, mother and grandmother.
FISHER Iain RIP with Jean. Love from Werner and Jill.
LEAVER Nicole . You would have been 28 today. Love Dad, Mom and sisters Kaylee and Reecine.
TYACK Robert. From Glyn.
25 July 2014
PLANE CRASH:- SULEMAN Haris (17 years) & father Babar SULEMAN + 22 July 2014. They were doing around the world flight attempt . Father was not yet found.
ZWANE Khumbulani (19),son of Zwela ZWANE and Thamsanga (21) son of Simon ZWANE + 21 July 2014 in hail of bullets at KwaMashu Hostel.
BALMAKHUN Roopnarian ID 410827 5069 08 3 + 13 April 2014 of 31 Burlington Rd, Reservoir Hills Durban 4091 x Kelwalpathie BALMAKHUN ID 520913 0033 08 9. ESTATE No 24082/2014/DBN. SNYMAN & GARACH P O Box 58, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3135600.
GOVIND Jasmin Baijnath ID 531002 0046 08 0 + 8 Dec 2005 of 4201 Summit Creek, Boulevard Orlando Florida. Formaly of 4 Norwood Park, Athlone Park Amanzimtoti 4126 x Ashvanth Makan GOVIND ID 561214 5120 08 2. ESTATE No. 23662/2014/DBN. ISMAIL EBRAHIM VAHED P O Box 70020 Overport, 4067. TEL:- 031 7866733.
MSUBO Nomusa Janet ID 650219 0637 08 1 + 6 Nov 2004 of 1205 Waterfall, Qwabe Tribal Authority Upper Tongaat x Zibukeleni Vitalis MSUBO ID 570826 5602 08 9 .ESTATE No 23944/2014 DBN. A KHAN ATTORNEYS Suite 118 Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban.
AMRA Rabia Bibi ID 400527 0109 08 0 + 24 May 2008 of 30 Pax Palm Rd, Palmview Phoenix 4068. ESTATE No 6169/2010/PMB. NKONKI KZN P O Box 303, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 2747400.
CHETTY Brian Derek ID 520923 5205 08 7 + 11 May 2008 of 12 Tezpur Place, Merebank 4052. ESTATE No. 14717/2008. SHENAAZ B HABIB & CO 311 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth.
DORASAMY Ganasen ID 430606 5065 08 5 + 23 Feb 2014 of 165 Woodhurst Drive, Chatsworth 4092 x Muniamma DORASAMY ID 460304 0059 08 8. ESTATE No. 3898/2014/DBN. ANAND DORASAMY & ASSOCIATES, 33 O'Flaherty Rd, Clare Estate, Durban 4091. P O Box 65008 Reservoir Hills, Durban 4090.
HADDEN Natalie ID 320312 0017 08 9 + 12 Nov 2013 of 13 Theron Rd, Austerville, Wentworth, Durban. ESTATE No.557/2014/DBN. T C MEHTA & CO. 216 Seventh Ave, off Lillian Ngoyi Rd, Morningside, Durban 4001.
28 July 2014
DUNCAN -LABURN Peter & Tessa and Pete & Jane announce the engagement of Clinton to Vicky.
EVANS Mark + 22 July 2014. Brother of Craig, Lyle and Darryl; Also Craig, Sybill, Blaine, Rheece and Dean.
GOVENDER Runganaigee (Rani) x Mannie. Mother of Keshree and Vinolan. Mother-in-law of Kershen and grandmother. Funeral on 28 July 2014 at Merebank Community Hall Merebank from 11am ------3:30pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 16:20pm TEL:- Gops 083 641 5444. ISIPINGO 031 9022444.
MEWETT MARIA DEL CARMEN 28 May 1932 -- + 24 July 2014. Mother of Elisa, Elaine and Alan.
NAICKER Lavin 9 April 1970 -----18 July 2014. Son and brother. From Dad, Mom, Yugan, Kuben, Amma. 16th Day Memorial on 1 Aug 2014 at The Arutpa Kazhagam of SA Chatsworth from 19:00----20:00pm. Supper wil be served. Enquiries Yugan NAICKER TEL:- 0825189430 / 031 4001735.
BAKER Edington (Tony). 3 years gone now. Father.
FOUNTAIN Jon-Jon. 10 years gone now. Son and brother and uncle. Love from Mum, Dad, Nicholas, Stacey-Leigh, Candice, Nick, Emma, Peyton and Samuel.
RORKE Peter 30 Sept 1949 -----28 July 2008. Missed by David; Son of Francoise & + Alan. Older Brother of Anthony (Tony). Father of Francoise and Richard. Grandfather of Connor, Luke, Katie and Olivia. Brother-in-law of Denese and Jane, uncle and great-uncle.
29 July 2014
ALLANSON Gordon Roy 7 July 1929 -----24 July 2014 x Joyce. Father of June, Robert and Linda. Father-in-law of Russell and Andrew. Grandfather of Matthew, Cameron, Michael, Keegan and Tarryn (fondly known as Bobo).
CALF Joyce 19 July 1927 ----25 July 2014 at Motwa Haven Retirement Home. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
DUFFIELD nee JACKSON Joyce 19 July 1938 -----25 July 2014 x George. Mother and mother-in-law of Peggy and Vincent, Theresa and Dale, George Jnr, Belinda and Craig and Mandy. Grandmother of Melissa, Giles, Tarryn, Byron, Justin, Megan and Haley. Great-grandmother of Chloe and Brooklyn. Memorial on 1 Aug 2014 at 11am at Queensburgh Congregational Church Malvern.
DU PLESSIS nee BOULLE Marinette 14 July 1947 -----18 July 2014. Would have been married for 50 years on 17 Sept 2014 to Andre. Father of Vincent, Bernard, Alain and their families (wifes and children).
ELLIS Charles Clifford 21 March 1916 ----25 July 2014 (98) x + Mabel ELLIS. Father of Heather, Brian, Pamela, Marilyn, Trevor ,+ Karin, Lynnette, Fiona, Harriet, Faye, Terence and Rodwyn, grand and great-grandfather. ; Grandfather of Rocky, Taryn and children; Funeral on 1 Aug 2014 at Manning Rd Methodist Church Glenwood at 1pm. Proceeding to Stellawood Cemetery. Refreshments at Church hall after burial.
ENDRES Alan + 26 July 2014. Partner of Heather. Father of Cynthia, Tersia, Debbie, Kim and Alan, Grandfather of 7, great-grandfather of 2. Wake on 1 Aug 2014 at 12am. TEL:- 0713506534.
FOSKETT (KNEE) Margaret Alys + 25 July 2014 . Mother of Felicity, Derek and Katie, Christopher and Sarie. Grandmother of Johnathan, Lesley-Anne and Christine. Memorial at Mothwa Haven Moore Rd on 1 Aug 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
HARRISON Stanley Frederick 20 Oct 1917 ----21 July 2014. You are home now dancing with your Darling blue eyes and your precious Cath. Father, father-in-law,grandfather and great-grandfather.
HOWARD James Alexander Orr 25 Jan 1930 -----24 July 2014 x Jessie. Father and father-in-law of Linda and Rob, Derek and Sandy, Ian and Carla and Colin and Gill. Grand and great-grandfather. Private Service for family .
MAC MILLAN Gordon Alexander + 28 Jul 2014. Husband , brother and father, grandfather. Memorial 31 July 2014 at Christchurch Pinetown at 2pm.
MENNE Glynnis (formerly from Cowies Hill) 23 Feb 1951 -----28 July 2014 x Mike. Mother of Michelle and Andy.
NKALA Minenhle + 25 July 2014 at age 4 years. He was run over by a taxi Son of Fikile NKALA (27).
NOBLE Sheilah 10 July 1925 ----27 July 2014 x + Harry NOBLE. Mother of Norman, Maureen, Nunu and Shan. Granny,great-grandmother and mother-in-law. Regret no service. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
RAMTAHAL Therukpersadh (Teddy) + 26 July 2014 . Son of Sonia & Gugra. Husband to Devi. Father to Michelle, Marcia and Wayne and Trevor. Grandfather to Jaden and Ariya. Brother to Baby, Emcy, Billy, Rowan, Madhan, Pravesh and Lallie. Funeral at The Clare Estate Crematorium New Germany Rd
Reservoir Hills on 30 July 2014 from 11----13h00pm. DOVES 0860025500.
REDDY S.P (Siva) 1936 -----28 July 2014 x Neela REDDY. Father of Selvan and Kovilan. Brother of Roy, Yanna and + Babba and Smalls, Anja, Savy, Kogie, Mano Lallie and + Batha. Son-in-law of Sharmla and Charmaine. Grandfather of Lazarus, Rebekkah, Daniel, Abigail, Jivashan, Shomalan & Saiyuka. Funeral on 30 July 2014 at 18 Fern Rd, Umhlanga Rocks from 10am ----11:30am Proceeding to Woodhurst Multi-Cultural Centre Woodhurst Chatsworth. Thereafter proceeding to Umhlatuzana Cemetery for buriel at 4:30pm.
ROLT prevously YATES Olga Vera + 26 July 2014 at age 91 years. Mother of Roy, Ray and Lynne. Grandmother of 7 and 13 great-grandmother. Service Celebration on 30 July 2014 at 10am at St Luke's Church 18 High St, Orchards, Johannesburg.
SMITH Jeffrey Douglas 1951 --- 2014 . Brother of Trevor and Glen. Brother-in-law of Levina and Mary-Ann. Uncle and great-uncle. Funeral at Lambert Rd Baptist Church Morningside Durban on 1 Aug 2014 at 14:30pm. BELL Funerals. 031 3014793.
WHYTE David Frederick + 25 July 2014. Brother of Patricia, Graham and Valerie. Uncle and great-uncle. Will be missed also by the Fishing Fraternity. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
WILLIAMS John 20 May 1933 -----23 July 2014. Missed by Dorothy, Gavin, Mark, Elana, Lisa, Michelle, Rozlyn, Rhylee. Memorial at Randburg Baptist Church 31 July 2014 at 11am.
FREESE Leo 15 Nov 1933 ----29 July 2012 RIP from Pauline.
KEACHIE Bessie + 29 July 2004 . Mother of Raymond Jnr.
SING Merril. Sister and aunt of the SING family.
WILLIAMS Andy 29 July 1978. From Kath.
30 July 2014
GEOFF Sylvester (62 years ) + 29 July 2014 Shot for his cellphone in KwaMashu. He was working on a infrastucture project at the KwaMashu Hostel.
NDLELA Patrick (60) + 28 July 2014 in Pietermaritzburg where he was a Security guard at Sojuba Building Material Plant Edenvale. He was assulted and killed.
PILLAY Goinsamy . Father of Vasanthee, Vanilla, Salome and Ravie. Funeral 31 July 2014 at Durban Christian Centre Phoenix from 11am ----1pm. Proceeding to Merebank Cemetery for burial at 2pm.
MOODLEY Neelambal . Mother of son Preggy, daughter Vanie, Mother-in-law of Mumsie and Yogis. Grandmother. Yearly Memorial ar SRS Hall Overport on 2 Aug 2014 at 3pm Supper will be served. TEL:- 0848964790 / 031 2082734.
31 July 2014
ERLANDSON Elsie. Today you are 102 years . Mother, grand, great-grandmother. Love from your family.
COLEMAN Diane Ivy + 26 July 2014. Mother and grandmother of Lynn, Chris, Lou, Nicky and Bryan. Memorial at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church Kloof on 4 Aug 2014 at 2pm.
DIEDERICKS Jacobus Petrus (Koos) 18 Jan 1948 ----27 July 2014. Husband, father and grandfather. Cremation Service at NG Suidkus Church Amanzimtoti on 1 Aug 2014 at 11am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
ENDRES Alan + 26 July 2014. Partner of Heather. Father of Cynthia, Tersia, Debbie, Kim and Alan. Grandfather of 7 and great-grandfather of 2. Wake on 1 Aug 2014 at 12noon. TEL:- 071 3506534.
NADAULD Phyllis Mary 9 March 1920 ----28 July 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at the Church Hall at Mooi Hawens Winkelspruit on 1 Aug 2014 at 14:30pm. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti & Scottburgh 031 9035423.
NAIDOO Mogambry (Thambi) . Brother of Jayalutchmee, Manoranjitham, Dhanalutchmee, Krishnee and Radhakrishan. Funeral on 31 July 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 17h00---17h30pm.
NAICKER Lavin 9 April 1970 ----18 July 2014. From Mum, Dad, Yugan, Kuben, Amma. 16th Day Ceremony on 1 Aug 2014 at Arutpa Kazhagam of SA Chatsworth from 19h00-----20h00pm.
AUGUST Brett Deveron 4 Aug 1981 ----31 July 2007. Son and brother. From Dad, Mom and Brothers.
SYLVESTER Geoff. Love and thoughts are with Sue and family on their tragic loss. From Bob, Sally, Nicole , Samantha, Eve and family in England and Pat in Norway.
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