Eastern Province Herald 1853 - 3 - July to September
Tuesday 5 July 1853
MARRIED on the 30th instant by the Revd. Cameron, Albert LILIENFELD Esq. MD, of Graaff-Reinet, to Bertha, eldest daughter of Adolph GERS Esq. of Schwarzburgh, in Saxony.
DIED at Uitenhage Town on Thursday the 21st June [sic], after a lingering illness, Mr. David GREWAR, aged 57 years, leaving a widow and large family of children to mourn their irreparable loss.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice confirms he died on 21st June, which was a Tuesday]
During the voyage of the “John Melhuish”, emigrant vessel, from London bound for Port Philip, and when she was in 30 deg 11 min south latitude and 10 deg 57 min east longitude, the first mate went stealthily into the hold and tapped a brandy flask. The light which he held in his hand came in contact with the liquor, and the hold was speedily in flames. An alarm was raised, and a passenger, HAYWARD by name, thrust his finger into the hole from which the brandy was flowing, and, notwithstanding the blue flame enveloped his arm, he held it there until the fire was subdued. He was afterwards presented by the rest of the passengers with a gold watch and chain, as an acknowledgement for his heroic conduct. The first mate was placed under arrest.
Tuesday 12 July 1853
Another warning of man’s mortality has just been received by the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth. The Rev. F. McCLELAND, so long chaplain of St.Mary’s Church here, departed this life at 11pm on Sunday after a long illness, leaving a large family and wide circle of friends to deplore his loss. We have not learned the exact nature of the malady b y which deceased has been carried off, but it has been for some time apparent to his friends that some fatal disease was at work against his constitution; and altho’ he long struggled against its manifest ravages and was scarcely ever heard, till about two months before his decease, to utter complaints, it was hurrying towards his end and was not to be arrested. All that medical skill could do was done but proved unavailing; and from the midst of his labors the Rev. Mr. McCLELAND is thus gathered to the home of his fathers, leaving those who survive to deplore their loss. With the bereaved family, in this time of their great sorrow, the public most deeply sympathise.
In the Estate of the late Chas. GURNEY
All Persons having Claims against this Estate are requested to file the same at the Office of the undersigned within six weeks from this date, and all persons indebted to the same are requested to settle immediately.
Ex. Testamen.
July 6th 1853
Any person or persons found removing any Stone, Clay, Gravel or Earth from off any part of Rufane Vale, belonging to the late Jonathan Benjamin BOARD, will be prosecuted according to law, without distinction of persons – with the exception of those to whom permission may be given or the purchasers of Erven at the last Sale.
E. BOARD, Executrix Test.
Tuesday 26 July 1853
Sir, By Clause [25] of the Constitutional Ordnance: is provided that no person shall be eligible as a Candidate for the Upper House who is not first requested by 25 qualified Electors to allow himself to be put in Nomination. Desirous as we are to command your services for the Province in the Legislative Council, we lose no time in complying with this important preliminary, and so at once wait upon you with our respectful requisition that you will allow yourself to be nominated as one of the Honorable Members who are to represent the interests of the Province in the Upper House of our Colonial Parliament.
[request continues for a further two paragraphs]
We are &c
Joseph SIMPSON, Main Street, Port Elizabeth
W.M HARRIES, Market Square, do.
A. WARES, Belmont Terrace, do.
J. PATERSON, Main Street, do.
D.P. BLAINE, St.Mary’s Terrace, do.
Dan. PHILIP, Fishery Point, do.
Joseph GRAHAM, Main Street, do.
Wm. MACKIE, Chapel Street, do.
E.H. SALMOND, Custom’s Street, do.
A.W. WENTZEL Jun, Main Street, do.
J.H. CLARK, Main Street, do.
W. TERCY, White’s Road, do.
John LESLIE, Main Street, do.
H.J. DUNNELL, Bled Street, do.
Robert BLACK, Chapel Street, do.
R. DEARE, main Street, do.
F.D. DEARE, Main Street, do.
H. RUTHERFOORD, Union Street, do.
J.W. KEMP, Main Street, do.
Alex. CROLL, Main Street, do.
H. DAVIS, St.Mary’s Terrace do.
G.E. DUNSTERVILLE, Main Street, do.
J.G.S. DE VILLIERS, Queen Street, do.
W. KUHR, Bellevue Terrace, do.
C. ANDREWS, Prospect terrace, do.
G. CHABAUD, Rufane Vale, do.
John ANDERSON, Union Street, do.
E.L. KIFT, Bird Street, do.
[followed by letter of acceptance from Wm. FLEMING]
[Letter of acceptance from J.C. KROG to W.T. WELSFORD Esq, J.C. RADEMEYER Esq and the other gentlemen and Inhabitants of Uitenhage who signed the Requisition]
Robert HART Sen. Esq.
Port Elizabeth, 6th July 1853
[Letter of Requisition signed by]
P. HEUGH, Prospect Terrace, Port Elizabeth
Wm. CAMPBELL, Chapel Street, do.
Wm. M. INNES, Queen Street, do.
William BIRT, Main Street, do.
Wm. SELWYN, Constitution Hill, do.
W.H. COLEMAN, Braken’s Street, do.
George WILSON, Military Road, do.
John COURT, Britannia Street, do.
John R. PHILIP, Main Street, do.
H.D. DYKE, main Street, do.
Henry GREEN, Main Street, do.
J.H. HOLLAND, Union Street, do.
Thos. W. GUBB, Custom’s Street, do.
Samuel SMITH, Main Street
Wm. COLLARD, Main Street, do.
John CROOKS, Main Street, do.
W. SMITH, Main Street, do.
John C. KEMSLEY, Victoria Street, do.
Wm. PATTINSON, Main Street, do.
George CHICK, Queen Street, do.
F. HUGHES Sen., Nelson Street, do.
Joseph BOLD, Chapel Street, do.
A. ROBSON V.D.M., Constitution Hill, do.
T. PROUDFOOT, Queen Street, do.
George BIRT, Main Street, do.
Edward ONIONS, Main Street, do.
T.M. DU TOIT, Queen Street, do.
W.H. KAY, main Street, do.
A.C. WELSFORD, Main Street, do.
J.S. REED, Main Street, do.
Jos. WILLIAMS, Queen Street, do.
[followed by letter of acceptance from Robert HART, written from Glen Avon]
Tuesday 2 August 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 27th July, Mrs. S. BIRCH of a daughter.
Tuesday 9 August 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 27th July, Mrs. J. BIRCH of a daughter.
[May be a correction of the previous week’s notice]
DIED at Uitenhage on the 8th instant, Mrs. [illegible] VAN NIEKERK, deeply regretted by her family and friends.
If Mr. Henry HATTON, a Baker, who left Mr. HENLEY’s employ about three weeks ago and is supposed to have gone in the direction of Oliphant’s Hoek, will call upon Mr. WILSON at Mr. WASLEY’s Hotel, he will hear something to his advantage.
Port Elizabeth, 9th August 1853
Tuesday 16 August 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 15th inst, the lady of captain J.E. ROBERTSON, 6th Royal Regiment, Commandant of Port Elizabeth, of a son.
Tuesday 23 August 1853
In this paper of the 4th instant we find a most melancholy account of a fearful murder of a Mrs. VAN DER VYVER and an adopted son, in the Wynburg district. The murderers are supposed to be Kafirs but there is very little evidence as yet against them. Meantime the whole Wynburg district is thrown into a state of great alarm and abandonment of it by the white man is at present threatened. The Friend denounces the lax system of British rule in the Sovereignty as the cause of these murders.
Tuesday 30 August 1853
BIRTH at King William’s Town on Wednesday 17th August, the Lady of C. BROWNLEE Esq, Gaika Commissioner, of a son.
BAPTIZED on the 25th August by the Revd. A. Robson, William Thomas HULME, son of Mr. William HULME.
MARRIED at St.George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Thursday 18th instant, by the venerable Archdeacon Merriman, the Revd. William Anderson STEABLER, Acting Colonial Chaplain at Bloem Fontein, Orange River Sovereignty, to Annie, eldest daughter of the Revd. John HEAVYSIDE, Colonial Chaplain of Graham’s Town.
DIED this morning, August 23 1853, R.M. WHITNALL Esq, aged [64] years, after a short illness of four weeks, for many years attached to the Engineering Department at Graham’s Town. The deceased is deeply regretted by a numerous family and a large circle of friends.
DIED in Port Elizabeth on the 29th instant, Mr. John Keith WILLIAMSON, aged 46 years.
Tuesday 6 September 1853
MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Revd. P. Copeman, on the 25th August 1853, Mr. Charles Thomas ADCOCK, of Port Elizabeth, to Eliza Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late Mr. F.T. NOYCE, of London.
Tuesday 20 September 1853
Meetings to be held on
Sept. 27 at Uitenhage – Next of kin of Thomas Ignatius HIPPERT and surviving spouse Aletta Cornelia Petronella BAKKES.
Sept 30 at Somerset – Next of kin of Maria Cornelia NEL and surviving spouse Johannes GREEF.
Oct 5 at Graham’s Town – Magdalena BOTHA and surviving spouse Carel Hendrik KEULDER.
Oct 5 at Graham’s Town – In re John WHITE of Cradock [insolvent] to consider offer of compensation from Thos. DRY, a debtor to the estate.
Oct 6 at Fort Beaufort – Next of kin of George JAMES and surviving spouse Hannah BUCKLY.
Oct 12 at Graham’s Town – Next of kin of Susanna Cornelia BOTHA and surviving spouse John Jonathan DURAND.
Oct 12 – Next of kin of Vivian CUMMING.
Oct 15 at Graaff-Reinet – Next of kin of Catharine Margaretha JANTZE VAN [VEURE], widow of the late D.N. NEYER J.G.’s.
[Oct 30 at Somerset] – Maria Cornelia NEL and surviving spouse Matthew Johannes GREEF.
Tuesday 27 September 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 22nd inst, Mrs. T. MELVILL DU TOIT of a daughter.
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