Eastern Province Herald 1853 - 4 - October to December
Tuesday 4 October 1853
DIED at Port Elizabeth this morning, the 4th inst, Hermann Frederic William, infant son of William KUHN, aged seven months and twenty-five days.
Tuesday 11 October 1853
BIRTH at Richmond on Thursday 22nd September 1853, Mrs. Richard RUTHERFOORD of a son.
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Lieut-Col, NISBETT, 60th Rifles, Commandant of British Kaffraria, under very calamitous circumstances. It seems that the lamented officer was on a tour of inspection, and that on Saturday last he was proceeding from Middle Drift, on the Keiskama, to Fort Cox. That on his way it was necessary to cross the river at a ford called Hobbs’ Drift, and that on taking the stream he was swept away and perished. The particulars of this sad catastrophe are very scant, but from what we can gather the following are the principal details which have reached the colony;- it seems then, that on the tour in question the deceased was accompanied by his Aide-de-Camp, Lieut. ELLIS, and an orderly soldier. On reaching the fatal drift the river was found greatly swollen by the recent rains; notwithstanding which, Mr. ELLIS put his horse into the stream and reached the opposite bank in safety. He was followed by Col. NISBETT, but on looking round he saw the Colonel’s horse plunge forward and his rider cast into the furious current. Rushing to his assistance and calling loudly to the orderly to run down the opposite bank of the river, an endeavour was made to save him, but unfortunately without effect. For a short time he sustained himself by seizing hold of the pommel [hole torn out of paper…..] His body had not been [recovered when] the account of the fatal accident was dispatched. Col. NISBETT was an officer of high character. He had only assumed the command of British Kaffraria on the retirement of Major General YORKE, and was visiting the several posts to assure himself they were in s state of efficiency. His loss, heightened by the melancholy circumstances attending it, will be universally deplored. – Journal.
The estate of Mr. J.V. CROUCH, carrier, Graaff-Reinet, has been placed under sequestration.
Tuesday 25 October 1853
BIRTH on the 20th October, Mrs. F. WASLEY of a son.
Tuesday 1 November 1853
BIRTH at Uitenhage Town on the 27th ultimo, Mrs. Albrecht RENS of a daughter.
Tuesday 8 November 1853
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 3rd instant, the wife of Mr. Henry DRURY of a daughter.
Tuesday 15 November 1853
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev, the Archdeacon Merriman, on the 4th November 1853, Mr. Francis Henry CARPENTER to Eliza Ann, eldest daughter of N.W. MEYER Esq.
Tuesday 29 November 1853
DIED at Uitenhage on the morning of the 25th instant, Martha Jacoba, beloved wife of J.L. LEEB Esq. of Graaff-Reinet, aged 29 years and 4 months.
Nov 29 1853
DIED at Graaff-Reinet, Agnes, the youngest daughter of William and Sarah BRAMWELL, aged 5 years.
Tuesday 6 December 1853
DIED at Uitenhage Town on Sunday the 27th November 1853, after a long and very painful illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, Gerhardus Laurens MULLER, beloved grandson of Mrs. the widow NIEKERK. Of Van Staden’s River, aged 28 years 5 months and 3 days, deeply deplored by his disconsolate widow, numerous relations and friends.
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at the residence of J.C. FLACK Esq, in Uitenhage, on Friday night, the 25th Nov 1853, Martha Jacoba MULLER, beloved wife of Julian Lodewyk LEEB Esq, J.P. of Graaff-Reinet, at the age of 29 years 4 months and days, leaving three young children. Her sufferings were severe and trying but submitted to with calm resignation to the Divine Will.
Tuesday 13 December 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 10th instant, Mrs. J.C. […LEY] of a daughter.
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 7th instant, Mrs. Eugene CHABAUD of a daughter,
It has pleased the Almighty God to take unto Himself, on the 2nd instant, my dearly beloved husband Lukas Janse VAN VUUREN Senior, aged 71 years 1 month and 14 days; deeply regretted by me and my children. This serves as a general notice to the family, relations and friends.
Kruis River
District Uitenhage
Dec 5 1853.
Tuesday 27 December 1853
BAPTISM at Uitenhage on the 25th inst, in the Dutch Reformed Church, by the Rev. A. Smith, a daughter of the Rev. W. HEUGH, baptised Isabella Hamilton.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 26th inst, from a gunshot wound, Edward Jonathan KENNESLEY, aged 16 years 5 months and 8 days.
His remains will be removed from the house of his widowed mother in Chapel-street, adjoining the house of Mr. William CAMPBELL on the Hill, at half past 6pm this day, to be interred in the Wesleyan burying ground. Sympathizing friends are requested to attend.
T. LEE, Undertaker.
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