Eastern Province Herald 1854 - 1 - January to March
Tuesday 3 January 1854
[The paper reverts from the Eastern Province News (1850-18) to its original name of the Eastern Province Herald]
Tuesday 10 January 1854
State of the Poll at 11 o’clock
WOOD 142
METELERKAMP and STOCKENSTROM are at the head of the Uitenhage Poll
Summer Goods per “Shepherdess”
Have now ready for inspection an entire new Stock of choice Woollen Goods, direct from London, consisting of Prime West of England, Super Fine Saxony Wooldyed Black Cloths, Doeskins, Single-milled Cassimeres, Half milled Doeskins, Scotch Angolas, Summer Vestings, &c., &c.
T. & S. with confidence affirm that the above are the most Fashionable Goods ever imported into Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 17 January 1854
All Parties indebted to the firm of W. & J. SMITH & Co., are hereby requested to settle the amounts of their respective accounts with Mr. Wm. TERRY, at their present office within six weeks from this date, or said amounts will be handed over for Immediate Collection; and all Parties having claims on the said Firm are requested to send them in for adjustment without delay.
Port Elizabeth, 31st Dec., 1853
ROBBERY – Important Discovery –
Mr. GALPIN, a Jeweller of Graham’s Town, had a case containing Jewellery, to the amount of £690 [unclear] sent to him from England per “Dispatch”, every precaution having been adopted in England to ensure the property from damp, the case being lined with tin throughout. This case was landed, and despatched to town, where it arrived on the 5th January. The case was observed to be a little broken, but this excited no suspicion at the moment. However, in unpacking the following day, it was discovered that one of the bottom planks of the case had been forced, a large hole fresh cut in the tin, and £150 worth of the Jewellery abstracted. Information was immediately lodged at the Clerk of the Peace’s Office, who instituted an enquiry. The carrier had in the meantime returned to the country. Depositions were sent by following days post to Sidbury, where the carrier resided, for the Justice of the Peace there, to carry on the investigation, and also to the Magistrate of the Bay; this information excited some little curiosity a the latter place, the Captain, it is said, declaring it must have been done at the London Docks. A portion of the property has however, been discovered and five men are now in custody at the Bay, it having been proved that the theft was committed whilst conveying the case from the “Dispatch” to the shore. It is understood the Boating Company are liable for this loss. – Journal.
A young man by the name of GREEF, an inhabitant of the Sunday River Field cornetcy, dropped down dead suddenly at the house of Mr. A. [LISTENBERG], at Graaff-Reinet. He had arrived from the country on the day before in apparent good health, nor was it all [illegible] that there was anything the matter with him previous to the stroke which ended his days,
Tuesday 24 January 1854
BIRTH, yesterday morning, 23d instant, Mrs. Joseph FLACK, of a Son.
DIED, at Riet Fontein, at half-past 3 in the afternoon of the 13th inst., Ignatius Johannes RENS, at the early age of 34 years and 8 months, leaving a wife and five children to deplore his loss.
SUDDEN DEATH – A few days ago a man of the name of HAMILTON, an engraver, was found dead on the beach. He was entirely given up of late to the passion for drink, appropriating his earnings to its purchase – hence the cause of his death.
We regret to record that a person named Joseph DICKS was bit by a snake on Saturday morning last and died in the night of the same day. It appears that the unfortunate man had outspanned his wagon at a spot named Zig-zag, beyond Robey’s or Manley’s Flat, and had lain down to rest when he was suddenly bit by the reptile, which had crept up his trowsers, in the knee; he started up, killed the snake, and managed to drive his wagon to Robey’s, and then sank down exhausted. The accident happened about 11 in the morning, and so swift and virulent were the effects of the poison that before eight o’clock he was speechless, and death soon after terminated his sufferings. The reptile was very thin and small, being about eight inches in length (probably a night adder) and the bite occasioned little or no discoloration of the part.
During the absence of Mr. John GRADWELL from his farm at Collingham on Wednesday night last, the 11th instant, the widows of his dwelling house were broken through and a drawer and box rifled of £75 (10s in silver, £49 10s in gold two £10 and one £5 Eastern Province Bank Notes), 2 black cloth jackets, 3 pairs of trowsers (two black cloth and 1 brown plaid), 1 black cloth and 1 blue drab shooting waistcoat and several shirts. A gold eye-glass and silver watch were lying with the money but were not taken. Mr. G. has not been able to trace any of the stolen property. F. Times
Tuesday 31 January 1854
A meeting of Resident Householders will be held in the Commercial Hall, on Wednesday, 15th Feb. next, for the purpose of Voting a Rate for the current year. By order of the Board of Commissioners, John C. KEMSLEY, Town Clerk. Town Office, Port Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1854
BIRTH, at Port Elizabeth, on the 29th instant Mrs. Edward HEUGH, of a Daughter. 31st January 1854.
Tuesday 7 February 1854
The House in the occupation of Mr. CARPENTER, situate in Queen-street, next door to Mrs. HARVEY. Possession can be given on the 1st March. For particulars, apply to T. PROUDFOOT.
DIED, at Uitenhage, on the 6th instant, Helen, youngest Daughter of J. GIBSON, Esq., Government Teacher.
DIED, on the 22nd ultimo, at Zwart Ruggens, in the Division of Uitenhage, William Wellesley VAUGHAN, son of Mr. John VAUGHAN, of Kop Plaats, aged 16 months.
In the Insolvent Estate of James Valentine CROUCH, of Graaff-Reinet, Carrier.
All persons claiming to be creditors in the above Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned had been duly elected to and confirmed in the office of Sole Trustee of the above Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting of the Creditors of the Insolvent to be holden at Colesburg, at the office of the Resident Magistrate for the District of Colesburg, on the 15th day of February next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, for the further proof of debts, for receiving the report of the Trustee as to the condition of the Estate, for the examination of the Insolvent, and for giving directions to the Trustee generally.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby summoned and called upon to pay, or cause to be paid, the amounts of their respective debts to the undersigned, at his Counting House, in Colesburg, on or before the eighth day of February next, under the penalty of double costs of suit in the event of their being sued.
Thos. DRAPER Junior, Sole Trustee,
Tuesday 14 February 1854
TO BE LET, A Small Cottage, just vacated by Mr. GUBB, at Chelsea Farm, containing two good rooms. Apply at the office of this paper, or to John MILLS, Chelsea Farm.
BIRTH, at Uitenhage, on the 2nd inst., Mrs. F.O. HUTCHINSON, of a Son.
BIRTH, at Uitenhage, on the 12th instant, Mrs. E.J. SMITH, of a Son.
DIED, on Sunday, the 13th instant, Helen, infant Daughter of Alfred PAUL, of Queen-street, Port Elizabeth – aged 9 days.
Subscription List
For raising a fund for building a proprietary Episcopal Church in Port Elizabeth
One-fifth only of the sum subscribed, if exceeding £5, to be paid immediately, the remainder at certain periods to be determined by the Committee.
T. HANDFIELD £100 0 0
W.M HARRIES 30 0 0
E. H. SALMOND 30 0 0
G. CHABAUD 20 0 0
Henry STAINES 20 0 0
Wm. STAINES 20 0 0
Marth. DIESEL 20 0 0
H.N. CHASE 20 0 0
Wm. KEMSLEY 10 0 0
J.C. CHASE 10 0 0
Daniel PHILLIPS 15 0 0
Wm. BIRT 10 0 0
John SPARROW 10 0 0
H. VON RONN 10 0 0
Wm. KNHR [sic] 10 0 0
F.D. DEARE 20 0 0
John PARKIN 10 0 0
R.P. CHURCH 5 0 0
Cornelius ROBSON 5 0 0
J.C. KEMSLEY 5 0 0
Joseph FLACK 5 0 0
Joshua CAWOOD 5 0 0
Chas. S. TAYLOR 5 0 0
S. BAIN 5 0 0
Dr. RUBIDGE 5 0 0
Wm ADCOCK 5 0 0
C. ADCOCK 5 0 0
J.W. FROST 5 0 0
P.B. FROST 10 0 0
H.W. SMITH 5 0 0
H.B. DEARE 20 0 0
A Friend of W.M.H. 5 0 0
Robt. PHILLIPS 7 10 0
Wm FLEMING, Jun. 5 0 0
A Friend 5 0 0
James HALL 10 0 0
J.C. HESS 10 0 0
H. GOODWIN 1 0 0
G.T. TURNER 1 0 0
A.B. HARRIES 2 10 0
Robert B. CLARKE 5 0 0
W. BAWDEN 5 0 0
A. WARES 7 10 0
Fras. WASLEY 5 0 0
H. HARVEY 1 0 0
S. HANCOCK 5 0 0
Isaiah TITTERTON 10 0 0
Edw. PHILPOTT 20 0 0
Rice SMITH 30 0 0
A Friend 1 10 0
A Friend of H.R. 5 0 0
Lennox LLOYD 5 0 0
P. HEUGH 5 0 0
John CAPPER 3 0 0
J. LESLIE 1 1 0
Wm. HIGGINS, Secretary
Tuesday 21 February 1854
BAPTISED on the [10th] inst by the Revd. A. Smith of Uitenhage, a son of Mr. John LESLIE, named Douglas.
Tuesday 7 March 1854
DIED at Monte Video on Wednesday the 28th December 1853, John Smith KEMSLEY Esq, Merchant of that City, in the 46th year of his age; deeply lamented by his family and friends.
DIED at Uitenhage on 25th February, Frederick, youngest son of Mr. [J.F.] [last line cut off at bottom of page]
Tuesday 14 March 1854
DIED at Uitenhage on the 3rd instant, Johan Leopold KNAP, born at [Cal.. in D....] on the Rhine, aged 75 years 4 months and 4 days. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of this town; and in his advanced age lived as a Christian. His end was peace.
[Transcriber’s note: Place of birth very difficult to read. His Death Notice says he was born at Baden on the Rhine.]
In New Church, by the Rev. J. Harsant,
March 12, a daughter of Mr. MAYERS, named Jane Korsten
March 12, a daughter of Mr. Edward HEUGH, named Edwardina
Tuesday 21 March 1854
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th March, at the residence of her brother, Jeanette Eliza GILES, eldest daughter of the late Capt. [E] GILES RN, aged 25 years.
BAPTIZED in New Church, Main-street, by the Rev. John Harsant,
March 16: A son of Mr. John WOOD, named Charles Penny
March 18: A daughter of Mr. CALTON, named Maria
Tuesday 28 March 1854
BIRTH on the 26th instant, the Lady of the Rev. John HARSANT of a daughter
BAPTIZED in New Church, Main-street, by the Rev. John Harsant,
22nd March: A daughter of Mr. HOCKLY, named Emily Cora Smith
27th March: A son of Mr. NEWCOMBE, named John Alexander
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