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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1854 - 2 - April to June

Tuesday 4 April 1854

DIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday 29th instant, Mr. Charles William Henry DE LA HARPE, after a lingering illness of nine months, aged 36 years and 10 months.
Uitenhage, 31st March 1854

Tuesday 11 April 1854

The Subscriber begs to acquaint his Town and Country Customers that his Stock is now replete with a large assortment of Drugs, Chemicals & Perfumery, which he will sell at the lowest possible prices.
J.L. begs to remind Country Dealers that they will do well by purchasing their supplies of Dutch and other Medicines at his Establishment, where a large supply of Genuine Patent Medicines is always on hand.
Holloway’s Pills and Ointment, (at reduced prices)
Depot for Dr. TOWNSEND’s Extract of Sarsaparilla, The only genuine purifier of the Blood.
Manufacturer of Genuine Lemon Syrup.
John LESLIE, Chemist and Druggist,
Port Elizabeth, April 10th, 1854

Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Uitenhage that he has now opened his Bottle Store in Baird-street, opposite Mr. STREAKS, where he has on hand a choice selection of Brandies, Wines, &c. consisting of :
Hennessy’s Pale Brandy
Martell’s Brown Do.
Zaserac’s Do. Do.
Cape Do.
Cape Wines
Sweet Pontac
Port and Sherry
Champagne – pints and quarts
Old Tom
Jamaica Rum
Cherry Cordial
Holland Gin
Allsopp’s Celebrated Ale and Porter, bottled and on draught
Barclay’s Porter
English Vinegar, &c. &c.
Orders delivered in any part of the town, Free of charge.

Tenders for the Galleries and Ceilings of Human’s Dorp Dutch Reformed Church will be received by the Vestry of the above Church. Plans and specifications may be seen and particulars made known on application to Mr. Henry GRIFFIN, Main-street, Port Elizabeth.
Tenders to be delivered on or before the 30th inst., addressed, post-paid, to the Rev. W.J. HEUGH, Human’s Dorp.
Human’s Dorp, April 4th, 1854

Tuesday 18 April 1854

A few bags of the above are for Sale at the Stores of the Undersigned at Low Prices

J.C. HOFMEYR, Land, Law, General Agent, and Notary Public.
Office at his Residence in Murray-street, Burgher’s Dorp.
Mr. J.C.H. will also be prepared to undertake any Sales of Stock, &c. &c., with which he may be entrusted, and which he trusts will be transacted with punctuality and dispatch.

DIED at his residence, Cuyler Manor, near Uitenhage, on Friday, the 14th April, Lieut. General Jacob Glen CUYLER, aged 79 years.

RACES – The Human’s Dorp Races will take place tomorrow and Thursday, when several plates and purses will be run for.

INSOLVENCIES – The following estates have been placed under sequestration : P.J. PENTZ, P. JOHANNES’ Son, of Cape Town ; A. ERSKINE, stonecutter, Graham’s Town ; J.E. HENLEY, innkeeper, of Graham’s Town ; H.O. van ROOYEN, Lower Bushman’s River ; and Jane METCALF, widow of the late John METCALF

Tuesday 25 April 1854

The undersigned have received instructions from Mr. E. PULLEN, who intends retiring from Farming pursuits, will sell by Public Auction at his Residence,
“Klein Rivier” (situated three miles from Hankey) on the 2nd of May, the following Stock, Farming Implements, Furniture and Merchandize, viz :-
40 head of Superior Breeding Cattle
24 do. Well-trained Oxen
2 Thorough-bred Bulls
5 Riding Horses
2 Wagons
2 Ploughs and Harrows
2 Spirit Stills, (complete)
50 Grain Bags,
Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Chests of Drawers, Sideboards, Stretchers, Bedsteads, together with an Assortment of Merchandize, and whatever else may be offered on the day of Sale
W.& R. METELERKAMP, Auctioneers.
Zuurbron, April 24th, 1854

BAPTIZED in New Church by the Revd. John Harsant
April 19th - a son of Mr. Isaac PARKIN, named Stephen.
April 20th – a daughter of Mr. HURRY, named Maria Allen.
April 20th – a daughter of Mr. NEAL, named Rhoda Ann.

Tuesday 2 May 1854

DIED, at her late residence, De Staden’s River, in the Division of Uitenhage, on Thursday, the 20th ult, Mrs. Gertruida Sophia FERREIRA, (born MINNE) Widow of the late Mr. Ignatius Stephanus FERRERIA, aged 61 years, deeply regretted by her Family, and a large circle of Friends.

BUFFEL’S FONTEIN, in the Vicinity of Port Elizabeth. Mr. T.C. BOTHA, intending to discontinue Farming, owing to ill-health, has favoured the undersigned with instructions to offer for PRIVATE SALE, his half share in the above well known and valuable estate, together with the whole of his Farming Establishment (with the exception of the Horses)
Full particulars will be given hereafter.
Port Elizabeth, May 1st.

Being about to proceed to Cape Town, offers his services as General Agent to the public, during his stay in Town; meanwhile he will attend in Port Elizabeth, on Monday the 15th May, to receive in instructions from those, who are desirous of entrusting him with their affairs, as they will have a good opportunity of having them executed with preciseness and promptitude.

Tuesday 9 May 1854

The Proprietor in giving notice that he has made very considerable alterations in his hotel, would avail himself of the opportunity, of expressing his thanks to his friends and those of the public generally, who have hitherto so far extended to him their support.
The Canteen is now removed to a distance from the premises, and no expenditure has been spared by which “PORTER’S HOTEL” , might be rendered in every respect as comfortable as any Interior Inn can be made.
Best Wines always on hand direct from the first Houses.
Good stabling for fifty horses.
Burgersdorp, 26th April, 1854

Tuesday 16 May 1854

NEW TOWN – We hear that another town is shortly to be established on the banks of the Sunday’s River, within a short distance from its mouth. The river is pronounced to be navigable for vessels of a small tonnage, and wood and fresh water, the two principle requisites, to be had in abundance. Should the projectors carry out their intention, property in that neighbourhood will rise considerably, and Oliphants Hoek, which is contiguous to the proposed town, will henceforward become the great granary of the Eastern Province.

Tuesday 23 May 1854

Mr. D. PAPENFUS, Auctioneer and General Agent, has removed his Office from Market Square to Somerset Street, next door to the “Graaff Reinet Bank”.
Graaff Reinet, May 9th 1854

All Claims against H.E. ROBERTSON, late of the 6th, are to be sent to the undersigned.

Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Sworn Translator
Offices at the rooms of Mr. D. PAPENFUS, Somerset Street
Any business with which Mr. C. Van B. may be entrusted will be transacted with punctuality and dispatch
Graaff-Reinet 17th May 1854

The elections throughout the whole Colony excepting the Division of Beaufort West are now completed and subjoined we give the successful candidates so far as are known:

Messrs. MAYNARD, WATSON Cape Division
Messrs. BARRY, FAIRBAIRN Swellendam
Messrs. LOEDOLFF, DUCKETT Malmesbury
Messrs. BRAND, BOSMAN Stellenbosch

Messrs. PATERSON, WHITE Port Elizabeth
Messrs. KROG, HUTCHINSON Uitenhage
Messrs. POTE, THACKWRAY Graham’s Town
Messrs. COCK, BOWKER Albany
Messrs. STRETCH, PAINTER Fort Beaufort
Messrs. FRANKLIN, STEWART Victoria
Messrs. BOWKER, ___ Somerset
Messrs. ZIERVOGEL, MULLER Graaff-Reinet

Elections: From Uitenhage we learn that the Magistrate there is in a complete fix touching the elections. Mr. HUTCHINSON and Mr. HARTMAN were “a tie” according to the returns first received – each having polled 214. Afterwards the polling officers found in the voters for Mr. HUTCHINSON the name of an Englishman declared to have registered after date. This seemed to give the election in favour of Mr. HARTMAN. The committee of Mr. HUTCHINSON find among the voters of Mr. HARTMAN the name of one who had not registered at all. This again restores the tie or leaves the matter in favour of Mr. HUTCHINSON. We understand that the Attorney General is to be referred to in the matter.

Tuesday 30 May 1854

BIRTH, at Port Elizabeth, on the 24th instant, Mrs. William PUCKLE, of a Son.

Begs to acquaint his friends and the inhabitants of Uitenhage generally that his
Will be removed from St. John’s Street to Cuyler Street
On Thursday 1st June ensuing

Tuesday 6 June 1854

IMPORTANT SALE of Erven at the New Port “Colchester”. The undersigned having been favoured with instructions from Messrs. COLEMAN & MURRAY, will offer for sale by Public Auction about Three hundred erven in the Projected Town and Port of “Colchester”,
To be sold simultaneously one-half (colored Red in the General Plan) at Graham’s Town and the remainder (colored Blue) at Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday, the 1st of August, 1854.
As few persons are acquainted with the locality, and the many advantages which this place will possess as a Port and a Commercial Town, it may be necessary that a full description of it should be given.
“Colchester” is situated on the Eastern Bank of the Sunday’s River, about two miles from where it empties itself into Algoa Bay, and immediately upon the new line of road from Port Elizabeth to Graham’s Town, (which forms the “Main-street”) 28 Miles from the former, and 47 Miles from the latter Town.
The Farm “Vetmaak Vlakte”, upon which it is situate, is abundantly supplied with wood and water, and the soil is formed of the richest alluvial deposit and unsurpassed for agricultural or pastoral purposes.
As a Port it possesses from its position, many natural advantages – and although there is at present only nine feet of water on the bar, and consequently only navigable for Lighters and vessels of small draft of water – yet these would be able to ascend the River some Twenty Miles, as far as Modder Drift, where the Great Northern Trunk Line of Road crosses the River to all the Interior Districts via the Zuurberg. Improvements can be made at a comparatively small expense, which will considerably Deepen the water on the Bar. These are contemplated by the Proprietors, with the assistance of the Purchasers of Erven, under the protection of the Charter from the Colonial Parliament – and it may be affirmed with confidence that there are no Engineering difficulties to prevent Ships of 500 tons burthen entering and discharging their cargoes on the wharves of “Colchester”.
Nature has done so much towards making the Sunday’s River a Port, that but little has been left for Art to effect. The great power of the ebb and flow of every tide – the immense volumes of freshets which come down almost monthly from the Sneeuwberg and Zuurberg ranges – and the numberless Rivers and Streams which flow into it during its course of 400 miles from the Interior, may all be made subservient to the object in view.
As, however, all Seaworks of this description will require some time for their completion, the Proprietors have it in contemplation – in order to enable the Purchasers of Erven and the inhabitants of Graham’s Town, and the contiguous Districts generally, at once to derive immediate advantage from the Town as a Port – to build at once several Lighters and a Steam-Tug, for the purpose of conveying goods to “Colchester” either from the vessels at anchor in front of Port Elizabeth, or from ships which may have Cargoes wholly for this Port lying at anchorage at the Mouth of the Sunday’s River. – Re-shipping Wool or other Produce with equal advantage. As it is estimated that Goods can then be conveyed and landed at the same price as now charged for Landing Goods at Port Elizabeth, it is clear there will be a direct saving as all goods intended for Graham’s Town and the Frontier Districts, of from 20s to 25s. per Ton Land-Carriage, or from £25,000 to £30,000 per Annum ; while, by ascending the River to Modder Drift, there will not only be nearly as much to Somerset, Cradock, Burger’s Dorp, Colesburg, and all the large Market Towns in the Interior – but when the new Road to Graaff-Reinet is opened through the Sunday’s River Poort, and which is the nearest Road to that place, even from Port Elizabeth by some 15 miles, it will be enabled to share in these benefits, and Colchester will be placed on a superior footing to any Port in the Colony to do the trade of this large and rapidly increasing Town and District.
Railways – Should these be introduced into this part of the Colony, of which there is but little doubt, it will be seen that “Colchester” is perfectly situated with regard to the junction of several lines. Upon Adam’s Patent Principle, it may be calculated that a Railway can be laid down from Colchester To Graham’s Town, a distance of 47 Miles, for £105,750 or £2,250 per mile (see “Graham’s Town Journal” 6th May,) – and this would of course be carried on to Port Elizabeth - and further, whenever Rails are laid down from Graaff-Reinet to the Coast, “Colchester” would inevitably be the port chosen, as independently of its being the nearest, the Road up the great Valley of the Sunday’s River, with the exception of two places, rises in almost imperceptible gradients.
For large Vessels anchoring opposite the Mouth of the River it offers several advantages, for, from the position of the Coast they can in any wind make anchorage to the leeward of the
St . Croix Island, only about five miles distant, and which is universally admitted to be the only really safe anchorage in Algoa Bay and in fact forms a natural breakwater or Harbour of refuge, where ships of the largest class can ride out the heaviest gales in perfect safety. Much more might be said, would space permit, as to the general capabilities of this island for protection in South-East gales, which have already been so admirably noticed and appreciated by Commander FISHBOURNE, well-known on this coast as the gallant Commander of H.M. Str. “Hermes”
Nor is “Colchester” less favorably situated in an agricultural point of view, with the rich grain-growing districts of Oliphant’s Hoek and Bushman’s River stretching to the Eastward and the fine grazing farms of the Zuurberg to the North, from which portions of the Province Colchester must ultimately become the principle port of shipment of produce of all sorts to Europe.
But it is unnecessary to tell those who examine and consider the position of Colchester, what it is likely to become in a few years. None but the blind can fail to perceive that it must rise to a place of the Greatest Commercial Importance. Its central position as a Port – its proximity to the great lines of Roads to the Interior and Frontier Districts, will command for its Merchants a large share in the general trade of the Eastern Province, and there can be no doubt that the Government will take advantage of so obvious a saving as will be afforded by the opening of this Port, either for the conveyance of Troops, or Commissariat Stores, and that within a few years vessels of Large Tonnage, will be lying in the River opposite “Colchester”, having thus all the advantages of Docks, and secure from Accident or interruption.
As an Investment either to Capitalists or to Parents who wish to make Provision for their Children, it offers advantages which should not be thrown away. On this head attention need only be drawn to Port Elizabeth, where Plots of Ground which a few years since could be Purchased for Twenty Pounds, are now Worth Two Thousand.
Carriers will find it in their interest to purchase Erven, as they will thus acquire a right to Grazing on the Commonage, which in such a place must be a very desirable object.
By a reference to the Plans, which will be shortly out, it will be seen that ample spaces have been left for a Dutch Reformed Church and others, of which grounds? [image unclear] will be made open applications to all Denominations of Christians. Spaces will be left for Town House, Library Buildings, Commercial Rooms , Court and [image unclear] Premises. Commonage will be given, including some of the Finest Grazing Ground in the District.
Liberal Credit will be given, extending over a period of Five Years, according to the amount of Purchase.
H.H. RENS & Co. Auctioneers

Tuesday 20 June 1854

In the Estate of the late William HUDSON and surviving spouse Andriana Maria RADEMEYER. All persons having any claims against the above Estate are requested to send them in to the office of Messrs. H.H. RENS & Co., Uitenhage, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay the amount of their debts at the same place within the same period.
A.M. RADEMEYER, Executrix Testamentary.
Uitenhage Town, 29th May, 1854.

In the Estate of the late Lieut-General Jacob Glen CUYLER, of Cuyler Manor, Uitenhage. All persons having Claims on the above Estate, are requested to file the same with the undersigned, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted thereto, to pay their debts within the same period.
William ARMSTRONG, one of the Testamentary Executors.
Zwartkop’s River, 1st June, 1854

Desirous of being present in Cape Town on the 30th June at the opening of the
The undersigned begs to give notice that should a sufficient number offer to make it worth their while they will at once make arrangements for carrying passengers overland at the lowest possible fares.
Early application is necessary.
J.S. REED & Co
Mail Contractors
13th June 1854

Orange River Free State
Alfred WHITE, Auctioneer and Appraiser,
Land, Law and General Commission Agent, Smithfield.
N.B. All Colonial Communications to be forwarded via Aliwal North.

Tuesday 27 June 1854

BAPTIZED, in St. Paul’s Church, on Sunday, the 25th instant, by the Revd. Wilson, a son of William and Mary PUCKLE, named Edwin Spence.

DIED, at Richmond, on the morning of Thursday, 15th instant, from a relapse of remittent fever, accompanied by hooping cough, Richard, eldest and much-beloved child of Mr. and Mrs. RUTHERFOORD – aged 2 years, 11 months and 14 days.
Richmond, 17th June, 1854.

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