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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1854 - 3 - July to September

Tuesday 4 July 1854

The Partnership subsisting between the Undersigned, Trading at Smithfield, under the Style of T. SPILLER & Co., has this day been dissolved my mutual consent. All debts due to, and all Claims upon, the said Firm must be sent in to the second undersigned for adjustment.
May 30th, 1854

Tuesday 11 July 1854

DIED, at the house of her Son in Burgher’s Dorp, on the 4th July, 1854, after a short confinement to her chamber, Mary Park MONTGOMERY, widow, aged 92 years and 6 months. The deceased was born on her father’s estate, Ephraim Park, Brahsheen, County of Wicklow, Ireland. She came to this Colony in the year 1832, and was noted for her industry and Christianity, and was a member of the Wesleyan Society for a long time, and is much regretted by her family and friends. She was fully conscious in her last moments, and died in perfect tranquillity.
Burgher’s Dorp. 7th July, 1854.

All Claims against the Estate of the late Thomas STERLEY are to be sent in to the Office of Messrs. CHABAUD & SLATER within six weeks from the date hereof.
[Sd] Amelia STERLEY
Executrix Testamentary
June 19th 1854

Tuesday 18 July 1854

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership under the Firm of CHABUAD & SLATER, at Port Elizabeth, as Attorneys at Law and Notaries, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All Debts due to and by the Firm are to be sent to the first undersigned for adjustment. Dated at Port Elizabeth this 11th day of July 1854.
J. Faulkner SLATER

In the Estate of the late William Andrew DOLD of Somerset East
All persons having any Claims on the above Estate are requested to send them in to the undersigned within six weeks from this date, and those indebted thereto to pay the amount of their debts to the same.
Elizabeth DOLD
Executrix Testamentary
Somerset East
July 3rd 1854

Tuesday 25 July 1854

A young lad, named James NESON, about 9 years of age, having absconded, or been enticed away from his Mother’s dwelling on Tuesday last, - any information concerning the above lad, as to where he may be found, will be thankfully received at the office of this paper.
Port Elizabeth, 25th July, 1854

MARRIED, by special licence, by the Rev. A. Robson, on the 19th instant, John D. KLINCK, Esq., to Miss Martha Mary DALLAMORE.

In the insolvent Estate of William Watkin ALEXANDER, of Uitenhage Town, Shopkeeper.
All person’s claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate, are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Provincial Trustees to the said Estate and that the Third Meeting, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office in Uitenhage Town, on Thursday, the 27th July, at 11 o’clock in the Forenoon, for the proof of debts; for receiving the Trustees Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the above Estate are required to pay the same to the first undersigned at his Office, Uitenhage Town, or to the 2nd or 3rd undersigned at their Offices in Port Elizabeth, on or before the above period, otherwise legal proceedings will be instituted against them.
Provisional Trustees

Tuesday 1 August 1854

BIRTH, at Uitenhage, on the 19th ult., Mrs. H. O. LANGE, of a daughter.

DIED, at his Residence, on the 26th instant, Capt. W. LLOYD, R.N., Civil Commissioner of Port Elizabeth. Aged 65 years.

It is our painful duty to record the death of the Resident Civil Commissioner, Wm. LLOYD Esq, who departed this life on the morning of the 26th inst. Mr. LLOYD has for many years past resided amongst us, and the general urbanity of his manners, his readiness to assist any in distress, the impartial manner in which he dealt out what he believed to be justice to all parties coming before him, and his assiduous attention to the duties of his office rendered him a valuable public servant, and endeared him to a large circle of friends. For some time past his physical strength has been unequal to the duties of his office, but he seemed determined to perform those duties so long as he had any remaining power.
Mr. LLOYD early entered Her Majesty’s Naval Service, and was present in several engagements. His nautical knowledge was frequently of advantage to him in deciding disputes connected with the sea, that so frequently came before a Magistrate in a Seaport Town. Though not educated for the law, he was not without acquaintance of its general principles and, we believe, that very few appeals have been made from his decisions. Holding a situation for many years, which necessarily exposes to more or less of acrimonious feeling, Mr. LLOYD so conducted himself in his office that perhaps no Magistrate in the Colony has made fewer enemies, nor enjoyed officially more of the good opinion of the town in which he dwelt. It would have been a seemly act on the part of the Government had they some time ago granted a pension to Mr. LLOYD that would have enabled him to retire from his onerous duties. We trust that the bereaved widow will obtain from government that consideration in this respect which was not awarded to her husband.
The remains of the departed were interred on Thursday last by the Archdeacon MERRIMAN, when a large number of the merchants and inhabitants of the town attended the funeral, thus marking their sympathy with the bereaved family. We trust that in filling up this vacancy government will consult, not private interest, but public utility. The duties of the Civil Commissioner of Port Elizabeth have become so important that that none but a person properly and legally qualified to perform its functions should be appointed.

Tuesday 15 August 1854

It is currently reported in the Cape that Captain HILL, the acting Judge and Superintendent of Police, will succeed Mr. LLOYD as Civil Commissioner for the important town and district of Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 22 August 1854

The undersigned tenders his services in the Purchase of Erven at Colchester, at the Sale to be held in Port Elizabeth and Graham’s Town, on Thursday, the 14th Day of September next, at one per cent on the Purchase Amounts.
Plans of the Projected Township may be seen on application to any of the undermentioned Gentlemen :-
G. BREHM, Deputy Sheriff – Uitenhage
FORREST Brothers (FORREST’s Hotel) – Uitenhage
N. LAKE – Sidbury
J.L. TILBURY – Church Place, Oliphant’s Hoek
R.G. STONE – Graham’s Town
R. HOLLAND – Graham’s Town
F. LUCAS – Graham’s Town
G.B. CHRISTIAN – East London
A.J. McKENZIE – Fort Beaufort
C. HOLLIDAY – Fort Beaufort
C.E. WILLIAMS – King William’s Town
R.W.H. GIDDY – Queen’s Town
Charles BROWN – Queen’s Town
John MASKELL – Daggaboer’s Neck
F.S. PHILPS – Cradock
J.S. DISTIN – Cradock
C. SCANLEN – Cradock
P.R. MARILLIER & Son – Somerset (East)
G.E. JOSEPH – Somerset (East)
B. SOLOMON – Somerset (East)
C.W. HUTTON – Bedford
M.H. BENJAMIN – Graaff-Reinet
S.J. MEINTJES – Graaff-Reinet
LEEB Brothers – Richmond
J.H. HOFMEYR – Burgher’s Dorp
J. BLAKE – Burgher’s Dorp
MOSENTHAL Brothers – Burgher’s Dorp
BAUMANN Brothers – Middelburg
Charles BARBER – Middelburg
MOSENTHAL, BERGMANN, & Co. – Aliwal North
D. ARNOT, Jun. – Colesberg
C.W. MATTHEWS – Colesberg
G. NIEWHOUDT – Colesberg
J. SCHICKERLING – Fauresmith, Orange Free State
HOPWOOD & HOLME – Fauresmith, Orange Free State
H. HUTCHONS – Smithfield, Orange Free State
Thos. SPILLER – Smithfield, Orange Free State
C.U. STUART – Bloem Fontein, Orange Free State
Geo. STAUNTON – Bloem Fontein, Orange Free State
F.C. WEBB – Fort Peddie
Thomas DAVIS – Human’s Dorp
H. LEY – Jagersbosch
P. RAUTENBACH – Wolvekraal
C. LAMONT – Langekloof
E. BERGH – George
J. VINTCENT – George
G.W. DUTTON – George
H.R. HARRIS – Mossel Bay
D. BLAND – Mossel Bay
J. BARRY – Swellendam
J.W. SMALLBERGER – Riversdale
R. CARDINAL – Riversdale
W. THWAITS – Beaufort West
W. KINNEAR – Beaufort West
P.H. LEY – Caledon
W.S. van RYNEVELD – Clanwilliam
H.A. ZINN – Tulbagh
P.L MEIRING – Worcester
R. MEIRING – Worcester
A.P. HIEBNER – Paarl
M. De KOCK – Paarl
R. CROZIER – Stellenbosch
J.H. HOFMEYR – Cape Town
George GREIG & Co. – Cape Town
S. SOLOMON & Co. – Cape Town
Intending Purchasers who desire to avail themselves of this medium, will be good enough to describe by number the Lot or Lots they wish to be purchased for them, and to mention the highest limit at which they will authorise the undersigned to purchase. Should the same Lots be fixed upon by different intending purchasers, the order first to hand will have the preference, whenever the limit will admit of it.
W.C. HUTCHONS, General Commission Agent.
Market-square, Port Elizabeth, August 22, 1854

The public are respectfully informed that the above mill is now at work on the main water course about three miles out of Uitenhage Town.
R. PANNELL & Sons, Proprietors
Who are determined that justice and the most strict attention shall be observed towards everyone who may favour them with their work. The power of the mill is much increased, working four feet French stones.
A direction post is placed on the Graham’s Town road pointing the way to Narro Mill
July 21st 1854

Tuesday 29 August 1854

Upholsterer and French Polisher
(Two doors below Mr. DREYER’s bakery)
Queen Street
Cabinet furniture cleaned, repaired and French polished, equal to new. Spring and other mattresses made to order.
Always on hand a variety of useful furniture which will be sold cheap.

Mrs. ALEXANDER begs to inform parents who may be desirous of sending their children to school in Uitenhage (where two of the best seminaries for young persons are established) has made arrangements to take a limited number of children as boarders on the most reasonable terms, and the strictest attention will be given to their comfort &c. An early application is requested.

Tuesday 5 September 1854

BIRTH on the 3rd instant Mrs. John PATERSON of a son
5th September 1854

DIED, at Bloemfontein, on the morning of the 7th inst., during the absence of her husband in Graham’s Town, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. T.S. COLLEY, aged 27 years, 8 months and 27 days, leaving a sorrowing husband and three little girls to deplore their lamentable and irreparable loss. The late Mrs. COLLEY’s illness was caused by thinking amply and incessantly on the abandonment of the Orange River Sovereignty by the British Government, and the probable ruin which would follow that event; this drove her quite out of her mind, and she had but few lucid intervals during her illness, which continued for a period of six weeks, and ended in her early death. This is the first victim of the late policy; God grant it may be the last. Friends at a distance will please to accept of this notice.
Thos. Smith COLLEY
Bloemfontein, August 18, 1854

Mr. T.S. COLLEY begs to return his sincere thanks to all his kind friends in Bloemfontein and vicinity, for their incessant and unremitted attentions to the late lamented Mrs. COLLEY, during her last illness; and also for the kind respect shewn to her remains on the way to their last and sad resting place – the more so that these attentions were bestowed during his absence in Graham’s Town.
Bloemfontein, Aug, 18, 1854

DIED, at his Residence in Port Elizabeth, on Friday, the 1st September, 1854, Mr. John E. NUDD, aged 30 years.

Tuesday 12 September 1854

BIRTH, on the 7th instant, Mrs. C. ROBSON, of a son.
Port Elizabeth, 12th Sept., 1854

BAPTISM, on Sunday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. John Harsant, of New Church, a daughter of Mr. H.F. REYNOLDS, named Elizabeth Ann.

Tuesday 19 September 1854

DIED, at Colesberg, on Sunday, the 27th August, 1854, of Inflammation of the Lungs, after a painful suffering of nearly three weeks, Mr. Edward GIBBON, aged 56 years, 1 month and 25 days.
Mr. GIBBON arrived in this Colony among the Settlers of 1820, and was one of the earliest residents of Colesberg, having taken up his abode at that village before its formation into a seat of Magistracy. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits, in which by his persevering industry and active enterprise he greatly prospered; while his strict integrity and uprightness of character in all his dealings gained for him universal and implicit confidence. His name will long be remembered with feelings of deep respect and high esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, who deplore his loss. His remains were followed to their last resting place by a very numerous company, who thus bore testimony to the very general esteem and regard in which his character was so deeply held.

Tuesday 26 September 1854

BIRTH, at Mrs. PALMER’s Residence, Port Elizabeth, on Saturday, the 23rd instant, Mrs. Alfred EBDEN, of a daughter.

MARRIED, at Uitenhage, on Tuesday, the 12th Sept., by the Rev. A. Smith, V.D.M., Mr Dirk Jacobus ASPELING, eldest Son of J.G. ASPELING, Esq., of George, to Miss Helena, youngest daughter of S.H. DU TOIT, Esq.

DIED, at Rondebosch, on Wednesday, September 13, Bicton HULL, Esq., Surgeon, J.P., aged 39 years.

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