Eastern Province Herald 1854 - 4 - October to December
Tuesday 3 October 1854
UNION INN, Strand-street, Port Elizabeth.
The undersigned has now room to accommodate three or four gentlemen. Parties desirous of obtaining a comfortable residence will find these apartments replete with every convenience that can contribute towards that end. All charges will be found extremely low. Always on hand a choice selection of Spirits, Wine, Beer, &c. Good Accommodation for Horses.
James CASTLEMAN, September 16th, 1854
A Public Meeting of the Port Elizabeth Total Abstinence Society will be held in the Wesleyan Chapel, on Friday evening next, to commence at 7 o’clock. When the Chair will be taken by the Rev. A. ROBSON.
Timothy LEE, Hon. Sec. Port Elizabeth, 2nd Oct. 1853 [sic]
Messrs. THOMPSON, BLACK & Co. have removed from their former Stores to the new stores of Messrs. HEUGH & FLEMING, adjoining the stores of Messrs. D.P. BLAINE & Co.
2nd October, 1854
The undersigned has removed from the premises of Mr. DRIVER to the new stores of Mr. J.W. KEMP, adjoining the Stores of Mr. H.J. DUNELL.
Tuesday 10 October 1854
This gentleman who has been appointed to succeed the late Mr. LLOYD as Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Port Elizabeth arrived here on Wednesday last, and on the following day entered upon the important duties of his office. The well-known antecedents of Captain HILL as a most efficient Magistrate in Cape Town, and the testimony borne to his character and qualifications in the memorial of the leading inhabitants there, wherein it was prayed that his services might be retained in the Capital, will be received here as his letter of recommendation to the respect and co-operation of all the good and respectable of our community. We are glad to know that the Municipal Commissioners have resolved to wait upon Captain HILL to offer their respect to him, and to assure him of their disposition to co-operation in every measure which may have for its object the improvement of Port Elizabeth and the furtherance of its best interests. This is as it should be. Co-operative authorities can accomplish great things – antagonistic powers work only dead-lock.
Tuesday 17 October 1854
BIRTH, at Port Elizabeth, on the 10th October 1854, Mrs. Charles ADCOCK, of a son.
Tuesday 24 October 1854
A Baker, for a Country Town, to whom very good salary is offered. Testimonials as to sobriety and character are required, and to make an engagement for two years.
Apply at the offices of MAYNARDS & Von RÖNN.
DIED at Swellendam, aged 5 months and 16 days, Frederick Dirk Gysbert VAN DER RIET, infant son of F. VAN DER RIET, Esq.
Tuesday 31 October 1854
Tuesday 7 November 1854
House and Carriage Painting, Furniture of every description made on the premises.
C. CHOWLES & Brothers, Main-street.
Single Gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortable apartments in Uitenhage, pleasantly situated. For particulars apply at Messrs. H.H. RENS & Co., Agents, Uitenhage.
BIRTH, at Richmond, on Friday, 27th Oct., 1854, Mrs. R. RUTHERFOORD, of a daughter.
BIRTH, at Port Elizabeth, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs. J.B. JANION of a daughter.
Mrs. ADCOCK begs to inform travellers and others that she has removed from the premises opposite the London House to those formerly in the occupation of Mr. DE MEILLION, adjoining Mr. C. COXON’s Sale Room, where by strict attention to the comfort of her customers she hopes to merit a continuance of that support hitherto received from them.
NB Has room for two Gentlemen
Tuesday 14 November 1854
From America, having practised with great success in some of the principal Galleries in New York, begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and vicinity that he is now prepared to take beautiful and life-like Portraits, invaluable to those who wish to preserve the remembrance of beloved though absent friends; on one knows how dear until death or distance for ever divides them from the original.
Portraits taken in all weathers and at any time of the day.
Mr. SELBY, Queen-St.,
Next to Mr. PROUDFOOT.
MARRIED, at St. Francis’ Bay, Division of Uitenhage, 7th Nov. 1854, by the Revd. W. Heugh, Simon Little MONTFORT, Esq., of Clondeliever Lodge, County Westmeath, Ireland, to Mary Ann, only daughter of the late Colonel Duncan MACKINTOSH, formerly of the 60th Regt.
Tuesday 21 November 1854
DIED, at Graaff Reinet, on the 13th inst, Annie Marrianne, infant daughter of Mr. S.E. WIMBLE, aged 4 months. Graaff Reinet, Nov. 18, 1854.
The Undersigned being duly authorised by Mr. Hendrik VAN DER WALT, will offer to public competition on Friday the 24th November 1854 at 10 o clock precisely on the Place Riet Fontein
1st The Place RIET FONTEIN
In extent about 4000 morgen. There are erected on it several substantial Buildings and a Garden planted with a variety of Fruit Trees. On the farm are also dams which contain sufficient water for the irrigation of an extensive piece of land. It lies a distance of 1 hour on horseback from Burghersdorp and is so well known for its good qualities that it needs no further recommendation.
2nd The Place MAKAAIS KOF
In extent about 3,700 morgen, situate on the Holspruit, and known as one of the best grazing farms in that District.
Also 300 Sheep
100 Draught Oxen and Breeding Cattle
50 Riding, Draught and Breeding Horses
2 Ox Wagons
And whatever else may be offered on the day of sale.
J.P. VORSTER, Auctioneer
Burghersdorp 2nd October 1854
Important and Extensive FARMS FOR SALE.
The undersigned intending to relinquish farming pursuits, offers for private sale the following very valuable properties :
1st The well-known Farm “OLIPHANT’S KOP” 2,439 Morgen and 540 Square Roods, situate on the Grass Ridge, in the District of Uitenhage on the Sunday’s River.
2nd The Half of the Farm “EBB AND FLOOD” 1,200 Morgen, adjoining the above, also upon the Sunday’s River, together with a piece of ground, being portion of the Farm “ SUIT QUENEUGH” about Fifty-three Morgen, also adjoining the latter place.
Altogether the above property comprises one of the finest Sheet and Cattle-Walks in the District, and being bounded by the Sunday’s River, is abundantly supplied with water in the most severe drought. The new or Zuurberg Line of Road to Somerset, passes over the Farm “Oliphant’s Kop”, close to the Homestead, and takes a direct line to the Sunday’s River, where the Punt crosses.
The Homestead buildings consist of a very substantial Double-Storied House under slate roof, containing 5 Rooms, besides Kitchen and Pantry, with every convenience.
Also, Stable, Shearing House, and extensive Sheds.
Altogether it forms a most complete Estate, and for pastoral purposes it cannot be surpassed. The Property offers many advantages to the purchaser, such as an Accommodation House or Inn at the Homestead, and for working the Ferry at the River.
There is an extensive and very substantial Dam near the Homestead, and in the Garden a Built Tank of 10,000 Gallons.
The Homestead is also fully supplied with Drink Water from Butts under the Slate Roof, which has never been known to fail by the proprietor after an experience of 6 or 7 years, in addition to which there is a good Well near the House, having a permanent Spring. The Property has extensive Government Lands on the grass ridge adjoining it, and which may be at all times turned to advantage, and from the fact that the adjoining place, “BRAK RIVER” now an Outspanning, and purchased by Government, has a constant running stream so that the property is on all sides abundantly supplied with water.
Many other important advantages might be mentioned, among others its proximity to Port Elizabeth, being only about Eighteen Miles, and upon the New Line of Road ; besides an inexhaustible supply of Firewood, Limestone, Aloes, for preparing which there is a large furnace erected, with an iron pot capable of cooking a case of the latter at one time.
The Property can be divided, but any party wishing for a Complete Estate in this Colony, and not subject to Kaffir Depredations, and combined with all the above-mentioned advantages, cannot do better than by purchasing the whole together.
For terms and particulars, apply to the proprietor,
Uitenhage, 28th August, 1854
Of the South African Gold Exploring Association
It is proposed that an Association be formed for the purpose of exploring for Gold or any other Minerals and that it be styled
That the nominal Capital of the Association be £13,500 in 13,500 Shares of One Pound each, with power nevertheless to extend the Capital as the exigencies of the Company may require.
That 2s 6d per share be paid on allotment and that no further call be made on the Subscribers unless by a resolution to that effect of the majority of the Subscribers at a meeting specially convened for that purpose.
That so soon as Ten Thousand Shares are applied for the Provisional Committee be authorised to allot the same and call upon the Subscribers for the immediate payment of Two Shillings and Sixpence per Share.
That while the primary object of this Association is to explore for Gold and other valuable Minerals it is likewise contemplated through its properly qualified Agent to secure such localities where Gold and other precious metals may be found as may result profitably for the Company itself.
That the Committee of Management shall employ, in the carrying out of their trust, a working party under their Superintendent Mr. John PARKIN, who has liberally come forward to give his services gratis for six months, and who from his large experience and general knowledge of mining operations is a guarantee to the public that the labour to be employed will be economically and skilfully directed.
That applications for Shares be made to any of the Provisional Committee or to the Undersigned as Acting Secretary to the Association.
T. PROUDFOOT, Chairman
Jas. S. REED
Walford A. HARRIES, Acting Secretary
Port Elizabeth, September 18th 1854
Tuesday 28 November 1854
Wanted, to take the Management of these Mills, a competent Clerk to whom liberal Salary will be allowed. Applications, to be addressed to the undersigned, will be received till the 30th instant.
Chairman of Board of Directors
13th Nov 1854
Capital £125,000 in 25,000 Shares of Five Pounds each
Provisional Directors:
An eminent Mineralogist and Geologist is retained for the Company, to be engaged for two years’ active service.
8,000 Shares to be allotted to applicants on the 16th day of October next, 1854
17,000 Shares to be reserved and disposed of hereafter for the benefit of the Company.
A deposit of 2s 6d on each Share to be paid on allotment
No more than Ten Shillings on each share to be called up, except it can be proved beyond doubt that extraordinary success has by that time attended the operations of the Company and that additional Capital will produce still greater results.
The call of Ten Shillings on each share to be paid up in four instalments of 2s 6d each, three six, nine and twelve months after allotment.
The Provisional Directors will be prepared as soon as the 8,000 Shares are allotted and deposits paid, to commence operations and to locate an efficient Mining Staff in Namaqualand for carrying out the present object of the Company.
Tuesday 5 December 1854
Have just received a large stock of Gentlemen’s and Boy’s Summer Clothing, and as a great portion has been made at Home to order they can warrant the cut and workmanship to be very superior.
Those who study economy, in addition to superior finish and style, will do well to make their purchases at
Gentlemen requiring Real Good Hats can now purchase them at the above Establishment at the following low prices:
Townend’s best quality in Drab and Black Felt in 8 different shapes at 13s 6d
Superior Black Paris at 15s and 16s 6d
To the Ladies
Every article required for Summer Wear can now be selected from an entirely new stock from prices much below the ordinary rates at
Ladies’ Under Clothing and Baby Linen in great variety may now be purchased at prices which all will acknowledge to be cheaper than ever
Tuesday 12 December 1854
BIRTH, at Port Elizabeth, on the 11th inst. Mrs. Thos. HINDS, of a daughter.
DIED, at Buffel’s Vley, near Colesberg, on the 24th November, Mr. W.P.R. DIXON, aged 34 years and 8 months, leaving a widow and 4 children to deplore his loss.
Tuesday 19 December 1854
At Uitenhage on the 3rd December 1854, by the Rev. Copeman, a son of Mr. Charles ADCOCK, baptized Charles Christopher
Tuesday 26 December 1854
BIRTH, on the 24th Instant, the wife of H. von RÖNN, Esq., of a daughter.
Port Elizabeth, Dec 26, 1854
Edward Theopolis COOPER
Architect and Government Land Surveyor
Robt. P. CHURCH, Port Elizabeth
Henry BROWN, Somerset East
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