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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1858 - 1 - January to March

Friday 1 January 1858

BIRTH on Tuesday the 22nd inst, the wife of Dr. William BROWN, 13th Light Infantry, of a daughter.

Notice is hereby given that We the Undersigned have this day entered into Partnership, and that the Business heretofore carried on at Port Elizabeth by Mr. H.J. DUNELL will for the future be carried on under the firm of DUNELL, EBDEN & Co.
Alfred EBDEN
Port Elizabeth
1st January 1858

Mrs. COLE, wife of the Civil Commissioner of Albert, died almost suddenly at Mowbray on Saturday last. Mr. COLE had left his wife but a few days before in charge of their family [of] eight children. She was then in perfect health. Her remains were interred in Rondebosch Churchyard on Sunday evening last, and were followed to the grave by a large circle of friends. – Shipping Gazette.

The Undersigned has been instructed to offer for Private Sale the undermentioned valuable property at Richmond, viz:
1st. The whole of that extensive Block of Buildings situated in the very best part of Richmond, being Erf No. , Loop-street. An extensive business has been carried on therein for several years past by Mr. F. CENTLIVRES. The Buildings are of a very substantial character, viz. – of stone and lime. The Stores comprise:- A Front Store, 30 feet deep, with a frontage to Loop-street of 45 feet; attached to this, behind, is another Store, of about 30 x 16 feet; another small Store (Wine Store) and a Counting House. There is a large Yard, with some Outbuildings therein, and a large Wagon entrance leading thereto. The back fronts another street. Annexed to the large Store, with a frontage to Loop-street of about 36 feet, is another large Double Store, originally a Dwelling House, to which it could easily be reconverted, - and this latter could be easily detached from the larger Store and leave a passage of 4 feet. There is a Well in the Yard.
2nd. An excellent Dwelling House, at present occupied by Mr. CENTLIVRES, situated in an agreeable part of the Village, comprising: Drawing Room, Dining Room, three Bedrooms, Spare Room, Kitchen, Coach House, Stable and other Outhouses. There is a Well in the Yard. The House is conveniently arranged and offers a desirable opportunity to Purchasers; while the Stores in Loop-street present an opportunity to any Mercantile Establishment desirous of forming a Branch in this fast-rising Division, which is not likely to recur for very many years.
3rd. An Erf, situate in Paul-street, Richmond
There are several Rooms and a Stable thereon, and it might be made, at a trifling expense, into a comfortable Dwelling.
For further particulars, and for Terms, which will be made easy, apply (if by letter, post-paid) to the undersigned on the spot at Richmond, or to Messrs. MEINTJES & DIXON, Graaff-Reinet.
General Agent & Auctioneer
Richmond, 7th December 1857

Friday 8 January 1858

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned Alexander CROLL and Alfred EBDEN, carrying on Business at Port Elizabeth as merchants &c under the style and firm of CROLL, EBDEN & Co, ceased and determined on the 31st December 1857.
The engagements of the firm will be discharged by Mr. Alexander CROLL, to whom the outstanding Debts, Bills, Bonds &c are payable.
Alexander CROLL
Alfred EBDEN
Port Elizabeth, Jan 1 1858
With reference to the above Notice, Alexander CROLL begs to intimate that the business will be continued as heretofore under the Style or Firm of Alexander CROLL & Co.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th Jan’y 1858, Mrs. F.O. HUTCHINSON of a son.

Friday 15 January 1858

Is landing ex “Alacrity”
Accordions – Double Tone
Zinc Mirrors, Tin Tea Pots
Lanterns, Quill, Whistles
Silver-mounted Meerschaum Pipes
Ex “Hero of the Nile”
London Soap
Belmont Candles
Crushed Sugar
Sugar Candy
Blacking in Tins and Bottles
Mixed Biscuits
Candied Orange Peel
Jams – assorted
Bottle Fruits
Ground Ginger
York Hams
Earthenware in variety
Pipe Clay Whitening, and Cheese
Drapery, Clothing
Fineries, Haberdashery
Wool Bags &c &c
Ex “Alacrity”
Seaming and Shop Twines
Flax, Whip Cord and Chalk Lines
Bass Broom Heads and Handles
Cochin Ginger
Pearl Barley
Jute Lines and Sand Paper
Chamois Skins &c

While Mr. SCHULZ, a young Dutch farmer, residing at Aberdeen, was out on a shooting excursion on New Year’s Day, his foot slipped against a stone, and his gun accidentally going off, lodged the bullet in his head. He died on the spot.

Three ounces of ivory black; two ounces of treacle; half an ounce of vitriol; half an ounce of sweet oil; quarter of a pint of vinegar; and three quarters of a pint of water. Mix the oil, treacle and ivory black gradually to a paste, then add the vitriol, and by degrees the vinegar and water. It will produce a beautiful polish.

Friday 29 January 1858

May obtain English Cheese of superior quality at CALDECOTT’s New Grocery and Drapery Establishment. High-street, opposite the Wesleyan Chapel.

Friday 5 February 1858

The Funeral of the late Mrs. TITTERTON will proceed to the place of interment from the residence of Mr. I. TITTERTON, Military Road, this afternoon at half past 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
John MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth
5th February 1858

Friday 12 February 1858

Mr. W.R. THOMPSON having retired from the firm of THOMPSON, BLACK & Co, and Mr. C.W. PAKENHAM been admitted a partner, the business will, from the 1st proximo, be carried on by the undersigned under the style and firm of BLACK & Co, who will settle all claims on the late firm.
Port Elizabeth, Jan 30 1858

Mr. John E. BLACK having retired from the firm of James BLACK & Co, and Mr. Frederick HOLLAND been admitted a partner, the business will, from the 1st proximo, be carried on by the undersigned under the style and firm of W.R. THOMPSON & Co, who will settle all claims on the late firm.
Frederick HOLLAND
Grahamstown, Jan 30 1858

Friday 19 February 1858

NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts which my wife Helen Rosa EARLE shall or may contract, inasmuch as she wrongfully and unlawfully deserted and left my dwelling house on the 13th day of February inst.
Wm. John EARLE
Port Elizabeth 18th Feb 1858

Friday 26 February 1858

DIED at the Residence of his brother in Graham’s Town, on Monday the 22nd inst, Mr. John E. BLACK of Port Elizabeth.
24th February 1858

We regret having to record the death of this esteemed gentleman, whom we had imagined had recovered from a severe illness. Mr. BLACK died rather suddenly at Grahamstown on Monday last, deeply regretted by his numerous friends, who will ever remember his kind and gentlemanly bearing. Mr. BLACK was a man of extensive acquirements and of unobtrusive but unwearied usefulness.
Although incapacitated by general debility from taking a very active part in public affairs, he was nevertheless the warm advocate of all measures tending to better the condition of his adopted country. His fellow labourers in those public institutions with which he was connected will lament the loss of a most valuable co-adjutor.

Friday 5 March 1858

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 5th March 1858, Cornelius W.J. ROBSON, aged 30 years. Deceased is the youngest son of Revd. A, ROBSON, from whose residence his remains will be removed for interment on Sunday next at 4pm, when his friends are respectfully requested to attend.

Whereas some evil-disposed Person or Persons have wantonly destroyed a number of Yellow-wood Trees in the Klein River and Klein Fontein Forests, adjacent to the Hankey Institution, for the purpose of obtaining honey – Notice is hereby given that any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery, or apprehension, or detection of such persons will receive the above reward.
Ranger of Crown Forests, Division of Uitenhage, Ward No.3
Matjes Fontein Farm
1st March 1858
NB All Persons found Trespassing in these Forests will be apprehended and dealt with according to law.

March 12 – At Queen’s Town, in re Pieter Fredrik ANDERSON, of the Queen’s Town district, and surviving spouse Martha Johanna VAN ROOYEN.
March 12 – At Queen’s Town, in re Fredrik Emanuel WATKINS, of the Queen’s Town district, and surviving spouse Hendrina Catherina Adriana SWANEPOEL.
March 12 – At Somerset East, in re Phillip PINNOCK and subsequently deceased wife, Elizabeth Webb PINNOCK, of the Somerset district.
March 30 – At Uitenhage, in re Dina Johanna GOUWS, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving husband Jacobus Johannes CROUSE.
March 30 – At Aliwal North, in re Edward HARBIN, of the Aliwal North district, and surviving spouse Sarah WILLAN.

It will be seen by our shipping report that the Bon Accord sailed yesterday for London. She takes as passengers Mr. WOOD and family, who are proceeding to the Fatherland after a residence of nearly forty years on the Frontier. We heartily wish these travellers a safe and pleasant voyage, and trust that the re-establishment of the health of Mr. and Mrs. WOOD, the object in view, may be fully realized.

Friday 12 March 1858

By this morning’s post we have heard, with much regret, of the sudden death of Mr. RAWSTORNE, the respected Civil Commissioner of Colesberg, after a brief illness of four days.

Friday 19 March 1858

A case exciting considerable interest among the commercial men of this town was tried before our Resident Magistrate on Tuesday last. Mr. DREYER, formerly carrying on business as Baker in Port Elizabeth, was charged with the crime of Culpable Insolvency, on three separate counts. The Clerk of the Peace, in summing up the evidence, declared this was the first case of the kind that had been brought before that court, and hence if for no other reason unusual interest was taken in the trial. After a patient hearing, occupying nearly three hours, many mitigating circumstances being taken into account, the lenient judgement of the court was imprisonment for one month. A detailed report of this trial will be given next week.

Friday 26 March 1858

Mrs. COSGROVE (Amsterdam Inn) takes this opportunity of returning her thanks to the Gentry of Graham’s Town and Port Elizabeth, and to the Public generally, for the share of patronage with which they have favored her, and trusts, by unremitted assiduity and attention, to merit a continuance of their support.
All Gentlemen visiting this Hotel have the privilege of Shooting on the Farm.

[Transcriber’s note: The detailed report of the DREYER trial mentioned in the previous issue takes up almost an entire page of the paper. I have only transcribed the opening paragraphs]
In re The Queen versus Christian Lodwyk DREYER, Baker, charged with the crime of “Culpable Insolvency”
Mr. Thomas WORMALD, Solicitor, appeared on behalf of the prisoner in this case, who was charged upon five separate accounts with having committed the crime of Culpable Insolvency, by having contravened the 71st Section of the Insolvent Ordnance, viz:
1st in having during the month of April 1857, prior to the sequestration of his Estate, purchased from Robert BLACK, of the firm THOMPSON, BLACK & Co, 42 bags seconds flour, amounting to £71:8:0, without any reasonable or probable expectation at the time of contracting the debt of being able to pay the same.
2nd in having under similar circumstances purchased from J.C. HESS 76 bags of flour, and other merchandise, during the month of April aforesaid, without any reasonable prospect of paying for the same.
3rd in having during the months of May and June 1857, after the sequestration of his Estate, taken upon himself the purchase of flour, sugar and other merchandise from the firm of MAYNARD and VAN RÖNN, amounting to £137:0:0, without having obtained his certificate, and before the plan of distribution of the same Estate had been made and confirmed, and which dealing was by him made and effected without the authority in writing of the Trustee being first had and obtained.
4th in having after the sequestration of his Estate wrongfully and unlawfully sold certain goods, to wit Bread, by exercising the trade or business of a baker &c &c, without having the authority in writing of the trustee to do so.
The 5th count in the indictment, with reference to the insolvent having failed to give a true and sufficient explanation respecting the causes of his insolvency was withdrawn by the Clerk of the Peace.

  • Hits: 1979