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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1858 - 2 - April to June

Friday 9 April 1858

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Easter Day (4th April 1858) Mrs. Alfred EBDEN of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 8th inst. by the Rev. J. Harsant, Julia Files, third daughter of Jn. MACEY Esqr., Deal, to James, fourth son of John DENNISON Esq, Aberdeen.

Friday 16 April 1858

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on Saturday 10th inst, after a short illness, Mr. Alfred PAUL, aged 43 years; leaving a widow and 2 children to lament their irreparable loss.
16th April 1858

Friday 30 April 1858

DIED on the night of the 29th instant, Emily Mary, daughter of Thomas SMITH Esq, aged 3 years and 1 month.

Friday 7 May 1858

The Undersigned are now running a Stage Cart from Port Elizabeth to Grahamstown
Commencing this day
Once a week each way, to carry 5 passengers
And will reach Mr. SMITH’s at night, and Grahamstown on the following morning.
And will leave Grahamstown on Tuesday at 5 o’clock am for Port Elizabeth.
Terms - £3:10s each way. Intermediate distances 1s per mile. 10lbs luggage allowed to each passenger, all extra 1s per lb.
Jno. CAPPER & Co.

A report was current that Captain HERBERT had lost his life on Sunday by a blow from one of his crew, who had knocked him off the taffrail into the water, where he had been drowned. On Monday morning the Clerk of the Peace, Mr. WYLDE, sent off the port-boat to the schooner “Marie Sarah” for the seamen, and an examination was held during the day. Dr. DUNSTERVILLE also made a post mortem examination and ascertained the cause of death to be suffocation from drowning. No marks of violence were discovered except on the nose and forehead, where an abrasion of the skin appeared. From the evidence of the seamen, the mate was at the wheel putting the ship about and the captain had one foot on the rail when the motion of the vessel tipped him over. The wound on the nose arose from falling down the cuddy-ladder on going to dinner. The mate ordered the boat to be put away, which was done – two or three men jumped into her and at last reached the captain, but he did not survive – he was quite insensible when taken into the boat. When the captain fell over, no-one was abaft except the mate, who was at the wheel.

A Special Meeting of the Board of Immigration was held on Tuesday the 4th instant, at which the Chairman and Mr. PINNEY were requested to act as a committee for providing further accommodation for the Immigrants and report their proceedings to the Board at its next Meeting. The Secretary then reported that he had received a reply from the Secretary to the Board at Cape Town, stating that no intention had been entertained of forwarding any other Immigrants than such as might volunteer for this Province, when it was ordered that a communication be addressed to the Board at Cape Town, to the effect that this Board had already anticipated the views of the Board at Cape Town by a resolution passed at their last Meeting, to receive a special application for Immigrants arriving on the “Gipsy Bride”, and would provide the necessary accommodations for any others that might volunteer for work or service here.

Many of our readers will miss the tall figure of one who frequently met them, KIRBY, the postman. He died on Thursday morning after a short but severe attack of bronchitis. His life, we are informed, had been a most chequered one. An Irishman by birth, a gentleman by education, a surgeon by profession, well skilled in his art, a first-rate Irish piper by taste, a wanderer by love of adventure, we saw in KIRBY a man lost to himself, and to that public which he was by ability so able to benefit. His testimonials as a midwifery surgeon were of the highest order; and to many a poor suffering creature has he gratuitously given the advantages of his professional skill while a mere letter-carrier in this city. Throughout the northern counties of Ireland, down through the Highlands of Scotland, he gained his bread by Surgery and the Bagpipes. He was well acquainted with most parts of this colony, and understood a great deal of […] commercial routine. From an auctioneer’s [block] the transition to a postman was not very difficult, and it was in the last capacity he has been known mostly here. Like too many of his improvident countrymen he has left a young widow and one child wholly unprovided for. A subscription headed by officials in the Government office, and by several merchants, is being circulated to raise means for alleviating his distressed survivors in their present unhappy situation, which we have no doubt will be liberally contributed to. – Monitor.
[Transcriber’s note: Deceased is possibly George KIRBY, who married Mary GERTY in Dublin on 5 June 1847. The Death Notice of their son George John KIRBY shows that he was also born in Dublin and became the Postmaster at Port Elizabeth.]

Friday 14 May 1858

May 10 at Graham’s Town, in re Edward Law BRAILSFORD, of the Albany district, and surviving spouse Maria Louisa MORGAN.
May 20 at Graaff-Reinet in re Michael HALEY of the Port Elizabeth district.
June 5 at Colesberg, in re Aletta Elizabeth PIENAAR, of the Colesberg district, and surviving spouse J.J. LE ROUX.
June 9 at Grahamstown, in re Anthony Augustus O’REILLY, of the Grahamstown district.
June 10 at Cradock, in re William PITT, of the Cradock district.
June 14 at Hope Town, in re Catharina Johanna Margaretha MEYBURG, of the Hope Town district, and surviving spouse Gert Mathys VAN WYK.

Friday 21 May 1858

Desires thus publicly to acknowledge with thanks the valuable services rendered by several of his fellow townsmen who, during the late fire, so readily assisted him in removing his Furniture and Stock beyond the reach of danger.
To Messrs. James and Walter BAYLEY his thanks are especially due, as to their unflinching courage and address, at a moment of imminent peril, the safety of the building is chiefly attributed. By mounting on the roof and pouring water on the burning rafters of the adjoining store, they succeeded in arresting the further progress of the flames.

C. TAYLOR, Baker &c, begs to intimate to his numerous customers and friends that he has made arrangements for carrying on his business in the same premises, main-street, and will re-open on Monday next.
Since the fire he has laid in an Entirely Fresh Stock, and whilst he avails himself of this opportunity for thanking his large circle of friends for the support he has received at their hands, he begs to assure them that no effort on his part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of their patronage.

The Gipsy Bride with five hundred immigrants arrived in Table Bay on Tuesday evening, the 11th inst, after a smart run of only 52 days from Birkenhead. This is the first instalment selected by Mr. FIELD and the Assistant Emigration Commissioner. We regret to observe that so many of them have been afflicted with the measles during the voyage. Not fewer than one hundred cases had occurred, and of these eighteen had proved fatal. This complaint broke out about ten days after the vessel sailed, principally amongst the children. With this exception the immigrants are reported in excellent health.
In consequence of the affliction alluded to, the Gipsy Bride was immediately upon her arrival placed under quarantine and no-one permitted to land. This is a very unfortunate thing. The subject has been brought before the House of Assembly, and though no resolution was passed, the unanimous opinion of the House was in favour of their being at once landed and kept in some place of seclusion till all danger of contagion was past. By the latest accounts from Capetown, under date the 13th inst, it was thought the Governor would order them to be landed that day.
The number of immigrants would appear to be larger than the Capetown Board had anticipated, as the accommodation provided for their reception is said to be insufficient. A portion of the Main Barracks and some rooms at the new prison building have been laced by Government at the disposal of the Board for their temporary use.
In the last Government Gazette is published a list of the immigrants alphabetically arranged, setting forth under the various families the ages and occupations of the parents and the number and ages of their children.
The Aurifera, a vessel of about 400 tons, with Emigrants direct to this port, was to have left London on the 28th April. About 200 will be sent by this opportunity/. Their arrival may therefore be looked for about the latter end of June.

From the service of the Undersigned on Monday the 17th inst, my Indentured Apprentice William Annias LOUGHER, an Irish lad, short and stout made, age about 13 years, took away with him another boy about his own size, by the name of HALTON, who has not yet returned – is supposed to have gone in the direction of Uitenhage or Grahamstown. Any person falling in with him will be pleased to lodge him in prison; and anyone harbouring or employing him after this notice will be dealt with according to law.
Port Elizabeth
21st May 1858

Friday 28 May 1858

BIRTH at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 18th inst, Mrs. N. Frederick LANGE of a son.

DIED on the 3rd March at [Velcone] Bath, General Augustus ANDREWS C.B., of the Madras Army, in his 79th year.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 21st instant, at the age of 59 years and 8 months, our beloved mother Maria Martha SOMMERS, widow of the late Mr. J.S. MINNAAR and relict of the late Mr. J.L. LEBB, of Graaff-Reinet, of which painful loss notice is herewith given to relatives and friends.
J. Lodewyk LEEB
Peter G. LEEB

Friday 4 June 1858

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Tuesday the 1st inst, Mrs. M. BENJAMIN of a son.

Friday 11 June 1858

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing between the Undersigned has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All Persons indebted to the said Firm are requested to pay their Accounts to the second Undersigned, who will settle all Accounts due by the said Firm.
Geo. Townshend KEMP
Matthew Ebenezer KEMP
31 May 1858

The Undersigned have this day entered into Partnership at Port Elizabeth as General and Commission Merchants, and from and after the 1st proximo will carry on their business under the style of PATERSON, KEMP & Co.
George Townshend KEMP
Port Elizabeth, 1st June 1858

Friday 25 June 1858

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 24th inst, Mrs. [APPLEBY] of a [son]
[bottom half of letters rubbed away]

Begs to announce to his Town and Country Customers that he will continue the business as hitherto conducted by his late firm, and having temporarily secured the Stores in Main-street lately occupied by Messrs, OPENSHAW, UNNA & Co, and the “Public Library”, will be prepared to resume business in a few days.
Jun 12 1858

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