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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1858 - 3 - July to September

Friday 2 July 1858

MARRIED in Cradock on the 16th June 1858, by the Rev. John Taylor, Francis R. TENNANT Esq, of Burghersdorp, to Miss Henrietta VON ABO, of Cradock.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 19th June, the wife of Mr. H.M.H. ORPEN of a son.

BIRTH on the 1st July, the wife of Mr. W.T. KINGSMILL of a daughter.

DIED on Thursday the 1st instant, Peter HEUGH Esq, in the seventy seventh year of his age.

The Undersigned hereby notify that they have this day cancelled the Deed of Partnership existing between them. All parties indebted to the Firm are requested to pay the amount of their Accounts unto the second Undersigned, who will, in due course, liquidate all Claims against it.
John Alexander LUND
July 1st 1858

F. STOW & Co
Late SELBY & Co
Are producing daily Portraits of the most exquisite finish, by the following processes, viz:
Talbotype, or Paper Photograph
Collodion, and
The Portraits produced at this Establishment are of the first order – F.S. & Co., having studied the art of Photography for a space of Thirteen Years, combined with great practical knowledge, have full confidence in recommending all who wish for a faithful representation to pay them a visit.
Photographists supplied with any requisite for carrying on the art.
Next door to Mr. W.M. HARRIES

Friday 9 July 1858

DIED at [Gan..]] Vlakte on the Sunday’s River on the 21st June 1858, in Child Bed, my beloved wife Dorothy Margaret Fynn, youngest daughter of the late John RAFFERTY Esq, aged 22 years ten months and twenty days, leaving a large circle of Relatives and Friends to deplore her loss.
James Valentine CROUCH

From Liverpool 24th April
The Aurifera 496 tons, Capt. MOON, arrived here on Tuesday afternoon with the first batch of Immigrants direct for Algoa Bay.
In consequence of her having dropped anchor well up in the bight, it was feared that as this is the Quarantine point that there was some illness on board. These apprehensions were soon dispelled by the return of the Port Captain and the District Surgeon, Dr. DAVIS, who declared “all well”. The anchor had been dropped at this point in mistake, or she would have at once have come to her berth among the shipping.
In accordance with a resolution passed at a meeting of the Immigration Board, the Chairman, J. CAMPBELL Esq, and the Secretary, Mr. LONGLANDS, immediately went on board. On their return a meeting of the Immigration Board was held, at which they reported that they found everything on board quite satisfactory. The Surgeon, Mr. HOUSLEY, informed them that they had only lost one child who came on board in a sickly state, and that two additional births had increased the complement by one. The conduct of the Immigrants during the voyage is spoken of as highly satisfactory, and they in turn express themselves as much pleased with the Captain, who they say did all in his power to make them comfortable.
They expressed a desire to get employment immediately, many at once tendering their testimonials to the Chairman for inspection. They are a fine, active body of men, healthy and robust – just the men for a Colony and colonial life.
We publish below a list of the new arrivals, showing their names, ages and occupations, as this may not only be of service to themselves but materially assist employers who are in search of hands. The Immigrants were all landed on Wednesday morning and at once repaired to the Depot, which was in readiness for their reception.
List of Immigrants per the Aurifera, from Birkenhead to Algoa Bay, alphabetically arranged, showing at end view their Names, Ages and Occupations.

ARROW, Joseph (mar) 26 Brickmaker
      “         Jane      28  
      “         Frederick 4  
      “         William 2  
      “         Emily Infant  
ARNOTT, William (sing) 20 Labourer
BOYTON, Henry Joseph (sing) 20 Carpenter
BEVERIDGE, Thomas      (  “   ) 26 Baker
BOW, Spencer George     (  “   ) 33 Plasterer
BROWN, Robert James    (  “   ) 20 Cordwainer
BACKHURST, Henry  (mar) 26 Quarryman
          “             Sarah  (  “   ) 27 House Servant
BECKETT, Nathan      (  “  ) 22 Hedger
        “         Anne Mary (  “   ) 23  
BUSBY, Edward          (  “   ) 28 Farm Labourer
     “        Elizabeth       (  “   ) 24  
     “        Fanny 7  
     “        Edward 3  
     “        James 1  
     “        William    (sing) 24           “            
BOWLES, William (  “   )  19           “
BROOKS, Levi   (mar) 28           “
     “           Anne  (  “  ) 30  
     “           Frederick Infant  
CLISBY, Samuel  (mar) 22 Carman
     “         Anna      (  “  ) 22  
CLARK, Edward C. (mar) 33 Glazier
     “        Eliza          (  “  ) 33  
     “        Kate Lucy 6  
     “        Edward William 3  
COCHRANE, Mary A, (sing) 25 General Servant
CUNNINGHAM, Henry      (mar) 36 Boot Maker
            “              Susanna (  “  ) 37  
            “              Thomas 9  
COLLIS, Louisa Ann (sing) 20 House Servant
CHIDDY, James William (mar) 40 Blacksmith
       “        Emma              (  “  ) 37  
       “        Emma 8  
       “        Mary Ann 6  
       “        Thomas 3  
CLIFFORD, George         (  “  ) 24 Carpenter
         “           Harriet         (  “  ) 24  
COCKS, H. Rixon   (sing) 18 Bookbinder
CARR, Augustus     (  “  ) 23 Farm Labourer
COLEMAN, George (  “  ) 20 Bricklayer
DUNT, William         (  “  ) 29 Bookbinder
DAVIS, John F.        (  “  ) 27 Blacksmith
DODD, Charles    (mar) 25 Farm Labourer
     “       Ellen        (  “  ) 18  
     “       George 2  
     “       Henry  1  
DOLLY, John        (mar) 28 Currier
      “       Mary        (  “  ) 22  
      “       John 7  
      “       Anne   6  
      “       William 5  
      “       Florence 3  
ELSE, Samuel     (mar)  23 Carpenter
   “       Elizabeth   (  “  ) 21  
FRENCH, Cuthbert  (sing) 22 Wheelwright
FOREMAN, John     (  “  ) 29 Gardener
FOWLER, Robert     (mar) 23 Woolspinner
      “          Anna        (  “  ) 27  
      “          Emma      (sing) 21 Needlewoman
FRANCIS, James     (  “  ) 20 Carpenter
GRIFFITHS, Edwin   (  “  ) 21 Plumber
HYDE, William          (  “  ) 20 Shoemaker
HEAD, Richard         (  “  ) 22 Carpenter
    “       Henry            (  “  ) 24 Bookbinder
HUMPHRIES, Thos. (  “  ) 26 Gas Fitter
HARRIS, Robert William  (mar) 23 Carpenter
      “         Maria                (  “  ) 28  
HAYWARD, Alfred (sing) 21 Gardener
HAYLOR, Martha   (  “  ) 22 Dressmaker
HYLAND, Henry     (  “  ) 20 Gardener
      “          George  (  “  ) 18 Farm Labourer
HODGES, Elisha    (mar) 19 Gardener
      “           Anne     (  “  ) 18  
HARRIES, Sarah    (sing) 23 Boot Binder
      “           William  (  “  ) 26 Boot Maker
HEALEY, George    (mar) 27 Farm Labourer
      “         Sarah       (  “  ) 32  
      “         Susan 6  
      “         Selina 4  
      “         Charles 1  
      “         Mary Anne Infant  
HARMAN, Charles  (mar) 23 Carpenter
      “           Emma    (  “  ) 27  
HOWSE, Charles  (sing) 21 Farrier
HICKS, William H. (  “  ) 17 Baker
HOWS, Charles     (  “  ) 21 Farm Labourer
JONES, David       (  “  ) 27 Bookbinder
JUDD, Thomas      (mar) 20 Baker
    “       Maria          (  “  ) 25  
KELL, William        (  “  ) 23 Tinsmith
    “      Anne           (  “  ) 28  
KNELL, Kennard    (  “  ) 24 Stock Keeper &c
    “        Mary A,     (  “  ) 23 House Servant
    “        child 4  
KENNETT, William (sing) 20 Porter
KNIGHT, William    (  “  ) 19 Plumber
LEVINGS, John      (mar) 26       “
    “             Sarah    (  “  ) 27  
    “             Mary Anne 3  
    “             John Kendrick 1  
LAWS, George  (mar) 23 Tailor
   “        Amy R. 23  
LARGE, Richard (sing) 22 Blacksmith
LING, William      (  “  ) 25 Carpenter
LOCK, Samuel        (mar) 24 Stonemason
    “       Sarah          (  “  ) 23  
    “       Anne 1  
LOVELESS, Henry  (  “  ) 28 Mason
         “           Anne   (  “  ) 24  
MARTIN, Stephen  (sing) 23 Carpenter
MOUNSEAR, Geo. Robert  (mar) 29 Gardener
          “            Harriet           (  “  ) 26  
McGRATH, John      (sing) 31 Tailor
McKENZIE, Donald  (  “  ) 28 House Servant
MITCHELL, Henry    (  “  ) 19 Labourer
MALINS, John          (  “  ) 18 Groom
MERRIAN, John       (  “  ) 25 Mason
MOSS, Reuben        (  “  ) 18 Labourer
MARTIN, James H.B.  (mar) 26 Carpenter
      “         Mary J.        (mar) 25  
      “         Louisa Willis 2  
NUTTALL, John  (sing) 21 Engineer
NICHOLSON, Thomas (mar)    
          “             Mary     (  “  )    
OLIVER, Alfred     (sing) 21 Carpenter
PARSLOW, Thos. (  “  ) 21 Tool Maker
PRITCHARD, George  (mar) 35 Carpenter
           “           Mary A.  (  “  ) 27  
           “           Mary A. 8  
           “           Amelia 7  
           “           Sidney 6  
           “           William 1  
           “           Eliza Infant  
PRATT, Mark Henry (sing) 20 Cabinet Maker
PEARCE, Stephen   (  “  ) 23 Farm Labourer
PRATLEY, Joseph (mar) 25 Sawyer
        “          Jane    (  “  ) 23  
        “          George 5  
        “          Jane 3  
        “          Edward 1  
        “          Robert (sing) 27 Sawyer
PRICE, James  (mar) 23 Gardener
    “       Eliza      (  “  ) 23  
    “       William 4  
    “       Harry 4  
    “       Hallet Ellen Infant  
QUINNALL, H. David  (sing) 18 Labourer
RICKETTS, Charles    (mar) 38 Carpenter
         “          Elizabeth (  “  ) 29  
         “          Albert Edward 12  
         “          Frederick 10  
         “          Charles Herbert 2  
RAWLINSON, Thomas  (mar) 49 Stonemason
         “              Mary       (  “  ) 29  
RALPH, Enos         (sing) 26 Butcher
ROWLEY, George  (  “  ) 22 Smith
ROWLES, John      (  “  ) 17 Labourer
ROE, William     (mar) 30 Wood Turner
   “      Mary Ann (  “  ) 30  
   “      William 10  
   “      Ellen 4  
   “      Alfred 2  
RADBURN, Henry       (mar) 33 Farm Labourer
        “           Mary Ann (  “  ) 21  
        “           George     (  “  ) 36 Carpenter
        “           Jane         (  “  ) 39  
        “           Elizabeth 10  
        “           Marian 8  
        “           Emma 6  
        “           Julia 4  
        “           Annie 1  
SMITH, Edmund         (mar) 25 Upholsterer
     “       Sarah             (  “  ) 26  
     “       Sarah 1  
     “       Ephraim          (  “  ) 39 Mason
     “       Elizabeth Ann (  “  )  35  
     “       Child 9  
SOUTH, John       (mar) 30 Stonemason
     “         Emily      (  “  )   32  
SHARP, Dyson       (sing) 22 Smith
SEARS, James       (  “  ) 25 Tailor
SIMMONDS, Pain   (  “  ) 24 Bricklayer
SYPHUS, Sylvanus (  “  ) 24 Labourer
STUIT, James         (  “  ) 19 Labourer
SAVORY, John        (mar) 31 Engine Driver
      “          Margaret (  “  ) 25  
      “          Rachel 1  
TURNER, Thomas  (sing) 29 Plumber
TOWNLEY, George (  “  ) 19 Farm Labourer
WELCH, Sarah        (  “  ) 21 House Servant
WILTSHIRE, Peter  (mar) 34 Blacksmith
         “           Sarah  (  “  ) 30  
         “           Peter 8  
         “           Sarah 4  
         “           Clara 2  
            “        William   (mar) 28 Blacksmith
            “        Caroline (  “  ) 26  
            “        William 7  
            “        Caroline 5  
            “        George 3  
            “        Sarah 1  
WILLIAMS, James H.   (mar) 32 Printer
        “           Mary Ann  (  “  ) 31  
        “           James C. 3  
        “           John         (sing) 19 Butcher
WESTBURY, William   (mar) 25 Farm Labourer
        “             Anne       (  “  ) 20  
WINFIELD, Stephen     (sing) 23 Farm labourer
WHITLOCK, Richard    (mar) 24 Labourer
        “            Ellen 19  
WESTON, William        (mar) 21 Domestic Servant
        “         Esther         (  “  ) 19        do
WOLFE, George           (mar) 37        do
       “       Sylvia             (  “  ) 23        do
YORK, Thomas             (mar) 27 Carpenter
    “       Maria                 (  “  ) 30  
    “       Thomas E, 3  
    “       Elizabeth B. Infant  

Friday 16 July 1858

At Vogel River
The Sale of Erven formerly advertised will be held on the 25th and 26th August
The Plan of the Village and the Conditions of Sale will soon be ready, and lie for inspection at the Office of the Board of Executors.
S.J. MEINTJES & Co, Auctioneers
Graaff-Reinet, 12th July 1858

Friday 23 July 1858

BIRTH at Richmond on Saturday 17th July, Mrs. Richard RUTHERFOORD of a son.

An accident which terminated fatally occurred on Sunday last to a young man named Hermanus STEYTLER. He was proceeding to Middelburg, via Grahamstown, on business, when, on reaching the Post at Zwartkops River, he unfortunately fell from the wagon, the wheel of which passed over his body. He was much bruised, the thigh-bone being broken, and the bone of the lower leg also fractured. He was immediately conveyed to the hospital, where everything was done that could possibly alleviate his suffering, but he expired about noon on the following day. His remains were interred on Tuesday last.

Friday 30 July 1858

The principal topic of interest during the week has been the arrival of the Indian Queen with the second lot of immigrants direct for Algoa Bay. This vessel arrived on Friday last just as we were going to press.
We publish below a list of the names of the immigrants who have just arrived.
Per Indian Queen, alphabetically arranged, showing their names, ages and occupations:

AVIS, James Married Quarryman 27
    “     Charlotte   (3 children) 25
ADEY, Alfred Single Brass Finisher 22
BARKER, Joseph Married Quarryman 30
    “            Mary Anne   (4 children) 28
BILLINGHAM, Alfred Married Carpenter 24
         “              Elizabeth   (2 children) 29
BRICKENRIDGE, James Single Whitesmith 24
BURNS, John Married Mason 29
     “         Mary   (2 children) 28
BROWN, David Married Shoemaker 26
     “         Agnes   (1 child) 25
BESALL, Edward Single Tailor 29
BURROUGHES, William Married Carpenter 28
            “               Fanny   (1 child) 22
BAXTER, Mary Anne Single General Servant 18
BIGG, James B. Married Watchcase maker 32
    “      Susannah   (2 children) 27
BULGIN, Abner Married Blacksmith 28
     “         Emily Maria   (2 children) 28
BAILEY, Thomas Single Wheelwright 22
BYRAM, William Married Bricklayer 29
     “         Mary Anne   (2 children) 23
BURGIS, William Single Smith 30
BRITTAIN, Joshua Single Agricul. Laborer 33
BROWN, Thomas Single Bricklayer 21
BUSBY, James Single Gardener 21
BRETTER, Robert Married Carpenter 45
       “          Jemima   (5 children) 48
COWIE, Robert Married Whitesmith 25
      “       Janet   (3 children) 24
CLARK, Robert Married Carpenter 32
     “        Maria   (4 children) 32
CLARK, William Married Carpenter 25
     “        Sarah E.   (2 children) 28
CLAPP, William Single Carpenter 24
CARTER, Fanny Single Domestic Servant 22
CAUSTIN, Edward Married Brickmaker 25
      “           Elizabeth   (1 child) 24
CHANTLER, James Single Quarryman 28
CURTIS, Philip Married Plumber 35
     “         Mary   (2 children) 28
CRAVEN, John Single Wheelwright 21
CAWLEY, James Married Smith 28
      “          Elizabeth   Dressmaker 22
DEVITT, James Married Bootmaker 26
     “         Mary Anne     21
DOWNARD, William Married Painter 24
        “            Mary Anne   (2 children) 26
DUDLEY, Andrew Married Tailor 25
      “         Jane     21
DIXON, Henry Single Printer 25
DAVIS, Chas. M.  Single Painter 24
DAVIS, Thomas Single Tailor 22
ENGLAND, John Single Carpenter 24
EDEN, Thomas Married Farm labourer 40
    “       Sarah   (5 children) 37
FREW, James Single Carpenter 24
FOSTER, Thomas Single Printer 25
FRANKS, Henry Married Farm Labourer 21
      “         Mary Anne     21
FIELD, Edward Married Stonemason 31
    “       Mary   (4 children) 32
FIELD, William Single Storeman 39
FIELD, Elizabeth Single Housemaid 18
FIELD, Henry Single Bricklayer 16
GLOVER, John Married Mason 25
     “           Mary     19
GREEN, John Single Farm labourer 22
GOLDSBY, John Single           “ 24
GOLDSMITH, Stephen Married   29
         “             Jane   (3 children) 26
GILL, Fred. Morton Single Carpenter 23
GARRETT, Fredk. Single Harness maker 36
GODFREY, Ebenezer Single Servant 23
GRAVELY, Henry Single Carpenter 26
GREEN, William A, Married Tailor 28
     “         Mary   (1 child) 24
GARDENER, John Single Baker 19
GOWDNER, Thos. Single Blacksmith 21
HARVEY, James Married Mason 26
     “           Rosaward     24
HOLESGROVE, Sarah Widow   50
HOLESGROVE, Frances Single Domestic Servant 31
HOLESGROVE, George Single Labourer 25
HOLESGROVE, Henry Single Servant 23
HOLESGROVE Single Tailor 21
HARCUS, Charles Single Painter 20
HARRIS, John Married Labourer 20
      “         Ann Married   18
HESSEN, Edward Single Baker 20
HESSEN, John Henry Single Servant 18
HOOD, George Single Painter  22
HADFIELD, William Single Engineer fitter 21
HADFIELD, Sarah Single Housemaid 25
HAWKINS, John Single Bootmaker 22
HAYSELDEN, Joseph Married Bricklayer 42
           “            Elizabeth Anne   (4 children) 39
JUGGS, Charles Married Bricklayer 48
      “        Lucy   (8 children) 39
JARVIS, Edward Single Painter 20
JONES, Robert Married Wagon maker 39
     “        Elizabeth   (2 children) 37
JEANS, Thomas Married Blacksmith 42
     “        Sarah   (3 children) 41
JEANS, John Single Baker 19
JEANS, James Single Blacksmith 17
JEANS, Jesse Single Errand boy 16
JEANS, Jane Single Housemaid 14
JOHNSTONE, J. Married Railway place [sic] layer 40
          “             Emma     38
          “             Eliza Single Housemaid 17
          “             Rachel Single Nurserymaid 13
          “ 4 young children    
KENNEDY, John Married Blacksmith 24
        “           Mary Ann   (4 children) 28
KING, Richard Married Coachman & groom 23
    “      Mary Ann     22
KEEBLE, William Married Carpenter 28
     “          Rachel     28
LUSK, Charles Single Joiner 26
LOMAS, Beata Single House servant 16
LAMBLEY, William Married Farm labourer 21
       “          Hannah   (3 children) 26
LONDON, Septimus Single Carpenter 21
LUCAS, J. Parker Married Labrer. & shephd. 26
     “        Mary Ann   (2 children) 23
LOCKART, William Married Blacksmith 24
        “          Mabel   (1 child) 18
LOCKART, Meriam Single   17
LOCKART, Matilda Single   15
LOCKART, Thos. Henry Single   12
LANE, Elizabeth Single Needlewoman 30
McDOUGAL, Dougal Married Mason 37
        “             Isabella     30
McINTOSH, Roderick Married Mason 25
        “           Ellen     22
MURRAY, John Married Blacksmith 25
        “         Margaret     20
McLAY, John Single Painter 22
McLEAY, Peter Single Tailor 34
MURRAY, James Single Joiner 23
MALLOCK, Andrew Married Painter 26
        “          Janet     27
MANSFORTH, William Single Tailor 38
MANSER, Thomas Single Labourer 17
MORLEY, John Married Labourer 32
     “          Elizabeth   (5 children) 32
MERRICK, Herbert Single Painter 18
MORELAND, Josiah Single Compositor 20
McLAWREN, Alexander Married Compositor 25
         “            Lucy Greenwood     20
NEWMAN, Nehemiah Married Bricklayer 31
       “          Louisa E.      (I child) 26
O’BRYAN, Charles Married Mason 26
       “          Mary Ann   (1 child) 28
PRATT, Mary Married Laundress 67
PRATT, Isaac Single Shoemaker 45
PARKINSON, Richard Single Tailor 32
PALFREY, Elizabeth Single House servant 24
PHILPOT, Richard Married Farm labourer 27
      “          Eliza     29
PALMER, Francis Single Painter 21
PARKER, Charles Henry Single Printer 24
PULLINGER, James Widower Groom (6 children) 47
QUIGLEY, Margaret Single House servant 18
       “          Mary Ann  Single House servant 16
RINTOUL, John Single Mason 17
       “          David Single Mason 24
ROSS, Alexander Married Millwright 46
     “      Isabella   (7 children) 46
     “      Alexander Single Engineer 22
     “      Robert Single Joiner 20
ROWLEY, Wm. Married Bricklayer 39
      “          Mary Ann   (1 child) 21
ROGERS, George Single Bricklayer 22
ROUSE, John Married Gardener 23
      “        Emma   (1 child) 22
RICHMOND, Wm. Married Bricklayer 31
        “             Mary   (1 child) 23
REED, Morgan Married Bricklayer 47
     “      Sarah   (5 children) 47
     “      Robert Single   21
     “      John Single   17
     “      Mary Single Dressmaker 17
REDHEAD, Hy. Jas. Single Wheelwright 16
RICKETTS, George Married Carpenter 23
       “            Elizabeth     21
ROBERSTON, John Single   20
STEVENSON, Hugh Married Servant & porter 30
          “             Janet     34
SMITH, John Married Brickmaker 32
     “       Mary   (1 child) 32
SUMNER, George Married Farm labourer 40
        “         Charlotte   (6 children) 41
        “         Charles Single   16
        “         Ruth Single Housemaid 14
SKINNER, Jas. Married Bricklayer & slater 29
        “         Harriet   (5 children) 34
SMITH, Albert Married  Labourer 23
      “      Sarah   (3 children) 30
STAMP, William Married Mason 30
      “       Charlotte     24
SELLER, Joseph Married Gardener 30
      “         Eliza   (3 children) 30
TUDGE, Martha Single Gen’l servant 26
TURRELL, Catharine Single Cook 26
TROWER, Gilbert Married   60
       “          Mary   (6 children) 57
       “          Mary Single   26
       “          Samuel Single Farm labourer 21
       “          Richard Single        do 19
UPTON, George Married Mason 33
     “         Sarah   (2 children) 25
UNDERWOOD, George Married Carpenter 30
           “              Catharine   (3 children) 29
VERITY, William Married Tailor 29
     “         Emma   (3 children) 27
WALKER, Wm.  Single Whitesmith 23
WELLS, Henry H. Married Bootmaker 35
      “       Anne   (5 children) 35
WATSON, John * Single Blacksmith 28
WATT, William Married Joiner 26
     “      Christiana     24
WATSON, Wm.  Married Shepherd 30
       “          Sarah   (3 children) 28
WEST, Anne Single Cook 26
WINTER, Margaret Single Servant 14
WEIR, Douglas Hy. Single Compositor 24
WATTRUSS, John Married Farm labourer 33
          “           Hannah   (3 children) 29
WILKINS, John Married Wheelwright 28
       “         Sarah     24
WATTRUSS, Wm. Married Farm labourer 31
          “           Elizabeth   (5 children) 30
WRIGHT, Henry Married   26
       “        Ruth   (1 child) 21
WILLIS, George Married Gardener 44
      “       Agnes   (6 children) 38
YOUNG, Jas. Wm. Single Labourer 22

*For further news of John WATSON see issue of 28 January 1859

Friday 6 August 1858

We publish below the minutes of a meeting of the Immigration Board held on Tuesday last at their office. From these it appears that nearly all the immigrants per Indian Queen have been engaged, only ten men remaining at the depot unemployed. This is cheering intelligence indeed and reflects great credit on the energy and activity of those parties who have been engaged in forwarding so many of the immigrants to the inland towns. When it is remembered that it is but a fortnight since the arrival of the Indian Queen with her four hundred souls, we feel satisfied that everyone will admit that extraordinary expedition has been used in so promptly providing for so large a number of the new arrivals.

Friday 13 August 1858

BIRTH at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 10th August, Mrs. Steph. J. VAN NIEKERK of a son.

Aug 26 – At Aliwal North, in re James Augustus POULTNEY, of the Aliwal North district, and surviving spouse Sarah Amelia GIDDY.
Aug 21 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Gertruda Jacoba PRETORIUS and Aletta Jacoba PRETORIUS, minor children of Mathys Jacobus PRETORIUS and pre-deceased wife Gertruda Jacoba VAN NIEKERK, to appoint Tutors Dative.
Aug 21 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Maria Martha SOMMERS, widow of John Stephanus MINNAAR, and formerly widow of the late Johan Linburg LEEB, of the Graaff-Reinet district.
Sept 1 – At Burghersdorp, in re Daniel Jacobus ROOD, of the Albert district, and surviving spouse Maria Elizabeth KLEYNHAUS, formerly widow of the late Alexander WATSON.
Sept 9 – At Cradock, in re Hester Jacomina Maria COETZEE, of the Cradock district, and surviving husband Lucas Cornelis DE LANGE.

Friday 20 August 1858

BIRTH at Bedford on the 12th inst, Mrs. C.W. HUTTON of a son.

The Royal Mail Steamer ‘Dane’, Capt. MAYNARD, arrived in Table Bay on the evening of the 18th inst, having made a splendid run from Plymouth to the Cape in thirty-eight days, or four days within the contract time. She brings as passengers: Miss ROSS, Miss SOLOMON, Rev. Mr. HELMORE, lady and three children, Rev. C.S. GRUBB, Surgeon BOUTFLOWER, Mr. J. PULSON, Dr. MARSHALL, Lieut. TYLER (31st Regt) and Mr. J.P. SYMONS – besides a quantity of cargo and the usual monthly mail.

Friday 3 September 1858

BIRTH, Mrs. George GOWER of a son.
Richmond, August 25th 1858

Carpenter & Undertaker
Corner of Evart Street
On the Premises lately occupied by A. HART

Friday 10 September 1858

MARRIED on the 7th inst at the Cathedral, Graham’s Town, by the Venerable N.J. Merriman MA, Archdeacon of Graham’s Town, Herbert LONGLANDS Esq BA Bailliol College, Oxford, eldest son of the Reverend W.D. LONGLANDS MA, Rector of Gerrans-in-Roseland, Cornwall and formerly Fellow of Bailliol College, Oxford, and grandson of Alexander LONGLANDS Esq of Kingston, Jamaica, and Stow House, Buckinghamshire, to Janet Isabella Suffield CAMPBELL, eldest daughter of the CAMPBELL of Barbreck and granddaughter of the late Major-General CAMPBELL, Governor of Newfoundland.

DIED at Richmond on Sept 31st [sic, presumably August], John James, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GOWER.

Friday 17 September 1858

A supplement to the King William’s Town Gazette is published, giving in tabular form a list of the names, ages and occupations of the newly arrived immigrants by the La Rochelle. From this it appears that 92 families, comprising 251 males and 213 females have arrived – total number of souls 464. They are chiefly agriculturists. A glance at the list of names reminds one forcibly of SOUTHEY’s description of the retreat from Moscow. The names of the Russian heroes were like these before us, such
“as nobody could speak
and nobody could spell”.

Friday 24 September 1858

Among the passengers by the steamer “Celt” we notice the return of Mr. BIRKENRUTH. Who is so well known both her and in Graham’s Town. By this Mail information has been received of the safe arrival in London of Mr. GODLONTON and family, and also of Mr. James BLACK and his family.

The fourth immigrant vessel has arrived, the “Edward Oliver”, Captain BAKER, having reached Cape Town on Sunday the 12th inst, as briefly noticed in our last. She brings 484 souls – 260 males and 224 females. During the passage there were 7 births and 44 deaths on board, the latter being all of children under fourteen months old, suffering from general debility.

Oct 1 – At Bathurst, in re Charlotte DICKS, of the Bathurst division, and surviving husband Benjamin RANDALL.
Oct 1 – At Richmond, in re Maria Magdalena CILLIERS, of the Richmond district, and surviving spouse Gideon Daniel JOUBERT.
Oct 16 – At Colesberg, in re James F. BROWNE, of the Colesberg district, and surviving spouse Mary GIBBON.
Oct 23 – At Bathurst, in re Sarah Ann ADKINS, of the Bathurst district, and surviving spouse George HODGKINSON.
Oct 23 – At Colesberg, in re Gerbregt Elizabeth VOSLOO, widow of Michiel Johan BESTER, of the Colesberg district.

Tuesday 28 September 1858

[From this date the Eastern Province Herald was published twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Fridays.]

We regret to say that the disease is not only gradually extending itself, but has proved fatal in numerous cases. Of the number of patients (50) admitted into the lazarette, 30 had died up to Sunday last. The mortality has however been confined chiefly to unvaccinated cases. We are glad to say that Government has authorized the twelve medical gentlemen, appointed to the several districts of the city, gratuitously to supply the poor with medicines &c. Messrs. SCHEUBLE and SCHMISTERLOEW are appointed apothecaries. – Zuid Afrikaan

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