Fort Beaufort Advocate 1866 4 October - December
Saturday, October 6, 1866
MARRIED, on the 6th Sept., in the Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, Natal by the very Revd., the Dean, Robert BATHO, Staff Assistant Surgeon, to Emily, third daughter of Thos. GILBERT. Esq., Sephton Manor, district of Fort Beaufort.
THEFT – Mr. John KING had 40 sheep stolen from him last week, none of which he has been able to recover.
ACCIDENTS – A few days ago a young man named James HENRY, was riding a skittish horse, which shied at some object and threw his rider, breaking his arm in two places.
SUDDEN DEATH – It will be remembered by our reads that some months since a charge of horse stealing was brought against one SULLIVAN, by Mr. Richard Cullen SMITH, then of St. Marks. The man was imprisoned until the sitting referred to the Circuit Court. Yesterday morning the man SULLIVAN arose from his bed, performed his ablutions, and was walked into the yard. At two o’clock in the afternoon he was dead. The district surgeon dissected his body and found that death had resulted from disease of the heart, the organ having shifted from the left to the right.
It is our duty to record one of the most fearful events that ever happened in this Colony: that of the suicide of Mr. George APSEY, Government Superintendent of Convicts, at Van Staden’s pass: after having poisoned four of his children.
He mixed the poison in his office and gave each child three spoonfuls of the mixture, then took two himself. He went up to his wife and said to Mrs. APSEY, now we are all poisoned and immediately after she heard the report of a pistol and going into his office became a witness to the sad scene.
A paper containing Strychnine has just been found in deceased’s waistcoat pocket. The funeral will take place this morning at 11 o’clock.
Uitenhage Times.
Saturday, October 20, 1866
A NEW ARRIVAL – We welcome to our district, as a farmer, Mr. Joseph GADD. This gentleman has for some years past been successfully farming in the division of Alice, and is about to occupy the two farms purchased by him in the insolvent estate of the Messrs. COLDRIDGE. We wish him every success.
Lady WODEHOUSE, for thirty two years the married partner of Sir Philip WODEHOUSE, Governor of this colony, died at Government House, on Saturday night, at 11.20 p.m. The deceased lady’s maiden name was Catherine Mary TEMPLER. She was the eldest daughter of F.J. TEMPLER, Esq., of the Ceylon Civil Service, and married Mr. WODEHOUSE when she was only 16 years of age. Lady WODEHOUSE at the time of her death, had completed the forty-eighth year of her age.
Found by Mr. P.C. BEZUIDENHOUT, near Leeuw Fontein, on the Alice road, about the beginning of the month, A BOX OF TEA. Any person having lost the above can obtain the same, on payment of expenses, at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, Alice.
Resident Magistrate’s Office.
Alice, Sept. 21, 1866
Mr. E. MUNDELL, requests that all letters, &c., for him, be in future addressed to the Post Office, Blinkwater.
BIRTH, at Hope Town, on the 16th inst, the wife of W.B. CHALMERS, C.C. and R.M., of a daughter.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – A melancholy accident befell the son of Mr. BISHOP of this town on Monday. The lad, a fine little fellow of about 8 years of age, went to the river to bathe with two of his companions, and getting out of his depth, being unable to swim, was drowned.
Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in the above Estates, will lie for inspection of Creditors, at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, Fort Beaufort, for a period of 14 days from the 22nd instant.
Sole Trustee,
Fort Beaufort,
Oct. 20, 1866
IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE of Donald McKAY, of Fort Beaufort.
The Liquidation and Distribution account in the above Estate will lie for inspection of all concerned at the Res. Magistrate’s Office, fort Beaufort for a period of 14 days from the 17th October, 1866.
Sole Trustee.
ALLEGED MURDER AT CLANWILLIAM. – The Judges after reading the additional evidence, which is admitted to be conflicting, and weak in some important particulars, have admitted the accused, VAN ZYL, to bail in £1000.
Plaintiff Maria Francina LIEBENBERG, sued Carel Theodorus AURET for £500 as damages for breach of promise.
Saturday, November 3, 1866
Staffelberg Vlei – This property was put up to public auction yesterday on the spot. Mr. PARKER was the auctioneer, and the farm was eventually knocked to Messrs. GAU and Co. at £1000.
Free Press.
Dr. TANCRED has his intention of commencing an action against the Advertiser and Mail, for deformation of character, arising out of some strictures passed upon his conduct in the House by the writer of “Essence of Parliament.”
Henry Joseph Eland’s Post
Stephen DYKE Maasdorp
Adam BANTAM jun. Buxton
Saturday, November 10, 1866
Robert CARLISE King Williamstown
Joseph WEIMERS Mensies
Saturday, November, 17, 1866
RHENOSTERFONTEIN – Mr. F. REITZ’S farms at Rhenosterfontein, put up for auction last week were not sold. 34s, 6d per morgen is stated to have been offered, but this did not reach the reserve price, and the lands were declared not sold. The stock fetched very good prices.
That commodious and well-situated Dwelling House, in Campbell-street, fort Beaufort. Occupied by Mr. R.W. GIDDY. This is one of the best and most complete houses in fort Beaufort. Terms very reasonable. Apply at the Office of this paper for particulars.
Henry T. ROWLAND, Professional Tuner,
D’Urban Street, Fort Beaufort.
THE LASH- On Saturday morning a somewhat exciting scene took place within the walls of the gaol. The prisoners sentenced by Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK were marched out, and received their reward in the shape of a sound application of the cat. The men, generally, stood the infliction manfully, although the dreaded instrument was wielded with no gentle hand. The number of lashes administered amounted to 617!
Free Press
Saturday, November 24, 1866
Frans Engelbertus MARX Gouzana
Many of our readers will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. EEDES an old resident of Graham’s Town. Mrs. EEDES health which suffered a severe shock in the premature death of her daughter, Mrs. CLOETE, being then very much shattered. This she never recovered, but gradually declined in strength, dying without much suffering, calmly and peacefully with her family around her.
Division of Fort Beaufort.
An European Boy, named Thomas THACKER, about 14 years of age, having come to this Office in a state of destitution, Notice is hereby given, that if the said Thomas THACKER be not claimed by some relative or friend within SIX WEEKS from this date, he will be apprenticed to some fit and proper person in terms of Act. No. 15 of 1856. Thomas THACKER states that his father and mother died in Port Elizabeth.
L.H. MEURANT, Reg. Mag.
Res. Mag. Office,
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 23rd, 1866.
MARRIAGE IN “HIGH LIFE”. – A resident in the Crown Reserve writes “Your correspondent had the pleasure of seeing a wedding in high life this week. The happy pair are his highness ‘Mbanglah’ Fingo chief, and her highness Princess Nomolluwanna, daughter of his highness Anta, son of [Galka], Kafir chief. The happy bride is still in her teens, and the fortunate bridegroom is over sixty years of age. This is his sixth wife living with him. Beef, mutton, dancing and singing in abundance.”
BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 21st Nov., the wife of Capt. W.T. CORRIE, H.M. 11th Regt, of a Daughter.
Saturday, December 1, 1866
Creditors in these Estates are hereby informed, that their claims are now payable.
Jno. QUIN,
Excor. Dative
Nov, 27, 1866
Dr. James MACE, district surgeon of Peddie, died very suddenly there on the 22nd instant.
BIRTH, at Alice on the 22nd ult, the wife of Teacher James McKAY, Menzies, of a son.
DIED, at James JENNINGS' Maclesberge [sic, should be Magaliesberg] , on the 18th Sept, 1866, after a severe illness, Ann WIGGELL, aged 49 years and 11 months, the beloved wife of George WIGGELL, of Brambush Spruit, Winterberg, leaving a large family, and a circle of friends to deplore her loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Charles Henry WEBSTER Dordrecht
August MAAS King Williamstown
Robert D’OYLEY Grahamstown
Saturday. December 8, 1866
Henry James TAYLOR, a gunner of the Royal Artillery, who on the 8th instant, attempted to blow out his brains, but instead only shot away a portion of his cheek and one eye, has died from the effects of his injuries. On the back of a looking-glass found in his knapsack was written: I am disgusted at having enlisted, and died September 6”. He had been a telegraph clerk in London.
LADIES BEWARE! – A recent English paper says: Ladies dresses are to be unusually short, according to some authorities who have looked into the future of 1867 as fashionable Zadkiels. The dresses are to be sans crinoline, and leave off sensationally just below the knee, figured stockings and high boots do the rest.
AN ACCIDENT befell one of the artillerists named LEIBBRANDT on Saturday morning. From what we gather, the artillery were practising when LEIBBRANDT’S foot was caught between the spokes of a gun carriage wheel, and the small bone of his leg fractured. The sufferer, who is under the care of Dr. KRAUSE, is progressing well.
It is with sincere sorrow we announce the death of Mr. W.G. AYTON, who expired on Thursday evening after a brief illness. His death is a loss to the district, for he was always in the foremost ranks of the public spirited, the generous, and the entertaining. We sympathise with his afflicted family.
Saturday, December 15, 1866
District Surgeon – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint William SUTHERLAND, Esq., M.D. to be district surgeon at Humansdorp, in the room of J.R. ADDAMS, Esq., resigned.
SAD ACCIDENT – The Hon. Mr. PAINTER has returned home by the Saxon, owing to an accident which befell his youngest son, and which may be followed with rather serious results. The poor little fellow was, it appears, playing with a chopper, and severed two of his fingers from his hand. It was feared when the post left that lock-jaw might ensue.
Saturday, December 29, 1866
A BOER, named Van der LINDE, was captured yesterday by the police and lodged in goal, charged with having obtained the sum of £30 from Mr. R. CAWOOD, and a gold watch and chain, worth £13 10s from Mr. A. BERLYN, under false pretences.
Cradock News.
Thomas SWEETMAN Farm 109, vicinity King Williamstown
Mauritz Bernard BONN Port Elizabeth
John PETERSON King Williamstown
James McINTYRE King Williamstown
DEATH OF AN OLD SETTLER OF 1820 - Mr. Henry SHEPHERD, one of the settlers of 1820, and who resided in this town for many years past, died at the residence of his son (Mr. Edmund SHEPHERD) on Sunday last, at the advanced age of 78 years. For many years he occupied the position of clerk of St. Mary’s Church of this town.
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