Fort Beaufort Advocate 1867 1 January -March
Saturday, January 5, 1867
BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 2nd inst., Mrs. A.B. COHEN, of a son.
This is a most palatable and effective Stomachic Biter. It soothes the stomach, creates an appetite, and strengthens the nervous system more effectually than any Tonic heretofore offered to the public: and numerous testimonials of its efficacy have been received.
Manufactured only by P. LAWRIE, Chemist and Druggist, Fort Beaufort.
The grand secret of attaining happiness to secure good health, without life is stripped of all its pressures. These fine purifying Pills, strengthen the system by cleansing the blood from all impurities. They balance disordered action, remove the cause of disturbance, and restore the normal and natural power to every organ without inconvenience, pain, or other drawback.
Holloways Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases:-
Agne |
Asthma |
Bilious Complaints |
Blotches on the skin |
Bowel Complaints |
Colics |
Constipation of the Bowels |
Consumption |
Debility |
The Dolourous [Dolorous] |
Worms of all kinds |
Dropsy |
Dysentry |
Erysipelas |
Fever of all kinds |
Fits |
Gout |
Head-ache |
Indigestion |
Inflamation |
Jaundice |
Tumours |
Ulcers |
Weakness from whatever cause |
Liver complaints |
Lumbago |
Piles |
Retention of Urine |
Scrofulas |
King’s evil sore throat |
Stone and Gravell |
Secondary symptoms |
Veneral Affection |
etc. |
etc. |
Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized world.
FIRE. – A fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Okker NEL, near the Koonap, on Thursday last, by which the school house and stable, detached from the dwelling, was burnt down, a horse in the stable being also consumed by the fire. The origin of the fire is not known, but it is thought that in feeding the horse, a coal must have fallen from the pipe of the groom into the forage.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – Mr. BURKE, a Kafir trader having a station on the Indwe, was drowned while bathing in the river on Monday last. He was observed to sink, and after a short interval was dragged out of the water. He was then alive; but never rallied; and expired a few hours after the accident. Representative.
(Extract) WINKLER VERNEUKING. – In our last week’s issue we stated that a Boer had been apprehended on a charge of swindling. It seems that this Boer, whose name is Barend van der LINDE, called one day at the store of Mr. NAESTED, and presented to Mr. GERICKE that he had 12 bales of wool for sale, which he expected to arrive every moment. He also said he owed Mr. BUTLER, the baker, the sum of £2, which he wished to settle. He eventually got a cheque from Mr. GERICKE for £2, as a temporary loan. The latter, however, had his misgivings, and shortly after the Boer left the store Mr. G. went and stopped payment of the cheque. Van der LINDE next visited the store of Mr. A. BERLYN, to whom he gave his name as Andries PRETORIUS, and bought a gold watch and chain valued at £13 10s. He called next at the store of Messrs. CAWOOD & co., giving his name as Philip PRETORIUS, and obtained from one of the firm the loan of £30, on the strength of the 12 bales of wool and a statement that he owed that amount to Mr. NAESTED, who was demanding instant payment of his account. The gentlemen in this establishment appear to have had their misgivings also, for they had him watched. From thence he returned to Mr. GERICKE and gave back the cheque. Soon after this, he saddled up and rode out of town, but a warrant having been procured, he was speedily followed and captured several hours ride from Cradock. One or two strange circumstances have been mentioned in connection with this man’s case. One is, that he is entirely out of debt and owns some two or three hundred sheep, and did not appear at all affected by the degrading nature of his position when placed in the dock. Van der LINDE, we have heard, told a Mr. Isaac PRETORIUS, who visited him at the prison, that he found this money (about £200) lying in the road; that he took it home, put it in a tin box, and buried it. Of this money he says he has spent £10. With respect to the money obtained from Messrs. CAWOOD & Co., we believe it has been recovered, as also the gold watch and chain belonging to Mr. BERLYN. – Cradock Register.
Saturday, January 12, 1867
DEATH OF DR. TANCRED, M.L.A. – (Extract)
Augustus J. TANCRED, D.D., more familiarly known to our readers as Dr. TANCRED, the representative in the House of Assembly of the Division of Piketberg, died yesterday morning in his apartments in Berg-street. Having allied himself to a lady of some fortune, he left England for this Colony in 1844. In consequence of the failure of his wife’s health he shortly moved to Capetown, where Mrs. TANCRED died. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
We deeply regret to record the death at Berlin, at 9 o’clock last evening, of Mr. H.L. WEBB, a respectable farmer of that neighbourhood.
INCEST. A Boer, about 60 years of age named TERBLANS, who lived on the farm of Baviaan’s Krantz. in the Waterkloof, has been committed for trial this week on the charge of this crime. In the evidence it came out that the accused with a family of two daughters, the eldest 16, lived in a state of the greatest poverty, in a secluded part of the Waterkloof. Separated from all civilizing and moral influences, this unfortunate family has vegetated for years in the same spot, the two children growing up in a state of nature, with scarcely any communication with the world around. The incestuous intercourse extended, and was disclosed by its victim upon the interrogation of her grandmother. The accused is decrepit, and apparently suffers from palsy.
Saturday, January 19, 1867
John Joseph FLINN, late registrar to Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK, was arraigned on Wednesday last on a charge of theft (the particulars of which our readers are already aware). He pleaded guilty, and Justice DENNYSSEN, after addressing the prisoner, sentenced him to 12 month’s imprisonment.
NOT LEFT ALONE. In a recent issue of the Volksblad the widow G.F. RAUTENBACH, of Greatfontein, district of Somerset East, announces the decease of her husband, to whom she had been married 55 years. She adds: “Leaving me behind with 210 Children and grandchildren, unto the fourth generation.”
We regret to announce the death of Mr. William SMITH, the ex-Mayor of Port Elizabeth, on Sunday evening last. Deceased had been suffering for time past from disease of the lungs.
REVENGE- A correspondent, writing from Cape Town, under date the 4th instant, says: “A coloured servant in the employ of MR. M.J. LOWE, who has just finished a short term of imprisonment for some offence, returned to his master’s homestead, and set fire to a stack of wheat worth £1,000, the whole of which was destroyed. He then surrendered himself and is now in gaol again. Revenge or spite, it is supposed, prompted the incendiary.
Mr. J.H. POTGIETER has been elected a commissioner in the room of Mr. J.M. HARROD, resigned.
A shocking outrage was committed last Monday evening on Mrs. T. RITCHIE, of Graaff-Reinet. It appears that while Mrs. RITCHIE, her daughter, and Miss LIEBENBERG were returning home from a walk along the Sunday’s River, they were attacked by a native. He appeared very wild and tried to stop Miss RITCHIE and Miss LIEBENBERG, - Mrs. RITCHIE being some distance ahead. Miss LIEBENBERG cried out for help, and Mrs. RITCHIE went to her assistance, and tried to disengage her from the ruffian, when he struck her with a small axe, which knocked her senseless. The villain had not been captured up to the time the post left Graaff-Reinet. A reward of £50 has been offered by Mr. RITCHIE for his apprehension.
Saturday, January 26, 1867
We regret to hear that Mr. W.R. THOMPSON, M.L.A. has suffered a relapse, and that only slight hopes only are entertained of his recovery. On Sunday a telegram was received, here announcing his case as hopeless, on Monday morning, however, a favourable change had occurred, and his medical attendants hold out faint hopes of recovery.
As the Misses MOORE were out in their spider on Saturday for an airing in the direction of the Grand Stand, we understand that one of their hats blew off, and one of the young ladies alighted from the vehicle and went in quest of it, but was preceded by a stalwart Kafir, who picked it up and refused to deliver it without payment. Several gentlemen shortly afterwards came up and insisted on the fellow giving up the property, but he it is said resolutely refused, and a scuffle in consequence ensued, in order to wrest it from him, and during this, the hat, we are informed, got destroyed or rendered unfit for use. -Watchman
Extract from Mr. HARRIES’ (Fairbridge Pettit, and Harries) telegram from Cape Town. “Annie Duthie” lost in Bay of Biscay, with all hands.” The ship, Capt. MATHIESON was owned by Mr. DUTHIE of Mark Lane, London.
DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 19th January, 1867, Robert ARNOLD, late Serjeant in the Cape Mounted Riflemen, leaving a widow and five children to mourn his loss.
DIED, at Kroome, on the 21st inst., Mr. William VICE, aged 43 years, leaving a wife and large family to deplore his loss. Mr. W. ANDREWS, jun. returns his sincere thanks to Mrs. FERGUSON, Yellowwoods, for the kindness displayed towards deceased during his last illness.
William CLARK, Aliwal North
Thomas Bartlett GILPIN, Grahamstown
John Eyre VARDY, Port Elizabeth
John PATERSON, Port Elizabeth
DEATH OF Mr. W.H. MATTHEWS. We regret to learn, by private telegram received this morning that Mr. W.H. MATTHEWS J.P. of Salem, died suddenly last night. Mr. MATTHEWS was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Saturday, February 2, 1867
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, on the 31st January, 1867, Mrs. W.H. RAWSTORNE, of a son.
DIED, at Green Point, Cape Town, at the residence of G.W. AITCHISON, Esq. on Saturday the 26th January, in the 25th year of his age, William Rodger THOMPSON, M.L.A. for the division of Fort Beaufort and Stockenstrom.
SUICIDE. An unfortunate man named Piet KRUGER has committed suicide in this divisions. Some eighteen months since this man was tried at the Circuit Court upon a charge of discharging a gun at Mr. BEST: but escaped upon the supposition of insanity.
APPOINTMENTS – It is officially notified that Mr. Johannes Lodewyens BOUWER has been appointed fieldcornet of the Ward East Riet River, in the division of Bedford in the room of Mr. H.C. FEATHERSTONE, resigned; Mr. Johan van EESTVELD to be fieldcornet of the Ward Naavwport, in the division of Middelburg, in the room of Mr. R.J.K. KNOWLES, resigned, and Mr. Henry John L. MUGGLETON to be fieldcornet of the Ward Fort Beaufort, in the room of C.L. DREYER, deceased.
(Extract) We are glad to be able to state that Mrs. RITCHIE, who was so seriously wounded on Monday week, by a black ruffian, whilst taking a walk, is as well as could be expected, and is progressing favourably under the care of Dr. MAASDORP and Dr. ARENHOLD.
Saturday, February 9, 1867
Some consternation was caused in Queen-street yesterday morning by the report that a man, named Michael KANE, had committed suicide by hanging himself, and we are sorry to say the report turned out to be true. The poor fellow, it would seem, had some time since been in the service of the Municipality but was discharged, with a number of others, owing to there being no further need for his services. Being unable to obtain employment, he became very low spirited, and in a fit of despondency, committed the rash act which terminated his life. – E.P. Herald
Saturday, February 16, 1867
Intelligence has been received from Zanzibar via Mauritius, that Dr. LIVINGSTONE is dead.
Mr. D. McKAY, Blinkwater, has been rehabilited formally. Virtually he has been out of the insolvent count for some years, having paid all the liabilities proved on his estate a long time ago.
DIED, Mr. Thomas BEDFORD, of Colesberg, well known to colonists, and highly respected died last week at the patriarchal ago of 88 years.
DIED at Fort Beaufort, on the 15th February, Ernest Dan DREYER, aged 18 months, youngest son of the late C.L. DREYER.
Saturday, February 23, 1867
DEATH OF MR. HERXHEIMER. – We deeply regret to have occasion to record the untimely death of Mr. HERXHEIMER, of the firm of Messrs. Levy & Co. of King Williamstown, which melancholy event took place on Wednesday last at East London.
DR. LIVINGSTONE KILLED. – A letter has been received here from Dr. MELLER, dated Mauritius, Jan. 28, 1867, which confirms, we are sorry to say, our report of the death of Dr. LIVINGSTONE. It appears that the unfortunate gentlemen, and some of his attendants, have been killed by the Mavite people, at a spot to the N.E. of the Ravuma, in the direction of the lower part of Lake Nyassa. The headman escaped, and gave an account of the matter to Dr. KIRK, who sent it on to Sir R. MURCHISON by last mail.
A wagon loaded with goods has been washed down the fish River. The wagon was passing the drift at Thebes, five or six miles above Cradock, when the river came down, and swept it off. The owner’s name is HISSCOCK.
Mr. M.E. SMIT has received a requisition to become a candidate for the representation of Fort Beaufort.
MURDER BY POISON. – The Resident Magistrate of Victoria West has lately been engaged in investigating a charge, made against a middle-aged woman, and Africander, named Hermina Christina MANS, of having poisoned her husband by the administration of strychnine. The evidence was apparently conclusive, and the prisoner was committed for trial. – Argus
Saturday. March 2, 1867
We regret to record the sudden death on the 20th inst., at Henderson, Mission Station, of Mr. Thomas BURNSIDE, brother-in-law of the Rev. Tyo Soga. – Watchman
POLITICAL. Mr. HEWETSON is mentioned as a candidate for the vacant seat in the Assembly.
- K.W. Gazette
Mr. J.H. MASON, a collector and agent of Port Elizabeth, was brought before the Magistrate charged with embezzlement. J. GRAHAM, Esq., and Drs. DUNSTERVILLE and ENSOR gave evidence when the prisoner was remanded, for the evidence of Dr. RUBIDGE.
Saturday, March 9, 1867
A MONSTER MELON – The Worcester Courant reports that Mr. J. LINDENBERG has or had in his possession a sweet melon weighing forty-eight pounds. It was grown by Mr. Klaas VLOK, of this town.
We hear from Hopetown that a constable, lately discharged, has murdered his mother-in-law and nearly his wife. We hope to obtain more particulars concerning this case before our next issue.
Edwin ATHERSTONE, Esq., has been authorized to practise as a physician and surgeon in this colony.
John Cremin GRAHAM, Graham’s Town
Caspar George Wilhelm STOLZENBACH, Mount Coke
MANSLAUGHTER AT RICKERSTFONTEIN – A case of manslaughter happened at the farm Rickertsfontein adjoing Middlewater, on Saturday last. A coloured man named Dolph, (employed by Mr. von MALTITZ on his farm, Rickertsfontein) was cleaning some harness when a coloured boy also living on the farm, began talking to Dolph, and it seems, said something very irritating, for Dolph swung round the part of the harness he was cleaning at the boy, the buckle of which, unfortunately, struck him on the head, he fell and shortly afterwards expired. Dolph was brought in and lodged in prison. –Coles Advertiser.
THE MURDER AT MIDDLEWATER. –On Tuesday last, the 26th February, Mr. George MURRAY, Fieldcornet for Colesberg, received a message from Middelwater, the farm of Mr. P.J.M. von MALTITZ, to the effect that a cool and deliberate murder has just been committed, the particulars of which so far we are informed, are as follows:
It appears that a Hottentot, named KEIZER asked the girl if she would have him, and the girl refused. He then fetched a gun and fired a blank charge at her; but again charging the gun with shot, he again fired at her, from the effects of which she shortly afterwards died. The murderer, immediately he had committed the foul act, made off with the gun still in his possession. Mr. MURRAY at once sent some men in pursuit, but they returned without capturing him, and, unfortunately, the murderer is still at large. –Ibid
Saturday, March 16, 1867
MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. King Williamstown was enlivened on Tuesday by the celebration of a marriage in the higher ranks of society among Europeans, when Captain FRASER, of the 1-10th, led to the Hymeneal altar a daughter of Major D’ARCY, late of the Cape Mounted Rifles.
VALUE OF LAND. – On Tuesday last the sale of the Messrs. HARMAN’S farms was held by Mr. SCHERMBRUCKER, when £1000 was offered for the larger one, but refused. The second was not put up, but was subsequently, we understand, sold privately for £800, and a second offer for the first one is under consideration. –Watchman.
(Extract) EASTERN DISTRICTS’ COURT. The two most interesting cases heard before the present session of the Eastern Districts’ Court are those in which three respectable farmers have been charged with assaults upon their coloured servants. The first charged Messrs, William Andries NEL and Jan Stephanus FOURIE with assaulting a Kafir named SWAARTBOY.
The other charged Mr. John WHITFIELD with wounding his servant, BOOY, with a pistol shot. It was shown in evidence that the defendant had only done so to prevent BOOY, who committed theft, from escaping the hands of justice. The prisoner was acquitted.
Monday, March 11.
Jack XIMTJE, a Kafir, was charged with assaulting John MOSS, foreman to Mr. BLAKEWAY, fort Beaufort. Several witnesses examined, who proved the charge.
Sentence: fifty lashes, and twelve months’ imprisonment with hard labour.
Petrus Hendrik TERBLANZ, a labourer, residing at Baviaan’s Krantz, in the division of fort Beaufort, was indicted for the crime of incest. After hearing evidence the jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was sentenced to two years imprisonment – with or without hard labour, at the discretion of the district Surgeon.
SCARLET fever is now very prevalent in Somerset East.
We regret to record the death of our old esteemed fellow townsman, Mr. John Ebenezer THACKWRAY, who expired this morning at the age of 54. Deceased came out a lad with the Settlers in 1820. - Cradock Register.
Saturday, March 23, 1867
Capetown: Sir Percy Douglas and two male servants, Lieuts. BYNG and LAND, Capt. and Mrs. CAMERON, Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. MURRAY, four children, and female servant, Mr. DALE.
Algoa Bay: Rev. C. OVERTON, Rev. J. HOLDEN, Mr. J.E. and Mrs. WOOD, Ensign LANG, Mr. JAMIESON, Miss BEDDOE, Mr. FLANDERS, Mr. HILL, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. PEACOCK, D.A.S. of Stores PHILIP, and male servant JAMESON, Mr. and Mrs. MOSENTHAL, Mr. CHAPMAN, Lieut. BASKERVILLE, Mr. RIDIER, Mr. MATSON.
Saturday, March 30, 1867
REHABILITATIONS. – The insolvent estates of Matthew Ben SHAW, and of Cornelia Johanna GOUWS (born MARX), have been released from sequestration, and the aforesaid insolvents are rehabilitated accordingly.
FIRE. - On Monday last the large house of Mr. J. BIRCH, of Uitenhage, was burned to the ground. It was only insured for £600.
A Free State Government Notice warns the farmers of the Eastern Province off the Colony, against being misled by Captain WATERBOER, and his agent and representative at Colesberg, Mr. David ARNOT. It turns out that a good portion of the land offered by WATERBOER to the Albany farmers on 21 years’ lease, is actually situated on the Free State side of the Vaal, and has belonged to that State from the days of the British sovereignty, at which period titles or land-certificates were granted to farms there situated. Besides that, it appears Mr. ARNOT has already entirely forgotten and stultified his own proposition of 21 January last.
THE HORSE SICKNESS. – Dr. HAY, of the Cold Bokkeveld, prescribes the following remedy for horse-sickness in a letter to Captain RAINIET, Civil Commissioner of Worcester:- The animal must immediately undergo the treatment as soon as the symptoms of the sickness show themselves – namely, forty buckets of water poured on, as continuously as two boys can keep up the stream on each side, along the whole spine, from the ears to the tail, particularly over the loins, or region of the kidneys, under the belly, &c. If it is done at near sun down, of course the animal should be walked about till nearly dry; and repeat one or twice a week. The animal may be allowed to drink after each ablution, and nothing but chaff to eat. The functions and functionary actions of the “internals” will become all right as the fever is conquered. I have not the slightest doubt this is the cure for “Rinderpest”.
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